Tang Yun

Chapter 748: Decline categorically and make the fake come true


"Empress, why do you believe that this has nothing to do with me?"

Although my heart is warm, Li Kuan is not sure whether the words are true or not. It is undeniable that Li Kuan did have such a thought. Therefore, Li Kuan calmly dealt with it. Empress Changsun said in a deep voice, "Cheng Qian and you also have a rift, and you do your best to help regardless of the previous suspicion. For him, the rare thing is that he treats his heirs very well. You are definitely not the kind of cruel person. I admit that the blue bird did the bastard thing, but I still believe that you did not do it."

"Queens, you really look at me too high!" Li Kuan laughed at himself, "I am not as noble as you said. In fact, Li Tai's affairs have nothing to do with me. Although I have this idea, I haven't done it yet. That’s already the case, so you don’t want to praise me.

Empress Changsun was shocked and didn't know how to answer the call for a while.

Li Kuan was telling the truth, he had planned this way, but Li Tai inexplicably contracted the disease first and returned to Beijing without time to do it, so this matter really has nothing to do with him. If the time is accurate, Li Tai's instigation will come true.

Li Kuan also heard some words in the words of Empress Changsun, which means that Li Shimin has fully understood the matter of the Xiongnu River, and what he could not figure out before is also understood at this moment. Why did Li Shimin downgrade Li Tai to the title and cut his official position? Why can Li Tai be able to convince Li Shimin that he is the one who poisoned him in a few words? It turns out that the truth of all this is that Li Shimin has known everything a long time ago, but he couldn't bear it. He waited until he left Beijing to go to Yingzhou before he did it, just to see the opportunity.

Although there was some suspicion before, but no evidence has been obtained, now it is suddenly clear. Li Shimin's successive actions are actually to protect them from being hurt. Li Kuan sneered in his heart: "I really thought I could keep them. Isn't it too simple for me?"

"I've said everything that should be said, Empress, do you still think I will save him?"

Empress Changsun was stunned for a while, and nodded affirmatively again: "I believe you will make a move, not only to wash away your grievances, but also to restore your immediate disadvantages."

Li Kuan laughed up to the sky and said, "The empress empress is really worthy of me, Li Yun. I am not as kind as you think. Come on, I don't care about it at all."

Empress Changsun knew that Li Kuanyu was fighting for the crown prince, and was now at an absolute disadvantage. To turn things around and heal Li Tai was the best way to not only regain the emperor's trust, but also allow the ministers who supported him to be reused.

However, Li Kuan didn't play the cards according to common sense, and went against the wishes of Queen Changsun, which made her helpless. In fact, another meaning is that Li Kuan refused to make a move. Li Kuan wanted Li Tai to die. Isn't this result what he was looking for

Li Kuan is a man and not a god, and he really can’t do anything to complain with virtue. Li Tai has to take his own life twice and again. How can Li Kuan be slaughtered by others and not fight back? Li Kuan can ignore what he didn’t do before. , Now the two are in the same situation, and there is no possibility of reconciliation.

"Please go back!" Even if the person in front of you is the current queen, Li Kuan did not show any face, which made the eldest grandson sullen and angry, but she did not dare to give orders to him, even if the current emperor came. Ask for a bargain.

Empress Changsun got up angrily and prepared to leave. Li Kuan suddenly shouted: "Queen, mother, I remember your kindness and care to me at the beginning. Here I remind you: If you want to live a long time, please let the flow go, you The body nowadays can no longer be overworked, otherwise there is nothing it can do."

Empress Changsun's heart trembled, her footsteps stopped instantly, her pale face tightly covered her chest, and she didn't say a word or turn around.

Her body was a little sad because of Li Tai's affairs, causing her internal organs to be disturbed, her chest tightness, dizziness and other reactions. Although the cover-up was good, Li Kuan still saw that her health was not right, and then he urged him, as if he could not listen to him.

Empress Changsun returned to the palace in despair, no matter what she said, it was useless. Li Kuan was determined not to save Li Tai, and let him fend for himself. At the same time, Zhang Chong, who had been away from Beijing for a few days, quietly returned to Beijing, and went to see Li Kuan as soon as he returned.

Seeing that he had come back safe and sound, Li Kuan patted Zhang Chong's shoulder heavily and said, "It's not too late to come back. Have something to say?"

Zhang Chong nodded and said, "My son, Li Tai, the king of Donglai County, has nothing to do with our people."

"I know!" Li Kuan motioned for him to continue.

Zhang Chong’s truthful account of 1501 includes the reasons why he would delay his return to Beijing.

"So that's the case, he really does not live by himself!"

Li Kuan knew the cause and effect from Zhang Chong’s words, and suddenly burst into laughter. He was convinced that Li Tai’s illness had nothing to do with his own people. In fact, Zhang Chong also said that when he arrived in Luzhou, Li Tai was already on the way back to Beijing. People missed it directly, which means that the plan was not implemented successfully.

Heaven's sins can be forgiven, but you cannot live your own sins!

Li Tai suddenly returned to Beijing. During the period, he revealed too much weirdness. Zhang Chong did not return to Beijing in a hurry. Instead, he left the local area to investigate the real reason for Li Tai's return to Beijing. In fact, Li Tai's illness is just a cover, and his goal is to return to the capital to have a day of turning over.

As for what Li Tai said about going to the local area to comfort the victims, they were all false claims. In fact, Li Tai stayed home after arriving for fear of contracting the disease. To this end, a person similar to him pretended to be inspecting the epidemic situation in various states and counties, and Li Tai just walked through the scene.

With the joint efforts of the local doctors and the imperial physicians who led the capital, the disease has long ceased to spread. The disease has been controlled only in the three states of Tan, Hao, and Lu. When Li Tai went there, Tanzhou and Haozhou had been properly controlled, only Luzhou. The epidemic continued, which also caused Li Tai to stay in the Luzhou Post House and even find local beauties to accompany him, drinking and having fun every day.

A knife on the head of the color word!

In order to please Li Tai, local officials offered beauty but were sent into the post house without checking and causing someone to contract an illness. This led to Li Tai's illness. However, Xue Wanche contacted Li Tai again and told his elder brother what had happened, causing Li Tai to go into danger and self-inflict his body in an anxious manner. It happened to be sick and injured, which caused Li Tai to almost die, and also completely aroused the inheritance hidden in Li Tai's body. The disease is similar to Li Chengqian's foot disease and more serious than him.

All the evidence compiled by Zhang Chong was handed to Li Kuan. Li Kuan knew that Li Tai’s affairs were actually directed and performed by himself, but only to return to Beijing to be reused. This is really what makes Li Tai always think that his situation is only temporary, but he does not know that the false and the true is now true. Li Kuan thinks that Li Tai knows that the result must be vomiting blood and died. He couldn't help but laugh, and Zhang Chong was also the same. He couldn't help but he didn't expect this result. (End of this chapter)