Taoist Doctor

Chapter 1


At the foot of Xianglu Mountain, Haizhou City, Haizhou Province

In September, although the midsummer has passed, the tiger is in full swing again in autumn. The sun is shining at noon, and there are few pedestrians on the road. Several people were arguing under the tree by the roadside, and the noise of the dispute became louder and louder.

In the middle is an old woman, holding a seven or eight-year-old child who is crying and laughing in her arms, drooling.

On her left, a Taoist priest with a long beard and a long robe was standing sideways. Although the sun was scorching, he didn't have a trace of sweat, and the posture with his hands behind his back was somewhat fairy-like.

On the right are two young men, one of whom is still wearing a white coat. The two men anxiously said to the old woman: "Grandma Yang, don't be confused, you can't go to the hospital if you are sick, what to do with him, it will only delay the child's condition!"

The long-bearded Taoist looked at them contemptuously, "Young man, I know that you are thinking of your children, but there are things in this world that you don't understand."

The person in the white coat was a medical student who was intern in the hospital and was also the old lady's old neighbor. He glared and said, "I know you're cheating money!"

The other young man is the grandnephew of the old woman. He knows that my aunt has always believed in Taoism, but the regular Taoist temple I usually go to is the Xianglu Temple on the Xianglu Mountain near my home. I will never persuade patients not to go to the hospital. Because of the situation, I don't object to her finding a spiritual sustenance.

But today, my aunt was actually intimidated by this liar Taoist priest who hit up a conversation. He couldn't bear it, and he also accused him, "Auntie, when did you see that the Taoist priest of Xianglu Temple told you to do things instead of going to the hospital?"

The old woman looked hesitant, "But this Taoist priest is very powerful, you didn't hear that, as soon as he saw Yuan Yuan's face, it was assumed that Yuan Yuan's parents died in a car accident when he was young. And you see Yuan Yuan's symptom, isn't it just Bewitched? Crying and laughing, ignoring people, sometimes beating people, and the hospital didn’t cure them before, why don’t you go to a ritual.”

"Grandma Yang!" the intern yelled, "This is a manifestation of insanity. It's not some evil spirit. The hospital you went to last time had mediocre medical treatment. Let's change to a third-class hospital this time!"

He wanted to take Grandma Yang away, but the Taoist stretched out his hand to stop him, and there was a quarrel.

"What is this for? Xiao Yang?"

At this moment, a familiar voice sounded.

The young man looked back, and was immediately overjoyed. It was Daoist Zhao of Xianglu Temple who was quite familiar with his aunt. It's just here.

"Daoist Zhao! Look quickly, Yuan Yuan had a fight with his classmates at school a few days ago, and he suffered from mental problems. This liar insisted that Yuan Yuan was possessed by evil spirits, and refused to let him go to the hospital, saying that he would take him to do some rituals. Eight hundred games."

Seeing Taoist Zhao, the Taoist priest who was intercepting people around Xianglu Mountain felt guilty, but he still argued righteously, "The child's sudden mental disorder, showing the appearance of ghosts hiding the sky, is all because of his young age. Low, he has been entangled by Yin! He has been plagued by disasters since he was a child, and his parents died early. If he does not survive this catastrophe, he will be ordered to go to Quantai to reunite with his parents!"

Daoist Zhao had just heard a general idea, and the intern and the Taoist quarreled again, saying that it was right for the child to go with him.

The old woman looked at Taoist Zhao for help, hoping that this familiar Taoist could give her some advice. In fact, she was quite partial to the wild Taoist priest in her heart, after all, this expert was too accurate.

"Go to the hospital!"

"Do things!"

"Mentally disturbed, send to the doctor immediately!"

"Yin Qi is entangled, it will be too late if you don't exorcise evil spirits!"

"Then let me come."

A clear voice suddenly sounded, neither high nor low, but very present, and the dispute was stagnant.

Everyone present looked at the speaker—the little Taoist who seemed to be a newcomer standing behind Daoist Zhao.

