Tang Yun

Chapter 44: Arrived in Gangneung City


"I followed such a master!"

Fei Lian was the first to make a choice. He observed Li Kuan's words and deeds along the way, especially since he treated each other frankly tonight. Such sincerity has touched him. After all, the four of them were born in poverty, and it is rare to meet someone who treats each other sincerely, so Fei Lian is naturally willing to put his heart to heart.

"Leng San, what's your decision?"

When Fei Lian made the decision to call Leng Feng, he used the name Li Kuan just said. Leng Feng is as his name suggests. He has been stern and almost no smile appeared on his face. Even other emotions are very ugly, only to meet him. The horror in Li Kuanshi's eyes naturally did not escape Fei Lian's eyes. You must know that what he is best at is bows and arrows, and eyesight is the most basic requirement.

Leng Feng didn't speak, he nodded after thinking about it. He also agreed to recognize such a master, swearing allegiance to the death without complaining. Those who came from poor people know more about friendship. As long as they are kind to them, they will definitely swear allegiance to the death without hesitation and no complaints.

Zhang Chong and Liao Fan both glanced at each other, and both nodded. The four of them had the same opinions. After just getting along for a long time, they had already seen Li Kuan's greatness, and he was definitely a hidden person. After all, the four of them are all martial arts. It can be seen that Li Kuan also possesses martial arts. The movement when Li Kuan got out of the carriage was frightened by them, and the Leng Feng walking behind could clearly see that. The recessed wheel mark on the ground is absolutely extraordinary.

The four of them turned around and saw that the light in Li Kuan’s room hadn’t been turned off. They understood in their hearts and knocked on the door immediately. The four of them saw Li Kuanyi sitting there and saw them come in without the slightest surprise. They said with a smile: "You four can think about it. pass?"

"I am waiting to swear allegiance to King Chu to the death, and I will never give up!" Zhang Chong, Liao Fan, Leng Feng, and Fei Lian knelt on one knee, clasped their fists, and pledged allegiance to Li Kuan in unison, which made Li Kuan very happy. He quickly got up from the chair to lift them up, laughed and said, "From now on you will be my Li Kuan's brother!"

Zhang Chong, Liao Fan, and Fei Lian also looked at Leng Feng with admiration. Since entering the door just now, Li Kuan’s words and deeds have proved that Leng Feng’s words and deeds are true. Li Kuan is indeed giving them a chance to choose, and they have pledged allegiance to them. Talking about the past openly, four of them were born in poverty. Except for Fei Lian, the other three are orphans, and their parents have died early.

"Why didn't you tell the truth when I asked you if you were the only child during the day?"

"We are all homeless children, and in Xiaowei Mansion, all the assessment results are almost bottom except for what we are good at. If we say that we are the only child, wouldn't it be even more embarrassing?" Zhang Chong said with a wry smile. "In addition, our military records also record that we are not the only son. If we stand out, it will be a renewal report, which will be dealt with by military law.

Li Kuan just understood the situation of the four of them, and Liao Fan continued: "Actually, the four of us did not meet the standards in the assessment of Xiaowei Mansion. According to the provisions of the mansion, those who failed more than three times will be transferred to guarding the gate and other positions. ."

The four knew that they were really not suitable for Xiaowei Mansion, and it happened that Li Kuan chose them by mistake, which was another chance.

"King Chu, do you have any other purpose for letting us dress up like this?"

Fei Lian once again asked if Li Kuan had any other purpose. Li Kuan shook his head and smiled bitterly. Although he was the king of Chu and the governor of Jingzhou, he was not familiar with Jingzhou's birthplace, and what was even worse was his wealth. There are only so many things. If it provokes the prying eyes of other people with a purpose, it is really not worth the loss, so what he said to Zhang Chong before was not a lie, it was just his own words.

