Tang Yun

Chapter 768: The ministers exclaimed and wanted to change the edict


Wu Gonggong drafted an edict but did not return. Li Shimin sat alone in the Ganlu Hall. Minister Fang Xuanling, Du Ruhui and other ministers rushed to the palace one after another. Everyone saluted Li Shimin and was relieved of the red tape. After a glance, everyone was there.

Li Shimin stood up, put on fur and walked out of the hall. Fang Xuanling and others looked at each other and hurriedly followed. The eunuch carried a lantern and bowed to lead the way. Until everyone came to Chengqing Hall and entered the hut where Yang Huilan lived, Fang Xuanling and others were even more unsure.

At this time, this special hut is no longer the thick dust that it used to be. Li Shimin ordered the maid to clean it up, and even the objects were exactly the same as those used by Yang Huilan when he was alive. Li Shimin occasionally came to see things and think about people.

"You are the book order, so you don't have to bother others about writing!"

Every time Li Shimin came, his heart was surging, his blood was surging, and his expression was sad. Fang Xuanling and others didn’t know what was going on, so they had to wait and see what happened. Li Shimin asked everyone to sit down and called Ma Zhou to write down what happened tonight. Ma Zhou got up and came. At the desk, pens, inks, papers and inkstones were already prepared on the desk.

When they arrived at the Chengqing Palace, Li Shimin ordered the imperial army to guard closely and not let anyone approach the hall for half a step. The maids and eunuchs were all expelled from the hall and waited. Even the hurried Duke Wu was blocked in the hall. The outside is not allowed to enter.

"Tonight was when I was reunited with my family, but I had to tell the ministers to enter the palace immediately if something happened!" Li Shimin rarely whispered to everyone, Fang Xuanling and others repeatedly said that they did not dare, "I believe you Aiqing are very confused. Why do I send an urgent order tonight?"

Fang Xuanling and others were silent. Ma Zhou had polished his ink and wrote down everything about tonight. Li Shimin stopped his brush without saying anything.

"I decided to change the edict to enshrine Chu Wangkuan as the prince of the dynasty, and exempt him from being the prince of the Jin Dynasty." Ma Zhou almost fell off the brush in his hand. After a moment of stunned, he quickly recorded Li Shimin's original words. Fang Xuanling et al. People were equally surprised: "Your Majesty, why is this?"

"I have ordered Wu Xu to pass on the edict and posthumously titled Yang Jieshu as the queen of Wenhui Shunsheng, posthumous posthumous title Wenhui!" Li Shimin didn't know if he could change this way, Li Kuan forgave him, but he felt a lot more comfortable, "Yang Jie. Shu Nai Chu Wang Kuan’s biological mother, collapsed due to a dystocia in the second year of Wude, and the death of Empress Wenhui was my fault. The failure to investigate in detail was the reason why she suffered injustice. More than 20 years, wait for Zhenguan 18 In the new year, I will tell the world, return him justice, and let him be wronged."

The fact that Yang Jiesu is Li Kuan’s mother is probably the only one who knew Li Daozong was present. The others didn’t know, and they didn’t know what happened. Therefore, Li Shimin went through the whole thing one by one.

"This eldest grandson Wuji is fucking damned!"

When Cheng Yaojin heard this, he scolded the shameless grandson Wuji. In order to achieve the prosperity of the grandson family, he did everything. This led to a series of subsequent problems. The same indignation was not limited to Cheng Yaojin alone. Li Daozong and Changsun Wuji were due to their early years. Disagreement between political opinions and conflicts, and then the two even tore their skins. If Li Daozong was a royal clan, he would have been imprisoned by the eldest son Wuji.

Wei Zheng scolded angrily: "The elder Sun Wuji must be wrong in this matter, but your Majesty is also too wrong!"

"I know!"

Facing Wei Zheng’s accusation for the first time, Li Shimin was sincerely willing to accept without opposing it. Before Wei Zheng had repeatedly persuaded him, Li Shimin was not willing to be willing, but had to obey, and the Queen’s grandson intervened before he was willing to accept. Until the minister can appreciate and accept his accusations, there is no complaint

"Your Majesty, there were rumors in the palace that the Royal Highness of Chu launched a mutiny, is it true or false that he wants to kill the emperor?"

