Tang Yun

Chapter 696: The willows are bright


Yu Chang was born in a scholarly family, and his famous father, Yu Shinan, has a strict family tradition. On weekdays, he is a gentleman of modesty, not to mention cursing others, even arguing with others is a handful. Today, because of the daughter in the family, most of them did not believe that he was looking at him today. What Li Daozong said was not groundless.

Facing Yu Chang's retort, Li Daozong remained unmoved, and he was angry that it was true. Regardless of how good his son is, he is also a polite person anyway. He is a son taught by the Ministry of Etiquette, can he be worse

At the same time, Li Jingren in the crowd bowed his head and remained silent. He met Yu Chang's daughter and fell in love at first sight. He repeatedly went to the house to beg for relatives, and was even shocked to lose confidence. Since the last time he was awarded Zongzheng Shaoqing for his work with Li Kuan, he was still rejected when he visited the house again to plead.

At the beginning, he thought he was rejected because he had no fame. Now that he has fame, he is still rejected. Li Jingren, who is out of anger, immediately asked the reason. He didn't expect that the woman was very calm and there was no fluctuation in her eyes. She replied indifferently. The words are still fresh in my memory until today: "Non-little women do not look down on Li Shaoqing, but Shaoqing only learns to be a good match for non-little women, so small women cannot marry Master Shaoqing as their wife."

Pay attention to the public account: Book Friends Base Camp pays attention to cash and coins!

The dignified son of the Shangshu of the Ministry of Rites, and the royal family kin, was actually told by a female stream that he was just learning. This blow made Li Jingren hard to say. Had it not been for Li Daozong's knowledge of his drunkenness, he really didn't know that his son had been repeatedly frustrated with women. He was a little strange before that he didn't care about it, but now he knows the truth.

Under curiosity, Li Daozong repeatedly inquired and finally knew the origin of the woman, and also knew that there were endless numbers of people who came to ask for relatives, but no one moved the other side. Up to now, he is still waiting in her boudoir and has not yet been married. Yu Chang is anxious, even if he is a father, there is nothing he can do about it. He hopes his daughter will marry sooner. Under three-way force, his daughter directly chooses to be a nun and does not want to marry others. , Yu Chang had no choice but to give up.

Li Daozong's words were just talking about Zhong Yuchang's scars. It didn't matter if he said in private, he naturally refused to agree. At this moment, Li Ji suddenly spoke out to help Li Daozong, looking at Yu Chang with a strange yin and yang, and said seriously: "Is the emperor's uncle false? Shouldn't it, my boy was turned away when he went to intercede!"

As soon as the words came out, everyone was stunned, and even Li Kuan had to re-examine Yu Chang, who almost squirted out a mouthful of blood when he heard the words. Li Ji's words seemed to have torn a hole, and the ministers with similar experiences in the DPRK also stood up and talked.

Li Shimin wanted to cry without tears, he was just giving a marriage, and he was actually arguing. As for why he knew that Yu Changling was a talented woman, he also knew from Yu Shinan. When Yu Shinan was still alive, it was not his son or grandson who often talked about him, but his granddaughter, and even sighed that she gave birth to a daughter by mistake.

The marriage has been given. The problem is that Li Shimin was a little bit astonished when he heard people discussing Yu Chang’s daughter’s temperament. A touch of embarrassment appeared on his uncertain face. He subconsciously looked at Qin Shandao and wondered how he would handle it, so Li Shimin made it. Guan Shangguan did not intervene.

When Qin Shandao heard that everyone was talking about the Yu family he had never met before, he frowned and frowned. He was not worried that this marriage would not happen, but felt that it was too troublesome. Since entering the army to sharpen, he prefers to be simple and direct.

After thinking about it again and again, Qin Shandao was ready to divorce. Just as he was about to speak, Li Kuan held his shoulder on his shoulders, and said in a low voice, "Since you have agreed, you have to take the responsibility. Now Yu Shilang is afraid that it will be difficult, so why don't you take it down? ?"

"Why?" Qin Shandao asked in a low voice, with doubts in his eyes: "She is obviously a difficult woman, why should we agree to it?"

"Although I have never seen this woman, I dare to say that this woman is not bad in appearance, not to mention the beauty of the country, or the endless stream of people who come here to intercede; secondly, the Yu family and you The age is the same, but older than you is just right. Only with such a woman can you go out with peace of mind; in the end, I think this woman is extraordinary."

Li Kuan made the above analysis, paused for a moment and added: "If you don’t look down on her, then treat me as if I didn’t say anything. If you take a fancy to her, maybe this marriage is really the same. It's impossible to say that the godsend of the door is good.

Qin Shandao felt that there was some truth. He bowed his head for a moment and meditated, and said loudly, "Your Majesty, the minister is a martial artist, and the Yu family is a talented woman. She is exactly complementary to the minister. Since your majesty has given the marriage, the minister should follow his orders, regardless of As the rumors say, the minister of tomorrow will come to visit and beg for relatives and see the result. If the minister Yu orders me to look down on his ministers, I implore your majesty to withdraw the marriage decree."

As soon as the voice fell, everyone was in an uproar. Even Li Shimin was very surprised. His gaze stayed on Qin Shandao, and he also guessed that Li Kuan was calling from the side. However, Li Shimin thought that Li Kuan's remarks were against the marriage, and he never thought that he would retreat for advancement, not only to resolve Yu Chang's embarrassment, but also to win the favor of his future father-in-law.

When Yu Chang heard Qin Shandao's words, he was originally worried about the other party's resignation. His disappointed eyes slowly lost his expression. In the blink of an eye, his eyes turned back and forth. His eyes were definitely getting more and more joyful as he watched, wishing to send his daughter in front of Qin Shandao.

"Did you think about it?" Li Daozong, Li Ji and others looked at Qin Shandao in surprise, and asked again in confusion.

Qin Shandao's firm eyes shook everyone's hearts, and then Li Daozong, Li Ji and others looked at each other and didn't say anything. In fact, Li Daozong interrupted because he didn't really think how bad the Yu was. On the contrary, he also felt that Yu was an extraordinary woman, and he really wanted to marry Qin Shandao, but he didn't know whether it was good or bad.

Now that Qin Shandao had decided, they stopped talking! Li Shimin nodded appreciatively and agreed, and after letting Qin Shandao retreat, he said: "Wei Cheng Chuliang in the light car, you are my brother-in-law. This time you are fighting against Xue Yantuo, you and Zheng Xuanguo and others have contributed to escorting the grain and grass. If the grain and grass did not arrive in time, Even if there are millions of troops, there is no battle strength? Therefore, you have the same feats as Zheng Xuanguo, the father of Tongan County."

Cheng Chuliang, Zheng Xuanguo and others were successively added to the ranks. For example, Cheng Chuliang conferred the title of General Zhongwu, added the title of Founding Earl, and retained the rank of Captain on the Light Car; Zheng Xuanguo was originally the post of Shaoqing of Hongyou Temple and the Crown Prince of Tongan, and was He was awarded the Huangmen Servant, and he was named as the Founder of the State. The rest of the people are almost the same. Only Fei Lian and Liao Fan did not announce the award because they had died in battle, and there was no successor who could not judge their merits and rewards. Nowadays there are almost all awards, except that Li Kuan, the deputy commander of the North Army, didn’t mention it. Everyone knew that Li Kuan’s awards were beyond imagination. Their eyes immediately gathered on Li Kuan, and they all wondered what it would be like. Seal reward. (End of this chapter)