Tang Yun

Chapter 706: Fate to meet thousands of miles away


While revealing information about the Yu family, Yu Li led them to the backyard of the Yu Mansion.

"Old man Yu!"

Yu Li was still talking eloquently, and suddenly a serious voice came, and the startled voice of Yu Li stopped abruptly. Turning around, his eyes were full of fear and flattery. Li Kuan and others looked at the people in surprise. It was an older middle-aged woman, with a benevolent eyebrow, and her voice just like a bolt from the blue.

"My wife!"

Yu Li whispered, Li Kuan and others looked at each other before they realized that the man was Yu Li's wife, but it depends on the situation that they should be very scared, otherwise they would not be afraid to let them see the clues, and the man said coldly: "The little lady asked you to lead people, so you can say everything."

"I didn't say anything!"

Yu Li replied tremblingly, but there was no confidence in the voice. Her eyes were evasive and she dared not look directly at the visitor. The woman snorted and ignored Yu Li, and then glanced at Li Kuan and others. The style of painting was sudden and courteous. With a polite salute, Li Kuan and others nodded their heads in return, and said respectfully: "Dare to ask which Langjun came to beg you?"

"He!" Yu Li pointed at Li Kuan's sonically and replied vigorously. Li Kuan and others were shocked by the woman in front of them. They treated their husbands harshly and were very courteous to their guests. Respectful, courteous and considerate, neither humble nor overbearing.

The woman looked sideways at Li Kuan, looked carefully for a long time, her surprised eyes revealed joy, she nodded very satisfied, and said, "Please..."

"Wait!" Li Kuan knew that if he didn't explain anymore, the following situation would be uncontrollable, and he quickly pointed to Qin Shandao, "He is the one who interceded this time. I just waited to accompany him, and asked my grandmother to take him. Just go."

The old woman turned her head in surprise and looked at Qin Shandao with a look of expectation, her eyes were a little disappointed, and she respectfully said, "Please let the man follow the slave to see the little lady!"

Qin Shandao nodded and said yes, and stepped forward to keep up with the old woman, but when Yu Li suddenly interrupted and called his wife, he eagerly pulled her aside, and whispered, "My wife, this Li Langjun is either rich or expensive. It's definitely a rare match, so it's better to take him there too."

"If the little lady knows about this, it might be wrong!" The old woman is also optimistic about Li Kuan, but it is a bit embarrassing to do this, so the old woman is also hesitant.

Yu Li hurriedly persuaded: "Even if the little lady knows about this, she won't say much, who will let her wife be her nanny. The little lady grew up when we watched her grow up, but she has never been married as she grows up. This matter is bad for the wife and the master, especially the little lady's temperament. You know that you must commit to marrying regardless of the origin. Even the sons of the princes and generals are unwilling to dislike it."

"If you continue to delay like this, I'm afraid it will miss the youth of the little lady! Besides, I see that this Li Langjun looks great, extraordinary, and has a faint noble air. According to my guess, this person is either rich or noble, and With a decent conversation and extraordinary manners, maybe he can touch the little lady's heart, and it will be easy to solve the lady's knot. Don't you want the little lady to have a good home?"

The old woman was moved by her husband, gritted her teeth and decided to take the initiative. Yu Hui is the daughter of a servant of the Ministry of Engineering, but she was also raised by an old woman, and she grew up on her milk. She is a half-daughter. As a mother, how can she not want her daughter to marry a good family? Expensive, but ask for worry-free food and clothing, happiness and well-being.

The old woman deliberately looked at Li Kuan again, just as her husband Yu Li said, she was indeed extraordinary. Therefore, in the state of Li Kuan's circle, he was taken into the backyard by the old lady and Qin Shandao. When the three of them arrived in the backyard, the old woman deliberately told them not to walk around at will, and everything was under her direction.

Li Kuan nodded with a wry smile, and Qin Shandao seriously agreed!

At the same time, Yu Hui in the backyard wing is practicing calligraphy, even if she asks for relatives, she still can't resist her hobby, and she spreads rice paper on the table and writes poems with a few strokes. At this moment, the maid standing at the door saw the old woman bringing someone here, and hurriedly rushed to report the news.

"Little lady, the nurse is leading people here, but..." The maid's slightly hesitant look caused Yu Hui to write down and looked up and said, "But what?"

"It seems to be two princes!" The maid replied vaguely. She was sure she was not mistaken. Yu Hui's hand holding the brush trembled slightly, and she shook her head with a wry smile, and sighed, "Hey!..." she guessed. This must have been decided by the nanny privately. According to her intentions, she could only come to beg for relatives every time, and some people who hadn't come by herself were all returned, and she had never even seen her face to face.

Now there are two people coming, and needless to say, they know what is going on.

Yu Hui glanced at the unfinished poem, put down the brush, walked to the couch behind the screen and sat down. When Li Kuan and Qin Shandao entered the house, Yu Hui observed them from a distance through the screen, but almost all of them couldn't see their true faces, and they were basically vague and difficult to see.

Li Kuan followed the old woman and found that there were mostly flowers, plants and trees in the backyard, and this house was more like a house specially built for Yu Hui. It was located next to a small artificial lake. It was a picturesque scenery surrounded by mountains and rivers. And from the perspective of the house, the afterglow of the setting sun can be seen.

"The scenery is great!"

Li Kuan nodded slightly. He didn't really come to ask for a kiss, so he didn't take the old woman's words to heart. He still admired the scenery in his own way. The old woman saw that Li Kuan wasn't thinking about Yu Hui, so she was a little angry, but came. She is a guest and she is not good to say anything. Even though she is Yu Hui's nanny, she is still a subordinate, and the identity of the person who came to ask for relatives is not something she can say, and she still understands the principles of respect and order.

"Dare to ask the two princes, but are you here to beg?" The maids were the first to ask, as always, some people used the name of begging to inquire about the truth, so basically the maids were the first to ask the other party.

"I'm not!" Li Kuan smiled lightly, and pointed at Qin Shandao who was at a loss. "He is here to beg!"

Although he didn't see her true face and never heard her soft and gentle voice, Qin Shandao was still flustered, even if he was not afraid to kill the enemy, at this moment he admitted that he was panicked, his brain was blank, and his eyes seemed mad. You want to pierce the screen.

Li Kuan stepped back to the back after speaking, staying aside, the old woman felt a little disappointed when seeing Li Kuan telling the truth, but it was the other party's choice and she would not say much. After Li Kuan retired, he didn't pay attention to the other party's questioning Qin Shandao. Instead, he looked at the unfinished poem aside and muttered to himself: "I don't know where the face is going, but Peach Blossom still smiles in the spring breeze."

Li Kuan hesitated for a moment, and immediately fought hard and added the following two sentences: "We have a fate to meet for thousands of miles, but we don't meet each other without fate." Putting down his brush, he looked up at Qin Shandao who was still nervous, and sighed: "This The marriage may be really out of play!..." (End of this chapter)