On the next day, Li Kuan and his party went straight to Xiangyang County, Xiangyang County from Lantian County Post Station along the Qin Chu Ancient Road. The total distance was 400 kilometers. Five people arrived in three days and rested at Xiangyang County Post Station. The ancient road from Xiangyang County to Jiangling Jinan City is 150 kilometers in length.

About to arrive in Gangneung County, Li Kuan drove the carriage by himself, like a coachman, looking ahead into the long line of Gangneung City. Li Kuan couldn't help but frown. He didn't know that there would be so many people coming and going in Gangneung County. New 81 Chinese network update the fastest computer terminal: https://

"My son, let me find out about the situation!"

Zhang Chong asked for help, and Li Kuan nodded and agreed to let him go ahead and inquire about the news. The four of them stayed outside the city and waited. After a while, Zhang Chong would inquire about the news that he heard from Li Kuan, only to understand why the investigation was so strict, and it was also because the former Jingzhou captain warrior Xun died of illness to avoid the chaos in Jingzhou, and then the pass was set up to check the identity of the people traveling.

"Who made this order?"

Zhang Chong replied: "Jingzhou Governor Gavinda!"

Li Kuan didn't know much about this person, but it was an order issued by the governor of Jingzhou, and he naturally had this power. Although Li Kuan is nominally the chief executive of Jingzhou, in fact, all important military and political affairs are handled by the governor of Jingzhou. He is also known as the governor, and there is also the spokesperson of the governor of Jingzhou, the second-in-command Governor of Jingzhou. The fastest full text of 噺⒏⑴祌 んττρs:/м.χ八㈠zщ.còм/

"When can I enter the city?"

"It will be released after an hour!" Zhang Chong replied, "Need to register and enter the city's residence, etc.!"

Li Kuan frowned. Although Jingzhou is more important, it is not the same as entering Chang'an City, except for the search and salute. This is the order of the governor of Jingzhou, and there are official documents from the government, so no matter how troublesome the matter is, a routine inspection will be required to enter the city.

After half an hour, Li Kuan was really boring to wait, so he let Leng Feng walk around outside the city with him. Although he had already stepped into Jingzhou, he couldn't enter. I took this opportunity to see what the ancient city of Jingzhou looked like. Li Kuan looked up at the city wall from a distance. Soldiers with spears guarded the city wall neatly, and another group of soldiers went back and forth on the wall patrol.

Li Kuan was slightly surprised. Now it is not the time of war, and the guards of Jiangling City are really too strict. On the other hand, the Tang Dynasty attached great importance to military affairs. Soldiers were placed on the walls of various regions to guard the city. They were directly transferred from the military districts of each state to defend the city. It can be said that the security of each county and city is very stable.

When he looked at Jingzhou City in a daze without paying attention to his side or looking at the road, he bumped into someone. He didn't have any reaction. The weight of his whole body was definitely not something that ordinary people could touch. The person fell with a sound of'ohh. Fell to the ground.

Li Kuan looked down subconsciously, but saw that the dirty little girl in ragged clothes fell to the ground. He hurriedly pulled it up, and the girl fell on the ground with her ass on the ground, her hands rubbing some skin, but she He didn't care at all, his eyes were full of stubbornness, he looked at Li Kuan angrily, said nothing, and turned around to look for something.

Li Kuan looked at her puzzledly. After a while, she saw the steamed buns on the ground that had been broken by herself. An angry and crying voice came into Li Kuan's ears. This made Li Kuan very embarrassed, but she stepped forward helplessly. I don't know how to speak, but after thinking about it, I took ten cents out of my arms and handed it to the girl as compensation.

The girl didn't answer, still crying sadly, which left Li Kuan at a loss, turned his head to look at Leng Feng, the latter turned his head and looked helpless, and he was helpless. If it was a woman, Li Kuan would know how to say it, but he really didn't know how to coax a girl who was only eleven or twelve years old.

Suddenly, Li Kuan was full of embarrassment, watching the girl squatting on the ground crying, the atmosphere was a little embarrassing! (End of this chapter)