Tang Yun

Chapter 671: Red eyes!


Fei Lian and Liao Fan died on the battlefield. Li Kuan was deeply grieved and turned his anger into motivation. He used blood for blood to enter the north of Jiluoshan, and joined forces with Xue Wanche’s army to block the enemy’s reinforcements and cut off the enemy’s path of retreat. Seeing Li Kuan's appearance, the defending army of Jiluoshan didn't see it magnanimously, and the army was distracted and fell apart in an instant.

Li Kuan led Cheng Chuliang and others to take advantage of the trend and rushed into the enemy army, corpses everywhere. Li Kuan once again turned into a demon, and it was difficult to resist the enemy's thousands of troops. Li Kuan entered the enemy camp and directly beheaded the head of the enemy general.

Li Kuan, covered in blood, was like a madman, Xue Wanche felt a chill in his heart and couldn't help shaking. In an instant, Xue Wanche had an unprecedented chill in his heart, secretly regretting his previous decision, he knew that Li Kuan was completely irritated.

Silent anger is the most terrifying, and no one knows when he will take the shot. Seeing that thousands of troops and horses couldn't resist Li Kuan's footsteps, Xue Wanche imagined that he was in the army, thinking from another angle whether he could also resist Li Kuan's offensive.

The answer is that it cannot be stopped!

At this time, Li Kuan held Minghong's sword in his hand. Whoever dared to stop it would have to raise the knife and fall. Xue Wanche saw Li Kuan kill all the way to the enemy camp. Under the frenzied killing, Li Kuan's eyes remained unchanged, as if these people's Life is not life at all, it is more like a lamb to be slaughtered.

The defenders of Jiluoshan were panicked by Li Kuan's killing. They lost their fighting spirit and couldn't resist the army of the Tang Dynasty. Li Daozong personally led the army to break through the defense of Jiluoshan's defenders.

When Li Daozong led the army to come, Li Kuan continued to kill, frowning, and his heart clenched. He turned his head and looked at Cheng Chuliang and the others. Qin Shandao, Liao Fan and others were not seen at all. Li Daozong thought to himself: "Is there really something wrong with him? Up?"

Seeing that the general situation was over, the defenders of Ji Luoshan were arrested. However, Li Kuan still had no plans to stop. This frightened Cheng Chuliang and the others and hurriedly stepped forward to stop them. Without accident, they were attacked by Li Kuan indiscriminately. Li Daozong and Xue Wanche hurriedly came forward to stop them when they saw this. Although Li Daozong was the coach of martial arts, it would be difficult to fight Li Kuan with more than self-preservation.

"General!..." Cheng Chuliang was defeated by Li Kuan and fell straight off the horse, ignoring his body pain, constantly shouting, Li Kuan seemed to have not heard, his eyes were cold and there was no emotion, but he looked intently and saw Li Kuan's eyes. Blood red.

Suddenly, Cheng Chuliang realized that something must have happened to Li Kuan, and hurriedly shouted: "Hurry up and stop Your Highness! Hurry up!..."

Li Zhen, Li She and others saw Cheng Chuliang's expressions flustered, but he didn't care about his injuries and desperately blocked Li Kuan. No matter how Cheng Chuliang shouted, it didn't help. Li Zhen and Li She looked at each other and were shocked, and said, "Quickly leave the 100-meter range of your Highness!"

Li Kuan had only one word in his mind: "Kill!"

In addition, Li Kuan no longer has any feelings, every move with the sword up and down is the ultimate move. Moreover, the "Saber Breaking Technique" taught to him by Qian Wu was used, a sword technique that only attacked but not defended. The greater the killing intent, the greater the power.

Li Zhen and Li She once watched Li Kuan and Qian Wu competing against each other. Li Kuan's skill is far above Qian Wu. If Qian Wu was in his heyday, Qian Wu would be able to compete well. However, Qian Wu's physical strength is not as good as before, and his physical functions are gradually degraded, so he is naturally not an opponent.

