Tang Yun

Chapter 535: One emperor through the ages


Although Li Kuan is sure to cure Wei Zheng's illness, he has never seen it with his own eyes, and there are still people who are unwilling to believe that it can be cured. Only Wei Zheng firmly believes in it. Li Kuan only knew from the pulse, how Wei Zheng didn't believe his medical skills.

Everyone looked at Li Shimin, the current emperor. It was a good thing for Wei Zheng to recover, but they all remembered that Li Kuan had offended the emperor just now, which was really a sin of disrespect. Now that Li Shimin is the party concerned, he dare not speak if he doesn't speak.

"Father, you won't be so stingy!" Li Kuan retreated as advancing, like joking and talking to himself: "In my mind, the father is broad-minded and can tolerate everything and everything is worthy of a generation. The great ambition, the momentum of swallowing mountains and rivers, the king’s presence in the world has made me live and work in peace and contentment in the Tang Dynasty, and it is not too much to be an emperor through the ages!" The full text of the article is the fastest んττρs:/м.χ八㈠zщ.còм/

Li Shimin squinted his eyes and enjoyed Li Kuan's flattery. Everyone almost spit out a mouthful of blood. In terms of brazenness, who can compete with Li Kuan, everyone has to admit that they are inferior to Li Kuan. At this time, Li Kuan is like a dog leg. Yes, you dare to say anything, Li Kuan's expression is as usual without the slightest timidity.

"This is too nonsense!"

"Served, it's a fucking serving!"

"It's really a good strategy to retreat as progress!"

"High, too high!"

Everyone admired them. Li Kuan spoke very seriously and could not see the slightest contrived meaning, but Li Shimin still liked to listen to these compliments very much. If others are brazen, Wei Zheng, as an admonishment doctor, will definitely counterattack unceremoniously, and will righteously keep Li Shimin away from the villain.

Take the hand short, eat the mouth short!

Wei Zheng did not hold any hope, and was ready to face death. At this time, Li Kuan made a sun appear in his dim world. The corner of Wei Zheng's mouth twitched twice, recalling Li Kuan's warning, he had to divert his attention, for fear that he would die before he was cured.

Although Li Kuan was suspected of slapping his beard and horses, some people guessed it was his strategy, but no one in the room dared to refute it. If they refute what Li Kuan said, then they will offend Li Shimin. In Li Shimin's eyes, they think they are not Mingjun. No one dares to say this, except Li Shimin himself.

"An emperor of the ages has exaggerated!" Li Shimin has self-knowledge. He dare not call himself the emperor of the ages. He is self-effacing, and he is still a little expectant. He stroked his beard and smiled from ear to ear, which shows that Li Kuan said just now. He was very happy.

Li Kuan categorically said: "Father is worthy of the reputation of being an emperor!"

"Oh, let's just listen!" Li Shimin squinted and said suddenly. Li Kuan was startled when he heard the words. What he said just now was just following the words, the purpose is to make the emperor forget what happened just now and lift the stone. Smashing his own foot left Li Kuan speechless.

"His Royal Highness can't tell the reason. Could it be that what he said before was deceived?" Dr. Admonishment Chu Suiliang suddenly attacked him. He didn't dare to refute before. Now that Li Shimin said his self-effacement, Chu Suiliang would have stepped down. Do not hesitate to point the finger at Li Kuan.

"I have a grudge against you!" Li Kuan hated that Chu Suiliang had nothing to do and jumped out to pick things up. He could have turned big things into small things, but was blocked by the talkative Chu Suiliang, who said the words from his own mouth. , Li Kuan had to come back even if he tried to put things together, otherwise he would be killed by Chu Suiliang, gritted his teeth and said firmly: "Of course not, but I'm just thinking where to start!" Genius Remember 噺バ一Chinese in one second 8/1/z/o/m/

"Ha ha!"

