Tang Yun

Chapter 63: the Hangover


"My son, what are you?"

Zhang Chong and others took turns guarding outside Li Kuan’s apse, and no one was allowed to step in. When Li Kuan came out, his face was red as if he was drunk. In fact, it was really like this, Li Kuan swayed. After he came out, he had to try the sake for sake of making wine, so the shochu he drank the most during this time.

"Tell me, everyone in the mansion will not be drunk today!"

Li Kuan’s abrupt remarks made Zhang Chong and the others very surprised. Li Kuan had indeed ordered them to buy soju in major pubs, but he had never let anyone in the house drink it once. Today, he suddenly said that everyone should drink, think about it. All feel incredible.

Zhang Chong and others thought that Li Kuan was drunk to talk nonsense, but they did not expect to let the eight of them into the house to move alcohol. Everyone was stunned for a moment, and they hurried into the house and saw four jars of wine that had not yet been sealed. One person walked out holding a jar of wine. Li Kuan's face was full of pride. These wines took a lot of effort and were finally distilled. Four altars of high-quality wine, let the people in the mansion have a taste today.

Li Kuan drank a lot and dealt with alcohol all day long. Even if he didn't drink, he felt a little dizzy. He went back to the room and slept for a few hours until he was awake after eating. There are about a hundred people in the mansion. Except for women and children, there are nearly 80 men in total.

Because Li Kuan treated the same, regardless of each other's attitude, this time all the servants were all sitting together, but the seats were still different. Li Kuan sits alone in the center, four of Yang’s mother and daughter sit on the right hand side, Zhang Chong and eight others sit on the left hand side, and the rest are all sitting down. They are not really served at the table. This is also the only Yang family serving as a housekeeper Adhere to the advice.

Although these people are no longer slaves, they still have to be distinguished. If they eat at the table with the lord of the house, it will be a mess, and Li Kuan agrees when he sees it. Except for the female family members of Fuzhong and the boys under ten years old, all the other men poured a bowl of dirty wine. The fastest full text of 噺⒏⑴祌 んττρs:/м.χ八㈠zщ.còм/

The wine worms in their stomachs started to make noise, and they couldn’t wait. Li Kuan himself didn’t pour the wine. The main reason was that he drank too much during this time, which was really uncomfortable. After he gave an order, those good wine drinkers drank all the wine in the bowl.

Suddenly, his throat and chest were burning like fire, mainly because he drank too anxiously. Although the concentration of this wine was not as good as modern wine, it was a real grain wine. Since there is no mass production, the water ratio is adjusted to the lowest level, which can be said to have great stamina.

It didn't take long for the person to be calm after drinking. The face was flushed, his eyes looked a little, the whole person smiled like a dream, and the first time he drank high-concentration wine, it was really uncomfortable. People were already drunk and still yelled for two more bowls.

Li Kuan also went with them. As long as nothing major happened, there would be nothing wrong. Those who drank slowly saw other people drunk, scared a little afraid to drink, and all marveled that the stamina of this wine was too great, but in Li Kuan’s Under their eyes, they had to take a sip and taste it. The feeling of burning made them very uncomfortable. Even the Turkic people such as Li Dalle and Shi Rui couldn't adapt to it for a while.

After drinking, everyone seemed to be drunk but not drunk. The feeling of fluttering and ecstatic is the real wine. The four jars of wine were drunk in the crowd, and Li Kuan did not take it seriously. As for people who are drunk and unconscious, it's okay to just let them fall asleep here, and it doesn't matter in summer.

"His Royal Highness, where did you come from?"

Yang is also surprised that the stamina of this wine is much greater than she knew. Although she is a woman who doesn’t drink, her husband is a wine lover, so she naturally knows something, even the knives sold on the market. Make people drunk not so soon.

"Mrs. Rongguo knows too?" Li Kuan looked at Yang in surprise, nodded when he saw her smile, and then explained: "This wine is brewed by myself!"

"His Royal Highness has been behind closed doors for this period of time?" Li Kuan spent more than a month to make wine. Li Kuan felt incredible even after thinking about it. Besides, Li Kuan rarely drinks alcohol, at least Yang has never seen it. After he had drunk it, he didn't understand why he insisted on brewing strong liquor.

Li Kuan nodded and smiled: "Now is just the beginning, and there will be more serious follow-ups. I guarantee that people who are addicted to alcohol will have endless aftertaste!"

Yang looked at Li Kuan's self-confident appearance, and suddenly had nothing to say. She couldn't say it was bad, and she couldn't say it well, so she had to laugh it off. As for what Li Kuan wanted to do, Yang couldn't control it, but she guessed that Li Kuan was definitely not the result of interest, and it must have a deeper meaning.

As the time gets along longer, Yang finds that Li Kuan reveals too many unusual things. He does things unexpectedly. It is his consistent style to play cards not according to common sense. He treats others with courtesy and never regards himself as a prince or master. , Whether facing servants or officials are equal.

Although Li Kuan had been wearing a silver mask and couldn't see his true face, he was more sincere than those who showed true face. Even though Li Kuan has been awake for the most part, the skin on his mouth is still ruddy, which is why others can see his facial expressions, except for the part on the nose, other parts can be seen clearly.

"I can't bear to climb high and far away, looking at my hometown, looking back to my hometown is hard to pick up. Sighing over the past years, why do you suffer so much? I miss the beautiful woman, make up the building and look forward to the house. I missed a few times, and the sky knows the boat. Yun Ning is anxious!"

Li Kuan watched the crowd fall drunk on the ground very stubbornly, as if recalling good memories in his mind, he couldn't help reciting the second half of Liu Yong's "Eight Voices of Ganzhou: To Xiaoxiao's Evening Rain on the River". In the 21st century, when he got together with friends, he was always drunk and unconscious every time. Friends were rarely happy to get together, so naturally he would drink a few more glasses.

Seeing that the people in the mansion were drinking too much and there was already snoring, Li Kuan laughed dumbly. This kind of life is the best!

The next day, everyone woke up from a hangover with a splitting headache. This was also the first time they didn't practice. Zhang Chong, Li She and others couldn't help feeling a little ashamed when they thought of their drunken state last night. They are the guards in the mansion, and they shouldn't suffer all if something happens like yesterday.

Therefore, after experiencing the events of last night, Zhang Chong and the eight people set the rules with a clear heart. Under any circumstances, it is not allowed to get drunk and unconscious, and offenders are severely punished! When they couldn't wait to find Li Kuan, they heard the maid Li Yan say that the son had left early in the morning, and he has not yet returned.

Zhang Chong and others were anxious to leave the mansion, but Li Dong called out and said, "The son said, let you stay in the mansion and wait, and you are not allowed to leave the mansion without his order."

The people were full of regret. They had known that Li Kuan was out of the house this morning. They didn't dare to drink too much yesterday, but now thinking about the feeling at that time, everyone felt that the wine bug in their stomachs seemed to be awake again, and they hurriedly diverted their attention and dared not think again. (End of this chapter)