Tang Yun

Chapter 666: Fight in blood (part one)


"If you surrender, I can keep your life!" Datu Shi arrogantly looked at Li Kuan vigorously. In his eyes, Li Kuan will undoubtedly die today. Even if he surrenders, Da Shi will not save his life. These words are just shattering the enemy's military heart.

"Just because you want me to surrender?" Li Kuan sneered. "Even if I died on the battlefield today, I have no regrets!"

"I don't know what it is!" Staring at Li Kuan, who was looking at death with a murderous look, he drew his saber from his waist and shouted: "Kill!"

"Array!" At the same time, Li Kuan also set up his position and waited for it. Just as Qin Shandao, Fei Lian, Liao Fan and others acted at their orders and started their operations, the sudden incident happened again, and there was success in the accompanying army. A hundred people quietly approached Li Kuan, their cold eyes full of killing intent.

In addition, the Tang army who was in the original formation suddenly appeared collaborating with the enemy and traitorous traitors, there were thousands of people, and they did not hesitate to target the comrades beside them as killers. Dadu took this opportunity to command the army to come out, and go straight to Li Kuan to kill.

Qin Shandao, Fei Lian and others responded quickly and quickly beheaded the treason finesse. However, the formation had broken up and they had lost resistance to the attack of Xue Yantuo's army. In a blink of an eye, the Tang army soldiers were killed under the enemy's iron cavalry, and they didn't even have time to react.

Li Kuan kept his face cold, without saying a word, and silently withdrew the Minghong knife from his waist. He hadn't personally swung the knife to kill the enemy for a long time. The current situation is extremely unfavorable to the Tang army, coupled with the emergence of meticulous work among the soldiers on the side, and even more difficult issues made Li Kuan's expression more solemn.

"Set up the formation, cover up!" Li Kuanyan's concise and concise words, Qin Shandao, Fei Lian, Liao Fan and others responded again. The three of them were the leading generals this time, and they did not hesitate to form a three-talent formation. Assist each other in a confrontation with the enemy.

After Li Kuan issued the military order, he took the lead with Minghong's sword and rushed out of the siege, and headed towards Dadu. The spiritual Xiao Hei seemed to know that their situation was dangerous, like a gust of wind, carrying Li Kuan to kill.

A generous 30,000 troops came, of which heavy cavalry accounted for half, and the rest were infantry. When Li Kuan drove out alone, he smiled generously and dismissively, thinking that Li Kuan was a car and he could not help himself. Until Li Kuan cut the enemy blocking him in half with a single blow, he suddenly realized that he didn't dare to be careless, and immediately sent 10,000 heavy cavalry to besieged Li Kuan.

Qin Shandao, Fei Lian, Liao Fan, and others felt tight as they watched Li Kuan being besieged by the tide of heavy cavalry, and they faced the main force. Generously assumed that they were not worried about losing their coach, and it would be easy to kill them.

Qin Shandao, Fei Lian, and Liao Fan had already cooperated tacitly. Qin Shandao was the main force and led the cavalry in rampage and battle with the enemy's iron cavalry. They were not strong enough to contend with the enemy. Fei Lian acted as the Chinese army. The bow and arrow shot the enemy, while Liao Fan assisted while also leading the role of guarding the Chinese army.

Dadu Shi ignored Li Kuan's lone army fighting, but watched Qin Shandao and the other three with great interest. Under the attack of his own 10,000 cavalry, they were resisted by only 8,000 soldiers and horses, and still faintly gained the upper hand; Dadu Shi Make a decisive decision and immediately ordered the archers to shoot and kill the Tang Jun soldiers.

Xue Yantuo’s troops were charged with heavy cavalry, and they were not afraid of arrows even if they were armed with rain. As the main force of Qin Shandao fighting, he could not retreat, because there was no way behind, so he could only continue to charge, and the soldiers behind. They took out shields to resist the arrows.

