Tang Yun

Chapter 782: Final (Part I)


"Uncle, don't you recognize my nephew?"

The look of Li Kuan’s tearful eyes made Li Shimin and Wu Gonggong both twitch their mouths, as if they saw a child as old as Li Xi and the others. It’s fine to act like a baby in front of Li Shimin and Wu Gonggong. The voice was excited. With joy, everyone can hear it.

"I… "

Wu Gonggong stopped talking, his whole heart trembled, and even his body was trembling. Li Shimin finally couldn't help it. He watched his son confess to the eunuch. This was not a matter of face but dignity. It happened to him. Take a breather and deny it first: "Kuan'er, you must have admitted wrong, how could Wu Xu be..."

Li Shimin was stunned and could not say those two words. Li Kuan looked at Wu Gonggong with joy, and when he looked at Li Shimin, his face changed instantly, and said faintly: "I'm talking about Yang Che, not Wu Xu. ."

Li Shimin was even more depressed, feeling very uncomfortable. Li Kuan didn't want to talk to him at all. He was so angry that Li Shimin almost fell ill again. He restrained himself from thinking too much. Li Kuan didn't care how Li Shimin thought about it. What he wanted was the answer from Duke Wu in front of him.

When Li Kuan’s gaze met Wu Gonggong again, Wu Gonggong finally let go, and the love in his eyes even Li Shimin was stunned, and Wu Gonggong showed a smile, and he stretched out a pair full of thick. The callused hand patted Li Kuan's shoulder lightly, and he smiled and said, "How do you see it?"

"What?" Li Shimin was shocked. The person next to him was not Wu Xu. How could Li Shimin believe it

Li Kuan ignored Li Shimin’s fuss. Hearing the words of Duke Wu in front of him, he knew that the guess was correct. The person in front of him was definitely not the original Duke Wu, but Yang Che stayed with Emperor Taizong as Duke Wu. Li Kuan could not be sure of the exact time, and he could probably guess some of it.

"A person's appearance can be changed, but the voice is unique. Even if it is imitated, it can never replace the original voice." Li Kuan explained one by one, "Wu Gonggong's voice is sharp and masculine, which is a long time ago. Habit; but uncle, your voice is sharp but very deep, even if it is deliberately concealed, it still has a strong bass."

After Yang Che admitted his identity, his voice was indeed different from that of Duke Wu, a bit hoarse in the deep, and he smiled and asked, "Is there any more?"

"Also when you went to my mother’s grave today, although you were surprised, both my wife and I noticed the calmness in your eyes, because from the beginning, the tomb was empty, and my mother’s remains were stolen by you. Go."

"Good insight!"

When Yang Che praised Li Kuan, he also admitted that Yang Huilan’s remains were stolen by him. The reason need not be said to be clear to everyone present. Li Shimin looked at Yang Che with complicated expressions. The two had never met each other. Naturally, Li Shimin I don't know what Yang Che looks like.

"Of course this is an anomaly discovered by an insider!" Li Kuan said mischievously. "As for the anomaly I found was the sentence I said to him in the cemetery, maybe no one knows the reason, but you know my The true meaning of the sentence."

Yang Che smiled and looked at him without saying a word, as if he really saw his nephew, especially those watery eyes that looked very much like Yang Huilan, and in an instant gave him a kind of seeing his former love, Yang Che Did not stop Li Kuan from continuing.

"The red pills he eats every day are actually not an elixir of life, but a chronic poison."

Li Kuan calmly explained that when Li Shimin heard the words, his hairs were erected. He didn't expect that the pill he had eaten was actually poison. "Originally, this kind of pill is only for refreshing and refreshing. Every time I eat it, I feel refreshed and feel refreshed. The endless spirit, in fact, this is an illusion, it is the effect of today at the expense of the future body, and there is a trace of mercury mixed in it, which is why he has black lips, but in fact, he is poisoned by mercury. Of course, the most practical effect of this kind of pill should be hidden in the body for a long time, as long as it does not stop in the middle, it can always maintain vitality, but when it is stopped, the toxicity will erupt due to emotions and eventually die. Its essence is that it is impossible to stop. Hibiscus."

Yang Che nodded and admitted, "You are right, and the hibiscus flower irrigated with mercury was used as a guide."

Li Shimin was in a cold sweat, and the conversation between the two of them was a torture for Li Shimin. He took the medicine happily every day, hoping to live forever, but he didn’t want to be intestinal poison, but he became dependent on his body and wanted to not eat it at all. I'm afraid it will be difficult.

"I can know the location of my mother's tomb and the hidden person in it. As a close attendant by his side, Wu Gonggong serves all the time. How can I not know? In addition, he secretly poisoned him under the name of longevity medicine. Who hates him so much, You also took away my mother's remains. In fact, you think he is not worthy of my mother, right?"

Yang Che nodded and said yes, staring coldly at Li Shimin, and gritted his teeth and said, "He is indeed not worthy of Cymbidium. Do you know what Cymbidium said to me when he returned home to save her parents?"

"What?" Li Shimin wanted to know what the provincial relatives said when they met, which is very important to him.

