Taoist Doctor

Chapter 10


In the end, the first pennant that Zhou Jinyuan received in the Third Hospital was still not displayed due to well-known reasons.

And with Liu Meilan as evidence, the director believed that he really didn't engage in superstitious activities during working hours...

Liu Meilan also realized what was wrong, and quickly swore that although Dr. Zhou is really good, he really didn't tell my fortune during working hours. We met in Taoist temple before, so...

Xie Min: "..."

Xie Min felt that his mood was going up and down, and Zhou Jinyuan was going to scare him to death.

Then for the next whole day, Xie Min went to Zhou Jinyuan's office every two hours to make sure that he didn't secretly draw fortune-telling or something like that, and asked him to promise himself.

Zhou Jinyuan: "... Director Xie, I really don't know how to give patients drinking talisman water! Could I be that kind of dishonest Taoist priest?"

Xie Min: "..."

Zhou Jinyuan changed his words: "Can I be that kind of doctor?"

Xie Min: "..."

Liu Qi also said beside him: "That's right, director, besides, there are no patients who come to claim the name of the Great God."

A sad but true sentence.

Xie Min: "Okay, Xiao Liu, you need to remind him more."

Although the pennant that Zhou Jinyuan received was not made public, it was quickly spread among the people. Along with the legend of his clinic's establishment of foundation and alchemy, it shone with indelible light under the starry sky.

Holiday at the foot of Xianglu Mountain

"Young people should exercise more," Zhou Jinyuan said.

"Okay brother." Rong Xixue grabbed his hand and ran up.

half an hour later

"Stop running... Huh, young people can't run too fast!" Zhou Jinyuan shouted.

Good guy, this is not mountain climbing, Rong Xixue dragged him and ran away, his physical fitness is not bad, he was exhausted like a dog, now he has to hang on Rong Xixue.

Rong Xixue put his hands on her shoulders, supported his waist with one hand, and said innocently: "You said you exercise more."

"I'm starting to think now, what on earth did I feed you? Why are you... your physical strength is pretty good..." Zhou Jinyuan was sweating profusely, walking slowly with Rong Xixue's strength.

Rong Xixue smiled slightly, and asked without answering: "Let's take a walk on the viewing road, and then go to the Taoist temple to pay homage."

The entire area of Xianglu Mountain is actually very large, and Xianglu Temple is only on the main peak. Every holiday, there is an endless stream of citizens who come to climb the mountain. Coupled with the fact that the weather has started to cool down recently, it is even more lively here.

Zhou Jinyuan rested for a while before he recovered, but he didn't have the strength to walk too fast. He let go of the hand on Rong Xixue's shoulder, and just as he slid down, he was held by Rong Xixue.

"I'll drag you away." Rong Xixue smiled at him.

When they arrived at a viewing platform, it became even more lively. There were also vendors selling things, souvenirs, food and drink. They even saw medicinal herbs—Xianglu Mountain used to produce high-quality medicinal herbs. After all, it was a paradise for Taoist priests to cultivate immortals.

Now the wild ones are definitely gone, but there is still a planting base nearby. Of course, these are not necessarily from the base, they are just dirty.

"Musk, premium musk, in premium packaging!"


"It's a good nourishing product, ginseng, the elderly and patients bought it to nourish vitality, don't worry if you are deficient in qi!"

Zhou Jinyuan took a look. Some were only packed in plastic bags, and some were packaged in commodities. His own major required learning Chinese medicine, not to mention Xiaoxue. At a glance, the quality was obvious.

The vendor thought they wanted to buy it, but didn't know that the two of them were just suffering from an occupational disease. He opened a box and said, "Young man, a ginseng doll with a length of 30 centimeters, buy it for the elderly and family members to nourish their bodies!"

The ginseng was almost in front of Zhou Jinyuan, Rong Xixue pushed the box away and grabbed it with one hand.

It was indeed shaped like a doll. He glanced at it twice and said expressionlessly, "This is not ginseng."

Rong Xixue didn't deliberately lower her voice, there were already many tourists around, and they all looked sideways.

The vendor lowered his face: "What are you talking about? If this is not ginseng, what is it?"

Rong Xixue looked at him a few times, "Did you add this medicine on purpose, or were you deceived? This is the root of pokeweed. Not only is it different in efficacy from ginseng, but it is also poisonous."

