Tang Yun

Chapter 764: Taizong wakes up and recalls the past


Originally planned to hold a wedding for Zhang Chong, Leng Feng and others at the end of this month, it had to be put on hold because of the death of Qian Wu. Wang Huai and Zhao Qian lost the company of their friends and couldn't adapt to the days when Qian Wu was away for a short time. Li Kuan, Wu Jue and others also did not adapt.

Li Xi and Li Tun burst into tears whenever they think of Qian Wu. When their mother trained them, Qian Wu and the others protected themselves. This made them miss Qian Wu especially. Although he is not related by blood, he has long been beyond blood to become a member of the family.

Zhang Chong, Leng Feng, and others were not in the mood to get married, and now the Royal Palace of Chu is precarious, and their responsibility is even greater after Qian Wu's death. In the past, Qian Wu had to check in when they encountered problems. Now they all rely on themselves. Xiao Qiushui and Xiao Yi are not willing to marry at this time.

Qian Wu has been buried in the land for security, and he is buried in Xian Mausoleum to protect the emperor Gaozu forever. They don't have to keep filial piety for three years, at least they have to pass the matter before they can get married in peace.

In the past, the end of the twelfth lunar month every year would be a joyous and happy holiday. Now that the lack of Qian Wu makes the palace of Chu Wang no longer happy, everyone pretends to smile, Wu Jue loses a lot of weight due to guilt, even if everyone is comforted, they still blame themselves. .

Perhaps this year's New Year's Eve is really a difficult hurdle for the Royal Palace of Chu!

On the night of New Year's Eve, all previous programs were cancelled, and no one had the leisure and elegance to continue watching the programs, but there were more red envelopes than in previous years. Li Kuan had prepared for the worst and was ready to leave the capital at any time. Even his family business quietly shifted during this time, and everything went on quietly.

The matter of Li Kuan’s entry into the palace gradually became forgotten over time. The general of the right guard, Li Daliang, kept his mouth open. As for the guards and soldiers, they would not disclose it. Other rumors were spread by the eunuchs and maids in the palace. .

In order to be tight-lipped, Li Shimin's rumors about this matter, or known palace ladies and eunuchs, were all eliminated, causing a new batch of palace ladies and eunuchs to be replaced in the palace. The Guardsmen were unwilling to disclose it because they couldn't afford to lose this face, and Li Daliang thought so.

"The emperor, don't do it!"

Li Daliang heard that the emperor was going to Da'an Palace to see King Chu. He was trembling all over. He quickly dissuaded Li Shimin from taking risks. However, Li Shimin had decided, Li Daliang sighed helplessly, and only led a dozen people to guard his safety because of him. Knowing that in the face of Li Kuan, you won't necessarily win if there are too many people, so you have to let the flow go and everything will be your fate.

That night, the quiet Chu Palace revealed a sense of sadness. Li Shimin, accompanied by Li Daliang, went out of Anshenmen to Da'an Palace. When the next person learned that the current emperor had come forward, he was so scared that he ran to pass the pass.

Wang Huai and the others felt tight, but Zhang Chong and others were on guard with a low complexion, but Li Kuanfeng was calm and disapproving, but he didn't plan to see Li Shimin, and Wu Hui, whose mood improved a lot, began to persuade him. Li Kuancai reluctantly agreed.

Wu Jue was worried that Li Kuan could not control his temper and had to accompany him in person. Li Shimin was also a little worried that Li Kuan was unwilling to see him, but he knew the reason when he saw Wu Jue. He nodded slightly to show his gratitude. Wu Jue smiled and nodded in response.

Li Kuan stood outside the door, looking at Li Shimin, and said impatiently: "If you have anything to do, just leave it!"

Li Daliang was very angry, and only Li Kuan dared to treat the current emperor in this way. Li Shimin smiled bitterly. He knew that Li Kuan didn't want to see himself, and he came tonight because he figured it out, so he slowly said, "I came to tell you about your mother!"

"Get out!" Li Kuan didn't forgive Li Shimin's innocence from beginning to end. He watched his mother die due to dystocia, and heard Li Shimin talk about his mother. He shouted angrily: "You don't deserve to mention my mother!"

Li Shimin stood awkwardly outside the door, neither retreating nor entering. The atmosphere instantly rose. Wu Jue quickly said, "Husband, I don't know about my mother yet!"

Li Kuan’s mood slowly calmed down, and he turned to the mansion with a cold snort. Wu Hui asked Li Shimin to enter the mansion when he saw this. Li Daliang wanted to follow the left and right but was stopped by Zhang Chong, Leng Feng and others. Li Daliang was so angry that Li Daliang almost vomited blood. , He was the dignified General Youwei who was ordered by the Dian army in the palace, but it was the palace of Chu, he didn't dare to move.

