Tang Yun

Chapter 722: domineering


"General Qin is really such a powerful official!"

Just when Yude and the others were shuddering and frightened, a light illuminates their hearts. In an instant, everyone was energetic and even more arrogant, because they turned around and saw Princess Gao Yang walking slowly, dressed in gorgeous clothes. The skirt is worn on the body and complements the exquisite facial features. At first glance, it looks full of nobility, which is very different from the previous image of arrogance and domineering.

"His Royal Highness!" Qin Shandao, Shi Rui and others were also taken aback, and hurriedly bowed to salute. Princess Gao Yang did not reply, staring at Qin Shandao with a cold face, and said with a sneer: "Who gave you the courage? Fight against the guards of the princess? You know that they are all the guards given to this princess by the sage to protect her safety. General Qin is worthy of being a general. Sure enough, there is a commander in the army. Even the guards given by the sage dare to fight. Say that General Qin doesn't even look at the saints?"

"Finally dare not!" Princess Gao Yang was indiscriminate and aggressive. Qin Shandao didn't dare to fight her hard, so she had to take a step back and give a humble and polite answer.

"This princess sees you, General Qin, is very courageous. Don't you dare, who else would dare?" Princess Gao Yang snorted. I would like to hear how the Queen Father and Queen Mother would think about this? The person who attacked the princess by Qin Grand General is indeed a general bestowed by my father, but General Qin must not forget, your glory is me. The royal father’s gift, that is to say, what the royal family gave you is not someone who allows you to help outsiders embarrass this princess. Do you understand what this princess means?"

"I will understand at last!"

Qin Shandao was bitter in his heart, and Leng Feng Shi Rui and others were also admiring. The arrogant and domineering princess Gao Yang was as rumored. She understood the meaning of what she said. Qin Shandao’s reward was given by the current emperor. If it can be given to him, she can. Take it back, saying that Princess Gaoyang is threatening Qin Shandao, but what can he do

"This princess doesn't understand at all!" Seeing Qin Shandao motionless like a wooden stake, Princess Gao Yang pointed to Leng Feng, Shi Rui and others, and said aggressively: "These thieves have deliberate intentions of murdering this princess. Captain Yude and others desperately guarded this princess, and all these thieves have been arrested!"

Princess Gao Yang commanded Qin Shandao to do things with her arrogance, as if a general of a country was her guard for Gao Yang, that kind of lofty posture made people hate her teeth, Qin Shandao was not angry, bowed and said, "But the person in the car is... "

"What is it?"

Princess Gao Yang interrupted Qin Shandao to say that it was Chu Wang Li Kuan who was driving. She had observed that the carriage was very ordinary when she walked down from the carriage. Apart from a handful of people in the entire capital, no one feared Princess Gao Yang. Yes, with an arrogant posture as if sending a beggar, and seeing that Qin Shandao hadn't listened to her instructions for a long time, his eyes were cold, and he grinned and said, "Is it because you want this princess to do it yourself?"

"At the end I dare not!"

Qin Shandao didn't dare to do anything to Chu Wang Li Kuan. As for Princess Gao Yang, apart from being a princess, she was nothing at all. Seeing Qin Shandao openly defying her order, Princess Gao Yang laughed angrily: " General Qin really lives up to his reputation!"

Qin Shandao didn't move, his complexion was as usual, anyway, he had torn his face, he didn't care how many offenses he had. However, thinking of Li Kuan’s aura and worrying about Princess Gao Yang’s identity as a princess and the emperor’s most beloved princess, I kindly reminded: "I will persuade the princess, don’t mess with..."

"What are you?" Princess Gao Yang saw that Qin Shandao didn't listen to her orders. She even dared to teach herself how to do things. How did Gao Yang, who has always been beloved, swallowed this bad breath, and her chest rose and fell. Qing, angrily said: "Dare to teach this princess to do things? Come, catch all those thieves, who dares to resist and kill them directly; as for you, General Qin, this princess will tell her father and the queen of everything, hope at that time You can continue to be your general!"

Qin Shandao has never been pointed at his nose to accuse himself, which made Qin Shandao who was fighting on the battlefield feel a great insult. If it weren't for Gao Yang to be a princess, he would definitely start teaching the other party immediately, and forbearing the anger in his heart, he kindly reminded that he was treated as a donkey liver and lungs, and Qin Shandao simply didn't bother to take care of it, and let Princess Gao Yang fall back.

"Don't see blood!"

When Leng Feng, Shi Rui and others were worried about what to do, a light and fluttering voice came from the carriage, and they immediately understood. If it weren't for Wu Jue who was pregnant and couldn't see blood for the time being, Li Kuan absolutely ruthlessly ordered Leng Feng and others to kill all those Xiao Xiaoxiao.

Yude and the others are arrogant, foxes and tigers are not fake, but Gao Yang's domineering makes Li Kuan sneer again and again. Such a princess is really thrown into the royal face, regardless of whether she is indiscriminate. She blatantly threatens the current general. Does she think she is the emperor?

Li Kuan knew that something would happen sooner or later, and he didn't care about Gao Yang and Fang Yiai. The main reason was that Fang Xuanling and Fang Yiai would be implicated. Now, Li Kuan feels that it is time to propose Fang Yiai and Gao Yang move out of Liang Guo Gong's mansion, saying that the white spot is to stay away from them, and it is also time to rectify the domineering Princess Gao Yang.

The last time I met was two years ago. Since then, he hasn't seen Princess Gao Yang, but now she looks slim and looks like a snake and scorpion, selfishly disregarding the overall situation. Li Kuan wondered whether it would be better for the emperor to cut off the title of princess Gaoyang and demote it to the county owner, county owner, or ordinary people.

"Reverse! Reverse!"

Princess Gao Yang thought that Li Kuan had a tough mouth. When she saw Leng Feng, Shi Rui and others really dared to do something, even if she broke her guard's hands or feet, she did not blink her eyes, making her angry, but Qin Shandao remained indifferent. The meaning of two not helping each other made Gao Yang itch with hatred.

Following Li Kuan's order, Leng Feng, Shi Rui and others let go of their hands and feet, as long as people don't die, so they have never left their hands, and they definitely don't hesitate when they should be ruthless. The people in Yude had suffered a loss before, but now they didn't hold on for a quarter of an hour after another battle, they fell to the ground and wailed in pain.

Princess Gao Yang was slapped in the face twice and repeatedly, losing her face. In anger, she picked up the sword beside her and killed Leng Feng, Shi Rui and others. Everyone avoided them. They dared to beat Yude and others, but didn't dare to take the initiative with Gong Yang. This has a completely different meaning.

At the same time, Fang Yiai handed the child to the maid beside her, walked over from the carriage, and saw that Yude and others fell to the ground and was also furious. She also saw Princess Gao Yang rushing towards the opponent’s camp with a knife As a result, his face was pale, and he hurried to stop him. If Gao Yang made any mistakes, he would also be implicated.

Leng Feng, Shi Rui and others avoided the attack of Princess Gao Yang. Fang Yiai also ran over and grabbed Princess Gao Yang who was running away. When she looked up and saw Leng Feng, she suddenly panicked; she caught sight of Xiao Yi and Xiao Qiushui next to the carriage. When he was with Zhang Chong, he was even more scared and sweaty, and he wanted to kill Princess Gao Yang. (End of this chapter)