Tang Yun

Chapter 779: The remains were stolen, and a hidden illness occurred


The second month of the lunar calendar is already in the middle of spring. The cold wind has disappeared. Everything has been awakened. Especially in the season when the flowers are in full bloom, the red apricot seems to hear the call of the spring breeze. Can't shut down the restless heart of Apricot.

On the second day of February, a warm spring breeze was blowing on the dark night, and the Da'an Palace was brightly lit like daylight. At the same time, in the magnificent palace bedroom, Emperor Taizong wore a black dragon robe, a crown on his head, and went out of the bedroom neatly and solemnly under the wait of a group of maidservants, and then went to the Tai Chi Hall after finishing his breakfast.

Li Kuan and Wu Jue also wore solemn clothes, Li Xi. The same was true for Li Tun. The other two children stayed in the mansion and were looked after by Wang Huai, Zhao Qian, Xiao Qiushui, Xiao Yi and others. Zhang Chong, Leng Feng and others also accompanied the mansion to the palace.

Today is the day of Yang Jieshu's relocation and burial. Therefore, all the officials of the Korean and Chinese people will participate, except for the old and retired officials, such as Liubu Shangshu and the ministers and other officials. The ceremony is solemn and solemn. When Li Kuan appeared in front of everyone again, without exception, all were called His Royal Highness, Wu Jue was called the Crown Prince, and even Li Xi and Li Tun were also called His Royal Highness.

At the time of Mao, Emperor Taizong finally appeared in front of the hundred officials. He walked up slowly from the main hall under the full eyes of the public. Li Xi and Li Tun were no longer young children who had never changed. They already knew the importance of etiquette. Li Shimin took the lead. Li Kuan, Wu Hui and others left the palace immediately afterwards.

When Li Shimin took the lead in Longhu to open the way, the civil and military officials followed closely. Except for Wu Jue and the two children who were sitting in the carriage, everyone else walked, as did Li Kuan. If it were not for the relocation of his biological mother, Li Kuan would never be so obedient.

Long Hu didn't stop, they had to walk, half an hour passed, and another hour passed. The ministers could not hold on for a long time. Almost all of them were riding horses when they walked such a long road, and both feet blistered. Come, even if so, I have to grit my teeth and insist.

From Zhuquemen, go east out of Yanximen, leave the palace and continue east to the intersection of Yongxingfang and Danfengmen, go north out of Danfengmen, and then cross the Longshouqu River over the stone bridge. With the sound of people walking, the fish in the awakened river appeared curiously to watch the excitement.

Everyone headed north to the East Forbidden Garden. Li Shimin just walked out of Longhu. Wu Jue also got out of the carriage with the child. Everyone thought it had arrived. However, they saw Li Shimin continue to walk forward and stop at the hilly place where the Forbidden Garden and Long Shouyuan meet.

Li Shimin watched sadly for a long time, and at the reminder of Wu Gonggong, let Li Kuan and Wu Hui take the two children with him to worship Yang Jiesu first. As for Baiguan and others, they stayed under the hills and waited. Li Kuan, Wu Jue and others were all sad and could not hide their sadness.

"Is my mother buried here?"

Li Shimin nodded stupidly, Li Kuan's eyes were full of disbelief. It is absolutely impossible for his mother to be buried in such a good place. The road up the mountain has been specially repaired, and even a lot of flowers have been planted on both sides, and the trees are shaded. At first glance, it looks more like a park with pleasant scenery.

"Your mother was not buried here at the beginning, and then I ordered to relocate here!" Li Kuan snorted coldly, and he guessed how this might be the first burial place. It must be Li Shimin who discovered that year. It revealed that it was unusual, and it was re-buried under the guilty heart.

When they walked up the mountain for a full half an hour before they arrived, they saw that the tomb was different from the tombs of the princes and ministers and the emperor. The direction is roughly north and south, as if looking at the royal palace, and flowers are also planted on the left and right sides of the tomb, and there are a pair of stone figures standing slightly bowed as if they were saluting.

Li Kuan and Wu Suo both felt a little depressed, and their eye sockets were instantly moist. They both thought of their mother at the same time, and they felt uncomfortable. Li Xi and Li Tun saw their parents kneeling and kowtow, and they did not hesitate to kneel and kowtow. After three kneelings and nine kowtows, Li Kuan and others still knelt and did not get up.

The two of them noticed that the tombstone only had the last name written on it without a name, and they couldn't help feeling sad when they knew the rules of etiquette at this time. Half an hour, the auspicious hour had arrived, and Wu Gonggong immediately sent an edict to start the burial.

Although Wu Hui is a daughter-in-law, she is a woman after all, so she has to avoid it temporarily. When the grave was dug up, the heavy coffin was exposed, and the people immediately carried it up and put it aside. At the same time, Li Shimin's feelings were difficult to control, and he had to turn his face away in tears so that no one could see. Li Kuan had been patient and finally couldn't hold back crying when the coffin was lifted.

When Li Xi and Li Tun saw their father crying, they were uncomfortable, and they cried harder than Li Kuan. Li Shimin quietly wiped his tears. Suddenly, the experienced person showed doubts, and then he looked at the coffin carefully and turned into a panic. After hesitating for a long time, he said: "Go to my sage, I am afraid that this coffin is strange!"

"Yeah!" Li Shimin wiped away his tears and glared at him. Li Kuan's expression was gloomy, and the man was so scared that he almost didn't fall into the grave. He trembled and said in shock, "Little doubt that this coffin has been opened by someone!"

Li Shimin and Li Kuan were shocked when they heard the words, and Li Kuan was even more furious: "What's the matter?"

"There are traces of the nails being pried apart!" The man hurriedly said what he had discovered. Li Shimin and Li Kuan hurriedly stepped forward to check. Indeed, the traces of the coffin nails had been passive again. The most obvious one was missing. nail.

"Open the coffin!"

Li Kuan chose to open the coffin without hesitation, even if he was disrespectful to his deceased mother, Li Shimin was stunned for a moment and nodded in agreement. Finally, after the coffin was opened, there were no bones inside. The empty coffin seemed to be buried in an empty coffin.

Suddenly, Li Kuan turned his head and stared at Li Shimin angrily, and said with a cold smile: "You are so cruel!"

Li Shimin was also stunned, complaining in his heart, and he didn't know how to explain it. It was obvious that the bones were still there when he was buried, but he was not seen when he was reburied. This made Li Shimin unable to explain, and he saw an angry Li Kuan turning towards him. As he walked, Li Shimin's face was instantly pale under the double blow, and he was holding his chest, breathing not smoothly, as if it was a heart attack.

Li Xi and Li Tun saw Emperor Taizong's sudden illness and his father's anger. They didn't know what to do, so they could only shout to their mother. Wu Jue heard his son shouting, but he didn't care about any taboos, and ran over immediately. , Glanced at the coffin that was empty except for the burial goods, and then looked at her husband's eyes bursting with fire, and the emperor whose condition was unknown.

In an instant, Wu Jue knew who was heavier and which was lighter, and hurried to Li Shimin's side to check the situation. Wu Gonggong swiftly held his hands and his face was anxious. Li Kuan didn't stop when he saw Li Shimin fell. In his opinion, it was all. It's Li Shimin's ghost. (End of this chapter)