I had to watch Li Shimin enter the Da'an Palace alone, waiting outside the house anxiously.

Li Shimin followed Li Kuan to the Hall of Renzheng. In the past, others followed him. Now the position is upside down and Li Shimin is very helpless. After entering the Hall of Renzheng, he sits down. Wu Hui ordered people to warm up a pot of wine to warm up and send some food. Fill your hunger.

"The emperor, you said about your mother earlier, what is it?" Wu Shuo personally poured the wine. After Li Shimin drank warm wine and became warmer, she asked. She also wondered if Li Shimin came to the palace tonight to be really just talking. Li Kuan’s biological mother, Yang Jie, said about it.

Li Shimin glanced at Li Kuan and saw that he turned his head and didn't want to look at himself, but he pricked his ears as if listening to what he was going to say. He was overjoyed and quickly said, "You must know the truth about your mother. I will tell you today. Say things you don’t know."

Li Kuan snorted and said nothing, but his attention was focused on what Li Shimin was about to say, "I met your mother in Taiyuan for twelve years of great cause, and the Emperor Gaozu stayed in Taiyuan at the time. It coincided with Wei Daoer, the leader of Gaoyang thief. The dispatcher Zhen Dier led an army to attack Taiyuan, and I was ordered to go deep into the enemy camp."

"Wei Dao'er was an anti-Sui soldier, and it was not all the thief, but his general Zhen Zhai'er was born recklessly and committed illegal things. It happened that I entered the enemy's camp to search for information, but I heard He robbed a caravan on the way and captured the caravan leader, and he is preparing to exchange for more money on this condition."

"Could it be that the young master is the mother?" Wu Jue was surprised and whispered, "The young master should be a male name!"

Li Kuan's eyes were suspicious, and he no longer turned his head away from Li Shimin, but did not ask aloud. Li Shimin was even more happy when he saw Li Kuan take care of himself. He felt that he was right tonight. Since the unpleasant trouble last time, the relationship between the two has disappeared. This thorn penetrates into Li Shimin's heart. He misses his Li Kuan's biological mother again, so he wakes up and thinks back to what he has done. The only person who found the wrong was himself. Because he guessed that Li Kuan would kill the other sons, he intervened. He did not know that he was the one who caused all this. When Li Keyuan left his hometown, Li Shimin finally realized that he was really wrong.

So he decided to take the initiative to regress. Only Li Kuan's biological mother maintained the relationship between the two. Li Shimin decided to tell Li Kuan the ins and outs of the whole thing.

"That young boss is your mother who is disguised as a man, because she is inconvenient for her daughter because she is running all the year round, so it is convenient to change to men's clothes." Li Shimin explained to them, "I heard that someone was kidnapped, so she committed crimes." While exploring the enemy’s situation, he thought of trying to get him out."

Wu Shuo took the call, and said excitedly: "Does the legendary hero save the United States?"

"What is the hero saving the beauty?" Li Shimin looked at Wu Hui with a face full of confusion. Wu Hui didn't know how to explain it. He also saw that Li Kuan was eager to know the follow-up, and he didn't get to the bottom of it. He continued to talk about the two. The scene of the first meeting.

At that time, Li Shimin didn't know that Yang Huilan was a daughter, and Yang Huilan didn't know Li Shimin's identity. In short, the two hurriedly escaped from the enemy army like victims. Due to the high noise, Yang Huilan and Li Shimin were separated. Finally, Li Shimin led the elite to break through and defeated the enemy in one fell swoop and relieved the danger in Taiyuan.

"and after?"

Wu Hui likes listening to stories the most, dragging her cheeks like a child, causing Li Shimin to laugh, Li Kuan also shook his head and smiled bitterly, reminding her that it was useless and let her go because of Wu Hui’s true temperament. It reminded him of Li Kuan's biological mother as well.

"When Daye Twelve met for the first time, I was not very familiar with her, and I would not expect to meet again in the future." Li Shimin said slowly, "One year later, Emperor Gaozu, Jinyang Palace, rose up against the Sui Dynasty in the same year. In November, he occupied the capital of Chang'an City, respected Yang You as emperor, and changed Yuan Yining."

"In order to show to the Guanzhong family and the people that he did not want to be emperor, the emperor Gaozu asked the former Emperor Gong of the Sui Dynasty to grant marriage."

"Who is the gift of marriage?" Li Kuan asked when he was born suddenly.

Li Shimin finally heard Li Kuan speak and replied overjoyed: "The former Emperor Gong of the Sui Dynasty listened to my father’s performance when he was a child, and he naturally did his best. Finally, he chose one of the daughters of the former Sui Emperor Yang to marry me. That person was exactly the same. Li Ke and Li Meng’s biological mother, Concubine Yang, is a former princess of the Sui Dynasty. Although she is not the daughter of the queen, she is still a concubine princess."