His facial features are outstanding, but he doesn't even know if he is an adult, with a little bit of baby fat that hasn't faded away, his eyes are dark and moist, with a kind of immature beauty.

However, what does it mean to let him come, and why

The Taoist priest came out from behind Taoist priest Zhao, and under everyone's attention, he took out two certificates from his bag, "Zhou Jinyuan, is a Taoist priest of Huoju. This is my doctor's certificate of traditional Chinese medicine."

Everyone: "??"

Seeing everyone's expressions, the little Taoist added another sentence: "I am a Taoist doctor."

I don't know whether to seek a doctor or a Taoist priest

Coincidentally, he is both a doctor and a Taoist priest, so perfect!

Everyone: "..."

Whether it is an intern or a Taoist priest, there is a feeling of being choked, and even feels a little ridiculous. Even Daoist Zhao said in a daze: "Junior Brother Zhou, do you know medical skills?"

It was also the first time he and Zhou Jinyuan met, all he knew was that this baby-faced junior came from Yingzhou Province, he was a son of Zhengyi family, and he seemed to be looking for a job in Haizhou Province.

Even though he was a guest of their Xiangluguan, it had to be said that at his age and appearance, it seemed strange and unreliable for him to ask for medical treatment.

After a short silence, both sides spoke separately.

"Little fellow daoist, what do you know..."

Where is the little guy who grabs business! The long-bearded Taoist thought.

"How old are you, where did you get your medical license?"

What a joke, a Taoist priest plus a doctor, or a Chinese medicine doctor who talks about it... It sounds even more unreliable!

Besides, one has to work for one year after graduating from a medical certificate to be eligible for the exam, and the pass rate is still there. Seeing that the other party is so young and has a certificate, maybe he is another liar? The intern thought.

The old lady herself, not to mention, was ten thousand in disbelief. Nothing else, this boy is too young.

For a while, everyone ignored the boy and continued to confront each other.

Zhou Jinyuan didn't look annoyed at all, but just approached to touch the child's hand. He looked harmless to humans and animals, and the old woman was about to ask him what he was doing, but was distracted by other people's contention about her grandson mind.

Zhou Jinyuan pushed one finger down the child's thumb, then to the back of the palm, all the way to the earlobe and the back of the neck, his movements were gentle and rhythmic.

And following his gentle movements like an understatement, the noisy child gradually calmed down!

This change caused the scene to gradually fall into silence, and those who were arguing looked at him strangely, leaving only the desolate chirping of autumn cicadas.

Until the old woman stumbled and broke the silence: "Yuan... Yuanyuan? Are you okay?"

The child's eyes were still blank, drooling, and he didn't respond to grandma's words at all, as if he was living in his own world.

However, it was much better than before, at least he calmed down rarely!

This change for the better was obviously due to the trail leader named Zhou Jinyuan.

Facing the excitement of the old woman and the surprise and confusion of the others, Zhou Jinyuan explained calmly: "Just now I sealed some of the thirteen ghost caves, ghost letters, ghost hearts, ghost paths, ghost pillows, etc., making evil Ghosts are rampant everywhere."

It turns out that this is the case, people should not be judged by appearances, this little Taoist leader is actually a master of Taoism!

The two of them argued for a long time, but they were not as good as this little Taoist priest. The child got better as soon as he made a move. In addition, what he said about sealing ghost lairs and evil ghosts was very logical, not like a temporary make-up, which made the old woman believe it even more. suspect.

As for the others, let alone interns and young people, even the long-bearded Taoist priest couldn't help but tremble secretly: Damn Emma, you can't be really bewitched, right

Although the little Taoist priest was young, he knew Daoist Zhao and had such skill, the old woman immediately switched to a third party, "Master Daoist, please help us, exorcise us Yuanyuan!"

"Don't worry," Zhou Jinyuan's tone reassured the old woman, he took out the needles he carried with him from his bag, "It's okay, I'll use acupuncture again, transmit yang energy through the meridians, dispel evil spirits, and you'll be fine soon gone."

