Tang Yun

Chapter 658: There is no room for delay


"Tell me!" Li Daozong pondered for a moment, staring at Li Kuan intently, waiting for his answer.

As the Marshal of Peking University, Li Daozong was the highest officer of Xue Yantuo's tribe in this conquest, but he didn't think Li Kuan was slanderous or uttered at will. Regarding the situation of Nuozhenshui, Li Daozong has a glimpse from the topographical map.

Only Li Kuan knows the details.

"The war in the fifteenth year of Zhenguan was in Nuozhenshui!" Li Kuan said truthfully, "Nuozhenshui is a strategic highland, which can be retreated and defended, and can be attacked. If our army sets up a tent in Nuozhenshui, Using this as a stronghold and marching northward will surely break it in one fell swoop."

After Li Kuan participated in the Battle of Nuozhenshui, after explaining the reasons, he explained the geographical advantages and situation of Nuozhenshui one by one. Nuozhen Water is the ancient name. Today it is called Aibugai River. It is an inland river in the Damao grassland of Inner Mongolia. It flows from west to east and then flows northward in this place, and finally belongs to Tengger Nuoer, forming an area of about 20. A lake with a water depth of about one meter and two square kilometers.

Li Kuan’s proposed station is Hezhou, which is formed in the Nuozhen Water Basin. With a basin area of 10,000 square kilometers, this Hezhou covers an area of only three to four square kilometers, which is far less than one-tenth. However, this Hezhou is the best place to station.

At the beginning, Dadu set up the place to occupy this place and set up the battle to confront the Tang army without losing the wind. Later, they were defeated due to carelessness and ill-consideration, but the strategic position of this place could not be ignored. The upstream area of Nuozhen Water is mountainous terrain, and the river is blocked to form a valley about two kilometers wide. If you want to attack from the upstream, it is difficult to attack; the middle reaches is the intersection of hills and stone mountains, and there is also a valley about 400 meters wide. ; As for the lower reaches of the Gobi Desert.

It can be said that Nuozhen Water is not only a natural barrier, but also the best strategic location. If you want to attack Xue Yantuo, you must slowly figure it out. Now that the Tang Army is stationed in the north of Yinshan Mountain, encountering rain and snow, it is difficult to move forward and must first choose a good stationing place.

"If it encounters severe weather such as rain, this Hezhou may be submerged!" Li Daozong heard Li Kuan's introduction, and felt that the oasis was a good choice, but he looked up at the gloomy sky and didn't know when the snow would be able to Stop, whether there will be rain after the snow stops, this is what Li Daozong is most worried about.

After all, Hezhou is a temporary place formed by the river after a long period of scouring, and it is by no means a natural place. Although Li Daozong is a northerner, he has also experienced floods caused by rain, which is absolutely unimaginable horror, and he does not know whether this Hezhou can withstand the surge of the river, or even be submerged.

"Don't worry, I dare to say that there will be nothing wrong with this Hezhou!" Li Kuan replied affirmatively. The confident smile made Li Daozong a little surprised. Li Kuan firmly believed that no matter how much rain there was, there would be Jiangnan. Is there much rain in the water town

The formation of Hezhou did not happen overnight, even if it was submerged, it would exist unless it was encountered in a special climate. As for whether this Hezhou will still exist in the future, Li Kuan is unsure. The only certainty is that nothing will happen this time.

It has been more than a year since the last war. As long as the investigation still exists this time, it will prove that my guess is correct.

"If this is the case, then act according to your plan!" Li Daozong chose to believe in Li Kuan's decision and spared no effort to support him. Li Kuan froze for a moment, then smiled and nodded. After the two people discussed it, it was decided that Nuozhenshui would attack Xue Yantuo's station.

At this time, the weather is not suitable for sending troops. Everything is waiting for the snow to stop! On the other hand, Xue Yantuo's 10,000 troops galloped from Yanran Mountain, and a full 10,000 cavalry troops went south.

The Yanran Mountain is snowy, and the more you go south, the less rain and snow. Originally, Bazhuo intended to send infantry, but he traveled a long distance with infantry, not to mention a few miles a day. I was afraid that it would be frozen for two or three miles. As a result, he had to send cavalry to attack the Tang army at the fastest speed and brave the wind and snow.

It is a pity that they underestimated the power of nature. The heavy snow flew and the cold wind swept. Half of the 10,000 cavalry horses froze to death in the middle of the road, and the original 10,000 troops also froze to death due to the cold weather. The remaining 4,000 people finally arrived at Nuozhen Water and couldn't wait to set up a tent.

They who came and went in a hurry did not expect to lose more than half of their troops on this trip. The leader of the generals felt bitter. Now they are stationed near Nuozhen Water, but there is no warmth, and the military needs can’t be replenished at all, so he had to. Had to order to go to the nearby tribes to search for food and heating items.

In order to survive the cold winter, common people’s homes will have enough things for the winter, and this place is close to Monan, basically no nobles are willing to stay near here, almost all common people or even slaves, etc., they take out their own food or heat. Things, it is equivalent to losing their lives, they have to resist in the face of life and death.

In desperation, the generals had to order forcible grabbing, and the scattered tribes suffered an extreme disaster, and the people who fled south did not care about other things, and ran away desperately, freezing to death countless on the road. As Turk soldiers, they don’t care about their life and death. In their eyes, civilians are no different from slaves, and slaves are like livestock.

"General, there seems to be someone ahead!"

Fei Lian led a cavalry to inquire about the situation. At this time, the weather improved, at least it was not snowing, but it was still shivering from the cold. Fei Lian and Liao Fan followed Li Kuan and led the two thousand soldiers from the Xiaoqi camp out to inquire about the situation. It happened that Fei Lian, as the Pioneer Battalion, found that the situation ahead was not right.

"Go and see!"

Li Kuan gave an order, and the soldiers rushed over on horseback. The black and crushing cavalry shocked those who fled in a hurry. Those who survived thought they were pursuing them, their pale faces showed horror, and their eyes were full of horror. fear.

"You are?" When Li Kuan led the Cavalry, he saw the people of Xue Yantuo who knew how to be covered in bruises. Some of them had bright red blood condensed into ice crystals. They looked up and found that there were only fourteen people, including six women. , The rest are children and teenagers.

Those people murmured, Li Kuan and others smiled bitterly. They didn’t know what to say when they didn’t understand the language. At this time, a young woman actually understood Datang Mandarin, not very fluent, at least able to understand it. It was said that they were all escaped people, and Li Kuan knew from her mouth that Nuozhen Water had been occupied in advance.

Although Li Kuan knew that Xue Yantuo’s tribe could not fail to act, but he did not expect them to move so quickly. Li Kuan knew that this matter could not be delayed, and ordered ten cavalry soldiers to send them back to the barracks. As for him, he personally led the remaining soldiers to Nuo. Zhen Shui, must not give the other party a chance to breathe, or it will be another bloody battle. (End of this chapter)