Tang Yun

Chapter 52: Slave market


Li Kuan knew that it had only been two days since he came to Gangneung City. It would be a hassle to recruit guards from the inner palace. After all, those who know martial arts or those who have some abilities have long been incorporated by the army, and it's really not easy to find those you like.

"My son, why don't you go back to the slave market and buy some slaves?" Zhang Chong suggested, "It happens that there is a shortage of servants in the mansion, and these people have to buy them from the slave market. If you encounter some special circumstances, you can even buy them at a low price. "

Li Kuan also knew that there was still a slave system in the Tang Dynasty. Most high-ranking officials would buy slaves and return home to serve as slaves. They only need to take care of their food and housing. They can even disregard birth, old, sick, and death, but he didn't expect that there would be a slave market in Jiangling City.

The slave market is a place where slaves trade in a county or several counties. There are fathers who have to sell their daughters because of life, and there are merchants who specialize in slave trade. According to different affiliations, they are divided into official slaves and private slaves. .

And in the slave market there are Kunlun slaves, Bodhisattva and Silla maidservants. These three types of slaves are the most common slaves in the residences of high officials and nobles. Among them, the Kunlun slaves are mostly males, and the rest are mainly young and beautiful women. Some were even used as playthings or gifts among the nobles.

There is such a slave market in the more prosperous capital of Datang, just like Chang'an City is the largest slave market in the country, and it is protected by the laws of Datang, and buyers and sellers need to sign contracts. At this time, it is called ' Buy slave coupons'. If you are not satisfied, you can return the goods, and the seller will refund the purchase price; if the buyer maliciously cheated, it will be dealt with in accordance with the law and a penalty of 100 will be imposed.

"Do you know where the slave city is?" Li Kuan asked Wu Shuo, who was familiar with Jiangling City. The latter nodded and replied, "It's in Jinan City, ten miles north of Jiangling City!"

Li Kuan was surprised: "Jinan City still exists?"

According to the "Records of the Chu Family": "In the first year of the King of Chu Wen moved the capital here from Danyang, until the 21st year of King Qingxiang, the Qin ruled Bai up and ended. Chu State was established here for more than 400 years, and there were two in total in Chu. Ten kings came to the throne here, and it was the largest city in the south at that time."

Many important events of the Chu Kingdom took place in this city, like the earliest used golden coins, Wu Qi Reform and other important decrees, which were also promulgated and implemented from here. Most of the celebrities in the Spring and Autumn Period and Warring States Period came to Chu, such as Confucius, Zhuangzi, Mozi and so on.

According to historical records, Jinan City was the most populous capital in the world at that time, with a total population of 300,000 throughout the journey. It was also one of the best-built and most prosperous capital cities. But all of this came to an abrupt end in 278 BC when Bai Qi's capture of Jinan City in one fell swoop.

Bai Qi was the head of the four famous generals in the Warring States period, and he was also known as a "killing god". According to incomplete statistics, more than two million people died during the Warring States period. About half of them died under the army commanded by Bai Qi. The real "million slaughter god", after he occupied Jinan City, he razed the capital to the ground, and since then, Jinan City has become history. The fastest full text of 噺⒏⑴祌 んττρs:/м.χ八㈠zщ.còм/

"Of course it exists!" Wu Shuo's decisive answer left Li Kuan dumbfounded. He knew that the history he knew was very different from the current trajectory, but he did not expect that the'Ji Nan City' that became history actually existed.

Seeing that Li Kuan was intimidated by her own words, Wu Jue was also a little embarrassed, and muttered comfortingly: "Although it is not the original Ji Nancheng, it still exists!"

In fact, Jinan City was indeed destroyed, but after the rise of the slave market, the government rebuilt a city on the basis of the original site of Jinan City for the purpose of buying and selling slaves. After all, Jiangling City is only that big, and the influx of so many slaves will also affect the order of the city.

After Li Kuan woke up, he hurriedly got up and prepared to go to Jinan City to find out. He was full of curiosity about this city. He also forgot that Wu Jue was still in the house. If Wu Jue was not yelling behind him, Li Kuan would take care of himself. She left and left.

When Yang saw Li Kuan heading to Jinan City in a hurry, and Wu Jue yelling constantly behind her, she also shook her head helplessly. Since Li Kuan went to the slave market to buy slaves, Yang did not care much about it, so he and the two daughters also went out of the house to buy things for the winter in the market. Liao Fan and Fei Lian followed behind, to put it plainly. Act as a coolie.

Zhang Chong and Leng Feng followed Li Kuan and Wu Hui to Jinan City. The Dudu Mansion was located between the two cities. Under the command of Wu Hui, a living map, they quickly reached the location of Jinan City. New Bayi Chinese website debut

Li Kuan and Wu Hui got out of the carriage one after another and looked up at Ji Nan City in history. They found that they were a little different from what they had thought. When Wu Hui lowered his head and followed behind silently, he knew in his heart that Wu Hui was walking behind. There must be great moisture in what Sui said.

The city of Jinan in front of me is more like a market for slave trade. Although there are gates, it cannot be compared with any other city. The gates are only two meters high and three meters wide. The group of them put their horse-drawn carriages outside and tied them at the gates. There are also people who write "slaves coupons".

Perhaps considering that some businessmen are illiterate, someone should not take this opportunity to earn some book money and enter the slave market through the city gate. As Zhang Chong said, at first glance, there are all kinds of vendors, as well as buyers with gorgeous clothes.

There was a lot of people here, Li Kuan let Wu Shuo follow him, Zhang Chong and Leng Feng guarded around, there were too many people gathered, the crowd was crowded Li Kuan had to lead Wu Shuo, Zhang Chong, Leng Feng were also The crowd rushed away.

No matter what your identity is here, the buyer is the same, and the seller no matter what your identity is, the only rule they follow is the one with the higher price. Wu Jue was held by Li Kuan's little hand, his heart thumping wildly, his face flushed, and his mind was blank again.

Li Kuan didn’t have time to pay attention to this. You have to know that there are too many people here. Both Zhang Chong and Leng Feng were squeezed apart. If it weren’t for his weight different from ordinary people, he might not know where he was squeezed. Wu Hui is only a twelve-year-old girl, and Li Kuan can't imagine her thin arms and legs being squeezed around by a group of rough men like a ball.

There are too many people, and the original holding hand had to hold Wu Jue in his arms to avoid her injury, but also for her safety. After watching for a long time, Li Kuan found that most of the buyers of slaves were men, and some women were all dressed up with wide body and fat. At first glance, they were definitely not normal women. They were more like old bustards in the brothel. They must choose Bodhisattva man, Silla maidservant and other good-looking women.

Li Kuan finally managed to protect Wu Hui from the crowd. Zhang Chong and Leng Feng came to Li Kuan panting. They were at a loss for the situation in front of them, and could not directly act or reveal their identities.

Even revealing the identity is not necessarily useful. There are not a few high-ranking officials and nobles here. The purchase of slaves is the one with the higher price, so the two of them are also very helpless. If they know this result, it would be more suitable for Liao Fan and Fei Lian to come. . (End of this chapter)