Tang Yun

Chapter 735: Cut first and play later, regenerate the gap


After Chu Chen heard Chu Mei's reminder, his expression changed slightly, and he suddenly cried out inwardly in his heart. He didn't expect that his luck would be so bad that he was so unlucky.

He unexpectedly met the head of this black eagle mercenary group, the strength of the head of this damn black eagle mercenary group was much stronger than he expected, and his body was also very hard.

Chu Chen’s punch was blasted up, and apart from leaving a few deep marks on the opponent’s body, it was impossible to cause harm to the opponent at all. Chu Chen also clearly realized that if he continued to delay, he would definitely Undoubtedly defeated.

Immediately, Chu Chen didn't dare to neglect, he immediately used his whole body strength to gather all his power on his right fist, and then slammed a punch at the oncoming fierce fist. Go up.


Chu Chen's fist shadow fiercely slammed on the fist shadow of the head of the Black Hawk Mercenary Group, and under the fist, there was a fierce roar.

Chu Chen only felt that his right arm was numb, and a violent force passed along Chu Chen's right arm into his palm and chest, making his chest instantly seem to be hit by a heavy hammer. Like, there was a burst of pain, and Chu Chen suddenly couldn't help but flew out.

With a thump, Chu Chen directly slammed into a big tree, a mouthful of blood shot out, the whole person fell directly to the ground, and a mouthful of blood was spit out from Chu Chen's mouth.

Looking at Chu Chen, who was lying on the ground, covered in blood, motionless, and whose life aura was getting weaker and weaker, Chu Mei and others couldn't help feeling anxious, and a trace of anxiety suddenly appeared on their faces.

The head of the Black Hawk Mercenary Group stood in place, with a look of excitement and excitement in his eyes. At this moment, his eyes were full of murderous aura when he looked at Chu Chen.

The reason why he was able to defeat Chu Chen just now was entirely because of his sudden attack. If it were not for his sudden surprise, it would be impossible to defeat Chu Chen. Therefore, he is full of Chu Chen now. Thick hatred.

"Smelly boy, die!"

As the head of the Black Hawk Mercenary Corps spoke, his toes slammed on the ground, and his whole figure instantly turned into an afterimage, and disappeared in the same place. When he reappeared, he had already come next to Chu Chen. Lifting his leg, he kicked Chu Chen fiercely in the stomach.


Chu Chen's screams sounded, and the foot of the head of the Black Hawk Mercenary Group kicked Chu Chen backwards. Along the way, after knocking down a lot of branches, it stopped. He stepped back, and then fell to the ground with a painful expression on his stomach, groaning with pain.

Seeing Chu Chen's appearance, the head of the Black Hawk Mercenary Group grinned suddenly, then turned his head, and shouted at the people around him: "Why are you still stunned, I will kill Chu Chen this little crap? let's go!"

Immediately, the head of the Black Hawk Mercenary Group took the lead to leave. The remaining members of the Black Hawk Mercenary Group saw this scene, and immediately followed behind the head of the Black Hawk Mercenary Group and left quickly. .

Chu Chen lay on the ground and opened his eyes with difficulty, his eyes filled with despair. This scene suddenly made Chu Chen feel very aggrieved, he didn't think of it.

I've been practicing for more than a year, thinking about becoming stronger, but in such a short period of time, my own cultivation level has suddenly been reduced to the realm of a martial artist.

"Chu Chen, are you okay?" Chu Mei and others rushed to Chu Chen's front, and then they asked about Chu Chen's situation with concern. There was a hint of worry in their eyes, they didn't want it. My friend just fell away. (End of this chapter)