Tang Yun

Chapter 2: Li Yuan is my grandfather?


Jin Xiaoyun was submerged by the cold pool water. Although someone rescued him from his hands in time, he still lost consciousness. At the same time, Jin Xiaoyun also knew in a daze where he was now and what his identity was. In the past, he was just a person who came out of the countryside, but now he has become a royal nobleman.

The current identity is the son of Li Zhiyun, the fifth son of Li Yuan, named Li Kuan. Because Li Zhiyun passed away early, he inherited the throne of the king of Chu, and he was named Liangzhou General Manager and Situ. Knowing Li Kuan's past, Jin Xiaoyun frowned secretly. Li Kuan didn't know his life experience, but he came from the 21st century, and he studied history quite well, so he naturally knew who Li Kuan was.

According to the record of Li Kuan in "Old Tang Book": Chu Wangkuan was also the second son of Taizong. Followed by his uncle Chu Ai Wang Zhiyun. Early 薨. The same is true for the relevant records in the "New Tang Book", in short, Li Kuan, the second son of Emperor Taizong of the Tang Dynasty, Li Shimin.

Jin Xiaoyun guessed that Li Kuannian died when he was about six years old. As for the reason for his death, there is no detailed record in history. Up to this point, he knew that Li Kuan was indeed dead, drowning in the lake in the palace for no apparent reason.

If this matter is known to the world, it will be a new round of research and discussion, and most people in the world will think it is a misstep and fall into the water. Jin Xiaoyun couldn't agree, because the original owner of this body had an intuition that someone pushed him into the cold lake.

According to historical records, Tang Taizong’s favorite son was the eldest son Li Chengqian. As for his second son, he was simply dispensable, and there were disagreements on who Li Kuan’s mother was in the history books. As for these Jin Xiaoyun, he didn't care. In short, he reincarnated as Chu Wang Li Kuan from his death. Whether it was God's will or whatever the reason, at least he was alive now.

It is now the eighth year of Wude, and Li Kuan is only six years old. He was born in the second year of Wude. He was born in the same month and the same month as Li Ke, and the fate of the two is completely different. Li Ke was the son of Concubine Yang, with a very noble lineage, and he was an unremarkable existence, so he was naturally adopted as his heir to Li Zhiyun.

Speaking of Li Zhiyun is also a tragic figure, his biological mother Wan Guifei is Li Yuan's most beloved concubine. He is very fond of Li Zhiyun, who loves the house and the black. Apart from the children born to his wife, Li Zhiyun is the one who loves the most. At that time, Li Yuan Jinyang rebelled and became a rebellious minister.

Li Jiancheng was besieged by the Sui Army with Li Zhiyun at the time. Li Jiancheng wishfully thought that Li Zhiyun was a boy, and the Sui Army would not kill him, so he returned to Taiyuan alone to join Li Yuan, leaving Li Zhiyun in Chang'an and finally died in the hands of the Sui Army. .

The bad news came, and Li Yuan didn’t want to live, and Li Jiancheng was punished for it, but he was in charge of the uprising against the Sui Dynasty. This matter cannot be blamed on others. In the end, in order to prevent Li Zhiyun’s blood from being cut off, he chose a suitable heir from the other sons. He was given to Li Zhiyun as a son, and Li Jiancheng was the eldest son. His heirs were excluded. Finally, Li Yuan decided to choose from the heirs of Li Shimin, and Li Kuan became Li Zhiyun's heir and directly inherited his title of King of Chu.

"Since you brought me back from the dead, I can't let you die in vain!"

Jin Xiaoyun secretly vowed to find the truth. Li Kuan had never seen a solar eclipse at a young age. At that time, a solar eclipse happened and the world was dark, and the crowd suddenly became confused. Who pushed him into the lake for a while? I can't trace it down clearly, but one thing is definitely not an unintentional move. That manpower is so great that it seems to be exhausted.

Jin Xiaoyun was very sympathetic to Li Kuan's life experience. He was raised by the elder Gong E in the palace since he was a child. Although Li Chengqian, Li Ke, etc. are all his brothers, but they don’t know Li Kuan’s life experience, they are naturally not very close to him, and they don’t want to play with him. Li Kuan’s temperament gradually became withdrawn and he always played alone. Even the annual family dinner is the most silent one.

"I hope you will not be alone in your next life, and I will continue to walk the road you have not finished!" For Jin Xiaoyun, who is used to being alone, these are not a problem at all, and then there is an urgent and serious voice. Come: "What happened?"

