Tang Yun

Chapter 40: Face Saint Thanksgiving


Although the marriage contract between Li Yuan and Samurai Xun was only a verbal agreement, no one except the prince would know about it, so this marriage can be said to have occurred, or it can be said that there is no marriage. Li Kuan naturally chose the latter. At the age of sixteen, he was inexplicably carrying the marriage contract and would definitely not agree.

"King Chu, you will leave the capital for Jingzhou tomorrow, and there is something the old slave wants to remind you!" As if thinking of something, the prince said solemnly: "The emperor ordered you not to take it off in Kyoto. The mask reveals its true face. The Emperor Xian means that you can take it off when you become an adult with the crowning ceremony."

Li Kuan doesn’t care about it. Now he is used to wearing a mask. Not showing his true face in front of others makes him feel more convenient. The less his true face is known, the better, so even if he takes off his mask and walks on the road. People know.

After the prince conveyed the meaning of the Supreme Emperor Li Yuan, he said again that he was cherished and stopped saying more; then, Zhao Qian also said some words with Li Kuan, which were also words of blessing, and there was still a trace of perseverance. It can be said that after moving to Da'an Palace, Li Kuan spent the longest time with him, both an elder and a friend.

Then Li Kuan looked at Qian Wu and said, "Master, Mrs. Wang and Mrs. Zhao have all blessed me, then you, master, should be more than that!"

"You still think so!"

Qian Wu was immediately angry when he heard this. Seeing Li Kuan was going to be a farewell gift, he was so angry that he had to give the gift for whatever reason, and he himself had no money left, let alone preparing for the farewell gift. The subconscious reaction made Li Kuan pursed his mouth and snickered. This was the first time Li Yuan smiled since his death.

"I am your disciple, and you are my master!" Li Kuan said with a smile, "Although there is no formal apprenticeship, but the friendship between master and apprentice is here. I will leave Kyoto tomorrow and I will probably not have any chance to come back. You do this. Naturally, the master must have some expressions!"

Li Kuan’s righteousness made Qian Wu angry, and he subconsciously said, "Who said you didn’t have a chance?" Before he finished speaking, he realized that he had almost missed his words, and quickly changed his words: "I’m a master, I didn’t see what you said , I have to give a gift to say why you leave."

"Just because I am your direct disciple, you have to rely on me to carry forward your martial arts!" Li Kuan cheeky and insisted on asking Qian Wu to be his master's farewell gift. Qian Wu was anxious to ask Prince Duke and Duke Zhao for help. He quickly turned his face to pretend not to see it.

Qian Wu had already scolded these two people in his heart, and fumbled for a long time from his arms for only ten cents, and painfully stuffed them into Li Kuan's hands, saying: "These are all my belongings, you can buy them yourself! "Li Kuan took it happily, without any embarrassment, Qian Wu cursed in his heart: "This little bastard is simply exploitative, it's so dark!"

Don't underestimate the ten cents at that time. You have to know that one bucket of rice is only three or four cents. Ten cents can buy three buckets of rice, which is equivalent to the cost of a month for ordinary people. Since Emperor Taizong Li Shimin of Tang Dynasty became more and more prosperous after he became the throne, the price level decreased, making a bucket of rice only three or four cents. If it was during the period of Emperor Tang Gaozu Li Yuan, the price was completely different.

"Thank you, Master!" Li Kuan touched the Kaiyuan Tongbao in his hand. This is genuine. If it is preserved for later generations, it is definitely a rare cultural relic, especially for lovers of ancient coins. A small Kaiyuan Tongbao can definitely be fryed. Sky-high price.

"Don't be too busy to thank, I still have it!"

Seeing Li Kuan's contented appearance, Qian Wu felt even more angry. If he didn't think of it suddenly, for fear that he would have forgotten everything, Li Kuan was impatient, waiting for the gift, and Qian Wu took the lead from the thatched house. The bag was thrown in front of Li Kuan, and there were pits on the ground. This weight was definitely not a joke.

"You are sixteen years old, and your body and bones have reached maturity. The previous weight-bearing has no effect on you. From now on until you reach adulthood, you must help him practice." Li Kuan's face immediately turned green, and he looked horrified. Holding Qian Wu is like saying, "Is this true?"

Qian Wu was in a good mood when he saw Li Kuan deflated. He nodded solemnly and urged Li Kuan to tie his limbs as soon as possible. Li Kuan was unwilling to tie it up. The total weight was definitely a hundred catties. This made him a little bit dumbfounded. If he knew this was the result, he shouldn't ask Qian Wu for gifts.

"Your martial arts has a small climate and has not yet reached its success. You have to rely on your own diligence to improve your martial arts." Qian Wu remembered that in just a few years, Li Kuan had learned everything he had taught, except for fighting. Except for the lack of experience, the others are already blue, and there is nothing else to say.

Just after Mao's time, Venus star hung high in the east sky, the dazzling light was eye-catching, and the three men raised their heads to stare at Venus star, and they were all silent. At the same time, Li Kuan also took a carriage to leave from Xianling to the imperial city.

The light of Venus star gradually disappeared, and the sun slowly rose from the east. The mood of the three of them was very complicated. The images that emerged in their minds were more of getting along with Li Kuan, and even the princes were a little bit sad. In the hearts of the three of them, Li Kuan's position is extremely important, as if he were regarded as relatives.

The Supreme Emperor Li Yuan died. Everyone knew that King Li Kuan of Chu was wearing a golden mask. Without waiting for him to speak out, the defending general had already opened the gate and let him into the palace. After entering the palace, Li Kuan explained his intentions and led the eunuch to take him to the Temple of Ganlu.

As the emperor’s palace, the Ganlu Temple was heavily guarded, and Li Kuan passed through the Yuehua Gate to enter the palace. At this time, Li Shimin was reviewing the memorial. After leading the eunuch to make a report, Li Kuan came in and saw that Li Shimin was not wearing court clothes, but in ordinary clothes. When he came in, he put down the ink brush in his hand and said, "What's the matter with you when you come to see me?"

The Tang Dynasty saw that the emperor didn't have to kneel three times and nine times, just bow and bow or bow with both hands, and didn't have to stand and talk, just sit down and talk with him. Naturally, Li Kuan knew this, so he knelt down and sat down on the side seat, and replied with a respectful voice: "Courier Li Kuan is here to ask for his gratitude!"

Li Shimin nodded and asked again: "When will you leave Beijing?"

"Thank you and leave later!"

Li Kuan answered truthfully, neither humble nor arrogant. Li Shimin was silent for a while, and did not know what to say, so he ordered the eunuch beside him to bring the objects mentioned in the edict. After Li Kuan waited for a while, he placed his feet in front of Li Kuan. There are two wooden boxes.

"This box contains your official government, uniforms, uniforms, etc., and the other box is for your rewards." Li Shimin saw Li Kuan staring at the two boxes intently, guessing that he must be worried about it, and added : "I think you will go to Jingzhou alone, and I will give you eight guards to accompany you."

Li Kuan was worried about what to do with the two large wooden boxes. Since Tang Taizong Li Shimin spoke out, he would naturally not object. After all, these two wooden boxes really need someone to help, and it's really troublesome for him alone, and besides, there is all his wealth in this box, so naturally he can't be careless. (End of this chapter)