Tang Yun

Chapter 140: The winner has three pluses


Li Shimin looked at Li Kuan intently, and said coldly: "This is what you need to prepare for the ceremony. Why didn't you prepare?"

Li Kuan was not afraid, looking straight at Li Shimin's gaze, and said straightforwardly: "The minister is alone, and there are no relatives or friends in Beijing, so I don't want it but I can't."

Li Shimin was immediately speechless, and Li Kuan's words were not unreasonable. He really had no relatives or friends in the capital, so he couldn't let the second daughter of the samurai Xun come. Suddenly, Li Shimin didn't know what to say about him.

Although Li Kuan was telling the truth, he knew the requirements of the crown ceremony, and didn't want to solve it, but let it be. Such irresponsible attitude made Li Shimin very unhappy. Seeing Li Kuan and Li Shimin tit-for-tat, Empress Changsun didn’t back down, and hurriedly finished the game: “Since Kuan’er is unprepared, it’s better to let Zhao Guogong take his place.”

Empress Changsun’s suggestion silenced the three of Li Shimin, Li Kuan, and Changsun Wuji. On the surface, it seemed a good idea. If you consider it carefully, this method is a bit too much. Even though Li Kuan is the king of Chu, he is the king of one word, and he is a first-rank official title, but he is not a prince. As Zhaozhou governor, Zhangsun Wuji is the first-ranked Duke of Zhao.

If it is really done as the Empress Changsun said, this matter is afraid that it will provoke criticism from the officials. Although the number of people in the ceremony is small, it cannot be ruled out that the news will not leak. The three of them were silent, and the Queen of Longsun knew that this proposal was a little overly polite.

Li Tai and Li Ke were even more stunned when they heard the words, but Changsun Wuji was expressionless and motionless, as if this matter had nothing to do with him. If Li Shimin, as the emperor, agrees, Changsun Wuji would naturally not dare to say anything more, but there was also a well-known official in history, Wei Zheng.

Wei Zheng bluntly discouraged: "The Queen's officials thought that it was contrary to the ritual system. Zhao Guogong was not only the governor of the dynasty, but also the queen's elder brother, a relative of the emperor, and a knighthood. If today's Chu crown is praised by Zhao Guogong If it spreads out, I am afraid that there will be a lot of criticism for the time being. I am afraid that the officials are talking about it. How can the people talk about it?"

Empress Changsun was speechless by Wei Zheng's words. She was just a suggestion to make a round of the game, but she ignored Li Kuan's identity. If it weren't for Li Kuan's life-saving grace to her, the empress of the grandson would pity Li Kuan for being alone for many years, and her heart-felt love for a time almost caused a big mistake.

"Report to the emperor, there are three people from outside the temple, saying that it is the admirer and Yusi of the king of Chu!" After the caller reported the report, there was nothing left. Everyone looked at Li Kuan, and even Li Shimin was a little unsure. So, before he kept saying that he was not prepared, how come someone came in a blink of an eye

Li Shimin secretly guessed who the person was, and when the person who came after he was allowed to appear in front of everyone, he stood up with Princess Ann. Because the three people who came were the three elders in Li Kuan's mansion, they were also the close servants of the first emperor, and they were also the former superintendent of the palace, Wang Huai and others.

Li Kuan watched Wang Huai's trio in amazement, thinking: "Where is this singing?"

Regardless of whether Li Kuan was trained by Zhao Qian to participate in the crown ceremony rules, or when the three of them didn't mention a word about their personal visit to the crown ceremony, the sudden appearance made Li Kuan a little unexpected. The most important thing is that Wang Huai is holding a purple gold scroll with a dragon-shaped pattern in both hands. A genius remembers Chinese in one second 8/1/z/o/m/

Seeing this, everyone hurriedly stood up and greeted them. The reason why Princess Tongan got up was also because of this scroll. This is not an ordinary scroll, but an edict left by the first emperor Li Yuan. Even the current emperor Li Shimin had to stand up to meet him.

Princess Tong'an is old friends with Wang Huai and Zhao Qian. As for Qian Wu, she doesn't have much contact. Wang Huai is the closest person to Li Yuan. Princess Tong'an can be said to have grown up with Wang Huai. When seeing each other is right and wrong, both of them nodded.

The reason why Wang Huai, Zhao Qian, and Qian Wu appeared in the Taimiao while still holding the edict left by Li Yuan in their hands was also because this crown ceremony was very important to Li Kuan, and it was also left before Li Yuan died. In preparation for the next step, this edict has been carefully collected by him, and one day he will use this edict to give Li Kuan the necessary assistance.

Without any preparation, Li Kuan left the house alone and came to the Taimiao. Wang Huai heard the news and immediately let Qian Wu sneak into the Da'an Palace to retrieve the edict. Because the three of them did not receive an invitation, they came here privately and punished them with capital punishment.

If three people hold the edict in their hands, they are eligible to enter the Taimiao, and it becomes natural for the three to attend as Li Kuan's admirers and Yousi.

"The emperor, the queen, the ministers, etc. are the admirers and Yusi of the king of Chu. For some reason, I have to ask the emperor to punish him for being late!" Wang Huai said so, thinking so in his heart. The three of them were indeed a little late. However, Li Shimin didn’t dare to punish him. Who made Wang Huai hold the first emperor’s will, he had to forgive the behavior of the three people, and said some high-sounding words, then he entered the topic and asked whether the three of Wang Huai were Read the edict content.

Wang Huai replied: "It will not be read until the ceremonies of the crown of Chu are completed. This is the meaning of the first emperor!"

Li Kuan is not clear. Therefore, other people do not understand the intention of the first emperor Li Yuan. Why must the content of the will be read after the ceremony? Isn't it more appropriate to read it before? Li Shimin was speculating about his father's intentions, and in the end he could only proceed according to the procedure of the crown ceremony.

Fang Xuanling was the host of the ceremony, and he read the opening speech of the ceremony sonically and eloquently with more than a thousand words. Li Kuan heard all the common words used in the ceremony, so he didn't listen carefully. Going down, Wang Huai and the other three were holding a tray. The items on the tray were those used by Li Kuanguanli.

After Fang Xuanling finished the reading, the "Three Plus" ceremony was held. Li Kuan, Li Ke, and Li Tai were all formal rituals. They pressed their right hands with their left hands and hid them in their sleeves. They raised their foreheads and bowed for ninety degrees. Get up, and at the same time raise your eyebrows with your hands again, then put your hands down.

At the end of the ceremony, Princess Tongan held a "three plus" ceremony for the three persons respectively. The items used in the first addition: towels, deep clothes, large belts, and shoes; the items used in the second time: hats, blouses, leather belts, and shoes; the last time used: the heads, official clothes, leather belts, Satisfied boots.

Every time the ceremony is held, the three of them make different salute actions in accordance with the procedures of the ceremony. At the first extra time, it is bowing and bowing; the extra time is to worship, and the last time is to repeat the prayer, and then return to the original upright movement before letting go, and the end of this saluting process means Most of the three people's crowning ceremony is completed, and the next step is to take the word. (End of this chapter)