"Return to the emperor, the king of Chu fell into a coma!" One person replied solemnly, and before Li Yuan continued to question, he added: "The minister has sent someone to ask a doctor to come and treat the king of Chu!"

"Can the doctor cure it?" Li Yuan roared, "I have spoken to me: I will order Yu Doctor Zhang to come!"


The man hurried down. He really didn't expect Chu Wang Li Kuan to be so important in the emperor's heart. You must know that Fengyu was the chief of Shangyao, a minister of the lower grade five, and both of them were treated exclusively for the emperor. The imperial physicians, even the concubines in the harem, do not have the qualifications to let them go to treat illnesses, and only the doctors who treat the emperor's diseases can be called "imperial physicians."

In addition to the official position, the Shang Pharmacy Bureau also has the deputy director, the clerk of the Shang Pharmacy Bureau, the physician in charge of the imperial court, and the physician of the lowest position. The main service target of the physician is the imperial concubines and imperial physicians. The emperor had to report to the emperor to allow a higher-level doctor to come to treat the disease, and the maids and eunuchs had to do nothing but fate.

In order to avoid some embarrassment, Shang Pharmacy also has full-time female doctors, who usually study for ten and a half months, or rush to work in one month. There are not many female doctors who are skilled in medicine, and simple conditions such as fever can be solved.

As for the Imperial Medical Office and Shang Pharmacy, they are completely different things. The Imperial Medical Office is an ancient medical and medical education institution. In simple terms, it is equivalent to a later medical university. The "Imperial Physician" in the Tang Dynasty refers to the chief of the Imperial Medical Office. The imperial physician order under the seventh grade is under the jurisdiction of Taichang Temple. New Bayi Chinese website first released https://https://

"Why did King Chu fall into the water?"

Li Yuan frowned, trying to get to the bottom of it. There was a tragedy of the prince falling into the water and almost dying in the Tang Palace, which made Li Yuan have to be angry, and this matter involved the continuation of the incense of his fifth son Li Zhiyun, if it was Li Kuan. If there are three long and two shortcomings, that means that Li Zhiyun's line will be completely cut off.

In the face of Li Yuan's anger, no one could answer. They all knelt on the ground with an appealing appearance, so angry that Li Yuan jumped into a thunder, and repeatedly urged the imperial doctor to come as soon as possible. After a while, the imperial physician hurried over with the medicine box. He was about to pay a visit to Li Yuan but was stopped and asked him to diagnose and treat Li Kuan as soon as possible. ァ新ヤ~⑧~1~中文网ωωω.χ~⒏~1zщ.còм

The imperial doctor didn’t have time to think, he quickly diagnosed Li Kuan’s pulse, and carefully observed his complexion. The pulse condition was weak and his face was pale, which made the imperial physician frown. He quickly opened the medicine box and took out the silver needles that were often used to pierce Li Kuan’s. At Renzhong acupoint, he took out a few fine needles and pierced his other acupoints.

Li Kuan coughed and slowly opened his eyes. His gaze stayed on Li Yuan, looking at the grandfather in the dragon robe in front of him, the worry on his face, all the anxious colors in his eyes, for some reason. The corners of his eyes were wet, and he couldn't help shouting, "Grandpa!"

Everyone was silent when they heard this. Even Li Yuan was full of doubts. He was about to ask but didn't want Li Kuan to have fainted again. This time he fainted completely. Since Li Kuan was thin and weak since he was a child, he was soaked in the cold lake water for a long time, and his soul had just adapted to this new body. The moment he was sure that he could live, he was relieved of the worries in his heart. It made him unbearable and fainted directly.

Li Yuan hadn't asked exactly what happened, and when he heard that Li Kuan called himself this way, all kinds of thoughts surged in his heart, and he roared angrily: "You must save King Chu. If he has three strengths and two shortcomings, you also go with him."

The imperial physician was so frightened that he hurriedly diagnosed his pulse again. Although Li Kuan’s pulse was weak but he had no life-saving concerns, he felt relieved and told his diagnosis truthfully. Only then did Li Yuan restrain his momentum and ordered the guards to send Li Kuan into him. Recuperate in the study room.

Jin Xiaoyun fainted, naturally he didn't know what happened later, but he was also deeply moved. He hasn’t yelled this “grandfather” for more than 20 years. Now that he sees Li Yuan as if he saw his grandpa, he can’t help but yell out, and he also decides that “Li Kuan” will be him from now on. The only identity, for all the past, will be a glimpse, and everything in front of him is what he needs to cherish. (End of this chapter)