Tang Yun

Chapter 526: Tears filled his eyes


Dang Renhong is very rare in his age and a few years older than Wang Huai. The reason why Dang Renhong is reused is not only his talent, but also his loyalty to Datang. Even Hou Junji is far behind. After Hou Junji was in prison, he complained that Li Shimin had treated him unfairly, and he had made great achievements and was lawless.

Dang Renhong made great military exploits, but since he was arrested and put in prison, he never complained. He was deeply regretful. He not only truthfully explained what he had done, but also showed no signs of arrogance. When I returned to Beijing, I was very motivated and completely different from each other. A genius remembers Chinese in one second 8/1/z/o/m/

Dang Renhong had three sons and two daughters. The eldest son died to save Tang Gaozu Li Yuan during the Xue Ju rebellion. In the same year, his second son was shot to save Taizong Li Shimin. Both sons died on the battlefield. Dang Renhong was deeply saddened. , There are still young children alive.

In order to avoid the tragedy of the white-haired man sending the black-haired man, the youngest son is not allowed to join the army, but the bloody young son still chooses the same path as his father and brother. Guard.

During the Wude period, the early Tang Dynasty was established, and the foundation was unstable. Li Shimin led troops to conquer Wang Shichong's rebels, and the youngest son also died on the battlefield. As for the eldest daughter, she had a better relationship with the Empress Changsun. Later, during the Xuanwumen Incident, in order to help Li Shimin ascend the throne, she drank poisoned wine instead of Empress Changsun and died.

Now Dang Renhong's only daughter is sent to her hometown by him, and she will not be allowed to step into the capital in her entire life. Nowadays, they are ordinary people, marrying others' wives. It can be said that Dang Renhong's family is full of loyalty, which is why Li Shimin is so unwilling to make a decision.

Wang Huai and the others also had a close relationship with Dang Renhong. Since the death of the emperor, Dang Renhong had less contact with each other after he was transferred to the capital. This friendship has remained the same. Only then did Li Kuan understand what Dang Renhong was like, and then he came up with such a method that was not a solution.

The imperial decree is not just talking, it is really to tell the world and be punished by the emperor's courtiers. Generally speaking, there are not many emperors who can really do it, because everyone knows the whole world and exchanges their reputation for the life and death of the minister.

"Father, I have already talked about the method. As for whether to use it or not, it's up to you!"

After Li Kuan finished speaking, he got up and left. Li Shimin didn't stop him. Now that the crux that was entangled in his heart had been solved, Li Shimin would definitely not continue to sit by the Jinshui River. Immediately passed an edict to Wu Gonggong to proceed with this matter, without any hesitation, and then passed an edict to the officials of the fifth grade and above in the capital to meet in the Taiji Palace tomorrow.

The next day, Emperor Taizong Li Shimin of Tang Dynasty ordered people to move straw mats, incense mounts and other objects to the Taiji Hall. The officials looked at each other and were puzzled. Li Shimin got up from the dragon chair and walked straight to the platform, heartbroken, and said in a deep voice: " Laws and decrees are the laws of the country, which are followed by the monarchs, subjects and the people. If the subjects break the law, they should be punished severely. If we break the law, they are also severely punished. The emperor commits the same crime as the common people!"

"The crimes committed by the former governor of Guangzhou and Guangdu Gongdang Renhong made me restless in sleep and food, and his crime should be punishable. However, Dang Renhong was also the hero of the founding of the country. He was deeply favored by the emperor but scorned the laws of the country. Sir, to harm the people, there is more than a guilty death."

"The Dali Temple Secretary Cui Ren has repeatedly asked me to sentence Dang Renhong to beheaded with a royal pen, and all the Aiqings have also charged him with death. This is a model of my Datang law and order that has been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. I am very relieved; of course, I know the party. Renhong’s capital crime is still in vain of the country’s laws and favoritism. This is my fault, so I have violated the law."

"Since I am very old, I have three sons and two daughters under my knees. For the sake of Datang Jiangshan, there is only one woman remaining on the battlefield. Whenever I think of this, I feel uneasy. If I cut the party Renhong, it will show. The law of the country is also fair, and it is against the law if it is not cut. Therefore, I am willing to break the law for him to avoid the death penalty. All the stolen money shall be confiscated, his nobility shall be reduced, he shall be dismissed, he shall be demoted to the common people, and he shall be sentenced to exile and sent to Qinzhou.

"I know that this behavior is illegal, but I have to do it again. I would rather break the law to avoid the death penalty than Dang Ren Hong Manmen Zhonglie will be punished by the first and the wrong place. I know my sins, so starting today, I will sit on the grass in the southern suburbs. Xi and self-blame, once a day for rough tea and light meal, apologizing for three days as a sign of punishment."

"Don't be a saint!" Li Shimin sent an edict with sincerity and heartbroken. All the officials were moved, and there was a huge wave in his heart that could not be calm for a long time. As for Dang Renhong's slaying, he had long been forgotten, and tears filled his eyes. Some veterans even cried out loudly. In a blink of an eye, the entire Tai Chi Hall was full of tears.

Since ancient times, how many people have blamed themselves for ministers

They had never seen the things recorded in the book, but now Li Shimin really did it. Everyone felt that it was their blessing to have such a Mingjun, and Tang Taizong Li Shimin took the lead in abiding by the law, and the officials asked him not to blame himself. .

Even the old officials such as Wei Zheng and Fang Xuanling persuaded him. Li Shimin refused firmly and said with great sorrow: "I am issuing an edict today, and the edict has made the world my fault: one is to know others, the other is to betray the law for personal gain, and the third is to reward and punish. I hope you will continue to persuade Aiqing."

The play has already gone on, Li Shimin certainly can't give up halfway, and it is also a sincere idea. If it were to go to the southern suburbs to apologize for three days, wouldn't the entire Chang'an people be able to see the dragon face, which would damage the majesty of the Datang Empire, and everyone once again advised him not to go to the southern suburbs to blame himself. New 81 Chinese website update the fastest computer terminal: https:// www.@x81zw @@.com/

After three times of persuasion, the officials forced death. Li Shimin had no choice but to dispel the thought of going to the southern suburbs to blame himself. He burst into tears, and Yang Tianchang sighed: "Since you Aiqing insists on not allowing it, then I will blame myself! "

As the king of a country, they can’t beg for ministers, and they can’t bear such a big gift. Li Shimin walked off the platform after speaking. Wu Gonggong followed closely. The ministers’ eyes moved with Li Shimin, and Li Shimin walked out of the hall. Outside the door, he knelt on his knees and said with tears: "The Emperor Taizong of Tang Dynasty begs God to leave Dang Renhong a life!"

Li Shimin's face was full of tears, he was really cruel to kill Dang Renhong. Outside the hall, Li Shimin cried bitterly, and the officials in the hall cried bitterly. Moved by Li Shimin's behavior, they changed their minds and agreed to stay in the party, Renhong, and demoted him to the common people's distribution to Qinzhou.

If he postponed his enthronement as emperor, Li Shimin would never hesitate so much. Today is different from the past. Li Shimin is now firmly on the throne, unlike in the early days when he needed to kill a hundred to frighten the former officials of the Gaozu Emperor.

The sin of self-crimination was immediately made public, telling the world that Li Shimin's favoritism to leave Dang Renhong's life is not only not controversial, but on the contrary, he believes that the current emperor Taizong is a rare emperor and praises him. (End of this chapter)