Tang Yun

Chapter 753: Emperor Fan Chuanzi


"Jin Wangzhi is the nine sons of the emperor and the descendants, benevolent, filial and pure, rich and austere; good career, early knowledge of wise and wise, young "Poetry", "Ritual"; allow the use of tools, both ability and political integrity, self-cultivation, I am very pleased to be of good character; I have inherited the Jingye and inherited the throne, and the former king of the Constitution, and the righteousness of Silong, should be invited by the public to answer the hopes of Li Zhi as the crown prince."

Li Zhi, the king of Li Jin, promulgated the edict for the crown prince, and Emperor Taizong personally drove to Chengtian Gate and read the edict in front of the civil and military officials. Since then, Li Zhi has become the current Prince's Royal Highness and entered the Eastern Palace. At the same time, Li Shimin did not save Li Zhi from taking the wrong path of his eldest son, Li Chengqian, and personally appoint the officials of the Prince's Palace in the East Palace.

The Minister of Rites Xu Jingzong was the prince Zuo Shunzi, Gao Ji, the Shangbu Shangshu, served as the prince You Shuzi, the minister of criminal ministry Zhang Xing became Shang Shu Zuo Cheng, concurrently served as the prince Shao Zhan Shi, the minister of Rites Yu Zhining also served as the Shizhong Yushi, and also led the prince's young teacher. The position; Changsun Wuji was appointed as the prince's grandmaster, Yang Shidao was appointed as the prince's Shaobao, and Chu Suiliang was appointed as Shangshu's right servant.

Li Shimin directly issued an edict to appoint Changsun Wuji and others to official positions, saying that the white point is to secure the position of Crown Prince Li Zhi unshakable. Because the shock that Li Kuan brought to him was too great for Li Shimin to digest, he had to set up the crown prince in advance to avoid further brotherhood.

When Jin Wang Li Zhi was established as the Crown Prince, the entire Jin Wang Party officials skyrocketed for 90,000 li, and Changsun Wuji smiled from ear to ear. Emperor Taizong was his brother-in-law, and the future Emperor of Tang Dynasty was his nephew, so to speak of the Changsun family. Sit back and relax.

Compared with the celebration of the Jinwang Party, Fang Xuanling and others are frowning and helpless. Although they don't know what happened between the current emperor and Li Kuan, Li Daozong, as the emperor's uncle, naturally heard some words, and was surprised by what Li Kuan did.

In front of the emperor, he wounded the imperial guards and spilled blood on the stone steps outside the Taiji Hall. Afterwards, he threatened the current emperor even more. Today's Li Kuan is acting unexpectedly. They can't keep up with Li Kuan's rhythm, nor Know what Li Kuan wants to do.

Fang Xuanling, Li Daozong, and others were like ants on a hot pot, jumping in a hurry, but Li Kuan didn't panic at all. They didn't know where Li Kuan came from, so they had to wait for good news with patience. Since Li Kuan sent a letter telling them that they don't have to show their position, and the white point is to let them stand still, no matter what happens, don't be impulsive, and all have their own arrangements.

The edict of the princely prince was issued, all the dust settled, and there was no way to return to the sky. If you are not disappointed, it is all fake. Life is like acting. Even when they are lost, they have to pretend to smile and accompany their smiles, so as not to lose the truth.

The most worried thing is Li Daozong. Now that the grandson Wuji has been reused as never before, it is completely said that power is in the hands of the opposition, which makes Li Daozong very jealous. Because Li Daozong and Empress Changsun did not agree with each other in political views, everyone knew it well, and Changsun Wuji even thought that Li Daozong's departure from the court was also something everyone knew, but all of this was Li Shimin's mediation and did not reach that step.

Li Daozong knew in his heart that Changsun Wuji would not make himself better, and not only would he be retaliated by Changsun Wuji, there might be other people who would also be hated by him. Because Changsun Wuji is loyal to the emperor and loves the country, but he also has his own selfishness.

After Li Zhili became the prince, he would stand around every day in the dynasty meeting, and Li Shimin would also ask his opinions. Li Zhi talked without fright, which made Li Shimin greatly admired his agility. November is coming to an end, and December is ushering in.