Although Li Ji retired from the Shangshu of the Ministry of War, there were still some things he knew. Afterwards, Zheng Rentai of the State of Pillar also suspected that it was not a rumor. Yuchi Jingde also thought the same way, so several people felt that something was abnormal in private communication.

"it is true!"

Li Shimin was also uncomfortable. I would like to ask in front of the old officials to admit that he was almost killed by his son, and he almost subverted the Datang Jiangshan community. It was not good for anyone to spread it out, but Ma Zhou's truthful record was quietly used by Li Daozong. The wink reminded him that in the end he chose not to record it, as if he had never heard it at the time.

"Your Majesty, do you know?" Li Daozong suddenly smiled bitterly, and Li Shimin nodded hard to admit that the others were monk Zhang Er who had no idea. In the end, Li Daozong said, "His Royal Highness has a frightening title in the army. I believe you all know it well!"

"Kill the gods!" Cheng Yaojin subconsciously answered, seeing that Li Shimin and Li Daozong had different expressions, they knew they had said something wrong, and smiled embarrassingly.

Li Shimin didn't mean to blame Cheng Yaojin, but when he thought of what happened that day, he felt uneasy. Li Daozong went on to say: "In fact, this title is not praise, but fear, which is somewhat ironic. Because when he got this title, it was The real mass murder, regardless of the enemy's wanton killing, even forced us to wait for the general to take action before reluctantly letting him wake up."

"Is it that scary?"

Cheng Yaojin murmured dissatisfied, Zheng Rentai, Li Ji and others also felt a bit exaggerated, because they all saw it with their own eyes and naturally didn't believe it. Only Li Shimin's personal experience is really a scary existence. No matter how high a person's martial arts is. It's not that it can really go unimpeded among the thousands of troops, and the facts are not tolerated by Li Shimin's unbelief.

"Is it stimulated?" Li Jing, who had already retired from the army, was also ordered to enter the palace. He had a vague guess.

Li Daozong nodded: "In fact, before the Battle of Jiluo Mountain, His Royal Highness Chu was framed by the Chinese scholars of our dynasty. Some even colluded with Xue Yantuo's tribe to try to murder the King of Chu so that he could not return to Beijing. Therefore, he set up in the Xiongnu River. In an ambush, only Qin Shandao and two of the more than 10,000 soldiers of the King of Chu came back, while Liao Fan and Fei Lian, two soldiers of the Royal Palace of Chu, were assassinated to save His Royal Highness.

Li Daozong explained the reasons and proved that Li Jing's speculation was correct. Li Kuan was indeed stimulated, and the stimulation was very serious. Then, Li Daozong explained the situation of the Battle of Jiluo Mountain again, and finally said: "To this day, there are still traces of His Highness killing the enemy at the time on Jiluo Mountain. The silver spear has been standing upright and the Xue Yantuo tribe did not dare to go beyond. Lei Chi half a step."

Everyone didn't know about the Battle of the Xiongnu River. Even Li Shimin only knew about the title of Li Kuan when he announced it. They didn't know that it was extremely difficult and nearly lost his life. As for the people involved in the incident, Li Daozong did not say anything, nor did other people follow up, because they all saw Li Shimin's expression on his face and sighed from time to time.

"That day, he learned that my mother's death was directly related to me. He was greatly stimulated and broke into the palace alone in an uncontrollable situation. Li Daliang led thousands of people to resist and still could not hold him, even forcing me to flee. Because he really wanted to kill me to avenge my mother, the reason why he didn't kill me was because Princess Chu took his daughter to stop him in time, but didn't want to have another branch in the middle, causing Qian to die to save them."

Li Shimin spoke about the process of the day concisely and concisely. When everyone heard Li Shimin personally say it, they had to believe that Li Kuan’s ability was beyond imagination. Cheng Yaojin, Zheng Rentai, Li Jing and other generals looked at each other with frustration and dismay. Shock. (End of this chapter)