Tang Yun

Chapter 592: On meritorious deeds


The next day, news of Li You's death in the Ministry of Internal Affairs circulated in the palace.

Tang Taizong Li Shimin rushed to hear the news and looked at Li You, who was cold, with tears in his eyes, grief and tears in his eyes. The pain of a white-haired person sending a black-haired person to him, even if Li Shimin is the current emperor, can’t give up his family’s affection.

Li Shimin agreed to Li You's last request to allow Concubine Yin to enjoy her twilight years. Concubine Yin heard the news that Li You had hanged herself, and she passed out in grief, but she was in the cold palace and could not go there in person. With the death of Li You, the Yin clan has completely declined and there is no day to turn back. Since then, the Yin concubine has become decadent, and white hair grew out of her thick black hair overnight, and her heart is completely dead.

At the same time, Li Shimin ordered Li You's body to be stored in the ancestral hall. Thinking of Li You's perennial presence in Qizhou and other places, he felt guilty and made people look for a place to build a tomb in Gaoyangyuan, southwestern suburbs of Chang'an City, to make up for his absence in Beijing. After the tomb was successfully built, he was buried in the courtesy of the Lord of the People’s Republic of China.

Since Li You had no children, the country was eliminated; moreover, Li Shimin personally wrote an epitaph for Li You: "Tianhan Shuyuan, Zizhen flows to celebrate; the land is only the emperor, and enjoys his fate. Sloan is favored, badge style Reflecting, slicing a symbol, and chanting the city. The deserted thistle, the dying river economy. Zhu Fusihuang, Tongfeidongqi. Fangqi is good for music, and finally Qian is set at Li. Several of them belong to the evil atmosphere, provoking them into a mansion. Dian. The teacher then went to Jiangling and did not return. Quanxian Yongxi, the courtyard dews his clothes. The imperial love mourns, Chongzi waits for prestige. The boat moves from the valley to the valley, and there is no Xuanfei."

Since then, the rebellion of the King of Qi Li You has come to an end!

In the Chu Palace, Li Kuan learned that Li You had died in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and his body was placed on display in the ancestral hall of the Li family, and he went to worship in sash. Other civil and military officials, princes and others went there in succession. The deceased was gone, and Li You was awarded the funeral of the Lord of the State. They had to go to worship.

Tang Taizong Li Shimin did not quit the court because of Li You's death, and there were still no exceptions in the daily court meeting. In addition, the ministers who contributed to the suppression of the Qizhou rebellion were all promoted to different degrees. For example, Du Xingmin was awarded the bazhou governor and Nanyang county governor; Liu Dewei was awarded the Qizhou governor directly in charge of the Qizhou land. Military and government important affairs.

"This time the hunter on behalf of the sky, the doctor of the censorship, the envoy Li Yun, and others all contributed to the court!" After the early awards to Du Xingmin, Wei Wenzhen and others, Li Shimin publicly announced the rewards of Li Kuan and others, and Duke Wu read the edict. "The third son, Qin Shandao, is the father’s style, not weaker than his father’s merits. Today, Yi Guo is not there; however, the third son is just like his father. He goes deep into the enemy’s camp without fear of life and death. , I am very pleased to be dedicated to my duties; therefore, I was granted the post of General Yulin Zhonglang, the honorable guard, and the noble captain of Qingche, and belonged to the left-leader general and Guo Guoguo Zhang Shigui."

"Long live the last general, long live Xie Wuhuang long live long live long live!" Qin Shandao replied respectfully. He knew that all this was due to Li Kuan. If it weren't for Li Kuan to let him follow him, I really don't know when this will happen. Status is now considered a step up to the sky.

"Xuan Guo, the son of Zheng Rentai of the Shangzhu Kingdom, you are the person on the provincial examination list, and you are originally an AMTD. You are a Datang Jiangshan society, and you are willing to abandon your job, let alone relying on your father's merits to stand. Such a feat is really from Lan Ye. This trip to Daizhou is bold and upright, so he was awarded the title of Shaoqing of Hongyou Temple and the Duke of Tongan County."

"Your Majesty Xie!" Zheng Xuanguo finally had the confidence to say to his father Zheng Rentai, "Father, I can do it without your merits!"

