Tang Yun

Chapter 74: Is the vow still counted?


The answer was already in Wu Jue's heart. If she wanted to break it, she didn't need to identify herself, and she would still be the second daughter of her martial family. The reason for speaking out, Wu Shuo had no hope for the two to continue their relationship, but wanted to tell Li Kuan that he was not alone, and that there was still himself with him in this world.

"I attended your funeral!"

Wu Hui's abrupt words caused Li Kuan to turn his head again and stare at her dumbfounded, as if asking: "Are you attending my funeral?"

This is impossible. Although the two of them have reached the stage of discussing marriage and marrying, they also took Wu Hui back home together. They both met their parents. Later, her mother disagreed and did not want her daughter to endure hardships with her. The contradiction between people was also great, and his parents knew about the breakup later, and naturally they lost contact.

Wu Shuo was shocked when he recalled the call from Li Kuan's mother that day, because even Li Kuan didn't know her number, how did his mother know it. Because of the disconnection, the number and other contact information will naturally be disconnected.

"Impossible, how could my mother know your phone number!"

Li Kuan didn't even think about subconsciously saying that it was impossible. He didn't know it himself, how could his mother know that she was not a big person, but an ordinary common people, how could she have such great ability.

"My mom gave it!"

Wu Hui also said what happened. It was his mother who took the initiative to contact Wu Hui’s mother. She originally didn’t want to give it. But when she heard that she was looking for Wu Hui for something, her mother naturally gave it, and it was this time that she took the initiative to contact Wu Hui. Participating in Li Kuan's funeral, she saw Li Kuan on that day, but unfortunately his people were gone, only ashes and portraits.

"How are my parents?"

For his parents, Li Kuan was still very guilty, and he felt better when he saw Wu Jue nodding his head. Then, Wu Shuo mentioned why his mother would take the initiative to contact his mother, because after Li Kuan died in a car accident, his mother saw a thick photo album in the room when she was packing her belongings.

Li Kuan suddenly understood, because the thick photo album was a photo album taken when the two of them were together, as well as a group photo of the two of them, etc. Maybe his mother would take the initiative to let Wu Hui come to participate and Wu Hui left when she knew the reason. Shi also took the photo album away, which was what his mother meant.

Wu Jue was full of sorrow, turning over the previous photo album with regret, tears streaming down silently. Since then, this album has been kept in Wu Jue’s room. Every time she sees the photos in the album, her tears will flow down uncontrollably. At that time, she really wanted to say sorry in person, even if she did. It also didn't help, which made Wu Suo regret not having it in the first place.

I had imagined meeting each other countless times, and it was not until I learned that Li Kuan had passed away that Wu Shuo understood what he really regretted. If she confessed her heart earlier, she might not be separated from the yin and yang. What she wanted to say was always deep in her heart.

Today, Wu Hui can no longer care about anything else. The thing in her mind is to say sorry and apologize for what she missed. Now Wu Hui is thinking about how to make up for the previous injury and make the scar disappear.

Responsibility is the deepest love!

If Wu Jue didn't have a deep love for Li Kuan, how could he leave decisively? All this is because they know each other too much. Wu Hui knew that as long as he stayed with Li Kuan for a day, he would always be a stumbling block, because there was no way to do something without scruples.

In order for him to grow up quickly, Wu Hui had to choose this extreme path. Only stimulation can make Li Kuan grow up. Wu Shuo knew that the damage he had caused would completely cut off each other's fate, and resolutely chose to do so, it was nothing more than stimulating his growth.

Now that Li Kuan had grown up, Wu Jue felt that something had changed, which made her somewhat unpredictable. Once when the two were together, she knew everything about Li Kuan, but now she couldn't see through any mood swings in Li Kuan.

Except for the initial excitement, there is no change in Li Kuan's face now, and Wu Jue's heart is inexplicably worried because of the flatness of the water. She is worried that she will really miss the other party again, the person she has loved for many years.

Even though Wu Jue left for thousands of reasons, she still left, leaving Li Kuan alone to face the world alone. Wu Jue missed this, and was silent. The damage had been done. No matter what she did or said, it couldn't be undone, nor could it make up for the pain in Li Kuan's heart.

"Is the vow of the year still worth it?" When Wu Jue lost her soul, Li Kuan's abrupt words made her a little puzzled, and said puzzledly: "What?"

"If you don't leave, I will depend on life and death!" Li Kuan repeated the vow of the year and asked again: "Is this vow still counted?"

Wu Shuo nodded uneasily. He didn't understand what Li Kuan wanted to do. Now Li Kuan is no longer the one he was familiar with back then. No matter his behavior or thought, Wu Shuo felt completely unsure. Li Kuan in front of him revealed even more. Many are unfathomable.

"I didn't expect the vows I had once to be fulfilled in this world!" Li Kuan laughed mockingly, and continued: "We used to swear by each other, we still went to each other and became the most familiar strangers. Today, I don't Willing to miss it again."

Wu Hui waited with expectation for what Li Kuan would say below, "No matter how many years have passed, there is only you in my heart. No one except you is considered a woman in my eyes. At best, it is just a stranger who can say something. people."

Li Kuan said solemnly, "Whether it is ten years or twenty years, I have only you in my heart, the one who makes me feel uneasy, and you who do not affect me all the time, and only you can control my emotions. No matter how before, now. We still meet, then it proves that we are happy and fate, and I know again. I believe this is fate, to make up for the regrets of the year. No matter what you think today, you will be my only wife from today. Anyone except you is in me. I'm just a passerby in my heart. Because you are my only one."

The sudden confession made Wu Jue stunned. In her heart, she thought that Li Kuan was completely giving up on herself, how could it be completely different from what she thought. After a while, Li Kuan took the initiative to hold her hand and repeated it seriously again, which made Wu Jue have to believe.

Wu Shuo didn't know how to answer for a while. In her opinion, it might be Li Kuan's temporary interest, not sincere. Let alone ten years, even a year can change a lot of things. She really can't be sure whether Li Kuan is sincere.

Suddenly, Wu Shuo was a little dumbfounded, and didn't know how to answer Li Kuan. (End of this chapter)