Now there is a lot of excitement, the tourists are staring at it, and whispering, what is pokeweed, does it look the same as ginseng? It's actually poisonous

The vendor was in a hurry and wanted to snatch the box back, but Rong Xixue held the box, and he couldn't shake it at all.

Rong Xixue turned a blind eye and continued: "Ginseng is grayish yellow, pokeweed is earthy yellow; ginseng has obvious texture, but pokeweed has only raised lenticels; the cross section of ginseng is chrysanthemum heart pattern, and pokeweed is ring pattern... Do you want to continue talking?"

At this time, Zhou Jinyuan wanted to add fuel to the flames by taking out his work permit, saying that he was a doctor of traditional Chinese medicine.

Someone searched at the scene, and sure enough, they found the difference between Phytolacca and Ginseng. The pokeweed in the box was pretending to be ginseng. The prices of the two were the same, not to mention that Phytolacca is poisonous.

"It's so vicious, you actually sell fake medicines, I don't know if anyone bought them just now!"

"Don't let him go. If I call to report, should I call the Food and Drug Administration?"

"Wait, I was also deceived by the medicinal material merchant!" The merchant has been submerged in the sea of crowds.

Even Rong Xixue and Zhou Jinyuan, who were the first to reveal, were pushed to the edge...

Rong Xixue was still holding the box of Shanglugen in his hand, he said amusedly: "Even if it is used as the body as medicine, the quality of the concoction is not up to standard, so it can only be destroyed."

"Although it has been disqualified as a medicinal material, do you know? Lu Zu once passed down the secret method, and the Shanglugen, which grows into a human form, can be made into ear gods after seven to forty-nine days of refining methods, and can be used as a gift for the master. Foretell misfortune and good fortune." Zhou Jinyuan picked up the Shang Lugen inside, squeezed it in his hands and looked at it, "However, the humanoid Shang Lugen can be met but not sought after?"

Rong Xixue: "!!"

Zhou Jinyuan's tone was ethereal, "Actually, this kind of human-shaped Shang Lugen is the easiest to attract wandering spirits. It is said to be a god, but it is actually a ghost..."

Rong Xixue held her breath as if she was afraid of disturbing the atmosphere, "Brother, do you know this secret technique?"

Zhou Jinyuan smashed Shang Lugen on the top of his head, "Are you okay, you believe this thing can talk!"

Rong Xixue: "..."

Zhou Jinyuan put his hips on his hips and said, "How did my brother and your grandfather teach you? Where did you learn "Chinese Medicine"?"

Rong Xixue snatched Shang Lugen who beat her away, bent down, and buried her head on Zhou Jinyuan's shoulder, with a little smile in her eyes, but said in her mouth, "You lied to me."

"When the patient's acupuncture sensation spreads to other parts along the meridian, you can also feel the heaviness and tightness in the bottom of your hand..." Zhou Jinyuan was explaining the burning mountain fire acupuncture method to Liu Qi in detail. After a period of practice, Liu Qi has made great progress. Immediately after the needle is inserted, there is a hot sensation, but the needle sensation is strong. After more than ten minutes, the needle sensation will be transmitted, and there will be a surge of hot air.

However, this phenomenon is not stable for the time being, and requires longer-term practice and understanding.

Even so, Liu Qi is already very satisfied. Apart from his own hard work, there is a big reason why he can achieve such an effect in a short time. on many cases.

"Master, I've always found it strange that since your medical skills are inherited from your family, why haven't we heard of your family's names?" Liu Qi asked curiously.

Zhou Jinyuan: "If you were a Taoist priest, you would definitely be like thunder."

Liu Qi: "..."

"I'm just joking." Because they always tease him about his status as a Taoist priest, Zhou Jinyuan also teased him from time to time, "But it also has something to do with Taoism. My dad is not a publicity person, and he never advertises. But if you go In my hometown, there are still many people who know him. There are also a few colleagues who know him."

"I understand. You are practicing medicine and cultivating immortality at the same time. Haha, the way is different from ours." Liu Qi was talking and laughing when he found that a patient had registered with Zhou Jinyuan, "I will learn it next time! Let me experience it!"

It was also rare that when a patient came, Zhou Jinyuan called his number.