"Jingren, the son of the king of Jiangxia County, Ruchu was appointed deputy envoy, and his conscientious work made me a little surprised. My father is the official book of the Ministry of Etiquette, so he granted Zongzheng the post of Shaoqing." Li Jingren solemnly asked for his gratitude, but he did not give him the title. Jue is also a matter of reason, and Li Daozong nodded his head frequently in comfort.

"Xing Guogong's son left straight, you ordered me to be very surprised. If it hadn't been discovered by Li Yun, the imperial envoy, the imperial doctor Li Yun, I didn't know that you had this ability, so I granted the post of minister of household department and doctor of justice." Fang Yi straight bowed. In order to give thanks, he has the highest rank among the four official positions, and the household servant is the fourth-ranking official, and he also has the post of scattered officials. It can be said that he also has the qualifications to enter and leave the palace.

"The son of Lu Guogong, the husband and the horse, is Wei Cheng Chuliang. You are a husband but you are like a father. It is similar to Qin Shandao. Therefore, he was awarded to the left guard and guard Zhonglang, and he was named the captain of the light car." Cheng Chuliang was grateful, Cheng Yaojin He smiled even more from ear to ear, and the left guard guard Zhonglang would happen to be under his command, how unhappy Cheng Yaojin was.

As for Zhang Chong, Li Zhen and other eight people, they are the official army of the Chu Palace, and this is a fifth-rank official position granted by the court. Although they also made merits in this incident, Li Shimin knew that the eight of them would not leave the Chu Palace easily, and Li Kuan did not necessarily agree.

Therefore, Zhang Chong, Li Dal, Shi Rui, and Leng Feng were awarded General Xuanwei; Fei Lian, Liao Fan, Li Zhen, and Li She were awarded General Mingwei. It is a fourth-rank official rank, and the eight of them have no opinion.

"Doctor of the Imperial History and Emperor Li Yun, the king of Chu, Li Yun!" Li Shimin personally announced Li Kuan's award, "Whether it is a trip to Daizhou or Qizhou, they have made great contributions and stabilized the Tang Jiangshan community. It is a great contribution to benefiting the people of the two places to live in peace."

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Li Kuan lowered his head in silence, thinking: "Can you hurry up? We still have business!"

Although Liu Lancheng's tribe was killed, it was worthy of the crime, but how innocent is the child who is still in the infancy? Qiu Xinggong disregarded Gu's imperial edict, not only killed them all, but also cooked Liu Lancheng's heart and liver. This matter has been haunting Li Kuan's heart, and he must seek justice.

"The emperor is not permanent, and such a major event happened only when the hunter on behalf of the sky went to two states. It can be seen that there are also many problems in the peaceful and heyday. Therefore, I believe that the Ministry of Officials, the Ministry of Households, the Ministry of Criminal Justice, Dali Temple and other departments must Strictly investigate the officials of various prefectures and counties. If more than a dozen exiled envoys can find many problems, why don't you people find out?"

Li Shimin's conversation turned around and he scolded officials from various ministries, making everyone confused, "Today I withdrew from his post as an envoy, you Shangshu, Tingwei and other officials must do your best to check all states and counties across the country, and be sure to give me a satisfactory result. answer."

"The ministers are convicted!" Six Shangshu, the assistant minister and others bowed to answer.

Li Shimin snorted coldly and looked at Li Kuan. A smile appeared in his eyes again, which made Li Kuan somewhat inexplicable. Then he heard Li Shimin forcefully announce: "The imperial envoy, the king of Chu, Li Yun, withdraw him. The post of hunting on behalf of the sky is over, and the post is granted to the general of the town and country. I hope that you will guard the counties of the Tang dynasty, such as corrupt officials, worms in the army, and per capita town in the royal family."

As soon as the voice fell, the entire Tai Chi Hall was silent, everyone was stunned, they couldn't believe that what they heard was true. It is true that the General Zhenguo was dismissing officials, but what the current emperor Li Shimin said is not like a vacant position, but a real official position, which means that Li Kuan has the power to mobilize the army from today, and it is justified. (End of this chapter)