Tang Yun

Chapter 49: Do you want revenge?


Taking risks for the sake of the shopkeeper's livelihood, selling fur and clothing, if the quantity is large, the government will be convicted, and the quantity is almost too small. After all, merchants belong to a wealthy home, and the fur garments they buy are not a few. Usually, each cloth house prepares a dozen different kinds of fur garments for the guest officials to choose.

Furs such as fox, dog, sheep, deer, mink, rabbit, leopard, tiger, etc. can be made into fur. Among them, fox fur and mink fur are the most precious and are luxury goods, and only high-ranking officials can afford it. In addition, animal skins can be used to make cloaks, cloaks, hats, and even gloves.

People in the Tang Dynasty are more miserable in winter than modern people. Many people freeze to death every year. It is the most painful for people to have too many people. Charcoal is almost invisible to modern people except for remote mountain villages. In the Tang Dynasty, the price of charcoal is especially expensive in winter. Ordinary people can’t afford to use it at all, and even some officials below Rank 7 have to save it.

It was already in mid-October when Li Kuan came to Jingzhou, and the winter moon would soon be in, and the climate would suddenly become cold. If you don't prepare winter clothes in advance, anyone may freeze to death. The winter in the Tang Dynasty is much colder than in modern times. There is no climate warming, and the four seasons change as usual. The weather such as drought, floods, and heavy snow every year will deprive too many people of their lives.

Prepare fur clothes for the Yang family’s mother and daughter. As soon as Yang’s is Mrs. Rongguo qualified to wear it, her three daughters can also wear it. Li Kuan has to prepare cotton clothes and winter clothes for Zhang Chong and Leng Feng. Boots, two sets of clothes for each person.

Li Kuan asked Wu Jue to choose fur clothes by himself, and he asked the shopkeeper for twelve taels of silk gowns, eight taels of cotton coats and six taels of silk coats, which are now called winter trousers. The cotton here is silk cotton, not cotton for later generations, a total of eight sets. New 81 Chinese network update the fastest computer terminal: https://

The shopkeeper saw that Li Kuan was so bold and served with more enthusiasm. He did all the work of handing tea and water. The shopkeeper instructed the buddy to wrap all the things that Li Kuan wanted, and Wu Shuo also chose a fur suit. Sheep fur and three rabbit furs.

Li Kuan frowned. He felt that these three fur garments were not very warm, so he wanted to replace them with other fur garments. Wu Jue disagreed. Finally, Li Kuan asked the shopkeeper if he had any fur hats, gloves, etc. The shopkeeper saw that it was a major customer and took out his own goods again.

Wu Hui had no choice but to pick out more hats and gloves. When Li Kuan wanted to buy cloth for their mother and daughter to make clothes, the shopkeeper said that the shop was all tailor-made clothes. Right now, Wu Hui had to measure the size of the clothes. Wu Huiwen Yan shook his head again and refused. Instead, he bought a few pieces of cloth of different fabrics and said that he cut clothes by himself.

Li Kuan was a little surprised. Wu Hao gave up under the promise of Wu Shuo. Without waiting for Li Kuan to speak, the shopkeeper was already eager to settle the account. He smiled and said: "Guest officer, patronage totals eight bucks!" New Bayi Chinese website first published

Zhang Chong took ten bucks to pay the bill, and the shopkeeper personally sent them out of the shop and smirked at the eight bucks. Li Kuan did not bargain with him. In fact, the shopkeeper knew in his heart that Li Kuan's identity was by no means simple. His eyesight was very accurate, so he sold it to Li Kuan at the most favorable price. Of course, he made a lot of money.

Seeing the loss of 8,000 yuan at a time, Wu Suo felt a pain in his heart. He lowered his head and remained silent all the way. Li Kuan didn't take it seriously. In fact, winter clothes were so expensive, and he bought them again. For four pieces of fur clothes and hats made of fur, the price is not bad.

