Tang Yun

Chapter 75: From the place of love, the love is always deep


Perhaps the biggest surprise is that no matter how long in the past, the person you love is always only you, and it is also the biggest sorrow. Because no one can get into his heart except you, he would rather be alone than leave him alone.

If he had known this earlier, Wu Shuo regretted leaving, not only hurting him, but also embarrassing himself. Although there was too much helplessness in leaving that year, these are not important anymore. The important thing is that we meet each other again in the vast sea of people.

The crowd looked for him thousands of times, and suddenly looked back, but the person was in the dimly lit place.

Going around, the destined person is still you!

Wu Jue cried, and tears of happiness slipped across his cheeks, dripping on the ground to moisturize the new seedlings of happiness. Countless times I dreamed about what to say when I saw each other. I didn't realize that I didn't need too much words until I met again in another world.

Li Kuan smiled like a child. He looked at Wu Jue as affectionately as he did in the past. Everything in the past has passed. It is enough if you are still with me now. Why bother about the past and the past.

Wu Jue proactively kissed Li Kuan's lips. She did not answer Li Kuan's words but used actions to tell the other party her answer. "If you don't leave, I will depend on life and death." The words are still valid, and the good memories that have been lost will come back again, and the memories buried deep in each other's hearts also appear in their minds.

The affectionate and lingering kiss opens not only the heart, but also the knot between the two! After a while, the two held each other affectionately, as if returning to the original time, Wu Hui was held in his arms by Li Kuan, looking at the beautiful scenery, feeling that life is full of scenery.

"Do you want to know why I left back then?" Wu Shuo nestled in Li Kuan's arms and looked at Li Kuan affectionately. She could feel that his body was a little stiff at that moment, and she knew that something was unclear. , There is always a gap between the two of them.

Li Kuan smiled coolly, and replied softly, "It doesn't matter anymore, at least you are by my side now, this is enough!"

"No, I have to say!" Wu Hui insisted on explaining clearly, and Li Kuan listened silently: "It's not that I don't love you anymore, nor that I want to hurt you, but because I know you will have a very good life without me. Good. Because you are strong and strong in my heart, I really won't leave if I can."

Li Kuan saw Wu Jue's expression a little melancholy, and the loss and helplessness on his face made him trembled: "Is there really any reason to leave?"

No matter what the reason, she left. Even if she deliberately didn't mention it for so many years, she never remembered it, as if a thorn has always been stuck in Li Kuan's heart. Wu Jue knew him well and knew that this thorn could not be removed. Even if people are together, their hearts will no longer be as close to each other as before.

"At that time I was thirty, but when I said I wanted a home, I actually wanted to have a home with you." Wu Hui said with red eyes, looking for the memory that he didn't want to face, "At that time I My family didn’t approve of you, but you were the only one in my heart. My family quietly arranged a blind date for me, but I refused them all."

"However, at that time I could not see hope in your body, but what I can feel is that your heart is still on me. Because I know that I am your weakness. Only by leaving can you grow up, even if it is For the sake of our future, I think you cheer up and at least achieve results. You can stand up in front of my parents, and they will not object to me being with you."

Li Kuan was silent. He was really immature at the time. He was stern and unwilling to communicate with others. He still thinks his own way how great he is. It was not until her departure that Li Kuan understood how naive and ridiculous he was, and walked into the dark with hopeless things.

Until later, when he recalled it, he also understood that if it was him, he would leave. After all, wasting too much time on someone who can't see hope is not a mature and knowing decision. If they are young, they still have time to fight, but unfortunately the age gap is proportional to the psychological gap. He doesn't understand or understand.

I once resented, but after I figured it out, I don’t hate it anymore!

"At that time, the pressure on me was so great that it made me unable to breathe!" Wu Hui smiled bitterly, "Every time I go home with you to see your parents, I see their expectations of you, and I also see They treat me well, and I feel even more guilty. When they urged us to get married, I would also like to tell them that I am waiting for your proposal, but I can’t do what they expect, and I always find excuses to shirk it. "

"In fact, I really want to be with you and form a happy family with you, and I also fantasize about our children playing around." Wu Shuo was silent for a while, tears streaming down uncontrollably, and choked up: " In fact, these are all illusions and cannot be realized at all!

Li Kuan's heart trembled. As if he had guessed something, he suppressed the doubts in his heart and waited silently for Wu Hui's answer. As he thought, Wu Hui could not get pregnant due to physical reasons, which meant that she could not give birth to the two children. ァ新ヤ~⑧~1~中文网ωωω.χ~⒏~1zщ.còм

"You are the eldest son in the family, and it is impossible to have no children. Even if we are really together, your parents will not agree, and my parents will not agree. Love is a matter of two people, and marriage is a matter of two families."

Wu Hui said sadly, "I don't want us to be under the pressure of two families in the future. At that time, you and I can only maintain a basic life. There is not so much extra energy to face these things and cannot solve the problem fundamentally."

"Even if there are no children, I will be with you!" Li Kuan finally couldn't hold back, and replied subconsciously.

"I knew you would say that, and I believe you would do it!" Wu Jue smiled, smiling somewhat reluctantly, "but I can't be so selfish, I'd rather leave and let you pursue happiness than face that kind of future. It's better for me to bear it for two people."

"You left cruelly because of this?" Li Kuan looked at Wu Jue angrily, saw her silent, and asked again: "Why do you believe that I can't bear the pressure with you? Don't forget that I have a younger brother. , I don’t have a child, isn’t he the same?"

Wu Hui shook his head and replied: "That's different!"

She likes children very much, but God made a joke for her and made her unable to have children. Such a joke was beyond Wu Hui's endurance. Even if Li Kuan was willing to be with her, she did not dare to gamble, she couldn't afford it. Watching other people's homes happily together every day, with children by his side, Wu Hui will definitely break down, and the mental pressure will become greater and greater.

"you are silly!"

Li Kuan really didn’t know what to say. He really didn’t know that when the two were together, Wu Hui would endure such a great mental pressure. All of this was because he ignored too much and didn’t realize it. The final departure was also compelling. The thorn in his heart quietly disappeared, and the strength to hold Wu Jue became tighter.

Fortunately, I didn't give up, or I would completely lose the love of my life! (End of this chapter)