Tang Yun

Chapter 749: Powerless, dying request


Ever since Zhang Chong returned to Beijing, Li Kuan always couldn't help laughing out loud. Li Xi and Li Tun looked at each other and didn't understand why their father was laughing. Wu Hui hugged his son, and looked at him with a face of confusion, "Husband, what's the matter with you?"

"What's the matter?" Li Kuan asked back.

Wu Jue said dumbfounded: "Why do you always laugh for no reason?"

"Thinking of something very interesting!" Li Kuan smiled, Wu Shuo caught a glimpse of Li Kuan's treacherous smile, and immediately thought of some unsuitable images for children, and immediately stopped going to the bottom, "The daughter is biological, the son is not. Is it your own?"

"Of course it's his own life!" Wu Hui was not used to seeing Li Kuan holding her daughter all the time, but she was holding her son. What made her most annoyed was that, as a mother, she held her daughter only a handful of times. With grievances, Li Kuan said solemnly: "There is only one daughter, and three sons. Things are rare and precious, so they should be treasured."

Wu Jue was speechless again, and had to admit that Li Kuan had some truth in what he said. With three sons and a daughter, the only daughter really became a treasure. From the top to the bottom, she was completely indulged, but the brother who was twins did not. Such a good treatment.

"Humph! Your dad doesn't care for you, mom loves you!"

Wu Hui stared at the son in his arms, with a gentle look that made Li Kuan ripples in his heart, and heard her somewhat complaining cold snort, which made Li Kuan laugh. Wu Hui continued to hold his son and ignore Li Kuan. The existence of a daughter, a man who forgot her existence, Wu Hui was ticklish with hatred.

For several days, Li Kuan was immersed in a happy family atmosphere. Everything was left behind, just like the prince of the dude. The only difference is that now he has more children waiting to be fed, and he grows up slowly. Of two sons.

Until late at night on the seventh day, an edict was passed to the Chu Palace, and the rested Li Kuan, Wu Jue and others got up one after another.

"The imperial order for Chu Wangkuan to enter the Lizheng Hall immediately is not wrong!" The Chuan Zhao official read the edict anxiously, and Li Kuan's heart became tense when he heard the words. He was already ready to follow the edict and enter the palace immediately, and in the meantime he ordered Wu Hui was at home waiting for him to return with peace of mind.

The two rushed into the palace in a panic and went straight to the Lizheng Hall, where the Empress Longsun lived, and Li Shimin anxiously ordered Li Kuan to enter the palace in order to be the current queen. Seven days ago, Li Kuan saw the signs of the recurrence of Empress Changsun’s condition. He also reminded him that no matter how the disease came, Li Kuan could treat Li Tai without following the edict, but he could not do nothing. The grandson queen diagnosed and treated.

At this time, the imperial physicians, the Imperial Hospital and other officials outside the Lizheng Hall were all assembled, and everyone knelt outside the hall in panic. The current emperor Li Shimin's gloomy face, without a word, paced back and forth anxiously. When Li Kuan came, Li Shimin said straightforwardly: "Enter the hall immediately for the queen's diagnosis and treatment!"

Li Kuan glanced at the anxious Li Shimin diagonally. If it weren't for the empress's condition, Li Kuan really wanted to refute it, but in the end he remained silent. Li Shimin and Li Kuan entered the Lizheng Hall at the same time, looking at the pale, weak limbs, blurred eyes and blurred consciousness of the Empress Changsun, Li Kuan ignored Li Shimin next to him, and walked over, immediately taking the pulse of Empress Changsun.

Suddenly, Li Kuan was startled, his brows furrowed, and there was no hope in his tight face.

Judging from the pulse condition of the Queen’s grandson, due to excessive worry and overwork, the heart burns, which in turn leads to irritability, which leads to congestion of the body meridians, resulting in palpitations, fainting, and abnormal body temperature.

Li Kuan took out the silver needle from his sleeve, and immediately applied the needle without saying a word. Li Shimin watched Li Kuan's actions intently, with a glimmer of hope in his heart. In an instant, the air in the bedroom seemed to freeze. Everyone held their breath. When Li Kuan's injection was over, Li Shimin asked about the situation of Queen Changsun in a hurry. Li Kuan ignored Li Shimin’s question and turned to look at Queen Changsun. Shen said: "Empress, I have reminded you that you can no longer worry too much, why don't you listen to my advice, and do you often visit Li Tai these days?"

After the injection, the grandson empress became more conscious, but she knew that she was really hopeless this time, as if she could see through life and death, she smiled indifferently: "Humans are inherently dead, so why bother to care about life and death? As a mother, I am not. It is my fault to educate Li Tai well. I hope he can understand his fault! Even if he died, there is no regret!"

Li Shimin saw that Li Kuan was ignoring him, and that Empress Changsun was able to speak. He seemed to be much better. He was overjoyed. He heard the conversation between Empress Changsun and Li Kuan. His mood turned down sharply. He held Empress Changsun’s hand tightly, teary eyes. Looking at her.

"As early as seven years ago, I should have left, and now I have made money by living for so long!" Empress Changsun looked very open, and looked at Li Shimin affectionately, and said, "Your Majesty, if the concubines go, please. Keep everything simple and don't have to run it arrogantly."

"Queen, there will be nothing wrong with you, I will never let you have anything!" Li Shimin was excited, and shouted at Li Kuan: "No matter what method you use, you must cure my queen. If the queen is sick, you It has to be buried."

Suddenly, Li Kuan's expression was gloomy and terrifying. At this moment, his affection for Li Shimin's father and son completely disappeared.

"Cough cough!" Empress Changsun coughed due to excitement. Li Shimin personally helped to see the blood on the silk cloth, as if drunk on the head, firmly gripping the silk cloth to prevent others from seeing it. Empress Changsun said weakly: "The emperor must not blame Chu. King, the life and death of a person has its own determinant, and my fate is up to my destiny. I have a ruthless request before my concubine is dying. Please...

"Queen, please say, I will agree to any request!" Li Shimin couldn't wait to say.

"My concubine, please let your majesty let go of your obsession. Datang can't live without..." Empress Changsun coughed again before she finished speaking. It didn't take long for her whole body to become languid, her pale face was completely bloodless, and her eyes could not be opened. His consciousness became blurred again, as if he was in a state of dying, and he might die at any time.

"Queen!" Li Shimin was shocked and immediately ordered Li Kuan to take action. Li Kuan was unmoved, not because he was unwilling but really powerless. If Empress Changsun listened to his reminder and stopped worrying about Li Tai's affairs, it would not end up like this.

Now the situation of the grandson queen is always worried about her life, and it is really lacking in recovery. Li Shimin saw that Li Kuan had actually disobeyed his order, and was furious again. He wanted to cure Li Kuan’s crimes. Li Kuan calmly faced him with no fear. Just at this moment, the Queen’s grandson woke up again, Li Kuan’s heart burst. It’s true.

"King Chu, you go back first!"

Empress Changsun reluctantly squeezed out a smile, Li Kuan bowed and retired, Li Shimin was so angry, but helplessly had to watch Li Kuan go back, Empress Changsun shed tears in the corner of her eyes, and wanted to lift Li Shimin's face and look carefully. Look at him, but her limbs are weak and unable to return to the sky, she breathes less and exhales more, and finally took a breath, exhausted all her strength and said: "Datang can't live without King Chu..." (End of this chapter)