"Cymbidium is because she knew I was out of prison, so she hurried out of the palace. When she saw me, she directly said sorry to me. Huilan said that she was already yours, and she Your heart has also been taken away by you, and can no longer tolerate anyone."

Yang Che said with tears what happened that day, and Yang Huilan confessed to him that he had empathized. Even though she was forced to agree, she was willing to commit herself to Li Shimin in the end, and even said a lot of Li Shimin's good things to Yang Che, but that was also true. In addition, Yang Huilan told Yang Che to be filial to her father on her behalf, and then Yang Che watched Yang Huilan leave.

Yang Che saw the sincerity in Yang Huilan’s eyes, and the happy smile on his face, he also assured Yang Huilan to hand it over to Li Shimin, and was quite happy that he was sincere to Yang Huilan, and then left to go for sex. .

When he was ready to come back happily, Yang Huilan had disappeared. Not only Yang Che felt that the sky was falling, but even Yang Gongdao was crying because of the death of his only daughter. She was heartbroken and hated Li Shimin and even the entire Hongnong Yang family. Since then, they have never set foot in the capital to appear, everything is going on in secret, because the two of them are the same haters and enemies, even if they pay the price of their lives, they will kill Li Shimin to avenge their daughter.

Li Shimin only knew that his guess was true. Unfortunately, he didn't pay attention to the change in Yang Huilan's attitude when he came back from the province. He became disgusted because of jealousy, and even moved to kill. Li Shimin at this moment has already burst into tears and regrets, and he will always carry this regret for the rest of his life.

"I was ambushed on the Xiongnu River that day. Dadushe told me that someone was in collusion with me, and that person must be you!" Li Kuan said astonishingly again. He had never been able to find the one who colluded with Dadushe before. The thief, the only explanation was someone else, and Yang Che in front of him was the biggest suspect.

Yang Che nodded and said apologetically, "We are blinded by hatred, and we also know about the Tang Jun's expedition to Xue Yantuo, so we set a trap, and learned from it that other people will also harm you. We are more certain that you will do it. Become the next Emperor of the Tang Dynasty, so I personally went to secretly contact with Generosity, and I refused to give false information, and then joined forces with those people to get rid of you. In my opinion, the only ones who can get such reuse are the direct descendants. , The concubine is impossible, so it is logical to think that you are their concubine."

"Why?" Li Shimin asked the reason.

Yang Che sneered: "Because Huilan died of a dystocia, and her child was still born, then your aunt must go to the funeral." Li Shimin was silently sad, and fell silent again. Yang Che continued: "I I thought you were bound to die, but fortunately, you were safe, otherwise I would be sorry for Huilan, and I would have no face to see her even if I went on."

"Then when did you know my identity?" Li Kuan's eyes were complicated. He didn't expect that his biggest enemy would be his uncle. This made him wonder how to choose. Everyone else had gotten their due end. This difficult problem caused him. Helpless.

"After learning that you are safe and sound, I am also very surprised!" Yang Che suddenly paused for a moment, "Since you are so lucky, I will not do anything but I will quietly arrange for people to enter the palace in advance and arrange everything, and I will enter the palace myself. When the time was right, I killed all his direct descendants, but after Wu Xu told you who he was, I realized that I almost made a big mistake. I had to change my plan to kill Li Shimin and Empress Wende, and help you ascend to the throne and become emperor. At that time, he actually squeezed you out. What's even more annoying is to set someone else as the prince. Therefore, the amount in the later period is getting bigger and bigger. Only if he died earlier can you succeed to the throne."

Li Shimin sighed: "On that day, I ordered the Imperial Army of the Beiya to come to rescue the driver, but you blocked it?"

"Yes!" Yang Che readily admitted, staring at Li Kuan with scorching eyes, and laughed with relief: "I didn't expect Huilan's son to have such a high martial arts. The army of tens of thousands of people walked at will. If the Forbidden Army came, it would be impossible to resist. Live, so I had to stun that person, even I myself had to pretend to faint, but it’s a pity that you actually survived. It's really a hundred secrets!"

Li Kuan was also shocked by Yang Che's madness. Li Shimin's life and death were irrelevant. Even if Datang fell, it had nothing to do with him. Everything was just to get justice for his mother who died in vain. Suddenly he felt that he was very similar to Yang Che, and he was also trying to get justice without thinking about the consequences. He sighed, "If my mother hadn't married into the Palace of Qin, maybe her life would be very different."

"Where is Wu Xu?" Li Shimin asked hard, he didn't care about his own life and death, but Wu Xu had been following him all the time, and the two said it was brothers.

"He's fine!" Yang Che didn't want to say a word with Li Shimin with a cold face. Instead, he looked at Li Kuan with interest and said: "You should have guessed my relationship with Wu Xu!"

Li Kuan nodded and said, "Twins, you are the brother, and he is the younger brother!"

"As expected of Huilan's son, he is really smart!" Yang Che laughed, hearty laughter with deep remorse, tears in his eyes, as Li Kuan said, how else would it be possible? So like. (End of this chapter)