Tang Yun

Chapter 96: Those who go out die


Due to limited conditions, Li Kuan was unable to put modern military physical training into practical actions, so he had to change it to suit the current era. At the beginning, he ran back and forth on the mountain in Maoshi, and later when he was promoted to Yinshi, he would go up and down for an hour, and he would only perform the most basic martial arts movements when his body was completely active.

A thousand people say more is not too much and less is a lot!

These people wear masks, only the eyes and mouth are exposed. They get up on time at three o'clock every day, and must gather on the mountainside for climbing exercises. The process that Li Kuan went through at the beginning, these people would go to the individual again.

It only took three months for intensive physical training and basic skills practice. All the talents barely reached the standard. Now these people are moving freely and effortlessly in the mountains and forests. In the next three months, Qian Wu let them practice with a weight of 20 jin.

Since their time has nothing to do with training, they are doing intensive practice all day long, unlike Li Kuan, who had to read and calligraphy in addition to martial arts. Originally, Li Kuan also let them learn knowledge, but now it is not the time to put this training project aside for the time being.

The suffering these people have experienced is beyond imagination. Although these trainings are boring and boring, they adapt quickly. The punishment set by Li Kuan is also very simple. They are confined for three days and only eat one meal a day. In their opinion, they are willing to accept punishments that are not life-threatening.

After half a year, these people were more obedient to Li Kuan. In addition to the daily food, Li Kuan would also provide them with seasonal fruits. It can be said that these people, Li Kuan, spent the most energy, and half of the profits made by the two stores were spent on these people.

Li Kuan not only didn't feel distressed, but felt that it was far from enough. In half a year, Blacksmith Xu succeeded in creating three weapons, the Gurkha Scimitar, Damascus Knife, and Folding Knife. Other weapons are being studied gradually, but the Triangular Army stab has no clue.

After the weapon was built, Li Kuan personally inspected the goods, and saw that Blacksmith Xu had really completed the casting of three kinds of weapons, and he was very impressed. Although it is not as refined as modern craftsmanship, it is still extremely sharp, and Xu Tiesmith also spent a lot of effort to build these three weapons.

The ten fingers of both hands left scratches on the blade, and Xu Tiesmith was so excited when he succeeded in the creation, he completely forgot how much he had suffered. Among them, Tiejiang Xu obtained a lot of materials for building weapons through the help of friends in the rivers and lakes, which is not cheap but worth it.

The next step was to build in batches. With Xu Tiesmith's power alone, he couldn't be busy at all, so he had to find someone to help. Dozens of people were casting around the clock. The key link was Xu Tiesmith's personal control to ensure the quality of the weapons.

Li Kuan packed all these weapons in wooden boxes and transported them to Qian Wu. They have not been issued to wear them for the time being. Instead, he personally taught the martial arts to everyone. With the basic skills of martial arts as the foundation, Li Kuan can teach them free fighting routines. .

If these people are allowed to practice martial arts, they will not be able to go out in less than ten or eight years. If they want to achieve the goal as soon as possible, they will only have to move the sword to the front and stop practicing traditional martial arts. Mainly skill and Muay Thai.

In modern times, Li Kuan is not a master of martial arts, and he hasn't practiced his skills at all, but in this era, there are famous teachers like Qian Wu, who knows everything. The Taekwondo, Muay Thai, and Jiu-Jitsu matches that I have seen in my mind, including the live broadcast of the free fight competition, can definitely comprehend a set of fast-paced and powerful skills.

Therefore, by making changes on the basis of Taekwondo, Jiu-Jitsu, and Muay Thai, they can quickly integrate themselves. They can be more than self-preserving when facing one-on-one, and they can also fight back. The opponent can also take the opportunity to slip away for a long time.

Time flies, these thousand people have achieved little success in practicing the fighting skills taught by Li Kuan, and they have learned the basic routines and theories by heart. Next, Li Kuan handed out the Gurkha scimitars and Damascus knives he had built to everyone, and gave them folding knives for self-defense.

As for how to use these sabers, Li Kuan also personally demonstrated it again, then let them enter the forest to search for snakes and beasts. Throughout the night, a thousand people were ready to go, waiting for the time of trial.

Li Kuan only gave each of them two hours. When the time is up, no matter whether the hunt is successful or not, they must return to the cave to gather. Qian Wu, Zhang Chong, Leng Feng and others watched these children learn the fighting skills taught by Li Kuan. Not only did they move more swiftly, their reaction speed was quicker, and even the fights between them were quick to determine the winner.

Qian Wu, Zhang Chong, Leng Feng and others are very curious about how Li Kuan has such fighting skills. This is completely different from traditional martial arts. The lethality is more direct than traditional martial arts. It can be said that such fighting skills are completely different from traditional martial arts. It exists for the purpose of killing, and every move is the key to attacking the human body.

Simply put, if you don't make a move, it will kill you!

Li Kuan smiled and didn't explain too much. After two hours passed, everyone returned to the cave and experienced the baptism of blood before these people could really kill. Li Kuan always couldn't let them kill and exercise, he could only hunt and kill the snakes and beasts.

When Li Kuan asked them to hunt, he only talked about the importance of hiding their bodies, as well as the timing and accuracy, etc., and the specifics depended on them to understand. After two hours of hunting, 100 of them were eliminated. There were males and females, more or less, and the animals in the hands of five people were actually living creatures.

"You five get out of the queue!" Li Kuan shouted sharply. The five people stepped forward quickly. All three men and two women looked down at the living creatures in their hands. Li Kuan couldn't bear to see everything in his eyes, "Could it be you Don’t the five of you know what order I just issued?"

The five people bowed their heads tremblingly and were silent. They couldn't kill these animals.

"The five of you are eliminated!"

Seeing that the five people did not speak, Li Kuan directly announced that they had been eliminated. The five of them were stunned. Their eyes were full of fear, but they did not regret it. Li Kuan once said that to be eliminated is to face death. So the five of them knew their ending, but there was no rebuttal.

"Remember that the five of them are role models, and those who do not follow orders will end up!"

The first time someone was eliminated from the game, everyone was dumbfounded. They were in a healthy competition with each other in such an environment, which made them forget what their mission was. What happened right now was too sudden, and everyone was not mentally prepared.

"I repeat, the elimination of those who are eliminated is the only way to die!" Li Kuan said with a straight face, without anger and prestige: "If you don't want to be eliminated, then you must obey and resolutely execute the order! As for your confinement In three days, they will be your food!"

The remaining ninety-five people were dumbfounded. Confinement was one of the punishments they were least willing to accept. They were all slaves who experienced being locked up in a small dark room. These painful experiences are very clear in the dark. What they fear most is Facing the past life, I am afraid of what will come!

A genius remembers the Chinese in one second 8/1/z/o/m/ (end of this chapter)