After a while, a man and a woman came in, and the woman walked in front, holding medical records and medical cards in her hands.

She looks extremely beautiful, and her clothes are also full of jewels. According to what Liu Qi learned from his girlfriend, there are tens of thousands of bags on her back, not to mention jewelry. Not even makeup could hide her tired look, though.

The man who followed him looked quite the same, but the fly in the ointment was that his hair was slightly thinning, even if he deliberately concealed it, it was not difficult to see. The two are close, so they must be not husband and wife but also lovers.

The lady sat down and said, "Hello, Doctor Zhou, my friend Huang Tianlin introduced me here, and he said you are very good at medicine."

Not only that, but he also specifically told her during the introduction that although the doctor looks young, he is really capable. Another advantage is that you can see a doctor when you come, unlike other old doctors who have to wait in line after getting a number... If this is really a benefit. she thinks.

"Hello. Well, next time you visit the doctor, you still don't need makeup. It depends on your complexion." Zhou Jinyuan sighed in his heart. Huang Tianlin is Mr. Huang. It seems that he really introduced the patient to him. He took the medical notebook, "Name? "

The lady said: "Wu Chenyu."

During Zhou Jinyuan's consultation, he recorded a series of facts. This Ms. Wu was thirty-three years old and married, and the man next to her was indeed her husband. Her chief complaint was that she had been suffering from insomnia for half a year, and could not sleep all night without taking medicine.

At the beginning, I could sleep for a few hours, but in the last month, the symptoms became more and more severe, until I could not sleep all night. At the same time, I was troubled by headache, heart palpitations and shortness of breath, and I had no strength to work.

Since the onset of insomnia symptoms, Wu Chenyu has been taking diazepam, but the effect was not so good later on, and she changed her medicine, and dared not take it for a long time. After all, she had been relying on medicine for a long time to fall asleep, which caused her to have some adverse reactions.

Later, I switched to Chinese medicine, and I went to the old doctor of the Chinese medicine hospital, acupuncture, and took medicine, but unfortunately it didn't last long, and it still didn't improve. She also brought all the names and prescriptions of the medicines she used before.

"I'm suffering from neurasthenia, alas, the more I suffer from insomnia, the more upset I become." Wu Chenyu rubbed his forehead and said.

Zhou Jinyuan has already cut the pulse, and looking at the prescriptions and acupuncture points prescribed by Wu Chenyu's previous doctors, it can be seen that they are prescribed by an old Chinese medicine doctor who has been in the pot for a long time, and the medicines are very suitable for the symptoms.

It's nothing more than asking him to prescribe the prescription himself.

This is strange, Zhou Jinyuan felt that it was not difficult to cure when he took the pulse at the beginning, but this prescription was ineffective, he thought about it carefully, and felt that he must have missed something, so he continued to ask the doctor: "Then why are you in a bad mood? "

"It's just... It's not about business matters." Wu Chenyu said.

Just as Zhou Jinyuan was about to speak, Wu Chenyu's cell phone rang. She said sorry to Zhou Jinyuan, and connected the phone. It was a subordinate who called for instructions. She gave a few quick instructions, and then smiled wryly: "I just said, it's all Business stuff, here we go. I'm sorry."

"It's okay." Zhou Jinyuan just said a word, Wu Chenyu's cell phone rang again, he raised his hand directly, signaling Wu Chenyu to continue, anyway, he was not sick.

Moreover, when he observed Wu Chenyu's behavior, he always vaguely felt that he had caught something.

Wu Chenyu picked it up embarrassingly: "Hello? Old squad leader, okay, okay, I remember, our old Zhao, hahaha, maybe we don't have time... Eh? No need, let's just get together, let him do what he wants ... That's right, hehe, Lao Zhao won't go, let's talk about it later."

Wu Chenyu talked for two minutes before hanging up, "I'm really sorry, you can continue."

At this time, through observing Wu Chenyu, Zhou Jinyuan already knew it well.

"It's okay." Zhou Jinyuan said, "Let me tell you about your condition. Your neurasthenia, based on the idea of traditional Chinese medicine, belongs to insomnia caused by deficiency of both heart and spleen, and lack of nourishment of mind. It's not insomnia that causes restlessness, but a bad mood. The resulting insomnia, and then a vicious cycle.

"Your disease is not difficult to treat. But before I tell you the treatment plan, you should register your husband first."

