Tang Yun

Chapter 18: Weight-bearing exercises


Seeing Father Qian, who had been away for half a year, came back, Li Yuan asked straightforwardly, "How's it going?"

"This time the Saint Admiral sent to the East Turks because of the fact that Yarkin and Asinadur of the East Turks disregarded the agreement of the Weishui Alliance to lead their troops to attack Hexi. The defender Zhang Shigui of Suzhou and the defender Zhang Bao of Ganzhou are mutually aligned. The soldiers formed a force of horns, solidified the walls and cleared the fields, used the city to block the Turkic cavalry, and eventually made the Turkic people return without success."

Gonggong Qian sent out all the information he had learned from his investigations, "The Holy Lord was extremely angry, thinking that the East Turks had turned against him, and used this as an opportunity to attack the East Turks. It coincided with this era that the prefectural governor Zhang Gongjin advised the Holy Lord on six reasons for defeating the East Turks. "

After speaking, he took out a memorial. Li Yuan took it over and wrote: “First: Jieli’s domestic political situation is chaotic; second: Xue Yantuo’s department is dissatisfied and rebellious; All others have complained about Jieli; fourth: the Turkic land is famine and lack of food; fifth: Jieli is close to the Hu people, and the Hu people are easy to rebel; sixth: there are many Han people in the Turks, and if they send troops, they will respond."

Li Yuan saw the six reasons here, no matter which one is an excellent opportunity, Jie Li country is facing internal and external troubles, and the forces are falling apart, but Jie Li does not pay attention to it. Li Yuan thought that this battle had to be fought, and the shame that the East Turks gave to Datang, Li Yuan remembered in his heart.

In August of the third year of Zhenguan, Emperor Li Shimin ordered Li Jing, Shangshu of the Ministry of War, to be the military commander, and Zhang Gongjin to be the deputy commander, leading the Chinese army; and the prefectural governor Xu Shiji was the military commander of Tonghan Road, and the East Road led the main force to directly attack the hinterland of the East Turks; Hua State governor Huo Guogong Chai Shao was the chief of the Jinhe Road marching along the Yellow River on the West Road, echoing with Li Jing and Xu Shiji; Li Daozong, the Shangshu of the Ministry of Rites, was the chief of the marching Datong Road, and Zhang Baoxiang was the deputy, advancing from Lingzhou to the northwest; inspected the school. Youzhou Governor Wei Xiaojie was the chief of the march on Heng'an Road, guarding the Yanyun area to prevent the Turkic army from fleeing east; Lingzhou Governor Xue Wanshu was the chief of the Changwu Road marching, using the northeast to attack the Turkic rear to monitor the Turk Khan. New 81 Chinese network update the fastest mobile terminal: https:/

This time, the Great Tang had a total of more than one hundred thousand troops to attack the East Turks in six directions, which was about to eliminate the great trouble of the East Turks.

In the second year of Zhenguan, when Li Yuan learned that Chai Shao had led his army to destroy Liang Shidu, who was in the rule of Shuofang, and occupied a military key area that was convenient for counterattacking the East Turks, he had the idea that a war would be coming, and immediately secretly told Father Qian to go and track down. Happening.

The result was just like his hunch that Taizong Li Shimin made a decisive decision to destroy the East Turks when there was sufficient time. The Turks pose a great threat to Datang. This is not just a thorn in Li Shimin's heart, but even Li Yuan has trouble sleeping in his throat.

Then Father Qian told Li Yuan about the information he had explored. Li Yuan learned that the nine Turks led three thousand cavalry troops to the Tang, and the chiefs such as Banyegu, Pugu, and Xi also commanded a series of good news. In a great mood, he believed that this time the East Turks would be wiped out.

Grandpa Qian thought so too, and he hurried back before the end of the war and told Li Yuan of the good news.

"Don't worry about things in the future!"