In the late winter of the twelfth lunar month, the cold wind was blowing, and the lanterns inside and outside the palace were fluttering with the wind. In the huge palace's inner courtyard, except for the guards patrolling back and forth, no one moved. Since the death of the eldest queen, Li Shimin has rarely returned to the bedroom to rest, and almost always read books in the Ganlu Hall or deal with state affairs.

"What was the result of the investigation?" The Ganlu Temple was brightly lit, and the charcoal in the stove warmed the cold room. Li Shimin closed the book, looked up at the hurried Duke Wu, and asked about the result straightforwardly.

Duke Wu hesitated for a long time, and said respectfully: "Please look over, Your Majesty!"

Holding the results of the investigation in both hands and submitting them to Li Shimin, Li Shimin took it and looked at it carefully under the candlelight. His eyes grew colder, and the results in his hands were directly abandoned. He gritted his teeth and said, "It's really like this, this Asshole stuff!"

Suddenly, Li Shimin covered his chest again, and his breath was a little uneven. When Wu Gonggong saw this, he naturally took out a red pill from the brocade box and let Li Shimin take it. After a while, Duke Wu respectfully asked: "Your Majesty, what should I do with King Pu?"

"I am also tired, and I don't want to worry about him. I ordered Pu Wangtai to lower the throne to the throne of Shunyang County and immediately escorted him to Yunxiang County, Junzhou, where it is surrounded by mountains and rivers, and the climate is very suitable for physical and mental training, and it also affects his illness. benefit."

Li Shimin was really tired. In order to balance the exhaustion of his sons, he asked Wu Gonggong to investigate what Li Tai did in Luzhou and the truth about Li Tai’s illness. The truth is as Li Kuan said, everything is on his own account, and Li Shimin simply Following his wish, he sent the distribution directly to Junzhou for Yiyang Tiannian, and would not be allowed to step into the capital for the rest of his life. He was completely disappointed with Li Tai, and he didn't even want to see him in person.

So that night, he was escorted out of the capital by the guards to Junzhou. Li Tai was unwilling to live or die, but no one wanted to take care of him. In addition, the guards also brought the emperor's words to Li Tai, so that he could live in Junju and rest, Li Tai was sent out of the capital with a dejected mood.

At the same time, Li Shimin put on winter clothes and walked out of the Ganlu Hall to the Prince's Palace in the East Palace under the protection of the guard.

When Taizong entered the East Palace, no one passed it through, because Li Shimin wanted to quietly observe what Li Zhi was doing on weekdays. When he observed quietly, he found that Li Zhi was still reading the lamp at night, very diligent, and he felt more relieved.

Li Shimin saw that Li Zhi was fascinated, and didn't want to bother. He was about to turn around and was seen by Li Zhi, so he quickly put down his book and ran after him. Hearing the footsteps, Li Shimin turned around and looked back to see that Li Zhi, who had rushed in, was not wearing a fur suit. His heart warmed to indicate that he did not have to salute, and smiled: "Go, come in!"

Li Zhi respectfully followed behind him. After Li Shimin entered the house, he flipped through the book Li Zhi just read was "The Art of War by Li Wei". Li Shimin smiled and asked, "What do you see?"

"Back to my father, I saw a different world from the book of the soldiers of the country. Whether it is arranging troops or facing a powerful enemy, you need to adapt to the situation..." Li Zhi talked confidently and confidently. Li Shimin praised: "If you are so motivated, I can rest assured that the future of Datang Jiangshan will be handed over to you."

After speaking, Li Shimin took out a handwritten book from his arms. Li Zhi took a look and realized that it was "Di Fan" written by the emperor. Li Zhi was puzzled, but he was very happy. Li Shimin smiled and said "This book is a summary of what the Emperor Father has learned over the years. There are twelve articles in it. If you study carefully, it will be useful to you. This is the only way that Emperor Father can teach you to be a king."

"Thank you Father for the reward!" Li Zhi treated it as a baby, with a smirk that couldn't put it down, Li Shimin sighed in his heart, and he couldn't help thinking of the appearance of Li Kuan, which he didn't want to mention. In an instant, Li Shimin's feelings came to his heart in every way. Sorrow is fleeting.

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