Tang Yun

Chapter 21: Recalling the past


Gonggong Zhao hesitated for a moment, glanced at Qian Wu, and said in a deep voice: "I am not a Han, and the blood of the Xianbei people is flowing in my bones. As for my real name, I later changed my name. My original name is Yuwen Zhaoshang. My father is It is Yu Wenxin, the former Sui general."

Gonggong Zhao mentioned that his father had no feelings at all. Li Kuan was shocked. In the historical record, Yuwenxin returned to the Sui Dynasty from the Western Zhou Dynasty. He made great achievements in battle. Even the founding emperor Yang Jian of the Sui Dynasty was very jealous of him, and wanted to get it fast. , First of all, find a reason to demote it to the common people.

Because of this, Yuwenxin held a grudge, and once drunk with his friend Liang Shiyan to explain his intentions, and wanted to provoke a conspiracy, but never wanted to be killed by Yang Jian when he knew about it. Yuwenxin's family members were demoted to slavery. If Grandpa Zhao is really his son, he will definitely be implicated.

What Zhao Gonggong said later was almost the same as what Li Kuan knew. The only result was a little different. "At that time, I was less than four years old and didn't know what slavery was. When I was taken away by the Sui army, my third uncle Yu Wenkai Appearing will remove me from my slavery and bring me back to my house to live." Genius remembers Chinese in one second 8/1/z/o/m/

Grandpa Qian knew that Grandpa Zhao came from a nobleman, but the specific circumstances were unknown. When he heard him talk about the past, Grandpa Qian also sighed secretly: "Those who didn't think about it are the same people who fell into the world!"

Gonggong Zhao was taken back to the mansion by Yu Wenkai to take care of him. Even though Yu Wenkai was in high authority at this time, he was the only member of the Yuwen family who was not implicated by Yuwenxin. He was still worried that his identity would be discovered and cause trouble. Xiayou secretly sent him to a friend to take care of him.

Yu Wenkai has read books since he was a child, is familiar with the rules and regulations of the past dynasties, and has refined a variety of craftsmanship skills. Especially in architectural design, no one can beat him. When he was a master, he planned and designed many famous projects in the Sui Dynasty, such as The capital city of Daxing City, the new capital Luoyang City, Renshou Palace, Emperor Wen's Mausoleum, Guanfeng Hall and Guangtong Canal, etc.

Naturally, his friend will not be a countryman, nor will he be a powerful landlord on the wealthy side. He is also a book-reader. There are countless collections of books in his family. Zhao Qian went to other places with the company of his servants and was deeply affected. It affects the habit of reading books, reading books since childhood, and developing the habit of not releasing the books.

When Zhao Qian became an adult, he wanted to join the government, but he was dissuaded by the other party, saying that the situation in the world would be chaotic, and he had a good opportunity to become an official. Because he was raised and educated by the other party since he was a child, he regarded the other party as a relative in his heart and naturally obeyed.

Sure enough, a few years later, under the tyranny of Emperor Sui Yang, the people had no livelihood, a large-scale peasant uprising broke out, and the world was chaotic again. Zhao Qian read the books in order to be reused, so he thought about going to the leader of the rebel army, and asked his division to suggest to go too far to go to Li Yuan.

Zhao Qian changed his name and changed his surname to go to Taiyuan alone, but didn't want to stumble along the way. He finally arrived in Taiyuan. He was almost killed as a meticulous killer without seeing Li Yuan. Zhao Qian was a weak scholar who stumbled all the way and he was too hungry to argue. .

If it weren’t for Li Yuan happened to be stopped, I’m afraid that Zhao Qian died in Taiyuan in vain. Later, Zhao Qian tried his best to see Li Yuan was repeatedly turned away. He had nowhere to show his ambitions, and Zhao Qian, whose heart was ashamed, was about to leave. , But didn't want to meet Li Yuan, who had always wanted to see but had never seen him on the way.

It was hard to come across how could I miss this opportunity and pursued Li Yuan desperately, but was mistaken for a chaser again and was almost shot dead. Seeing that Zhao Qian was a little familiar, Li Yuan asked the military doctor to treat him immediately. However, Zhao Qian was mistaken in the lower body by Liu Jian. He was full of ambition and was discouraged when he learned that he could not pass on the line. In order to repay Li Yuan for his life-saving grace, he was willing to stay. The servants around me bury what they have learned in their hearts and never mention their talents in front of others.