Chu Suiliang snorted coldly. In his eyes, Li Kuan made it clear that he was just making excuses. He couldn't come forward before, but now he is not afraid. Wei Zheng was the first and most well-deserved minister of admonition at the time, but Chu Suiliang was equally good, otherwise he would not become the emperor's confidant.

"I really thought I was afraid of you!" Li Kuan lowered his heart, glanced at the mocking look on Chu Suiliang's face, and asked loudly and loudly: "Do you want me to talk about it before my father became the emperor, or after I become the emperor? Just listen to me quietly if there is nothing wrong, and if you say something wrong, please give me some advice!"

Not to mention Chu Suiliang, even Kong Yingda and Li Kuan can still not give face, his principle of life is: "People don’t offend me, I don’t offend people, whether you are right or wrong, or right and wrong, in short, it provokes me. I will keep you from coming to stage."

"Since we are talking about an emperor through the ages, it is appropriate to start with the emperor's enthronement as the emperor!" Li Kuan was calm, without any timidity, looking straight at Chu Suiliang, and said: "Since the emperor ascended the throne, he has attached importance to the rule of law and set an example. It is also knowing people and appointing people, employing people on their merits, and never asks about their origins. Only talents and learning can be entrusted with important responsibilities. Therefore, the Chinese and military ministers of the DPRK are all loyal and honest people, which are the blessings of the Tang Dynasty."

"Second, the father and emperor's affairs are focused on the Tang Jiangshan society, and he loves the people like his son. The king and the people are the relationship between the boat and the water, and the water carries the boat, and can also overturn the boat. Today, the implementation of Tiantian is equal to the relationship between the boat and the water. System and rent-yong modulation, even the military system can reflect the heart of the name."

"Throughout the past dynasties, several emperors have been able to abstain from extravagance and simplicity like the father, repeatedly reducing taxes and work and rest for the people, vigorously supporting the development of the agricultural mulberry industry, and even supporting the trade exchanges between merchants, which makes our country more powerful. Strong, the people live and work in peace and contentment, rich in food and clothing, and the capital has been kept open at night for a long time, and there has been no banditry."

"Since his father was enthroned, he was even more worried about the threats of foreign enemies. It was difficult to fall asleep when he turned toss and turn. He always remembered the shame of the past. Therefore, our army has become stronger and stronger, destroying the East Turks, attacking Tuyuhun, and destroying Gaochang to resist the Tubo invasion. Wait, now the world has risen to peace, Wan dynasty has come to China to bow down and proclaim his vassals, and his father is even more known as the Heavenly Khan, and he has achieved such great feats only 16 years after his father became king.

Li Kuan's words are pearly, his sonorous voice is like a hammer hitting Chu Suiliang's chest, making it hard for him to breathe. Li Kuan paused deliberately, turned around to look at Chu Suiliang, and asked word by word: "How can I ask if this feat is not worthy of being an emperor for the ages? Let me ask your sir, can I still say something vain?"

Li Kuan was like a sword that opened the front, and Chu Suiliang retreated step by step, his eyes were deeply amazed and panicked. Because Chu Suiliang was speechless by Li Kuan, but these achievements were true, Chu Suiliang was speechless.

"I don't know what Doctor Chu said before?" Since Chu Suiliang was making trouble for himself, Li Kuan would not let him go so easily, and asked again: "Could it be that Doctor Chu is suspecting that the current emperor is not an emperor in the past? Or is it said that the sage is Fei Mingjun?"

Chu Suiliang panicked completely, he underestimated Li Kuan's talents, and also highly regarded himself. In Li Kuan's mind, no matter how high the status of Chu Suiliang is, embarrassment has nothing to do with him. Because his allegiance is to the emperor, not himself, he must be prepared to pay the price if he dares to provoke himself.

Now the situation has reversed too fast. Under Li Kuan’s words, he not only relieved himself, but also miserable Chu Suiliang. Now he is in a dilemma, sweating, and the whole person is very panicked, and the eyes of other people are also gathered. In Chu Suiliang's body, in Chu Suiliang's eyes, it was all a joke to see himself. (End of this chapter)