Tang Yun

Chapter 711: Some accounts should be collected!


Qin Shandao, who hadn't had any hope, actually embraced her beautifully. Li Dal squinted at Qin Shandao who was proud of the spring breeze. He was happy but also a little jealous. In his opinion, Qin Shandao's luck was really good.

Meeting in the vast sea of people and making a vow, basically privately set for life, and loyal Yu Hui waited silently for him for five years. On the contrary, Qin Shandao couldn't give up in time. Had it not been for Yu Hui to be a young girl, perhaps he would never mention the vows he had made with others when he was ignorant of his age.

"Tomorrow you will let Youdao follow you to the Yu Mansion to propose marriage. As for the three books and six ceremonies, you must also prepare to get married with Zhang Chong at the same time!" Li Kuan patted Qin Shandao on the shoulder and said with earnest heart.

Qin Shandao asked in a puzzled manner: "His Royal Highness, is it because of this that I haven't seen them during this time?"

Li Kuan smiled and nodded, admitting Qin Shandao’s guess. Qin Shandao didn’t forget that Li Dalle quickly turned his mind about his schadenfreude, named Li Dalle, and said, "Why don’t Li Dalle be with them? Your Highness, Yi I think he has a bad stomach, and it might be a good thing for him to find him a marriage!"

Li Dalle was so angry that he pointed to Qin Shandao’s nose and opened his mouth to curse: "Okay, you Qin San actually avenge your personal revenge! Don’t think that you can find the person you like and you can scream in front of me. You compare with me. It's a long way off. My children are all six or seven years old. You dare to slap a ball in front of me without a hair!"

"It's great to have children? At least I have a wife, how about you!" Qin Shandao retorted, and deliberately looked at Li Dalle up and down, provocatively saying: "Lonely and die, you are the only one in this life. You can't realize that you have a wife. Feel it!"

"Damn it!" Li Dale's wife died young, with only one son and one daughter under his knees. This is his sustenance. The two competed against each other, and even directly dealt with Qin Shandao in front of the guards in the mansion. Seeing Li Kuan looking up from the wall, they didn't dare to go up to help, and let the two of them exchange views.

"His Royal Highness, really don't care?" one of them whispered.

Li Kuan shook his head with a smile, "Don't worry about them, let's go back to the house first!"

After finishing speaking, no matter what Li Dalle and Qin Shandao do in the street, they just lead people away. Li Dal, Qin Shandao, when you come to meet me, no one can do anything, and finally they give up. When they came back to their senses, Li Kuan had led the people to leave first, and Li Dal gave a fierce look at Qin Shandao and hurried to pursue him. Qin Shandao triumphantly turned back to the house, but did not go back to Daan Palace with Li Kuan.

As Li Kuan said, there are still a lot of things to do tomorrow, so he must go back to the house to discuss with his two elder brothers. After many years of wishing fulfilled, Qin Shandao felt happy in his heart. He was refreshed in every happy event, and his spirit was different. From time to time, the people on both sides of the street looked suspiciously at the back of Qin Shandao who was going away and whispered. : "A fool can also go out on horseback?"

When Li Kuan returned to the mansion, Wu Jue couldn't wait to question the result. Of course, Li Kuan informed him, Wu Jue was also full of emotion when he heard the words. He looked at Li Kuan affectionately and smiled: "I didn't expect to be sentimental. People are married together, just like the two of us!"

"Perhaps this is God's will!" Li Kuan sighed.

"But their vision is good, my husband is the best!"

Wu Jue remembered that Li Kuan had said that they messed up the mandarin duck book. Not only was she not angry, she was triumphant, because she knew that Li Kuan would never betray her. The two had gone through too many things and finally came together. No one can destroy feelings.

"Are you not afraid of your husband being selected?" Li Kuan couldn't help joking when seeing Wu Jue's face full of complacency.

Wu Hui said unswervingly: "Don't be afraid, it's mine and mine. I can't keep it if it's not mine."

"Little fool!"

Li Kuan looked at Wu Jue affectionately, and he deeply realized the truth of this sentence as a human being for two generations. He stretched out his hand and gently scratched the bridge of Wu Jue's strong nose. The pain made Wu Jue roll his eyes. Li Kuan felt even more cute. She couldn't help but kissed her twice on the face. It happened to be seen by the two sons of Li Xi and Li Tun. Li Kuan was yelled by his two sons to stay away from his mother. Li Kuan arrogantly said that Li Kuan didn't care for his mother. He was about to cry at the appearance, making Li Kuan want to cry without tears.

Seeing the tearful grievances of the two sons, Wu Jue cast a weird look at Li Kuan, but he was still very happy. Both the husband and the son cared for themselves very much. She was the master from the palace. This was a rare thing at the time of the female protagonist inside and outside.

"My husband loves you!"

Wu Jue suddenly made a heart-to-heart action to Li Kuan, pouting his small mouth, his bright eyes were like peach blossoms, Li Kuan felt that his heart was in a sudden stop, his eyes were about to spit out fire, his breathing became a bit thicker, and his hands Uncontrollable groping on Wu Jue, Wu Jue himself was dumbfounded. Isn't that just a word? But looking at Li Kuan's depressed expression for a long time, she still reminded quietly: "Wait for the evening!..."

Just three words irritated Li Kuan. Seeing that it was too late, he immediately took Wu Hui's hand, softly pressed it to Wu Hui's ear and whispered, "Now it is!"

Suddenly, Wu Hui stared at Li Kuan as if he was trying to eat people. He couldn't help laughing or crying, thinking about what would happen next, his face turned red, and he lowered his head and followed Li Kuan back to the room...

Li Xi and Li Tun stared at them with big eyes. How come their mother was with them just now, so why did they leave with their father in a blink of an eye? The two little guys tried to catch up, but they were stopped by others. Fortunately, they gave up. This is a bitter to the servants in the house. Faced with two ghost ideas, they are too many to coax them. The two did not make a fuss.

The next day, Li Kuan went up to the court as usual, and after he retired, he went to Shangshu Province. He roughly reviewed the matters reported by the six twenty-four comrades and sent them to the Secretary Province without any problems. To put it simply, it is like sending a report to the Secretary, and then forwarding it to the current emperor for review.

After finishing his internal work, Li Kuan left the palace, and he did not need to notify him when he entered and left the palace. This was also one of the conveniences brought by his official position. After leaving the palace, Li Kuan did not return to Da'an Palace to be with his wife and son. Instead, he left Zhuquemen and continued to walk along Zhuquemen North Street towards South Street.

Half an hour later, Li Kuan turned right into the street between Anyefang and Fenglefang and walked west for a few miles and then turned into the north gate of Chongdefang and stopped. He raised his head and greeted the palace of Wu. Plaque. Li Kuan glanced gloomily at the stone lions in front of Prince Wu’s Mansion, the five-open mansion gate, and the three-meter-high red courtyard wall. He smiled coldly and muttered to himself: “Some accounts should be collected! Li Ke, just Start with you!"

Then, Li Kuan stepped forward to knock on the door! (End of this chapter)