"Then what's the matter with my mother?" Li Kuan hurriedly asked.

Li Shimin was silent for a moment, and said: "Your mother belongs to the Hongnong Yang family, and the royal family is a distant blood relative of the same clan. According to the princess's wedding ritual system, she will be married by someone. However, the former Emperor Gong of the Sui Dynasty did not follow the normal ritual system for some reason. Instead, he ordered Hongnong Yang to choose a female dowry, and that person was your mother, Yang Huilan."

"Although it was the emperor's marriage, but it was also a hurried marriage. Maybe it was destined. When I got married that night, I saw your mother and your mother saw me. At that moment, I knew that your mother was a daughter. Your mother also knows who I am."

"Even though she does not have exquisite attire, she is not weaker than Concubine Yang in appearance and temperament, and even the queen of the grandson is not too much. It is precisely because that night I saw your mother again, regardless of the night of the bridal chamber. Concubine Yang was left in the cold, but went to your mother's boudoir, and the next day I asked my father to accept your mother as a concubine."

"Maybe it was my fault that made Concubine Yang feel jealous, and your mother seemed to have experienced something. The whole person was like a walking dead, and she didn't see her smile. Except for leading soldiers in battle, she spent the rest of her time with your mother. By my side, I just hope she can smile."

"I heard Master Yang said, is it true that you once let my mother take charge of the finances of your house?" Li Kuan remembered what Yang Shidao had said, Li Shimin nodded and said: "When your mother was married, I didn't know her identity, just Knowing that she is the daughter of Hongnong's Yang family, and after the first meeting, she faintly guessed that your mother should have some abilities, so let her be in charge of financial expenditures in the Fuzhong. I did not expect your mother to double the income of my Fuzhong in less than half a year. "

"What's the matter with the rumors in the palace?"

Li Shimin replied: "The Emperor Gaozu established the Datang Empire in the following year. I was named King of Qin. Because the prince could not lead the battle, I had to stay and sit in the capital, so I was the one who led the battle. This also made me absent from the capital all the time. The slang word came out when your mother had you."

"At that time, I didn’t believe in the rumors. I sent someone to investigate. I finally found out that your grandfather was a member of the Hongnong Yang clan who was not taken seriously. He rarely returned to the family when doing business abroad. On the day outside, your grandfather adopted one. Son, and that person is two years older than your mother. The two of them have played since childhood. They were going to be married in the year of the dowry. However, they became the princess's dowry daughter by mistake, and finally I was accepted as the daughter of the princess' dowry. Concubine room, and I also know why my mother has been depressed because she missed her once Ai Lang in her heart."

Suddenly, Li Kuan seemed to understand why Li Shimin was so disgusted. The love he had paid so clearly turned out to be a deliberate flow and ruthlessness. He has even become his concubine and still believes in his former lover. No one can remain calm when he becomes a concubine.

"The rumors say that I am not your own person?" Li Kuan stared at Li Shimin word by word, and Li Shimin nodded silently, "My mother is in the palace. Don’t know if the child belongs to you?"

Li Shimin replied with difficulty: "Your mother used to go out of the palace to visit your grandfather!"

"Because of this, you believe those rumors are true?"

Li Kuan froze for a moment and was furious. He really wanted to swear at Li Shimin. He had never seen his mother, but he knew something from Mrs. Rongguo’s Yang, and he would never do anything against ethics. As a husband, he was unwilling to believe in his wife, and even sprinkled salt on her wounds. It is conceivable that the mother's heart was already dead at that time, and the reason she persevered was because there was a child in her womb.

"When your mother returned home to save her relatives, the general who came back to the army, Cai Yungong, also said that your mother had seen that person and smiled happily." Li Shimin was in pain, and tried his best to make Bomei smile, but he was not as good as others. , Li Shimin also felt ashamed under the extreme difference of mood, and even determined that the flesh and blood in his abdomen was not his own child, but Yang Huilan and that person's wicked species.

As the King of the Qin Dynasty of the Tang Dynasty, how could Li Shimin let a green lawn grow on his head, wishing to kill Yang Huilan. However, after seeing Yang Huilan learn of the rumors, her empty eyes were lifeless, which made Li Shimin unable to do so, and finally chose to let Yang Huilan fend for herself, which was also the main reason for her dystocia and death.

Li Shimin re-investigated regret. At the beginning, there was no regret medicine in this world. He knew that he was wrong. If you didn't choose to believe the rumors at that time, and unswervingly chose to stand beside Yang Huilan with him, perhaps the result would be different. (End of this chapter)