Tang Yun

Chapter 594: The power is first revealed


Fang Yizhi and the others knew why Li Kuan was so angry, he promised Liu Lancheng to keep his grandson. Because Qiu Xinggong only cared about his loyalty and his dissatisfaction with Li Kuan, while Li Kuan went to Qizhou for a long time, he immediately ordered Liu Lancheng to be killed and the three clans to be destroyed. New 81 Chinese website update the fastest computer terminal: https:// www.@x81zw @@.com/

Fang Yizhi, Li Jingren, and Zheng Xuanguo stayed in Daizhou just in case. They never thought that they could do nothing. Facing Qiu Xinggong’s strength, they could do nothing. Jiang Xingben clearly saved themselves from each other. In the end, things became impossible. pack.

Entrusted by others, loyal to others!

Qiu Xinggong's desperate consequences did not take Li Kuan to heart at all, and the existence of Hou Junji between the two of them was grudge. From meeting in Daizhou to meeting in Taiji Palace in Beijing, Li Kuan never had the opportunity to play in person, so he took this opportunity to confront him.

"If the rebels are cut off, they can show their loyalty by eating their hearts and livers. What else do they need to do? You just need to capture the opponents' hearts and livers after being cut off." Li Kuan said coldly, " Loyalty to the court and loyalty to the sage cannot be shown by these tricks. If you are really loyal, even a small clerk can do it, why do you need to be so cruel? Rebellion is true, but they have done it for themselves. Paying the price for their behavior, why let them die?"

"Your loyalty is the court, and forgive me to disagree! If the people who don't know, you think you Qiu Xinggong is a cannibal general, how do you let the people of the world treat my court officials? Don't think that you are going out to represent You yourself, you represent the face of my Datang officials at all levels."

"Even when natural disasters cause famines, few people eat people's hearts and liver, because we are human beings who maintain humanity, not beasts in human skin, and even eat human hearts and liver. No matter how big the sins are committed in front of us, we have already Pay the price, why do you need to be so loyal?"

Li Kuan scolded his head and covered his face, sarcastically, completely disregarding Qiu Xinggong's face and whether other people were present. In short, he said everything that should and shouldn't be said. As for what Qiu Xinggong thinks, it is that his business has nothing to do with him.

Everyone pondered for a long time, and they felt that Li Kuan's words made sense, and Qiu Xinggong was also speechless by Li Kuan's.

Li Shimin reprimanded: "Liu Lancheng conspired, and the crime is not punishable. The state law has already severely punished him, and the death penalty is enough. Why do you want to destroy his body? Where is your turn?"

"I have already issued an edict to save his infancy child's life. This behavior is obviously a violation of the edict, and I still have the opportunity to argue for myself. You are in vain of the imperial order of Gu, my edict! In your heart Can there be me, can there be Datang Jiangshan Sheji?"

The current emperor reprimanded Qiu Xinggong, but the others didn't say anything, and their faces showed contempt and mockery. Knowing that Qiu Xinggong was ashamed and embarrassed, he knelt on his knees and begged for forgiveness. Tang Taizong Li Shimin said that he was meritorious, and Liu Lancheng had already been executed. Even killing Qiu Xinggong would not help.

Therefore, Li Shimin exempted Qiu Xinggong from the death penalty, removed his official position, and was demoted to a commoner. Due to the harsh nature of Qiu Xinggong, even his colleagues who were officials in the same dynasty were extremely jealous of him. Moreover, Qiu Xinggong's scheming and cruel methods were not the first time he was impeached and removed. It is the fourth time this time. . ァ新ヤ~⑧~1~中文网ωωω.χ~⒏~1zщ.còм

Qiu Xinggong is used to it himself, anyway, after three months, he will be reinstated and even promoted. However, what Qiu Xinggong didn't know this time was Li Kuan's impeachment. His words were much more useful than other ministers. There were only three incidents. Qiu Xinggong repeatedly committed crimes, and Li Shimin had to worry about Li Kuan's feelings because of his achievements.

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When the matter of Qiu Xinggong was resolved, Li Kuan's mood calmed down a lot, and the meeting ended.

"Congratulations to your Highness!" Cheng Yaojin, Fang Xuanling, Li Daozong, Li Ji and other officials who had good friends with Li Kuan came to congratulate Li Kuan. Li Kuan was puzzled and said: "Isn't it just granted to the general of Zhen Guo, or a false position." , Is there such a good congratulation?"

Everyone looked at each other and laughed. They all thought Li Kuan was calm before, and didn't care about the title of general. Now that I understand it, Cheng Yaojin laughed and said, "His Royal Highness does not know anything. Since the founding of Datang, there is only one person who has this title.

"Who?" Li Kuan was interested.

"The current emperor!" Cheng Yaojin smiled, and Li Kuan was startled: "I'm going, really? Isn't the father general Tiance general? When was it known as the general of the country?"

"It's old things, don't mention it!" Cheng Yaojin didn't continue to say more on this issue, and said respectfully: "I would like to thank your majesty for your support! If there is no support from your highness, the kid in my family doesn't know when To get the hang of it!"

"Don't!" Li Kuan said quickly, "Lu Guogong, that's not what I said. Although I took him out, it is his own ability to make meritorious work. I just lead in. The other is his own credit. I don't Dare to take credit!"

Fang Xuanling sighed: "Lu Guogong said it is extremely true. My family has obviously felt that he has changed after returning home. I have always worried that he will still behave like before. It is correct to follow the rules, but sometimes it is really not applicable. Thanks to all this. Your Highness!"

"Uncle Wang, don't tell me and want to thank you!" Li Kuan saw this posture and Li Daozong must have the same idea. Before Li Daozong could speak, he took the initiative to block their words of thanks. Li Kuan would not dare to be it, if it weren't for them. Assisting yourself will not go so smoothly, it can be regarded as getting what you need.

Li Daozong was gagged by Li Kuan, and he was too embarrassed to continue, so he nodded to indicate his gratitude to him. At the same time, Youwei Zuolang also came forward to thank Qin Youdao. He knew what his third brother was after, and now he got what he wanted. All of this is also the grace of Li Kuan.

"If it's okay, why don't you go to my house to gather today?" Li Kuan was anxious, he was really tired of hearing it, and after thanking him so much, it was dark, and now everyone who followed him out was rewarded, and Qiu Xinggong Also get punished, it is better to have a banquet in your own house.

Fang Xuanling, Li Daozong, Cheng Yaojin, Li Ji, Zheng Rentai and others looked at each other, and then looked at Li Kuan for a long time. They finally nodded and agreed. As for Qin Shandao, Zheng Xuanguo, Fang Yizhi, and Li Jingren, they did not return to the palace, and went out of the palace with Li Kuan and others and returned to the Chu Palace.

"It looks like we are completely tied to King Chu!..."

For Cheng Yaojin's blunt words, Fang Xuanling, Li Ji, Zheng Rentai and others nodded in agreement. Li Kuan hosted a banquet to entertain them. In a sense, if they went there, they would prove their attitude. They were all involved in the Chu King camp, and this force was not small.

Although Li Kuan didn't think anything, they all agreed clearly that they couldn't look back. In fact, Fang Xuanling and others are all aware of the results of their decision, but they do not regret it. If you regret it, just decline it directly. If they didn't, it proved that they were willing to support Li Kuan at the time. (End of this chapter)