The paper couldn't hold back the fire, Zhao Qian's knowledge was still discovered by Li Yuan. He was willing to reuse his talents but was rejected by Zhao Qian. He just wanted to stay with Li Yuan to serve. Because Zhao Qian knew that he was an eunuch, and staying in the court as an official would provoke criticism. It would be better to stay with Li Yuan at ease and be a father-in-law.

Li Kuan and Grandpa Qian were silent after hearing this. They did not expect that Zhao Qian's experience was so bumpy and tortuous. When they wanted to see it, they would not be able to see it. When they saw it, it was another life. The ups and downs in life have caused great ups and downs. Zhao Qian had already seen everything.

Gonggong Zhao had already started and told his past, and Gonggong Qian said his past after hesitating.

Gonggong Qian’s real name is Qian Wu, and he changed this name himself, because he loved martial arts since he was a child, so he went around to learn art from teachers. Starting from the basic skills, Qian Wu finally took four years to lay the foundation. He thought that he would be taught the real martial arts. Who would have thought that each master would hide his martial arts deeply, and when he started, he knew that he would not teach it if he learned the arts with a teacher. Really powerful martial arts. New 81 Chinese network update the fastest computer terminal: https://

In their eyes, their skills cannot be taught to disciples who have already learned other martial arts. Most of the time, Grandpa Qian is a registered disciple, or an outside disciple, except for the first time he is a disciple. Even so, Qian Wu still comprehends the martial arts of various factions with his own ingenuity. It can be said that Qian Wu is proficient in a hundred schools of martial arts, and he is proficient in all kinds of martial arts, and he has created his own martial arts.

This road is not easy to follow. The rules of the arena are almost all potential rules. Qian Wu, who was new to the arena, did not understand these rules and did not have a good master's guidance, which made him suffer a lot in the arena. In order to learn different martial arts, Qian Wu challenged the masters in the arena in the simplest way.

Qian Wu’s greatest ability is perseverance and perseverance. He used his body to learn the exquisite attacking methods of the other party when he fought with others. It took him ten years to finally create a famous place in the world. He respectfully entertained him wherever he went. An upset is also a challenge.

When Qian Wuzhi was so proud, he didn't want to fall into the trap of a force. He set up a beautifying strategy, and Qian Wu, who had been in the world alone for many years, finally failed to grasp his original intentions. Combining it with it, he still has one. child.

With his wife, Qian Wu’s ambitions changed. He prepared a golden basin to wash his hands and exit the rivers and lakes. However, it is too difficult to get out of the rivers and lakes. However, when he was young, he recklessly made a lot of enemies. These people all united and besieged on the same day. Qian Wu.

More than a hundred people chased and killed for three days and three nights. Qian Wu killed more than 30 people and wounded 50 people, and he himself was seriously injured and dying. The dying moment coincided with Li Yuan leading the army to meet by chance. Those who knew the army in the rivers and lakes It was so powerful that he naturally didn't dare to collide with it and only then took his life.

Gonggong Zhao recalled that when he saw Qian Wu for the first time, no part of his body was intact. His clothes were all cut by swords, and there was blood all over his body. Li Yuan ordered someone to rescue him and leave money to heal his injuries. , This is also the first time the two met.

Qian Wu recovered from his injuries after a year of recuperation. He was worried about the safety of his wife and children. He couldn't wait to look around. After half a year, he found his wife and children, but saw that both of them were in the house of the boss who was chasing him, and his wife was actually in the house. Sitting in his arms, winking like silk.

When he was about to kill the dog and dog men and women, he heard that they were plotting to kill Li Yuan. Qian Wu remembered that Li Yuan was the one who saved him. In order to repay his favor, he did not kill them immediately. Instead, he followed the vine to find out the other party’s deployment arrangements. Pass the message to Li Yuan.

Li Yuan immediately prepared to catch them all with the help of Qian Wu, and Qian Wu was frustrated and sent his son back to his parents to raise him. He took the opportunity to stay with Li Yuan and serve him at most every year. Twice, or sometimes even three years, never went back. (End of this chapter)