Although the young man and the intern were taken aback by the hand just now, they still felt that something was wrong and wanted to stop it, but Zhou Jinyuan raised his hand and squeezed their shoulders twice, and the muscles softened immediately. No power, very weird.

Not to mention stopping Zhou Jinyuan, even if he wanted to call the police, he couldn't hold his cell phone anymore.

Daoist Zhao also wanted to step forward to stop them, but seeing their end, he didn't dare to approach them, so he cautiously dissuaded them, and even brought out the temple master, he was afraid that if something happened, they would finally be responsible for Xiangluguan.

"Zhao Daochang, let him help my grandson, aren't you together?" The old woman not only did not accept everyone's love, but dragged Zhao Daochang to talk, for fear that Zhao Daochang would not let the little Daoist exorcise the evil spirits.

Daoist Zhao said sweatingly: "He is just a guest of our temple master."

Old Woman: Wouldn't that be better.jpg

If you both know the master and the temple master, that is even more reliable.

Daoist Zhao: "..."

Zhou Jinyuan turned a deaf ear to it, helped the child to sit flat on the ground, and made a diagnosis and treatment on the spot. First felt the pulse, then pinched several places on his body for a while, and then disinfected.

Then calm down, insert the needle obliquely at these acupoints, pull out a little after piercing a part, and then stab downward again, repeating this several times, the entire acupuncture process took several minutes.

The child was stunned, and did not respond to the acupuncture sensation at all, while Zhou Jinyuan seemed to feel the yang energy under his hand, pricking the needle with one hand and forming a seal with the other.

After finishing the pricking, Zhou Jinyuan packed up his things and ordered, "Leave the needle for a while, the yang energy is still running."

He looked relaxed, as if it was just a matter of raising his hands, and said leisurely and sarcasticly: "By the way, who said just now that the child has many disasters and disasters? I think that although he has a rough childhood, he has well-developed bones and a very healthy body. He is not in any danger." , can turn bad luck into good luck. Some people have mouths as big as horses, and they are greedy. Grandma, don’t believe any wild Taoist priests anywhere.”

Taoist priest with long beard: "..."

The old woman looked at the "wild Taoist priest" fiercely.

Uh uh, it looks like a horse...

The corner of the wild Taoist's mouth twitched, he was angry and wanted to maintain a superior demeanor, hehe sneered: "Don't play tricks, I want to see what you are capable of, a brat."

How capable is such a little brat, he has been in the rivers and lakes for so many years, he was bluffed for a while, and he figured it out soon.

At most, this young man just used some tricks that he doesn't know, everyone is a liar, so why use him as a foothold.

Blowing so really is not afraid of the wind flashing his tongue, the long-bearded Taoist priest stood in the shade of a tree with his arms crossed and stared at him, intending to see how this little fellow could exorcise evil spirits.

Seeing Zhou Jinyuan's intrusion, the others felt anxious, but they couldn't stop it. Zhou Jinyuan's bluff just now was quite bluffing, but they couldn't completely convince him, and they were afraid that the child would do something good or bad.

——He has always felt that the treatment system of Chinese medicine is full of myths and fantasy, but acupuncture has some effects. His teacher in the internship unit sometimes invites acupuncture doctors for consultation.

But the premise must be a serious doctor, do you think this little Taoist priest looks like a real doctor? Yang qi exorcising evil spirits and ghost caves are unheard of, and I'm afraid they are fake like the certificates.

But something happened that made his jaw drop to the ground. About ten minutes later, Yuan Yuan suddenly trembled all over. When he rolled his eyes, his eyes instantly became clear. After looking around, he opened his mouth and shouted in a milky voice: "Grandma, I'm thirsty."

His tone and expression were normal, and his mind was sober. It never occurred to him that ten minutes ago, he was still drooling and giggling, and hadn't responded to the outside world for several days.

The others were surprised at first, and then turned cold all over.

Oh my God, is it true that there is something in the middle of the evil, otherwise how to explain this situation

The old woman burst into ecstasy. Since her grandson was "bewitched", she has no reaction to the outside world at all, and she doesn't cry hungry, and she urinates and defecates on her pants. Now he even recognizes her, and knows how to express his thirst!

