Tang Yun

Chapter 67: Find the source of goods in the village


Zhang Chong and others waited anxiously for a day, but did not see Li Kuan return home, if it weren't for a hangover, it wouldn't be the case. They watched the movement of the door from time to time. When Li Kuan returned to the mansion, it was already Xu, everyone hurried forward to greet him.

Li Kuan was startled by Zhang Chong and the others, who suddenly rushed over. He thought that something was wrong, and then saw everyone looking at him anxiously. Only then did he understand what was going on. Li Kuan was moved by this, and smiled and asked, "Do you still want to drink?"

Zhang Chong and others quickly shook their heads and categorically stated that they would not drink. Li Kuan laughed suddenly, and Wu Jue also pursed his lips and snickered. Everyone just realized that Li Kuan was teasing them and didn't mean to blame, and they were still a little worried.

After eating, Li Kuan went directly to Zuo Peidian to study the specific plan of the tavern. Although he drew sketches when he was in the tavern during the day, there were some records including his own thoughts, but there were still some shortcomings. In order to make the tavern business prosperous, coupled with the cancellation of the gambling agreement by the shopkeeper, and sincerely willing to stay to take care of the tavern, Li Kuan immediately decided to keep what he wanted during the day and prepare a new tavern.

If it's just a pub, and the profits are limited, Li Kuan redesigned the blueprint of another pub with a two-pronged approach, including the doorposts, beams, and the layout facilities of each floor. This is not difficult for Li Kuan.

The area of this tavern is definitely more than one acre of land. As the area increases, the capital required will increase, including the supporting facilities. Therefore, in Li Kuan's blueprint design, it is necessary to find a wider place or purchase a larger tavern before it can be implemented.

If it is built in the original place, it will have a great impact on the business, so this blueprint is just a preliminary design, waiting to find a suitable opportunity to proceed. In addition, Li Kuan added wine cellars and ice cellars to the supporting facilities.

It was already the next day that Li Kuan described the blueprint of the tavern in his heart, and immediately went out of the Zuo Pei Palace and went straight to the home tavern without even sleeping. Zhang Chong and Leng Feng also hurriedly followed, and the three of them rode faster than a carriage.

The shopkeeper Gui and Wangcai also woke up early and were a little surprised to see Li Kuan coming. Before he could speak, Li Kuan asked him to lead the way to the place where he bought the ingredients before. Going to the shopkeeper also stayed up all night, both excited and melancholy.

Seeing that Li Kuan was anxious, the shopkeeper did not dare to relax. Without saying a word, he rode a horse and took Li Kuan to the place where he bought the ingredients before. The shopkeeper Gui took Li Kuan out of the city from the Xicheng Gate and it took an hour to arrive, and it was already bright by this time.

I’ve been back to the shopkeeper for many years. Almost all of them are guys, so I don’t know many people, and some people who are familiar with them are not continuing to operate. The main reason is the drought. , The impact of floods.

"Owner, these farmers are operating shops in the city, but they are all small shops if there is not much left after paying taxes, then they moved from the city to this village to operate." The shopkeeper explained, "flood, drought. It's too much. Some businessmen changed their jobs when they were afraid. It is estimated that there are not many remaining."

Li Kuan nodded and let the shopkeeper lead the way. There are only dozens of households in the huge village. From a distance, you can hear the sound of pigs, chickens, ducks and geese and other poultry, as well as farmers herding sheep early in the morning. Li Kuan and others dismounted and walked on the narrow rural dirt road. Whether it is farmers on the roadside or farmers far away, every household must have these livestock.

In fact, the shopkeeper was right. Li Kuan roughly estimated that the number of livestock is far from being scaled up, almost all of them are domesticated. If the tavern opens, it will inevitably need a lot of poultry, which is just a drop in the bucket. ァ新ヤ~⑧~1~中文网ωωω.χ~⒏~1zщ.còм

"Old man, do you have a large farmer who raises pigs in captivity or a large fisherman in your village?"

Li Kuan took the initiative to talk to the old man who was herding sheep. The old man looked at the man wearing the mask in surprise. He saw that he wanted to inquire about something. The treasurer also appeared in front of him. He was very familiar but he couldn't remember where he had seen it. He hesitated. After a while, he said, "Walk forward three miles from here to the place you are looking for, and you can see it when you see the fork road and go to the left."

Li Kuan thanked him, and rode his horse along the road pointed by the old man. As the old man said, there were many fork roads in the fields. Following the fork road on the left, they finally came to a wide place. Looking around, there is only one dilapidated house, and there is no other house besides it.

"My son, let me inquire first!" Zhang Chong was very suspicious of whether there was anyone living in that house, and he didn't want Li Kuanbai to take the initiative to ask for an inquiry first. Li Kuan did not agree. Since the old man pointed to this place, it must be this place.

Li Kuan saw a road that seemed to lead to that house, and the four of them walked over again. Although they were still a hundred meters away from the house, they had already smelled an unspeakable smell. Everyone had to frown and looked around at the fences. Hearing the familiar sound of pigs, Li Kuan was overjoyed. The smell was unpleasant, and I looked over and saw that there were about dozens of pigs in captivity, all of which were fat, fat and big ears. They were definitely good pigs.

Then, Li Kuan walked forward for dozens of steps and finally saw someone here. He didn't notice that the person was drowned in weeds. He looked like a teenager, wearing clothes without sleeves, holding a scythe and carrying a basket to mow the grass. Not far from the boy, he saw hundreds of sheep.

"Is there someone in the Tang Dynasty who knows the breeding industry?"

Li Kuan was surprised. At first glance, the plains were the most suitable for the breeding industry. Moreover, behind the broken house was a small hill, and the chickens, ducks, geese and other poultry that shuttled through the forest made Li Kuan even more surprised. Even if they know how to breed, they are all the same, and almost complete such as this is very rare in modern times.

If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, Li Kuan himself would not have believed that there would be such a complete breeding plant, or the farmers would breed them themselves. Li Kuan guessed that those who raise these poultry and livestock are definitely experienced farmers, and they are also taking relatively large risks.

Li Kuan was curious as to how strange people had such abilities. They came to the dilapidated thatched hut, just as the boy had seen it, hurriedly running home with a sickle, Zhang Chong and Leng Feng were about to stop, but Li Kuan stopped him.

The young man stared at Li Kuan intently, thinking that there was still no memory in his mind. He suddenly became cautious, holding the sickle firmly in his hand, and staring at Li Kuan and the others without speaking, as long as they move slightly. Will immediately pounce on desperately. (End of this chapter)