"Why doesn't the little lady speak?" Li Kuan teased Wu Hui. The two people got along for a long time, the more they found Wu Hui's sincerity and kindness. Although they are more naughty on weekdays, this is the true temperament. Wu Hui is still low. The avatar is like doing something wrong, even if Li Kuan talks to her, he is silent.

Li Kuan had no choice but to persuade him. He didn't expect that Wu Hui's red eyes when he raised his head shocked him. He knew Wu Hui was reluctant to give up, but he felt it was worth the price. Then, Wu Shuo went to buy the items used to make the female celebrity, and bought some meat back.

On their way back, they happened to meet one of Wu Hui's most hated people, the half-brother Wu Yuanshuang. Li Kuan saw her gritted her teeth and clenched his fists. His eyes were full of resentment and unwillingness, and he whispered: "Do you want revenge?"

"miss you!"

Wu Jue didn’t ask any way to avenge her. She wanted to make her mother’s grievances have an explanation. Even if the person in front of her was her second brother, she would treat her mother extremely coldly. When her father was not at home, she would ridicule the three of their sisters. Even insulting words.

"Kill him, or beat him to get out of my anger?" Li Kuan's words made Wu Jue embarrassed. After killing Wu Yuanshuang, she couldn't make that determination. After all, the two were half brothers and sisters and could only choose The latter beat him up.

Seeing that she chose the latter, Li Kuan understood her worries in his heart, and the resentment towards Wu Yuanshuang was nothing but anger, not really to the point where life and death were intolerable. At this time, Wu Yuanshuang was riding a horse alone around Jiangling City. Because of his father's relationship, he was serving as a member of the army in Anju.

The funeral of Samurai Yu has passed, and his filial piety has been kept for a hundred days, and his father's body was sent to his hometown in Bingzhou for burial, and his elder brother Wu Yuanqing accompanied him. It happened that he stayed in the mansion. Although Wu Yuanqing was very cold and cold towards the mother and daughter of the Yang family, she also remembered that the three sisters of the Wu family were also the father's blood and did not do too much. Did not show up.

Even so, Wu Yuanqing used to be very mean to the Yang family. This is also because Wu Zetian held a grudge after ascending to the throne, relegated him to Longzhou governor, and died on the way to his post. However, Wu Sansi, Wu Yuanqing's son, was quite used by Wu Zetian.

Li Kuan called Zhang Chong and said something to him quietly, a strange color appeared on his face, and he nodded in agreement. Immediately afterwards, Li Kuan parked the carriage in a place where no one could see it, and quietly followed Wu Yuanshuang with Wu Hui.

Wu Jue was curious about where Zhang Chong had gone. He didn't expect that when he followed Wu Yuanshuang to the alley, Zhang Chong suddenly appeared without saying a word and found a sack directly on his head, leaving only his lower body. The sudden sack frightened Wu Yuanshuang. Zhang Chong hit him with punches and kicks. When Wu Yu saw Wu Yuanshuang being beaten, he was in a good mood and smiled more on his face.

Li Kuan clearly heard Wu Hui whisper: "Slap him in the face... a few more kicks... This strength can be stronger!"

While watching happily, he commented on Zhang Chong’s actions. Li Kuan covered his face and really didn’t know what to say. He wanted to take a lesson in person, and finally thought that he would definitely kill someone if he took it, and let Zhang Chong take it. Proper measure is better.

"You said you want revenge, how can you not hit two punches yourself!"

After Li Kuan finished speaking, he hugged her in Wu Hui's shocked eyes, and quickly came to Wu Yuanshuang who was trapped in a cloth bag. Wu Hui immediately persuaded her when she saw this. It was really impossible for her to do something, but Li Kuan had to. Asking her to punch twice, Wu Shuo thought about it and kicked it twice, but her strength was pitiful. Li Kuan knew that Wu Shuo's heart knot was a lot, so Zhang Chong gave Zhang Chong a look. The three of them quickly After leaving, Wu Yuanshuang was beaten for no apparent reason, and before he found the culprit, he was so angry that he stayed at home for three months and did not dare to go out, because his face was beaten in such a way that he had no face to see people. (End of this chapter)