Looking at it this way, isn't it back to normal

Zhou Jinyuan was not surprised at all, and said calmly: "Grandma, don't touch the needle when feeding water. I will take the needle out later."

"Okay, okay!" The old woman thanked the boy while feeding the child water, "Master Daoist, thank you, thank you so much! This, what do you say... You are really amazing!"

The strange disease of bewitching evil was not treated well in the hospital. It was still a master, and the evil spirit was driven away with one injection!

The long-bearded Taoist felt both miraculous and a little remorseful.

The intern and the young man were also stunned, unable to turn their minds around for a while.

The young man said in a daze: "No... no, is Yuan Yuan really bewitched?"

Zhou Jinyuan looked at him inexplicably:

"Of course not. Didn't everyone tell you about the doctor's certificate I got? I just got acupuncture treatment.

"According to traditional Chinese medicine, this child is epileptic. I don't know what stimulated him at school. Phlegm covered his heart orifice. I acupunctured Neiguan, Renzhong, Sanyinjiao, Jiquan and other acupoints to wake him up. The heart orifice reopened, and naturally Healed immediately. The thirteen ghost points, although superstitious, are effective empirical techniques for clinical treatment.

"All evils and insanity are diseases. I said exorcising ghosts is to appease the old lady. Why do you believe it?"

Seeing Zhou Jinyuan's upright and awe-inspiring look, the young man's face turned green, and he felt like crying.

Damn, it's not all because your swearing-in face is too bluffing. He is also very capable of changing his face, just returning to ghost caves and exorcising ghosts, now "all evils and madness are all diseases".

Moreover, he himself has never seen such an immediate effect of traditional Chinese medicine. The whole process only took fifteen minutes, and the patient who was still insane just now was cured!

Zhou Jinyuan's words were very clear. Although she didn't understand the principle of the treatment, Grandma Yang already knew that what she said just now was just coaxing herself, and she was willing to accept the treatment. There was nothing wrong with it. The child was just sick.

Looking at the wild Taoist again, it can be said that the pressure was enormous, and he couldn't maintain his immortal demeanor, so he ran away under Grandma Yang's glaring gaze.

The old woman spat at his back. Fortunately, she had written down the liar's name and mobile phone number just now, so she had to expose him.

Daoist Zhao was very ashamed, he was so anxious just now, who knew it would end like this, he said with a little embarrassment: "Well, I didn't expect that Junior Brother Zhou is only twenty-one years old, and his medical skills are so good."

The old woman was enlightened at first, and then gasped again, "Isn't it, twenty-one? I thought I was only sixteen or seventeen years old!"

Zhou Jinyuan's smile froze for a moment, "..."

The so-called old doctor does not make predictions, everyone loves to find an old and experienced doctor, but he is not only young, but also has a baby face, not to mention a lot of disadvantages.

Even if it is not sixteen or seventeen, the age of twenty-one is still very young. The intern said in his heart that he did not expect the acupuncture technique to be so good and the results quick, and the acupuncture doctors invited by his teacher for consultation were not as good.

It was precisely because of this that he was stunned for a while. It's not that he's saving his respect, he really didn't react.

However, he also suddenly remembered that it seems that if you want to study Chinese medicine, you don't have to go to medical school to get a license to practice a doctor, and you can also get a doctor's license if you learn from master to master, so you probably learned it very early.

The head intern let out a sigh of relief. Today is considered to be a day of knowledge. He is determined to search for that thirteen ghost caves when he goes back, maybe it will be useful in the future.

The intern touched his arm, and said to Zhou Jinyuan: "Honestly, your acting skills are great, and the healing effect is so fast. I've never seen it before. I almost thought it was a ghost, and I felt a chill."

Zhou Jinyuan glanced at the intern, patted the Taoist robe and said, "You are still studying Western medicine, so be firm in your beliefs, don't be more superstitious than me."

Intern: "You %¥#@*... "

…Fuck, forget it.

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