Both Wu Chenyu and her husband looked surprised, "Ah? Why?"

She was obviously the one who came to see a doctor, but asked her husband to register as well

Zhou Jinyuan glanced at her, "The root cause of your insomnia is worrying about your husband's hair loss all the time, almost bald, and the exhaustion from work."

Wu Chenyu and his wife: "..."

Wu Chenyu was a little embarrassed and confused, "Ah, that... My old Zhao did lose his hair, but..."

"Ms. Wu, just now you received a call from work. It can be seen that you are busy but able to handle it with ease. On the contrary, when you talked about your husband, you looked at him repeatedly, with a flickering tone and a worried face." Zhou Jinyuan said, "You said, this disease What is the reason?"

He was also surprised at first, but fortunately Wu Chenyu answered the phone. If it weren't for these two calls, he might not have figured it out.

He didn't speak too bluntly. Wu Chenyu attached great importance to appearance and dressed exquisitely. Her husband looked a little informal, but his dressing style was the same as hers. It was obviously taken care of by her, especially the hairstyle and styling on the top of his head that covered up the decay.

All kinds of details made Zhou Jinyuan boldly infer that the root cause of her illness must be her husband, and most likely it was because of her appearance.

If this is the case, then it is no wonder that the curative effect of the old Chinese medicine was not satisfactory.

As long as her temper doesn't change and her husband is still losing his hair, the curative effect won't be good.

Wu Chenyu was silent, she had a feeling of trance, yes, what troubled her the most was actually Lao Zhao's hair...

She is very face-saving and strong in every way. Not only must her career be the best, but her husband's appearance must not be low. However, in the past year, Lao Zhao has been losing her hair, and the scalp on the top of her head is clearly visible, and taking medicine everywhere does not help.

Every time he went out, Lao Zhao didn't feel anything wrong, but Wu Chenyu felt that everyone was looking at her husband's head, and the pressure was enormous.

Seeing that he was about to attend a class reunion, Lao Zhao's hair fell even worse, and Wu Chenyu was very anxious. If he could escape this time, he would not be able to avoid the next time. Maybe next time he went, he would be completely Mediterranean.

In this way, no matter where you can sleep, your condition will get worse.

Also because of her good face, she subconsciously refused to admit that she was sick because she was worried about her husband's baldness...

Otherwise, according to the time of onset and exacerbation, it is not difficult to think of it.

Seeing Wu Chenyu's acquiescence, Zhou Jinyuan knew he was right about the root cause of the disease, and said: "So, you must cure your husband's disease at the same time, so that the root cause of your disease is gone, so that there will be no recurrence!"

Wu Chenyu covered his forehead with one hand, "No wonder Huang Tianlin said that you are very capable... But even if it is, um, doctor, his hair has seen many specialists, and it has not improved."

They were seen through anyway, and the other party was a doctor. Wu Chenyu broke the jar and confided to Zhou Jinyuan, "I see him stripping a lot of hair on the floor every day, and I cry!"

Old Zhao was also very embarrassed, and touched his head, "As for what? There are many people who lose their hair now, it's a big deal, I'll wear a hat when I go out."

And he still doesn't want to treat it, because he was treated elsewhere before, and he took some hormone drugs, which caused him, ahem, a little bit of decreased libido, and the treatment effect is not very significant...

If it wasn't for this, he wouldn't want to be bald either!

Seeing Wu Chenyu's sad words, Zhou Jinyuan was about to shed tears, so he simply felt Lao Zhao's pulse first.

After diagnosing the pulse, Zhou Jinyuan said relaxedly: "The exhaustion of the meridians is not particularly bad. I will prepare a medicine for you, Invincible Hair Growth Spirit. Take three doses to stop the hair loss first, and then use... yours, about It takes ten doses to remove blood stasis and regenerate new hair, and start to grow new hair."

Wu Chenyu's sobbing stopped suddenly.

Zhou Jinyuan took a look at her expression, and said to himself that I knew the name of this psoriasis advertisement drug was poisonous.

He waited and said: "Well, the name of Invincible Hair Shengling was given by my younger brother. Its original name is actually Qibao Shengfatang... Ms. Wu, Mr. Zhao, do you want to treat it?"

Wu Chenyu: "Cure!!!"