Tang Yun

Chapter 66: worry


The first thing Li Kuan did when he bought the tavern was to understand its structural design clearly, and it was hard to find the broken design drawing after going to the shopkeeper. Back then, in order to build this tavern, the shopkeeper put a lot of effort into it. The design drawings were too long and poorly kept, and the structure on the drawings was a bit vague. Li Kuan had to learn from the shopkeeper.

This tavern only occupies an area of one acre, the kitchen occupies half an acre, and the remaining two and a half acres have not been used. The shopkeeper Gui awkwardly pointed to the mound full of weeds, and Li Kuan knew about it. The range is bounded by catalpa trees in the east, lakes in the west, hills in the south, and mounds in the north.

The location of the tavern happened to be in the center, and the owner said that the lake behind the tavern also belonged to the scope of this land deed. Li Kuan learned of the specific situation, sorted out his thoughts, and knew what to do next.

The first is the large-scale rectification of the entire area. At the same time, the renovation of the tavern is also carried out simultaneously, and the two-pronged approach is carried out in accordance with local conditions. That day, Li Kuan asked the shopkeeper to find the best teacher in Jiangling City, and asked him to invite the people to do chores. Naturally, Li Kuan was responsible for this part of the money.

Because he was not familiar with the place of life, Li Kuan didn't know where to start, so he might as well pay the money, and leave the job of finding someone to the treasurer and Wangcai. Moreover, Li Kuan re-planned the room layout of each floor on the basis of the original tavern.

According to the modern management model: the first floor belongs to the lobby and the price is average; the second floor is a small private room in the form of VIP, and the third floor is a large private room, and the price will naturally be higher. As for the attic room on the fourth floor, it can only be used as a storage room or a place where the shopkeeper's buddy lives.

The second and third floors were originally open-ended like the first floor. Now Li Kuan has redesigned them into closed rooms. The second floor can be divided into fifteen small rooms based on fieldwork, and the third floor has a maximum of ten. room.

It is equivalent to the refurbishment of the second and third floors. Even if there is a delay, I have to do this. The initial investment is huge, and Li Kuan believes that the benefits in the later stage are far more than the money. Moreover, after the second and third floors are all done, each room has its own name, so that it fits the identity, and even the menu and price are clearly written.

Choose according to the consumption of each customer. Next, Li Kuan thought about solving the problems of the cook and the guys, as well as how to solve the delivery route of the ingredients. If the road is far, it will affect the image of the ingredients, and then I look at the lake behind.

Li Kuan's eyes lit up. If all the fish can be collected locally, it is absolutely no problem to kill them now. As for the supply of mutton and pork, we must also ensure that the meat is fresh. It is easy to say in winter, but it is easy to deteriorate if it is hot in summer.

Li Kuan was one at a time, the first two were big, and while the tavern was still being rebuilt, these things had to be resolved. It can be said that these are basic conditions, and even the most basic cannot be done, then this tavern cannot be opened. As for matters such as cooks, lads, etc., there are some people who can be used by the shopkeeper, but the salary is higher, which is equivalent to digging people from other pubs.

Li Kuan agreed with the suggestion of returning to the shopkeeper. As for the final decision, he must have eaten the dishes cooked by the chef and know how to match the dishes is the key. For these Li Kuan's guesses, there is roughly the same difference, but an experienced old cook is required, because the following matters need to be pointed out by Li Kuan, and the inexperienced will naturally not understand what he said.

After sorting out the clues, Li Kuan asked where the meat was bought before returning to the shopkeeper and who delivered it. The shopkeeper was shocked when he heard Li Kuan's inquiry. Originally, Li Kuan was a layman, but now he realizes that he underestimated him.

So, the shopkeeper waited for the fish, meat and vegetables he bought from where he had bought before.

The main business of the tavern is wine, fish, meat and vegetables, etc. All auxiliary, so when the shopkeeper first bought it, the guys bought it on the same day and prepared enough according to the daily amount. In the peak season, one pig or two or three sheep is enough a day, but in the off-season, it is hard to buy. New 81 Chinese network update the fastest computer terminal: https://

Li Kuan frowned. If there is not enough pork, lamb and other meat sources, including some vegetables, it will definitely be a troublesome thing. Until this time, Li Kuan knew how troublesome it was to open a tavern in ancient times, and it would definitely not be that cumbersome to change to a modern one.

No matter what kind of meat, you only need to contact a regular meat factory to deliver it on time. If you want vegetables, you can also contact a large vegetable vendor to provide a special one-stop service. Now these have to be solved by yourself. Li Kuan suddenly became a little depressed, and now the arrow is on the line and he has to send it.

Even if it is difficult, Li Kuan must continue to do it!

The shopkeeper saw Li Kuan's sad face, and saw that he was willing to make great efforts to renovate the tavern, gritted his teeth and solemnly said: "The owner, as long as one month is invalidated, as long as the owner can bring the tavern back to life, then I will do my best. Take care of this tavern and follow the owner for life!" New Bayi Chinese website first published

Li Kuan looked at the shopkeeper suspiciously, and according to reason, he shouldn't say such words arbitrarily. For businessmen, they rarely do things that are not conducive to them. Besides, this tavern is still in the rebuilding stage and is not open. As for the future profit, it is unknown. Why did the shopkeeper decide to stay so readily

"The owner doesn't know anything, I have nothing to do with the tavern!" The shopkeeper said with a wry smile, "Although this tavern is already owned by the owner, after all, I have been dedicated to it for several years. If it weren't for the difficult operation, , And there is no profit to make, I am not willing to sell the tavern even if I am killed."

Li Kuan said: "If this is the case, why not renovate it?"

The shopkeeper replied: “It’s not unwilling, but powerless. If you want to reopen, you have to spend a lot of money. I am really powerless. I originally wanted to change hands and go back to my hometown after earning money. I saw the owner’s painstaking efforts again. It was to spend money to rebuild, and I knew that the owner really planned to reopen."

Only then did Li Kuan understand that the treasurer's feelings for this tavern were far from as simple as he thought. Maybe there is a story in it, but he didn't plan to get to the bottom of it. Since the shopkeeper is determined to stay and help himself, some things are much easier to handle.

Even though this tavern has been abandoned for a long time, the merchants that once belonged to the shopkeeper must still be able to contact. As long as there is a bridge to match the shopkeeper, there will be a way to find the kind of supplier you want from it. If one is not enough, there will be a few. Supply together.

There are many people and great power, and the truth remains unchanged through the ages!

All day, Li Kuan stayed in the homecoming tavern to discuss matters with the shopkeeper. The shopkeeper had already found someone to renovate. Li Kuan discussed with him to go to the old supply shop tomorrow to see if he could re-consult with them. Supply matters. (End of this chapter)