Tang Yun

Chapter 64: Go home tavern


When Li Kuan woke up the next day, seeing Zhang Chong and others still asleep, he didn't wake them up. Wu Jue was like a follower, and followed Li Kuan out of the house. Li Kuan wanted to go on horseback alone, but finally gave up on buying a car instead.

What Li Kuan has to do today is to find a tavern that can be purchased. The wine he has finally brewed can't be wasted in such a wasteful way. The key is to turn them into money. After all, the subsequent plans and deployments all need money to pave the way, no money is the beginning of everything!

Li Kuan took a bought car and wandered around the major streets of Gangneung City, searching for the pub he wanted through the curtains. Jiangling City said it was big or small, and Li Kuan had seen all the streets all over it. It could almost be said that such a pub could not be taken down.

Therefore, Li Kuan retreated and searched for the target in the auxiliary road adjacent to the main road. After wandering around for a long time, he still found nothing. In desperation, Li Kuan had to aim at a street where there were few pedestrians, and after another two hours, he could not find a suitable tavern.

"My son, what are you looking for?" Wu Hao has been sitting quietly next to Li Kuan, and from time to time he stretched out his head to look around. Li Kuan's gaze searched around. She also looked at it with a decent look, and then saw Li Kuanlue. The disappointed face asked aloud.

Li Kuan sighed, "Why can't I find a tavern in the huge Jiangling City?"

"I just passed by a tavern, why did the son say that he could not find it?" Wu Jue looked at Li Kuan suspiciously, and remembered that he mentioned the wine he brewed yesterday. He immediately understood what he meant, and said quickly: "The son is looking for a tavern. I know there is one!"


Li Kuan looked at Wu Hui in surprise, and saw that she nodded affirmatively, and hurriedly asked her to lead the way. Today’s carriage has a special coachman who follows the route Wu Hui said. Sure enough, there is a pub in a deserted place in the west of the city. , Men Ke Luo Que.

Li Kuan quickly got out of the carriage, and Wu Jue also walked out of the carriage, following closely behind. Li Kuan did not go straight in to discuss the price with the shopkeeper. Instead, he stopped and observed outside the pub. The pub has four floors. Except for the first floor, which is more than three meters high, the second and third floors are only about two meters high, and the last floor is only about two meters high. The height is about one meter, and the shape is like an exquisite tower, with narrow top and wide bottom.

On the whole, this tavern has been around for some years. The railings in the corridors on the second and third floors have been rotten. The paint on the exterior of the tavern has peeled off too much. Even the steps on the first floor have been eroded by time. The color has changed, and it is no longer the bright white it used to be, but rather dark yellow.

From this point of view, the doors and windows on the second and third floors also showed signs of repair. It seems that Li Kuan's guess is hastily. On the first floor, there are four steps in front of the main entrance. A dusty plaque is hung above the entrance. The plaque reads "Homecoming Tavern". On the left and right sides of the entrance, there are two discolored wooden boards. There is a couplet written on the board:

上lian: The end wall is covered with vines to separate the downtown area; Bottom: the small bridge and flowing water connect the restaurant

Li Kuan muttered to himself and couldn't help but laugh, the couplet described it really appropriately. At the same time, Li Kuan took a look at the surrounding environment and found that there was a mountain in front of the tavern with water and a road on the left and right sides. Such a geographical location can be said to be a natural advantage.

At least Li Kuan stayed here for so long, no one came to patronize except him, and it was hard to see anyone walking on the road. Wu Shuo knew that there was this tavern, so the people in Jiangling City could not have known it. Li Kuan walked into the tavern full of doubts.

Li Kuan just ignored his feet and almost fell down. He looked surprised at the uneven pit on the stone steps. His front heel happened to be in the pit. He raised his eyes and looked at the four stone steps. He frowned slightly and found a little bit. Go up to a better place. New Bayi Chinese website debut

The door on the first floor was open, and Li Kuan walked in. The smell of dust that had not been cleaned for a long time made him frown again, and there was also a smell of musty. Such an environment was really unbearable. When he and Wu Shuo walked into the tavern, they saw the shopkeeper and the guy sleeping on the table.

Li Kuan yelled twice, and the two woke up from their sleep. After watching them for a long time, they continued to sleep on their stomachs without serious consideration. They still mumbled: "This dream is made to look like the real thing." , If there are customers in the store, it is really a smoke from the ancestors!"

Li Kuan couldn’t laugh or cry. The two of them were guests. Now they looked like dreaming. They had to raise their voices and shout twice. The two of them woke up like a dream, and looked at Li Kuan and Wu Jue again. At a glance, I believe that there are really guests here.

Suddenly, the guy seemed to be beaten with blood, with a smile on his face, greeted Li Kuan and Wu Jue enthusiastically, cleaning the table, pouring water and making tea. He was very busy. Almost, the shopkeeper's eyebrows asked with a smile: "The two guest officials want to eat or drink?"

What Li Kuan didn't dare to eat was just to let the shopkeeper bring up a pot of wine, but Wu Hui ordered a dish. The shopkeeper hurriedly ordered his buddies to go down and make arrangements, and Li Kuan casually chatted with the shopkeeper. This shopkeeper may not have a guest for a long time. When someone is willing to talk, he is naturally willing to accompany him.

I learned from the shopkeeper that this tavern has been in Gangneung for some years. It is considered an old-fashioned tavern. The shopkeeper made a lot of money in the first three years, but its business plummeted in the next two years. People are willing to come. New 81 Chinese network update the fastest computer terminal: https://

Li Kuan asked curiously: "Could it be that the shopkeeper's price is too high?"

The shopkeeper shook his head and sighed: "The guest officer didn't know that the price of our tavern in the entire Gangneung city was the most affordable, and there were still no customers coming."

"What's the reason for that?" Li Kuan asked, the shopkeeper's eyes were a little dodged, hesitating like the bottom of a pub, Li Kuan went on to say: "Don't worry, I am the strictest person who will never talk nonsense. !"

The shopkeeper saw that Li Kuan was polite to him, and even the wine that came up was drunk with himself, biting his teeth and telling it out. This pub is an old brand in Jiangling, yes, it’s just that it’s remote, plus official roads, main roads, etc. All go around, there are only trails.

Those newcomers and other merchants will naturally not take the sidewalks and will not pass through the store. In addition, the tavern cooks and buddies go out to earn a living. The business of the tavern is not as good as the year, and the cost of delivering fresh ingredients is high, even if the tavern opens. Loss is also a loss-making business.

"Will the shopkeeper be willing to cede this tavern?" Li Kuan slowly stated his purpose. The shopkeeper was very knowledgeable. When he saw Li Kuan, he knew that the other party was definitely not in the tavern for eating and drinking. It must have been for the tavern. , I want to buy it.

In fact, the shopkeeper has long wanted to sell the tavern to earn the money and return to the hometown for the elderly. Finally, someone was willing to take over, and naturally hoped that the other party could buy it. Then he told Li Kuan all about it. In short, it was sold at a low price. , As long as the other party buys him and sells it. (End of this chapter)