The confidant troubles will be removed. Li Yuan’s words meant that he could teach Li Kuan martial arts with peace of mind. Father Qian naturally nodded and agreed, got up and left and went straight to Cuihua Hall. Li Kuan was shocked when he saw the appearance of the master he hadn’t seen in half a year. Seeing Mr. Qian laughed and said, "You don't have to practice today!"

The abrupt remarks made the second monk Li Kuanzhang puzzled. He looked at Father Qian without any answers, and then Father Zhao also rushed over and said the same thing. Li Kuan was confused. It has been more than two years. My accustomed life suddenly changed, and I suddenly felt a little uncomfortable.

That night, Li Yuan asked Li Kuan to go to the Da'an Temple to have a meal together, and the three father-in-laws who followed Li Yuan also sat in separate positions. This situation was no longer seen by Li Kuan. In the eyes of other people, this would be a capital crime, and the Da'an Temple with only a few of them here is more like a family.

Li Yuan was in a much better mood for a few cups, and the other three also drank a few cups, and even took a few cups with Li Kuan. The whole atmosphere was like a holiday, and it was so happy. The next day, Li Kuan didn’t miss the time when he woke up after drinking a few cups last night. He still got up on time at Yinshi. Grandpa Qian also appeared in front of him at the same time. This time he did not take Li Kuan up the mountain but went to Cuihua Hall. .

"Do you know why in the past three years, other martial arts other than basic skills have not been taught to you?"

Li Kuan replied: "The master said that solid basic skills are the foundation, and the more solid the foundation, the higher the achievement."

"Yes or not!" Mr. Qian said with a smile, "It is important to have a solid basic skills, but what you really consider is your physical condition. Although you were over eight years old at that time, all aspects of your body's functions have not yet grown, too complicated martial arts or training. It’s not good for your growth."

Li Kuan was puzzled: "Isn't it true that martial arts practice is better as a child?"

"Of course not. Martial arts training has nothing to do with age. Martial arts training since childhood has a strong shaping ability. Because its bones are not fixed, they can make some unique skills, which are martial arts that other people can't learn. If they practice martial arts in the first year, Achievements can still be achieved."

Gonggong Qian explained, "The road to martial arts training is not accomplished overnight, nor is it three to five years to achieve success. You will only be able to bear fruit through repeated practice day after day. If you give up halfway, you will lose all your previous efforts. Even if you are older, you just need to have perseverance and perseverance. Perseverance, dedicated and precise."

"I have been reluctant to teach you other martial arts for a long time. Firstly, it is for you to lay a good foundation. Secondly, it is also to consider that you are not a member of the rivers and lakes. There is no need to affect your body by practicing martial arts. It's huge."

Li Kuan argued: "Master, I am eleven years old!"

"It's still a bit early when you are eleven. I originally wanted to wait until you were twelve to officially teach you martial arts. The amount of martial arts practice will increase exponentially." Grandpa Qian didn't say why in advance, Li Kuan didn't ask much, "You wear this. Go up, don’t take it down without my permission!" Genius remembers Chinese in one second 8/1/z/o/m/

Li Kuan took it over and found that the weight was wrong. To speak of it, it weighed 20 kilograms. Father Qian asked him to tie four lead bags to his limbs. Li Kuan obeyed and found that something was wrong immediately, and his whole body suddenly became very heavy. Now, I feel a little unsteady when I take a step.

"This bag of lead blocks weighs ten catties each, which adds up to 40 catties!" said Father Qian, "After your bones have been completely shaped, this weight will increase to 100 catties. At present, forty catties are for you. It’s already the limit, it’s useless to use more."

"I'll go, it's a few catties heavier than I guessed!" Li Kuan was shocked. He knew that it would be inconvenient to wear a load, and it would be more helpful for him to get used to his basic skills, especially jumping. Ascension, even if you can't fly over the wall, you will jump higher than others.

In the following exercises, Mr. Qian didn't need to say that Li Kuan had already guessed what he was going to do. He must be able to fully adapt to this weight and move freely to truly teach martial arts. (End of this chapter)