Tang Yun

Chapter 756: Ask the three elders again to find out the cause of death


"Why did my mother die?"

Li Kuan watched Yang Shidao intently. What he was looking for was the truth of his mother’s dystocia and death. What caused the death of his mother, and the mother suffered so much, Li Kuan must get it back, and he must do it now. Things.

"I really don't know about this!" Yang Shidao quickly explained, "After your mother married King Qin, the world was in chaos at that time. Your mother and other princesses all lived in the palace. How do I know the reason? I only heard about you later. My mother died of dystocia, and I don’t know the others."

"You really don't know?"

Li Kuan stared at Yang Shidao indifferently, Yang Shidao nodded desperately like a chicken pecking at rice, cold sweat ran down his back, Yang Shidao didn’t dare to bet that Li Kuan dared to do anything against Li Shimin’s father, not to mention the two of them. It really doesn't matter. I repeatedly reiterated that I didn't know it, and also said: "There are only a few people who know the specific matters. Back then, I wasn't a major minister in the DPRK.

"Elder Wang, they must know!"

Li Kuan restrained his momentum, bowed his head thoughtfully, with a little helpless on his face. If you want to say that the only people who really know are alive, Yang Shidao will definitely not conceal it after being deterred, because he will definitely conceal it. After being taught by Li Kuan, now that Wang Lao and others know how they are not willing to say it, this makes Li Kuan really helpless.

Then, Li Kuan got up and left. He wanted to go back to the mansion to press Wang Huai and others, otherwise he would be unwilling!

Shidao Yang trembled and sent Li Kuan out of the house in person. It was only when their backs disappeared from front of them that they were relieved, and muttered with a complex expression: "I didn't expect him to be the grandson of the sixth brother..." Even if he knew Li Kuan. With such a relationship with him, Yang Shidao couldn't turn his head back, and then ordered his servants to find his son back to prevent him from continuing to provoke him.

Li Kuan went out for a long time before returning. Wang Huai and others were restless. They were worried that Li Kuan could not control his temper and cause trouble again. It was not until Li Kuan came back that the three of them felt relieved. Before they could speak, Li Kuan said first: "The three of you come to the study with me!"

Wang Huai and the others looked at each other and were puzzled. They still followed Li Kuan to the study. When the three of them sat down, Li Kuan plopped and knelt on his knees. The three of them were shocked and stood up quickly. They were completely surprised by Li Kuan's behavior. I was frightened, and only listened to Li Kuan solemnly begging: "Old Wang, I know that you three are people who would rather not bend, and I dare not be disrespectful to you, but this matter is very important to me. I implore the three loose mouths to tell me the truth about the death of my mother!"

"Get up and talk about it!"

Wang Huai and the others were also uncomfortable. They kindly helped Li Kuan up, but Li Kuan was resolutely unwilling to stand up, stating that he was forcing them to tell what they knew. The three of them nodded at each other, and Wang Huai sighed. A loud voice: "Fine, we tell you the truth!"

"Really?" Li Kuan was overjoyed, still a little suspicious in his heart, Qian Wu gave an angry look: "When did my teacher lie to you?"

Li Kuan whispered: "Have you lied to me less often?"

Qian Wu almost vomited blood out of anger, Zhao Qian continued: "Okay, let's tell you, get up and talk about it!"

"Good Le!"

Li Kuan stood up quickly, Wang Huai and others shook their heads dumbfounded, but they promised that they would do it naturally. After everyone sat down, Li Kuan listened intently, and Wang Huai took the initiative to speak: "In fact, you don't ask, we I am also ready to tell you that you are mature enough now, with the aura of a superior in your words and deeds, and the time is ripe."

Li Kuan was full of disbelief. He had heard these words many times, saying that the time was ripe every time. In fact, he always said half and half, like a maze. You think you have found an intersection, but in fact It is simply a new trap.

"When the Emperor Gaozu saw your appearance, he already knew that all the rumors about your mother were man-made rumors, so he ordered us to investigate the events of that year." Wang Huai said slowly, "After we investigated and confirmed that The rumors about your mother are false. Someone spread the rumors behind her back."

"Concubine Yang De?" Li Kuan said a person, Wang Huai and others nodded, and Zhao Qian answered: "Concubine Yang De is the daughter of the former Emperor Yang of Sui Dynasty, she is the princess, and your mother is the daughter of the same race. Instead of marrying at the same time as the wife of the Prince of Qin, your mother is a concubine dowry, so she is inferior to her."

"The Queen of Qin at that time was the eldest grandson, and the king of Qin led the army all the year round. Therefore, the emperor of the high ancestor ordered the Queen of Qin and all his wives to live in Chengqing Hall. As for the concubine Yang Defei, he was jealous that your mother was only favored by the King of Qin. Jointly spread rumors with other wives and the maid beside your mother. In addition, your mother and her clan knew about some personal matters, and they spread slowly through the mouths of others, instigating the relationship between your mother and King Qin, but King Qin also believed in the palace. The rumors and rumors gradually became more and more indifferent to your mother, even to the point of disgust."

Li Kuan sneered again and again. He had already guessed some of the rumors in the palace before, and now he is more certain that this matter cannot be separated from Concubine Yang. Now he knows why he almost died from drowning, and what Li Tai said to him after losing anxiously in a test with him that day, it is now completely clear.

"Your mother married into the Prince Qin Mansion back then, and was loved by the Prince Qin even more than that of Prince Qin back then. Moreover, she is extremely beautiful and has a beautiful heart. She is completely an ideal internal helper." Zhao Qian was full of praise, "Qinqi Calligraphy, calligraphy, and so on are all familiar, even I have to admit that he has learned a lot, and his calligraphy is also excellent."

Wang Huai and Qian Wu had no objection to this. In fact, Yang Huilan is indeed pedantic, and even the finances of the Qin Palace are entrusted to her. Not only does it manage well, but it also brings profits to the Qin Palace. Li Shimin was even more happy.

Li Kuan learned about his mother's deeds from Wang Huai's three people, and remembered Li Shimin's alienation and even loathing of his mother. After thinking for a moment, Li Kuan said solemnly: "Who did he send to investigate the rumors about my mother?"

"The eldest grandson Wuji who served as the chronicle of the Qin Palace at that time, and the three of Su Shichang who sacrificed wine and Cai Yungong who joined the army!" Qian Wu said, "Su Shichang and Cai Yungong died in the early years of Zhenguan. It is strange to say that Su Shichang fell into the water. Cai Yungong resigned and returned home and died at home."

Qian Wu had an intuition that the deaths of these two people must be strange, and Li Kuan also felt the same. Maybe someone deliberately concealed the truth and did it deliberately. The only person who is suspicious is the surviving grandson Wuji, Li Shimin affirmed Will not listen to rumors, unless it is based on facts, at that time Li Shimin was absolutely wise and martial, and the later change of alienation and even disgust shows that there is evidence that the rumors are true, otherwise Li Shimin would not be so sure.

"Did my mother really die due to dystocia?" Wang Huai and the others nodded in unison. This matter is not controversial. Yang Huilan did die due to dystocia. Li Kuan also began to feel sorrow after hearing this. He was a little uncomfortable. (End of this chapter)