Tang Yun

Chapter 81: Be kind to donkey liver and lungs


"Teacher, you can't make a joke at this time!" Li Kuan couldn't laugh or cry. He is really not so confident. There are some ways to deal with minor illnesses and pains. Gas illness is a serious illness. It is not a child's play. It may kill people. A genius remembers Chinese in one second 8/1/z/o/m/

"Who is joking with you! With you and Elder Zhen, let alone a 100% chance, there is at least a 50% chance to wake up Queen Wende." Sun Simiao said seriously, "I know acupuncture and moxibustion, but it is nowhere near as good as Zhen. Old, and what you have learned by yourself plus the advice and cooperation of Mr. Zhen from the side, it may not be impossible!"

Li Kuan instantly thought of the Thirteen Needles of Guimen TCM that he had learned. He got some guidance from Sun Simiao. Most of the time, he fumbled forward by himself without any practical process. The reason why it is called a ghost is to rescue people from the gates of ghosts. Although it can't bring the dead back to life, it is also an extremely broad and profound medical skill.

Every injection is full of variables. There are tens of thousands of changes in the use of this set of medical techniques, and sometimes even experienced people can’t see how to perform the injection, and often unexpected injections have unexpected results. Sun Simiao recommended Li Kuan to go to Kyoto because he understands this set of medical skills, and Zhen Quan can definitely bring this set of medical skills to the fullest.

Zhen Quan's medical skills are much better than his brother Zhen Liyan, but he doesn't like officialdom, saying that he quit his job and went home to concentrate on medical research. Even Sun Simiao had read his works. Therefore, Sun Simiao is sure that no one can be sure of this except for Zhen Quan.

Li Kuan was a little worried, but time was waiting for no one. Sun Simiao had to bite the bullet when he said that. Even if he didn't want to, Gavinda could hear clearly and would not miss a single opportunity. Therefore, Gavinda and Li Kuan detour directly to Chang'an City.

When leaving the Metropolitan Government, Li Kuan had already explained everything to Wu Jue. Naturally, she would not oppose Li Kuan to do big things. All the affairs of the mansion were temporarily handed over to Wu Suo, even Yang Clan was a little confused when he heard that, this was completely treating Wu Suo as his wife.

Li Kuan and Gavinda rushed to Kyoto non-stop. When they arrived in the capital, they saw a sea of people in Kyoto. A large part of them were doctors carrying medicine boxes, some were doctors who traveled to the public, and some were monks in temples. , Even Taoist priests are here, it can be said that the mixture of fish and dragons has made Chang'an City more defenses.

Li Kuan, wearing a golden mask, rode straight to the imperial city. The guard of the city gate saw King Chu and Gavinda rushing to the imperial city. He also knew that something was going on, so he opened the city gate without asking the reason. People enter the city. Immediately afterwards, Li Kuan went straight to the Taiji Palace to meet Li Shimin.

Li Shimin frowned, his face was melancholy, and he sat on the chair with a solemn face. Hearing that Li Kuan had returned to Beijing without an edict, his brows became tighter and his voice became even colder. Li Kuan and Gavinda hurriedly went to the hall to bow and salute. Gavinda opened the door and said: "The emperor, ministers and others have found the real person Miaoying. According to the real person of Miaoying, only Mr. Zhen Quan in the world has it. method!"

Li Shimin, who was still expecting a turnaround, heard Gavinda's reply, his excitement disappeared instantly, his face became more solemn, and the loss in his eyes made Li Kuan understand. Since Zhen Quan is the brother of Zhen Liyan, then Zhen Liyan is serving as the doctor of Taichang Cheng Yushi again in the DPRK. If he is unable to do anything, he must go back and let his brother Zhen Quan come forward to solve the situation.

At this time, Zhen Quan is afraid that he has already entered Beijing, and it seems that the situation is not optimistic. Immediately afterwards, Li Kuan did not wait for Li Shimin to attack, and said calmly: "The minister has a way to cure Queen Wende's illness!"

Li Shimin looked at Li Kuan with surprise, and roared: "Are you kidding me? You have this ability? Go back to Jiangling, Jingzhou. Without my will, you will not be allowed to enter the capital again. If you violate it, follow the rules. Legal disposal!"

"I went, I was shameless!" Li Kuan saw that Li Shimin was so angry at him, he thought to himself: "This is just right, anyway, I don't want to return to Chang'an." He bowed and turned around without saying a word. Leaving, there is no meaning to stay at all.

Li Kuan’s behavior surprised Li Shimin again. He stopped Li Kuan again. He never thought he had left Tai Chi Palace quickly. Even Li Shimin yelled at him and pretended not to hear him. The back of leaving quickly, this can be. He hurriedly broke Gavinda, ignoring the courtesy of the emperor and his ministers, and said quickly: "Your Majesty, Queen Wende really needs His Royal Highness for the illness, so he hurried back to Chang'an with his ministers, without any intention of resisting the decree! "

Li Shimin was even more angry. He didn't believe that Li Kuan could cure the Empress Longsun's illness. In his opinion, it was just nonsense and impossible. Gavinda didn't care about Li Shimin's mood, so he hurried to catch up and shouted: "His Royal Highness, Your Royal Highness!"

"The emperor, the old slave thinks that His Highness's words are not fake!" Wu Gonggong respectfully persuaded Li Shimin. The latter also looked at the other person with doubts. Wu Gonggong went on to say: "Although His Highness has not ordered to enter Beijing privately. It was against the will, but the two of His Royal Highness and Gai Shijun found the real person Miaoying, and they talked about the existence of Mr. Zhen Quan, this can not be false, the old slave should have been beaten by His Majesty before saying the following words. Off."

"Then what are you waiting for, go and chase him back for me!"

Li Shimin heard the words and felt that there was some truth, so he quickly asked Duke Wu to chase Li Kuan back, but he was a little annoyed. Li Kuan pretended not to hear himself calling him, and his anger ignited again but was quickly calmed down by him.

"If your Royal Highness leaves, the Queen's illness will be really helpless!" Gavinda pleaded bitterly, "For the stability of the Tang Dynasty, please stay and treat Queen Wende! If the Queen has anything to do, The emperor will definitely be affected, I am afraid it will affect the foundation of the country!"

"Gai Shijun, this is not what I want to leave, but the emperor himself ordered me to leave the capital, not to enter Beijing without an edict."

Li Kuan kindly came to help, but was classified as a conspiracy by Li Shimin. He violated the rules. He had no delay at the moment. He kindly treated him as a donkey's liver and lungs. Li Kuan naturally did not want to stay, and secretly vowed to do it later. I'm not coming to Chang'an either.

"The emperor is worried about the queen's illness, so he will inevitably be a little angry, so please don't worry about it!" Gavinda said something was wrong. Even if the emperor is not, he can't talk about it behind his back. He hurriedly changed his words: "His Royal Highness." Don't take it seriously, the emperor is an angry talk. Right now, treating Empress Wende is the most important thing."

Li Kuan deeply felt that Li Shimin just disliked himself and was inexplicably angry with himself. If he didn't think that he was a prince, he might kill him, but it was indeed not when he was upset about this matter. He didn't care too much and went straight. Lizhengdian left. (End of this chapter)