Tang Yun

Chapter 674: Take them home!


Li Daozong and Li Kuan made a plan and immediately sent envoys to the leaders of other tribes in Xue Yantuo. As the leaders of the Huihe, Tongluo, and Pugu tribes had a good relationship, and had some opinions on Bazhuo, Li Daozong appointed Ashnadur to meet with the tribe leaders.

Ashnadur was once the chief of the tribes of Xue Yantuo, and was very familiar with the leaders of the three tribes. As for the attitudes of the leaders of other tribes, Li Daozong was not sure. However, the leaders of the Huihe, Tongluo, and Pugu tribes are 70% sure, coupled with the persuasion of Ashnadur, there is a great chance of rebelling against him.

Li Kuan was not worried that they would be violent, nor was he worried that they would send troops to help out. In the face of powerful force, it doesn't matter how they choose. If you are willing to submit to surrender, everything is negotiable; if you don't listen to advice, it doesn't matter if you die together.

Tang Jun was in a state of stalemate with the Destroyer Army. Li Kuan didn't want these uncertain factors to exist, and even if they did not rebel, they would never be able to block them. In addition, Li Kuan asked those people to bring a sentence to the leaders of the tribes: "Submit to the Tang Dynasty, all the ethnic groups are alive; helping to pull out the fire will destroy the tribe!"

The Datang Army was rehabilitated in Longcheng and Jiluoshan. Most of the main force was concentrated in Jiluoshan, and the rest and reorganization were also waiting for news. As long as they are willing to return to the Tang Dynasty, they can immediately lead the army to launch an offensive. At that time, the army of Xue Yantuo led by Bazhuo was nothing to worry about.

Seven days later, Zhang Chong, Leng Feng, Li Dal, and Shi Rui finally arrived at Jiluoshan. Li Kuan looked at the haggard faces of the four, Shi Rui had chapped lips, and Shi Rui could not bear the hard work of running back and forth. , But he has no regrets.

"Go eat some food and take a break. When you wake up, come to the camp and find me!" Zhang Chong and the others nodded sadly, their steps were a little vacant. All four of them came day and night, otherwise how could they arrive at Ji so soon? Downhill.

I didn't close my eyes for seven days and nights, and replenishing energy was also done on horseback. I didn't dare to delay the slightest. Originally Zhang Chong, Leng Feng, Li Dal and others all had tasks in their hands, but suddenly received Shi Rui's order from Li Kuan, and they rushed to meet Shi Rui non-stop.

Shi Rui told Fei Lian and Liao Fan that they had died in battle and that Qin Shandao was also seriously injured. Zhang Chong, Leng Feng and others showed fierce light in their hearts, and they could not wait to set off. From the initial sadness and anger, the four have calmed down.

After eating some food, the four of them went to rest and rushed for seven days and nights day and night. The whole person seemed to be thin, with yellowish muscles and faint footsteps before being seen through by Li Kuan. The four fell asleep and Li Kuan did not bother.

The next day, Zhang Chong and others woke up and went to see Li Kuan!

Li Kuan looked up and saw that the four of them looked ruddy a lot, and they were a lot more haggard than usual. He glanced at Li She, Li Zhen, Cheng Chuliang and others, and said, "You guys come together too!"

Everyone followed Li Kuan out of the barracks alone. Li Daozong, Zhishili and others thought something major had happened, but seeing Zhang Chong and the others came, they guessed it in their hearts, and they did not stop Li Kuan from leaving the camp. Qin Shandao, who was still recovering, hurriedly followed after learning the news.

Li Kuan led everyone to come to the vicinity of the Xiongnu River again, and Qin Shandao came to this land again, with mixed feelings, and a picture of the day appeared in his mind, his eyes moistened for an instant, and he endured the grief in his heart. Li Kuan rolled over and dismounted, and everyone dismounted immediately to follow in his footsteps.

Even in the past week, Li Kuan could not forget the scene of that day, his steps became heavier and he walked forward step by step.

"This is the place where their heroic souls will live forever!" Li Kuan said bitterly, and everyone felt sad, and the solemn face muscles trembled slightly. "If there is an upright confrontation, you will die without regret; however, this battle reveals too many conspiracies and tricks. Their heroic souls will be buried here forever, but I must personally collect this blood debt!"

After the Battle of Jiluoshan, Li Kuan ordered people to bury the dead soldiers here. Even the soldiers who betrayed him, Li Kuan did not favor one another. After all, they are all Datang soldiers, and Li Kuan treats them equally, but the assassins Li Kuan chooses to let them expose their corpses to the wilderness.

The entire tens of thousands of soldiers and horses were buried under conspiracy and intrigue. The number of people is really too much. Li Kuan originally wanted to take their ashes back, but no matter what conditions did not allow, he had no choice but to retreat. Li Kuan ordered everyone to dig the tomb, and all the broken soldiers' hands and feet were found, so that they could have a whole body.

Li Kuan also knew the names of these soldiers from Li Daozong. Everyone's name was written on a wooden sign and stood before the tomb as a tombstone. Everyone saw rows of wooden plaques, as if they saw rows of soldiers standing in front of them, among them were Liao Fan and Fei Lian.

"These are the ashes of the two of them!" Li Kuan took out two jars and gave them to Zhang Chong and Leng Feng. The jars were filled with the ashes of Fei Lian and Liao Fan. There was nothing else he could do. The two of them followed him all the time. He must let them return to their roots. "You bring them back to the capital and leave them to Older Qian and Older Zhao to make arrangements. You are not allowed to tell the princess what happened here!"

Zhang Chong and Leng Feng solemnly agreed, holding the ashes of their brothers in their hands. They felt very uncomfortable. After only a few months of separation, they didn't expect it to be the last farewell.

"If you die on the battlefield, you will have your own court's compensation!" Li Kuan took out a roster and gave it to Li Dal. It was written in the name of this warrior. "But they died in conspiracy and tricks, and all the pensions are issued by the court. Three times the grant, if they have an old mother or children, they will be properly placed, and there should be no mistakes."

Li Dale silently agreed!

"This is the record of the Assassin Organization!" Li Kuan passed the information out of the Assassin's mouth to Shi Rui, and said coldly: "No matter what method you use, you must find out the employer behind the scenes, as well as all the people in the organization. In addition, let Qian Lao talk to you about the rivers and lakes, and remove all the hidden tissues in the dark, even if it is blood-stained rivers and lakes, it will not hesitate."

Shi Rui agreed, and Li Kuan ordered Zhang Chong and Leng Feng to arrange for Fei Lian and Liao Fan to immediately assist Li Dal and Shi Rui.

"Master, do you want?" How could Li Kuan not understand Shi Rui's meaning, and replied categorically, "This matter will be settled by them after I return to Beijing. You only need to complete the matter in front of you. If it is the princess who knows. Tell her that I am safe and sound, and let Li Xi and Li Tun be Liao Fan and Fei Lian."

Zhang Chong and others were shocked. Li Xi and Li Tun were so honorable. However, Li Kuan actually let their two sons act as guards. This friendship is by no means master and servant but real brothers. Scholars died for their confidants, Zhang Chong, Leng Feng and others were more determined in their hearts to follow Li Kuan to the death.

"This is just the beginning. Don't even want to run after I return to Beijing!..."

Li Kuan looked at the rows of wooden plaques. The brothers who had lived and died with him were gone, especially the two thousand soldiers and horses in the Xiaoqi Camp were trained by him personally, equivalent to his own private army, but they also Killed in battle.

Suddenly, Li Kuan's face was gloomy and terrible, and his eyes burst out with a murderous intent. (End of this chapter)