Tang Yun

Chapter 677: Arrived in Wanjun alone?


At this moment, a thought came to everyone's mind: "Do you really dare?"

Whether it's Li Daozong, or the famous generals such as Shili Shili, Ashinadour, etc., they would never dare to change it to them. Because they are not the kind of generals who disregard the lives of their subordinates, even Li Kuan would never dare to make such a decision.

What if it is replaced by the prerequisite for the destruction of the country? Everyone was unanimously silent. At this time, they must go all out, and no matter what resistance they encounter, they must be eliminated. Because if you don't go all out, you won't have any chance. Only by letting go is there a chance.

Bazhuo is ruthless to his subjects and even more ruthless to himself. If he is not ruthless, he will not be able to exchange that gleam of life, and he will not be able to make a comeback!

Everyone had to admit that Dezhuo was a hero, and only the hero could make a way to survive with the flesh and blood of tens of thousands of soldiers.

"I'd rather take the people of the world, don't let the people of the world take me!" Li Kuan thought of Cao Cao, who held the emperor to make the princes in the Three Kingdoms period. Even Cao Cao could not exchange the lives of one hundred thousand soldiers for his own life; Xiang Yu, the overlord of the Western Chu Dynasty, obviously could cross Jiangdong but chose to mow in Wujiang, because they couldn't let go of the dignity and pride in their hearts. If Xiang Yu returned to Jiangdong, would it be Han Gaozu Liu Bang? Will it make a comeback in the same way

At the same time, Li Kuan was aware of a serious problem, and he was a hero. Such a figure must die. Leaving him would be dangerous to the border of Datang. Anyone else who wants to return can not be killed, except that he cannot stay. , After staying, there is endless suffering.

"Perhaps he dare!" Li Daozong, Ashinadul, Xue Wanche and others unanimously glanced at the silent Li Kuan, and their thoughts were surprisingly consistent. After all, the killing god is already the title of Li Kuan in the army. Even the enemy army was so frightened by the news that Li Kuan was absolutely desperate.

Li Daozong restrained his mind and said solemnly: "If this is the case, then you have to guard against it!"

Everyone nodded their heads in agreement, and then began to discuss how to deal with the situation if Dezhuo really dared to exchange the lives of a hundred thousand soldiers for a chance to make a comeback. The heart attack has been successful, and he is forced to do his utmost.

"If the enemy army rushes forward like a tide, regardless of life and death, even the soldiers will be helpless!" Everyone kept demonstrating the scene of the enemy's charge on the sand table, constantly calculating the results in their minds, and finally came to the face of the forward and subsequent offensive. , Can't resist it at all.

Even the formation is difficult to resist, and it is even possible to give the enemy a chance to take the opportunity to escape. The unanimous point of view is that if you kill Bazho, you must not let him escape. Li Kuan hasn't expressed any opinions since the discussion began, and suddenly he said, "If this is the case, then we will choose to head-on with them!"

"Charge head-on?" Everyone was shocked when they heard the words, and no one wanted to see his men killed in battle. Li Kuan's proposal really shocked everyone.

Li Kuan said in a deep voice: "If Bajoo dares to develop such a tactic, then we can only take it! If the guess is correct, Bajoo almost always wants to escape when the army is in chaos. If our army can only defend If he doesn't take the initiative to attack, then he has a chance to take advantage of it."

"But..." Li Daozong couldn't bear it, paused for a moment, looked at Li Kuan seriously, and said, "This way our army must suffer heavy casualties!"

"Don't worry, the commander didn't say that all the soldiers charge!" Li Kuan answered with a smile. Li Daozong and others looked at each other and asked in confusion: "What do you mean?"

"The charge is from the end!" Li Kuan's voice sounded like a thunder on the ground. Everyone who exploded was not calm. Li Daozong immediately objected: "You think it's a thousand people, that's one hundred thousand. The army is coming out, no matter how powerful you are, can you kill a hundred thousand army by one person?"

Everyone nodded in agreement, and Li Kuan smiled and said: "I am not a god, how can one person resist the 100,000 army, but killing one person is enough!"

"Catch the thief first, catch the king!"

Everyone suddenly realized that Li Daozong also understood that Li Kuan meant that he was charging and fighting on his own. As long as he kills Huanglong, the military will be unstable. At that time, even if they regard death as home, they have to consider that the army that loses the coach will be rushed no matter how strong it is. Fleeing, the army was in a state of confusion, and he did not dare to continue fighting.

"Give it to me!" Ashinadul said solemnly.

Desperate thinking also came forward to ask Ying, Xue Wanche will naturally not lag behind, even Cheng Chuliang, Qin Shandao, Li Zhen, Li She and others have also stood up. Li Daozong bowed his head in thought and said nothing. These people are all generals in the army, such as Qin Shandao and Li Zhen, all of the general level. If they all kill them, if they are besieged by the enemy, it is a question of whether they can get out of the siege.

They were indeed good at skills, but they were still a lot worse than Li Kuan. In the end, Li Daozong did not agree to the request of Ashnadur, Zhishili, etc., and only allowed Li Kuan’s request. As for Qin Shandao and Li Zhen, Li She and others were dispatched to cover Li Kuan to break out of the siege.

"Can you compare with Killing Gods?" Although Li Daozong was a bit ridiculous, he was telling the truth, a reason that they could not refute. In the end, it was decided that Li Kuan would go straight to Huanglong and take it from the thousands. The enemy coach takes the lead.

While Tang Jun was discussing the countermeasures, all the elite troops and tribes stationed in Xue Yantuo's tooth tent were all in one place. They all concentrated on the tooth tent and waited for the order of the extraction. After the crowd gathered, Dezhuo ordered the guards to serve the wine for the first time, and then personally toasted.

After everyone drank milk and wine, they said in a deep voice, "I have passed my orders to you to return to the palace. There is nothing I can do! Now that the army of Tang is near the city, I don't want to see you continue to die. If my country really can't escape this disaster, then Let me die with you all!"

Everyone was shocked, and they were inexplicably moved in their hearts. When did Dizhuo say such touching words to them

"Since the Emperor of Tang Dynasty wants to destroy my country, as a Khan of Xue Yantuo, I have no shirk responsibility. Now the army is assembled in one place, not to defend the Ya Ting, but to go to the battlefield with you to fight the Tang army to the death. , If this victory is defeated, our country will survive, and if we lose, the country will be destroyed.

"The food and grass reserves in the Ya Ting are running out. I decided to throw my head and blood for my tribe and live and die with all of you! Sending orders to the army, take out all the food and other things in the library, share it with the generals, and we will eat. Drink enough and then follow me to kill the enemy!"

Some tribal leaders and generals were grateful for Dade, and their sincere words touched them, and they expressed their willingness to coexist and die with Xue Yantuo's tribe, and to coexist and die with Bachao. So, Bazhuo immediately ordered to reward the army in advance, take out all the food, forage, etc., and even the milk wine to share with everyone.

In order to protect their homeland and country, the remaining Xue Yantuo soldiers are willing to fight for the country and die for the king. Dezhuo even went to each army's tooth tent in person. At this moment, he seemed to have changed his person, and even the soldiers who had some opinions about him stopped talking. This made the morale of the entire army higher than ever. (End of this chapter)