Tang Yun

Chapter 649: with no doubt


Li Kuan teased Li Ke and Li Zhi like a cat and a mouse. When they were standing by, the cavalry was also silent; when they slackened a little, the cavalry began to move. Needless to say, the Leopard Cavalry Army and the Habayashi Army generals were aggrieved. What's more terrible is that Li Kuan didn't plan to die and let the situation continue.

"Can you really break through the siege?"

This problem emerged in the minds of the soldiers of the two armies. Looking at Li Kuan, who was the same general, they were unwilling but had to admire them. At the same time, everyone also imagined that if Li Kuan commanded them to fight, it would definitely not be the way they are now. Lose.

Li Ke and Li Zhi, both generals, looked at the soldiers and bowed their heads, their morale gradually dissipated, and they lost their combat effectiveness. Even if there are more people than the Cavalry, there is still no chance of winning. The only prayer is to end this embarrassing situation as soon as possible.

Li Ke and Li Zhi were unwilling, depressed, and their panicked eyes were full of fear. Only when they were in it did they know that Li Kuan's military talents far surpassed them, and even Qin Shandao, Fei Lian and others had already begun to show their strength.

Li Ke and Li Zhi sighed up to the sky, and said in unison: "I admit defeat!"

Yu Zhining, Zhang Xingcheng and others were bitter, full of frustration and disappointment. They never thought that the Xiao cavalry in Li Kuan's hands was like a divine help, like a broken bamboo, without fear of any soldiers and horses. Although I don't want to admit it, I have to admit that Li Kuan's talents are far better than Li Ke and Li Zhi.

All the civil servants and generals on the stage were taken aback. Changsun Wuji, Cen Wenwen and others looked pale and gloomy. Only Li Shimin remained unchanged from beginning to end. There was a result in his mind. After seeing this battle for command the day before yesterday, Li Shimin knew that Li Kuan would be the final winner, and there was no suspense.

With the talents shown by Li Kuan, even if he should be a general in the army, he is enough to take on this important task!

When Li Ji returned to the palace from Xiaoqi Camp, he was full of praise for Li Kuan's ability. At that time, Li Shimin didn’t think it was hot. Even if he was powerful, he would not be better than the long-famous general. Until he witnessed it with his own eyes, Li Shimin finally believed in Li Ji’s words and thought of Li Daozong’s recommendation. He had to admit that in terms of military talent, he had many heirs. No one can be better than him, even if he was back then, he is not necessarily better than him.

When Li Kuan set up the five-element formation in the Xiaoqi Camp, he also saw the shortcomings. He was far from being as prosperous as it is today. He could perfectly cope with both offensive and defensive actions. Such a change is no longer a simple command, but as a person. The strategizing ability that a general has.

Li Ji and Li Daozong are the only abilities who have seen Li Kuan, and once again witnessed that it is still difficult to calm down, with undisguised appreciation and joy in their eyes. Cheng Yaojin, Wei Zheng and others were also very shocked. The result of this battle for command has been doomed from the very beginning.

"Does your majesty know it a long time ago?" Everyone looked suspiciously at Li Shimin with a smile. There was no surprise or joy, as if it was a matter of course. This thought came to everyone's mind, and they all looked at each other.

With Li Ke and Li Zhi taking the initiative to surrender, Li Kuan deservedly won the handsome banner. Li Shimin signaled Zhang Shigui to announce the result. This is the site of the Forbidden Army, which should be announced in public by Zhang Shigui. Zhang Shigui loudly announced Li Kuan's victory, and the entire cavalry officers were elated.

Then, Li Shimin got up from the couch, walked to the general stage, looked at Li Kuan, smiled and said: "Today Li Yun won the handsome flag, and he will go with the army to the Xue Yantuo tribe on another day. I passed on my edict and named Li Yun, the general of the town’s country. General of Peking University and deputy commander; General Xunwei Yulin Zhonglang, Qingche Duwei Qin Shandao and others went on the expedition. As for the Cavalry officers and soldiers awarded the military lieutenant, they each gave imperial wine and rewards for five days off! "

"Long live my emperor, long live long live!" The Cavalry soldiers shouted in unison. These three months of training made them painful and happy, and any effort would be rewarded. If it were not for Li Kuan as the general, how could they have this reward.

Everyone was in high spirits, but Li Kuan was crying and looking at Li Shimin for a long time, secretly guessing: "Did he deliberately lead me into the set?"

Li Ke, Li Tai, and Li Zhi were silent. They had already seen Li Kuan's greatness on the training ground today. Now that the three of them already knew the gap between them, they looked at Li Kuan's gaze very complicated, some were unwilling, but also resentful, and more of them were jealous.

Changsun Wuji, Cen Wenwen, Yang Shidao and others took a deep look at Li Kuan. They wanted to speak but couldn't speak. Li Shimin had said that it was up to them to discuss the result. In fact, when the results appeared, nothing happened to them. Li Shimin directly announced the results and appointments without any intention of discussing them. Even if it's a negotiation, they can't do anything about it.

The eyes of everyone looking at Li Kuan were full of jealousy, and Changsun Wuji and others looked at each other but bowed their heads in silence. Then Li Shimin said: "The four of you will follow me back to the palace and go to the ancestral temple to worship the ancestors!"

"Only!" Li Kuan and others bowed and saluted.

Li Kuan did not know the meaning of worshiping the ancestors, but Changsun Wuji and Li Daozong knew about this. Li Kuan officially entered the ancestral temple, which meant that his status was recognized. Because Li Kuan has not participated in the sacrifice in the past two years, only this year is different.

Li Kuan's participation in ancestor worship proves that his status is skyrocketing, and his influence in the DPRK is no less than that of a prince. Even the former prince Li Chengqian was not necessarily better than Li Kuan. This made Li Ke, Li Zhi, Changsun Wuji and the others stunned, like a big stone pressed against their chest, making them breathless.

Now Li Kuan has officially become a mountain that they can't climb in their hearts!

It was past noon, and the entire royal bloodline participated in the ancestor worship ceremony.

Since ancient times, female relatives were not allowed to enter the sacrifices, only males were qualified. The ancestor worship was carried out under the auspices of Li Daozong. The cumbersome procedures were really unbearable, but Li Kuan had to continue. Even though he does not agree with Li Shimin as a father, the blood flowing on him cannot be parted. Sacrificing the ancestors is to comfort the world and ancestors. This is a ritual system since ancient times. No one should be disrespectful.

The third generation also participated in the ancestor worship, even if Li Xi and Li Tun were still young, Li Kuan had to take their brothers to participate. When the ancestor worship was over, two hours had passed, and it was getting dark soon, and I was ready to leave.

Li Kuan brought Li Xi and Li Tun back to the emperor. Li Shimin nodded and said, "I will go to Da'an Palace with the Queen later!"

"Go to me?" Li Kuan was shocked when he heard the words, looked at Li Shimin suspiciously, and said: "Father, you don't want to spend the holidays with us!"

"Why, do you have an opinion?" The smile on Li Shimin's face disappeared, and he questioned Li Kuan expressionlessly. The latter wanted to speak bluntly. Looking at the unkind emperor, Li Kuan quickly turned his words: "Of course not, welcome. So, the father, I will go back to the mansion to make arrangements!"

"Go!" Li Shimin's smile appeared on his face again. Li Kuan hurriedly hugged Li Xi and Li Tun and left the palace, wondering: "Why do you think of going to my holiday?" (End of this chapter)