Tang Yun

Chapter 89: Extra cash


After several people discussed it that evening, it was decided that Qian Wu would take over the two properties of the restaurant and the oil workshop, as well as the resale contract written by Li Kuan. This was also the last resort to prevent the two shopkeepers from disbelief.

The next day, Qian Wu went out of the mansion alone before dawn, went straight to the restaurant and Youfang to find the shopkeeper Gui, and Wang's father and son, and told them that he would take over the store in the future. There is no need to go to the Dudu Mansion for monthly accounts. , He will come to check the accounts and collect the money.

The shopkeeper is a shrewd businessman. He can understand the purpose of this person, and he also knows that Li Kuan's identity is unusual and must not be revealed. He is also very worried in order to keep this secret. Being worried that no one could help solve the problem, Qian Wu's arrival happened to help him solve the problem.

The Wangs and his sons were honest people. They thought Qian Wu was a thief who seized the owner's property, and they almost alarmed others. Forced, Qian Wu had to come up with a resale agreement, and the Wangs and his sons believed that the new owner was a man in black robes in front of him.

Qian Wu came forward to solve it himself, and the matter was settled within an hour. In addition, the two shopkeepers also took out the accounts for Qian Wu to check the accounts. Seeing the money on the two accounts, Qian Wu was also dumbfounded and thought to himself: "The son is really a business prodigy!"

It has been half a year since the opening of Piaoxiang Oil Workshop. The first four months have been in a loss-making state, the balance has been maintained in the fifth month, and the profit has been made in the sixth month; Tianxialou has only been in business for three months and has been profitable since the second month. Profits are absolutely huge profits.

Qian Wu was originally the head of the intelligence agency, and he knew a lot about the accounts. These accounts are real, and the profit of the two stores is full of twelve gold ingots, which is much higher than the Datang tax.

If it is not for taxes, wages and cost deductions, the profits will be more than this amount. According to the agreement between Li Kuan and them, Qian Wu generously took out 10% of the profit and gave it to the Wangs and his sons, and gave half of the profit to the shopkeeper. As for the guys’ wages, they had already been deducted, and they were the shopkeepers. Payment of wages. The fastest full text of 噺⒏⑴祌 んττρs:/м.χ八㈠zщ.còм/

The Wangs and his son looked at the one or two golden ingots in their hands, their eyes a little dull, they never thought they would have such a day. Returning to the shopkeeper is also happy, and happily accepts fifty cents, which is much easier than when he was the boss, and there is still wages, so why not do it.

The guys get a lot of money every month, and they work hard, no one wants to be lazy. In addition, the share promised by Li Kuan will naturally be implemented, but it will only be issued during the Spring Festival every year.

The accounts of the two stores are clearly remembered. After Li Kuan’s fanfare consumption, the restaurant’s business spread through the lower population of the mansion, making the restaurant’s business to a higher level, even the second floor is still guests. It was full, and some people even came more than once.

It can be said that under the leadership of Li Kuan, the reputation of Tianxialou is very strong, especially among the merchants of the rich side, it has become a talking resource for everyone to compare, and the princes and nobles have been admired for a long time. .

As for the fragrance oil workshop, driven by the world, it quickly occupied the business that other oil workshops should have. Although the price is expensive, the quality is definitely the best choice. In order to attract business, many restaurants come to purchase rapeseed oil, vegetable oil, sesame oil and so on in large quantities.

Li Kuan had already anticipated this, and the restaurant business was bound to be more full, so his next plan was to rebuild a real world building, including all the food he knew, and forming an independent street.

Jiangling said that it is big or small, and there are more merchants coming and going, so business is prosperous. Now that the popularity has not yet started, Li Kuan has postponed his plan to create a food street. If it is in Chang'an, it is definitely not possible. Chang'an City has a curfew at night, but it can be done in Jiangling City.

Qian Wu took the account and went back to the house. When he heard what he saw with Wang Huai and Zhao Qian, the two were also dumbfounded. In just six months, the real profit was only one or two months, and it was actually achieved. Made a profit of twelve gold bullions.

"If the son is not a descendant of the Li family, perhaps a huge rich will be born in Datang!" Wang Huai was full of emotion. He did not expect that Li Kuan could make such a large profit in such a short period of time, especially just now. In the beginning, the future profits were absolutely unexpected.

At this time, the three of them had to admit that Li Kuan did have different opinions on business. Qian Wu talked to them about the restaurant's situation one by one, including the restaurant's furnishings and layout. The two of them were shocked when they heard it with relish. After that, he sent the remaining eight and two halves of the gold bullion money into the warehouse.

Zhao Qian was the manager of the warehouse. He took care of all the food and drink expenses and profit. He rearranged the warehouse, but he still felt that it was a little small, so he talked to Li Kuan. Li Kuan didn't say anything to let him figure it out. If there is not enough space, then open up a new warehouse.

In the warehouse, the materials, money, grain, wine, corn, etc. of the mansion are all arranged in order according to the categories. In order to store the wine, Li Kuan specially opened a wine cellar. All the wines are placed in the wine cellar, and Zhao Qian is all recorded in the book every day. Expenses and warehousing must be recorded, which is no problem for him.

As the steward of the Dudufu, Wang Huai was naturally more busy. In addition to redistributing large and small affairs in the mansion, he also had to check the balance of money and goods in the warehouse. Qian Wu was busy, and neither of them was idle.

On the contrary, Li Kuan is relatively leisurely. He has nothing to do except martial arts. Right now, he can't rush for success. He has to take every step steadily. Therefore, Li Kuan’s main focus is on internal strength, and after treating the Queen’s grandson, he found that his internal strength was insufficient.

Now the zhenqi in his body can run through the small Zhoutian, far from reaching the point of the big Zhoutian. According to Qian Wu, his internal strength will form a stable cycle only when he reaches Great Zhoutian. If it takes twelve hours to do things on a small week, the big week can do it in only one hour.

At the same time, Qian Wu also urged Li Kuan to pursue unstubbornly. People who reached the Great Zhou Tian could not judge by ordinary people's thinking. Such people are very dangerous. Usually, in order to reach such a state, he can't do it without decades of hard work. Even if he himself is just a little Zhou Tian, coupled with hard work and hard work, he is enough to cope with all crises.

Having said that, Li Kuan still wanted to give it a try. After a month, he still hadn't made the slightest progress. He had to give up continuing to pursue the realm of Great Zhoutian, and had to go with the flow. At the same time, the mess left by Li Kuan was cleaned up by Wang Huai's trio, which is equivalent to Li Kuan's safe withdrawal from business. (End of this chapter)