Qin Shandao also led the cavalry to charge, even if he was not afraid of arrows, his courageous momentum shocked the hearts of Da Du Shi and others.

"It's a pity that it's an enemy so fiercely!" With a sigh of generosity, Qin Shandao looked directly at Qin Shandao with cold eyes, "Shoot this person with all his strength!"

As a result, the archer immediately shifted the target. Qin Shandao led only two thousand cavalrymen, and the pressure suddenly increased after being concentrated on fire. Qin Shandao still dared to move forward, even if he was shot by a stream of arrows, he still did not dare to stop. In the middle, even a few arrows in the body still rushed towards Dadu Shi.

"Funny!" Dadushe admired Qin Shandao's courage, glanced sarcastically at Tang Jun or persisted, raising his hand to signal the heavy cavalry to welcome Qin Shandao again; Dadushe and others focused their attention on Qin Shandao On the cavalry led by Liao Fan led two thousand troops directly from the side.

Liao Fan directly rescued Li Kuan who was besieged, and abruptly tore a gap from the rear. When the two thousand infantry led by Liao Fan joined Li Kuan, Xue Yantuo's army once again surrounded them to prevent Liao Fan from helping Qin Shandao and Fei Lian.

Li Kuan and the others frowned. If it hadn't been for Liao Fan's sudden opening of the gap, it would be really difficult for him to get out, but with his own strength, he had killed hundreds of people, and the heavy cavalry did not rush forward. It was a delaying tactic.

Li Kuan saw through the magnanimous strategy at a glance, and said solemnly: "Mo Dao Array!"

Liao Fan understood, and Li Kuan turned over and dismounted at the same time. Li Kuan put away the magnificent sword, but drew a machete from the saddle. Other soldiers followed suit. Li Kuan's vigorous posture shuttled among the heavy cavalry of the enemy. When he passed by, a war horse must fall down.

Under the two thousand infantry led by Liao Fan, formed a military formation dedicated to restraining the enemy's heavy cavalry. Everyone held a Mo knife in their hands and specifically harvested horseshoes. The blood was flowing, and the horse fell directly without being able to support it.

Seeing that Li Kuan and the others seemed to kill gods, the soldiers had to retreat in a hurry. When they reacted, nearly half of the nearly 10,000 troops had died. The lawn beside the lake was full of howling war horses and soldiers who were crushed to death by horses or had their legs broken.

Immediately afterwards, Li Kuan and others turned on their horses and flew out of the heavy cavalry, and went straight to Fei Lian. Losing Liao Fan’s advice, Fei Lian became the focus of care, and Qin Shandao led the main force of two thousand cavalry, and the remaining infantry and archers were commanded by Fei Lian.

Now the cavalry led by Qin Shandao is restrained by the heavy cavalry of Xue Yantuo's department. Under the siege of heavy cavalry, the cavalry has killed and injured more than a hundred people, and the heavy cavalry also suffered casualties.

"This is impossible!"

Seeing that Li Kuan and Liao Fan actually rushed out of the encirclement to rescue them, their eyes widened and their faces were unbelievable. They turned their heads to look at the fallen horses and the howling soldiers. The blood stained the green lawn. At this time, his eyes looked Some panic.

Fei Lian was surrounded by heavy soldiers and killed more than a thousand people. Those archers had no arrows in their hands, so they had to fight hand-to-hand with the enemy forces and drew out their swords to fight the enemy forces. Some soldiers had to pull one or two even if they were killed. A blanket, in short, even if you die, you can't die in vain. Even Fei Lian had to draw arrows from his own soldiers and shoot the enemy because their arrows were exhausted.

Fei Lian and the others, who were struggling to resist, were stunned to resist wave after wave of offensives. When they could not hold on, Li Kuan and Liao Fan led two thousand infantrymen to appear, most of which were wounded, even if they were Li Kuan was also slightly injured. (End of this chapter)