Tang Yun

Chapter 95: Ghostly


Li Kuan’s reward for curing the Queen’s grandson, Li Shimin sent envoys to escort him. Apart from some money, most of them were fine cloth and silk. Li Kuan readily accepted this and gave the messenger some rewards so that he could return to life, and the messenger left Jiangling with the rewards.

Today, Li Kuan doesn't care about the emperor's rewards. The monthly profits of the two industries, Tianxialou and Fragrance Oil Workshop, have reached a thousand dollars, and they have earned 10,000 gold ingots in just three months. Now he doesn't have to worry about money, and he has begun to plan the last step.

The slave market will usher in the off-season during the twelfth lunar month of the winter, and the original market price will be greatly reduced. This also makes Li Kuan once again buy a large number of slaves, all of whom are teenagers and girls around the age of ten to twelve. .

Li Kuan also carried out this matter in secret. Even Wang Huai and Zhao Qian had not said anything about it, only Qian Wu knew about it. Because of the purchase of slaves, Li Kuan entrusted Qian Wu with full power, and Qian Wu secretly spent money to find someone to buy it on his behalf.

If one person buys hundreds or thousands of slaves, it is bound to attract the attention of the government. For this reason, Qian Wu went around a large circle and found a dozen or twenty people to buy them in batches. After the event was over, Qian Wu gave them the money they deserved, and those people were naturally tight-lipped.

Qian Wu was very familiar with the topography of Jiangling. It was clear where they were hidden and where there were enough places to house these slaves. These bought slaves were placed in a very secluded place, in a cave on the northwest side of the Relief Mountain.

Since Jiangling is a battleground for military strategists in troubled times, there are caves in the mountains, hills and other places in the city, just in case the city breaks down and there is a hiding place for women, children, old and young in the city. There is such a cave at the corner of the northwestern side of Xiejia Mountain. The cave is hidden by dense trees. In addition, there has been no war in the country since the founding of the Datang Empire. The cave here is gradually deserted and even forgotten.

As a result, it became a shelter for a thousand slaves.

Li Kuan and Qian Wu had secretly surveyed the surrounding environment here. In addition to the dense woods forming a natural barrier, there are also some venomous snakes and beasts. Under normal circumstances, no one will come, and ordinary people will not come. to here.

When the two of them entered the cave, there was a lot of space here, more than enough to accommodate thousands of people. There are candlesticks, storage rooms, rooms, etc. in the cave, which can be reused with a little modification, which saves a lot of trouble.

Because there is no one inhabited all the year round, some places in this cave have collapsed, spider webs are everywhere, and some poisonous snakes, hares and other doves occupy the magpie's nest. Li Kuan and Qian Wu worked hard for half a month to restore everything to a living environment, which is far from the real mansion, but much better than the place where they lived before. New 81 Chinese network update the fastest computer terminal: https://

There are also several openings in the cave through which sunlight can enter the cave. The collapse above the cave causes rainwater to penetrate into the cave when it rains. For this reason, Li Kuan personally repaired it completely, he dug a few holes again to observe the surrounding movement, and also opened a trail leading to the top and the rear of the mountain, and then evacuated in time when he encountered danger.

In the dead of night, the slaves bought were sent to the cave in batch after batch, until the number of people reached 1,000, and then stopped buying new slaves. In addition, the contracts of these slaves were all destroyed to avoid leaving evidence.

Every slave who arrives here can receive personal clothing and a brand new mask. From then on everyone wore a mask and didn't know each other. Because Li Kuan doesn't want one person to expose others to suffer, sometimes the confidentiality of his identity is extremely important.

"No matter what your identities were before, and no matter what you were called before, there is only a code here!" Li Kuan said sternly, wearing a mask and standing in front of the crowd. "It depends on the order in which you entered this place, and the clothes of each of you There is such a number on it. This number is your name here. I will forget everything else!"

A thousand boys and girls looked at Li Kuan tremblingly. They were worried that they would finally get away from the slave owner and enter the next lair. From the moment they became slaves, they always remembered that the master's order was right and absolutely obedient, but they were still children after all, and it was normal to be afraid of fear.

"Here you will usher in a new life turning point. As long as you can pass my test, you can go out from here to welcome a new life." Li Kuan continued, "You have to be ready to die at any time. Prepare, because this is your purgatory, you can only be reborn from the ashes if you step out of it!"

"Here you can eat well and dress warmly, but you have to show your actual actions to prove that you have this ability to make me look at it differently. From now on, he will be your chief instructor and guide you in future training tasks to meet the requirements. Those who do not achieve the reward will be rewarded, and those who fail to achieve it will be fined!

Li Kuan introduced Qian Wu to everyone. At this time, he was wearing a hideous mask with ghost faces and fangs, like a hungry ghost in hell. Everyone was shivering and fearful. Li Kuan told everyone that the only criterion for surviving here is "natural selection, survival of the fittest", and he rewritten the rules on paper and posted them on the wall in the hole, requiring every I remember it all in my heart.

In fact, Li Kuan formulated the regulations here in reference to the modern militarized management training system. He is not a cruel person, and sometimes he has no choice but to do so. The system stipulates when to get up every day, when to eat, when to train, and so on. Even going to the toilet has a clear stipulated time. If you exceed it, you will be punished. A genius remembers Chinese in one second 8/1/z/o/m/

Qian Wu was left in this cave to become their chief instructor, and the training method was not his idea, but Li Kuan took care of it. First of all, it was intensive training to improve physical fitness, just like when he practiced martial arts back and forth. Mountaineering.

When the physical training is over, Qian Wu teaches them the basic skills, which is simply to lay the foundation. As for the specific martial arts practice, Li Kuan has his own arrangements, and Qian Wu only needs supervision. Moreover, Li Kuan asked Zhang Chong and Leng Feng to select twenty guards from the mansion to station with Qian Wu in the cave to prevent accidents and to solve the problem of eating for everyone in the cave.

It is impossible for so many people to let the world do it alone every day, it is too time-consuming, laborious, and expensive. Therefore, Li Kuan piled up all the items needed for life in the storage room, which was guarded by special personnel, and some people specialized in cooking, and occasionally improved the food.

In addition, Li Kuan had already thought of the organization's name Guiyou, which was like a ghost, unexpectedly attacking its deficiencies and giving the enemy a fatal blow. And this organization was set up specifically to train assassins. Among the thousand people, Li Kuan has a rough estimate. Not everyone can survive, and they will definitely be eliminated. These people, Li Kuan, have other uses, not Everyone is suitable for a cold-blooded killer. (End of this chapter)