Tang Yun

Chapter 35: Back to the light


Li Shimin is the prince of a country, and he should not stay with Da'an Palace for a long time. Li Yuan saw this very well, so he asked Li Shimin to return to the palace to handle political affairs. Li Shimin obeyed his father's orders. Datang was in a stage of rapid development, and the country was busy, so he had to return to Tai Chi Palace.

Before leaving, Li Yuan asked Li Shimin to personally write two edicts: an edict is a commonly used form of book-making, which roughly means that Li Kuan, the king of Chu, was named the governor of Jingzhou, and thousands of households were eaten, and a thousand households were sealed, and Yongyetian was given to Yongyetian. Ten thousand acres, ten fields of occupation, seven hundred stones of lumi, a hundred horses of silk and silk, a thousand gold collars, and a hundred coins.

The second edict is just a promise agreement, which is equivalent to Li Shimin's letter of guarantee to Li Yuan. It is concise and concise. This is also the proof that Li Yuan will be recognized as a prince again in the future to avoid opposition from some people.

In fact, although the edict that Emperor Taizong wrote this time was written in his own hand, it is not an official official edict, because when the emperor of the Tang Dynasty needed to deal with a major event, he needed to draft an official document and submit it to the subordinate province for review and approval. Send it back to Zhongshu Province, and finally submit it to the emperor for review. The emperor thinks that it can be sent to Menxia Province. Menxia Province retains the original copy for filing and sends a copy to Shangshu Province for execution.

After Li Shimin wrote the edict, he hurried back to the palace to deal with political affairs. Li Yuan called the prince and said in a straightforward voice: "You must keep this edict personally, and hand it to him when Kuan'er returns to Beijing in the future."

The prince carefully collected Li Shimin's second edict, and he had already guessed what his master was thinking. When Li Kuan was adopted as his heir to Chu Wang Li Zhiyun, Li Yuan did not expect that Li Kuan’s talents that he had shown since childhood would exceed his imagination, so he tried his best to cultivate talents.

If Li Kuan is mediocre or mediocre, Li Yuan does not intend to let Li Shimin recognize this son, but let Li Kuan live his life safely. Since Li Kuan has this ability, Li Yuan will naturally not hinder his future. If he does not have the status of a prince, how to establish a foothold in the capital, and how to turn everything he teaches into practical actions.

Even though the first edict has not been issued, it was still written by Li Shimin himself. This is a kind of evidence, and he asked Li Kuan to come in and give it to him. As for the subsequent discussions with Li Shimin, they didn't mention a word. New 81 Chinese network update the fastest computer terminal: https://

Li Kuan wanted to speak with his grandfather Li Yuan, but Li Yuan did not agree, but instead urged him to continue practicing. As for studying, Li Yuan didn't make much request. Instead, he was asked to work hard, so Li Kuan had no choice but to go to Cuihua Hall to practice martial arts.

Ten days later, Li Yuan, who was dazed, suddenly became sober. He was so full of energy that he couldn't see the slightest groggy appearance. Li Kuan was very disappointed and scared. He knew that this was his grandfather's return to the glory, and he was the last step before such a situation occurred. Not far away.

The most uncomfortable thing in Li Kuan's heart is that he didn't know how to return to the past, leaving the biggest regret in his life. When he was still Jin Xiaoyun in later generations, his grandfather was very sick when he was in junior high school, but he was chanting his name every day, saying he missed his grandson.

The patriarchy has a long history, and he is the eldest grandson of the family and the only boy in the third generation. He is naturally favored by his grandfather. The grandfather, who was born in the countryside, didn’t read any books, but he knew a lot of truth. When he was a child, it was commonplace to follow his grandfather to herd cows and fish in the river, and he was often beaten by his father. Every time he was blocked by his grandfather. Protect yourself in front.

When he went to school every day, besides doing homework, he did not have much time to accompany his grandfather. Until he was in junior high school, his grandfather couldn't get rid of his illness and he remained unchanged. Later, his grandfather woke up and asked his father to pick him up. He left before he came back. .

He came back two days ago, and his father also said about grandpa, but he didn't take it seriously, but he didn't want to come back again. This incident became the biggest regret in his heart, failing to send his love to his grandfather one last time, and he failed to see himself.

It’s unbearable to look back, but now Li Kuan is facing such a thing again. He clearly knows that Li Yuan will die of illness in Zhenguan nine years ago, and he is immersed in martial arts training and reading. What is the difference from before, but he does everything. No, I can only watch grandfather Li Yuan lose weight day by day, his body is not as good as day after day, and now he can only lie down and be unable to move.

Li Kuan was practicing in the Cuihua Hall, but he saw his grandfather Li Yuan, who was lying in his mother, coming. He felt a little bit in his heart, and his eyes moistened instantly. He didn't care about his age and threw himself at Li Yuan and hugged him tightly. Cried bitterly.

"Why is this?" Li Yuan was taken aback, letting Li Kuan hug him, Li Yuan had never been so close to him before, and he felt an unprecedented warmth when he felt uncomfortable, listening to Li Kuan's cry: "Grandpa!..."

Li Yuan recalled the scene when he saw Li Kuan for the first time. He called himself the same thing, but this time he didn’t correct Li Kuan’s speech problem. Gonggong Zhao and Gonggong Qian hurried over when he heard the sound. Li Yuan, who fought on the battlefield, came back.

The master’s body improved, and immediately saw the sadness and sorrow on the face of the prince and grandfather. There was a soreness in the hearts of the two of them. From the heart of grief, they both shed tears silently. They also guessed that this was Li Yuan’s return to light, and they were inexplicable. Mourn.

Li Kuan cried for a long time, Li Yuan gently patted him on the back, and said softly: "Kuan'er, go with grandfather to Penglai Pavilion!"

Li Kuan finally stopped crying, and accompanied Li Yuan to Penglai Pavilion to watch the lotus in the Jade Lake. At this time, the lotus had not yet bloomed, only a remote lotus leaf. As Li Yuan's health was deteriorating, Li Shimin increased the guards of Da'an Palace to keep informed of the situation.

When Li Yuan walked from the ground to the ground, Li Shimin had already learned the news, and he hurriedly put down his official duties and rushed to Da'an Palace and went straight to Penglai Pavilion. Seeing Li Shimin coming, Li Yuan nodded with a smile, Li Shimin was also uncomfortable.

Then, Li Yuan sat in Penglai Pavilion for a while and glanced at the surrounding scenery, then raised his head to look at the nearby mountain peak, and said, "Go there for a walk!"


"Grandfather Emperor!"


Li Shimin, Li Kuan and others were all taken aback, and they spoke out to discourage them. However, Li Yuan ignored everyone's dissuasion and resolutely walked towards the mountain. Everyone had no choice but to follow up. Qian Gonggong led the guards to take the lead in the mountain. All the dangers are eliminated.

"Kuan'er, do you know that this mountain has a way up the mountain?" Li Kuan shook his head and didn't know, Li Shimin didn't even know that Da'an Palace was his residence, but he had never lived in it, and he never knew about these things, Li Yuan laughed He said, "There is an ancient road to the west of this mountain. My father took me once when I was your age."

Li Shimin, Li Kuan and others were shocked. They were the first to hear about this. Only Wang Gong and Qian Gong were calm and calm. Naturally, Qian Gonggong was in charge of Li Yuan’s safety, and he naturally knew what happened here. In the circumstances, Prince Wang had gone up with Li Yuan. It is not surprising to know that Duke Zhao knew but he had never gone up. That road was really too difficult to walk. (End of this chapter)