The situation was very critical at that time. Qian Wu once said that this sword technique must cooperate with Taoist internal training to suppress the killing intent in his heart. If the consciousness is swallowed by the killing intent, it will fall into endless killings and become a murderous madman. Qian Wu has also told them that Li Kuan must not be occupied by the killing intent in his heart, or it will be unimaginable.

The deaths of Fei Lian and Liao Fan, and the deaths of 10,000 soldiers who followed him, directly caused Li Kuan's heart to kill in addition to killing, regardless of enemy and me. Before it could be restrained, but in the midst of participating in the war again, Li Kuan's internal strength had already lost control, and his killing intent gradually spread, occupying all of his consciousness.

The reason why Qian Wu asked Li Kuan to kill the enemy with Zhang Chong and other eight people was to avoid such a situation, because the eight people could barely resist the red-eyed Li Kuan and avoid Li Kuan's killing regardless of the enemy and me. If the enemy does not matter, he is most afraid of killing his own soldiers.

"Back! Hurry back!"

Li Daozong galloped up and yelled at his throat. The other soldiers had to retreat quickly without knowing what happened. On the contrary, the enemy soldiers who had returned did not understand, and they were slaughtered by Li Kuan after a few steps. Dozens of people were killed again, and those captives immediately understood Li Daozong's meaning and backed away.

At the same time, Cheng Chuliang, Li Zhen, Li She, Zheng Xuanguo and others stepped forward to stop them, and Li Zhen asked them to do their best, or they would be the ones who died. Li Daozong also joined the battlefield. When he saw Li Kuan who was covered in blood, his cold and ruthless blood-red eyes seemed to be stared at by a beast, and his heart was fluttering.

Xue Wanche was a general on the battlefield, as was Ashnadur, and the two immediately joined the battlefield. Even though they had gone through the cruel war, the moment they met Li Kuan, they were all hairy, and there was an unknown premonition in their hearts.

However, they all experienced the fight just now, they were too physically exhausted, and they were not Li Kuan's opponents at all. If they didn't cooperate well with each other, they were afraid that they would be killed by Li Kuan. When other generals saw this, they also stepped forward to help. A full 20 people with martial arts still took him out of nowhere, and finally forced the other generals to use wheel tactics to exhaust Li Kuan's physical strength.

Li Kuan became more and more courageous in the battle. Even if he was injured and his physical strength was weakened, he shot more and more fiercely. He even threw the Minghong knife in his hand aside and picked up a long spear. Dazzled, but squeezed a cold sweat for other people.

When the spear is in hand, Li Kuan can attack and defend, and is more casual. Perhaps it was an obsession in his heart, his eyes locked on Xue Wanche, seeing the latter in a cold sweat. Xue Wanche was also a general in the Southern and Northern Wars, and he never dreamed that he would be shocked by a younger generation.

While he was in a daze, Li Kuan raised the gun and killed him. With his combat experience, he fought with Li Kuan for ten rounds, and gradually became exhausted. Li Kuan's spear had already stabbed him at him.

"My life is over!" Xue Wanche was too late to react. He watched the icy spear stabbing. At that moment, he thought a lot, but he regretted not being able to go to rescue Li Kuan in time. The voice came: "Your Highness!"

When the tip of the gun was only a few feet away from Xue Wanche's throat, Xue Wanche stopped abruptly. Xue Wanche was trembling with fright, as if he had walked through a ghost gate. He was trembling with sweat and did not dare to say anything. Li Kuan stopped the offensive and slowly turned his head to look around. The blood red in his eyes gradually dissipated, and his consciousness became a lot clearer. Then look back to see Cheng Chuliang, Li Zhen, Li She and others panting with blood, look His eyes were full of bitterness and shock.

Li Kuan knew that he was almost into a demon, but he still didn't say a word. He glanced at Xue Wanche lightly, retracted his spear, and looked up at the blue sky. When everyone saw him awake, they all breathed. At this moment, Li Kuan plunged his spear into the ground, half of the spear body plunged into the ground, only the blood-colored spear blade was exposed in the air. (End of this chapter)