Taoist Doctor

Chapter 13


The patients outside were actually introduced by Lao Zhao. Most of them were his colleagues, and there were also employees from other units in the park where his company was located. They knew each other.

Wu Chenyu and the old Zhao couple were treated at Zhou Jinyuan's at the same time. Wu Chenyu's treatment effect was good, and the quality of sleep was getting better every day. In addition to Zhou Jinyuan's acupuncture, it was also because the root cause of the disease was cured.

After using the Invincible Hair Tonic, Lao Zhao's hair loss gradually decreased within three doses until it became normal. The hair growth effect is not so fast, but it has begun to gradually show signs of it.

The hair loss problem of contemporary people is getting worse day by day. There are statistics on this, and young and middle-aged people generally have a high desire for treatment, while the elderly have been bald for a long time, and they have little interest in treatment.

The employees in the industry that Lao Zhao himself works in are generally young, and there are quite a few people in the company who recommend hair loss products to each other.

After Lao Zhao found that the curative effect was significant, he not only recommended it to his colleagues, but also mentioned it in a leadership group in the industrial park where his company is located.

"Invincible Hair Growth Spirit?? Mr. Zhao, are you short of money recently?" Someone joked.

"I also refused when I heard this name at first..." Lao Zhao began to tell the story.

How they were recommended by friends to treat insomnia, but they were asked to register on the spot to treat hair loss and so on. Such a story, and there are examples from his own head. With such vigorous praise, the advertising effect is naturally good.

The patients are very real. For example, Vice President Xiao saw that Zhou Jinyuan had cured his mother's hiccup, so he asked him to try Mr. Huang's father's hiccup later. Old Zhao saw that his hair was no longer falling off, so he recommended everyone to go to Zhou Jinyuan for hair loss treatment.

The base number of hair loss patients is much larger than that of hiccups. There are many Internet-type companies in the park where his company is located. In a blink of an eye, even people who don't lose their hair have heard this story.

The programmers of Lao Zhao's own company were especially excited: "Chong Duck, I finally have the opportunity to use the same model as Mr. Zhao!"

— Mr. Zhao seems to have spent a total of two hundred yuan on that invincible hair growth spirit.

"I don't care, if you have the same attending doctor as Mr. Zhao, you will definitely get rich!"

"Maybe even the bugs are gone."

Some people from overseas branches even said: "Can I send the doctor or the bald head to the hospital?"

Among them, a very small number of people made an appointment to come and see, and Zhou Jinyuan's number was fully booked.

So, this afternoon, Zhou Jinyuan received so many patients for the first time!

After a brief shock, Zhou Jinyuan began to call his name silently. He had already guessed that these people might have come here for fame.

He has seen single-digit patients these days, so it is clear at a glance who helped him promote it.

He researched the Invincible Hair Growth Spirit in his hometown in Yingzhou, but at that time he didn't have any baldness patients. He made it because of the request of a few old patients, and he also named it after a telegraph pole.

Who knew that coming to Haizhou City would help him open up the situation instead. It is probably because the life pressure in Haizhou City is greater than that in Yingzhou City, and the mass base is wider.

Liu Qi was still on the side talking in amazement, the master is the master, the situation has been opened up so quickly, after sitting on the bench for a few days, today he is bald like a cloud.

As soon as Zhou Jinyuan called his number, four or five young people came in, with varying degrees of baldness.

"Doctor. We all signed up together. We both knew each other, so we came in together. Is it okay?" Someone asked.

"That's okay." Zhou Jinyuan asked first.

When asked about his occupation, the other party chuckled, "We are all high-risk industries for hair loss, programmers."

Zhou Jinyuan said oh, well, I've heard the name for a long time.

Although some of the young people on the opposite side had alopecia areata and some had seborrheic alopecia, after Zhou Jinyuan analyzed each person's symptoms, they all prescribed Invincible Hair Growth Spirit, and only added or subtracted slightly according to each person's situation.

The prescription he proposed has a wide range of applicability, and these few people are in the symptomatic range. Fangzi used various traditional Chinese medicines such as rehmannia glutinosa, rehmannia glutinosa, safflower, and echinacea, and the recovery rate is very high, which is one of his works that he is very satisfied with.

Liu Qi was also studying by the side to see how Zhou Jinyuan added and subtracted. When he was practicing medicine, he made less self-made prescriptions and used more mature classic prescriptions. It was even worse if the scope of this kind was wide and the effect was good. drafted.

After the five left, the Lone Ranger came in next, a young man with thin hair, his scalp was faintly visible, and his hairline was also in jeopardy.

He sat down, and Zhou Jinyuan chuckled lightly during his consultation: "You are also a programmer, aren't you?"

The young man was taken aback for a moment, and then he said carelessly: "Are all the programmers who went out just now? No wonder."

"Then what is your occupation?"

"I write online novels." The young man said, "I went to see other doctors and said that I may have mental factors. I also feel that the pressure to update is relatively high."

Zhou Jinyuan was surprised. He usually reads novels on the Internet occasionally, but he never thought that the author would lose his hair because of it.

As if remembering something, the young man added: "I came here just because of the reputation. Some people in my editor's company said that you have miraculous effects in curing hair loss. My editor also signed up for tomorrow."

"..." Zhou Jinyuan was speechless, and gave him a pulse. Before he started to take the pulse, he said as soon as he touched his hand, "Well, wait for two more needles."

Youth: "Huh? Didn't you say special medicine?"

Zhou Jinyuan pressed the thenar part of his palm, "Aren't these places painful for you?"

"Aww!" The young man felt extremely sore and swollen, almost burst into tears, and said repeatedly, "Yes, yes, this is the place..."

He uses his hands frequently every day, and it does hurt at ordinary times.

Not only him, even some of those programmers had tenosynovitis just now.

But don't say, it hurts just after pressing it down, but after Zhou Jinyuan pressed and rubbed it, it became a little more relaxed. The young man was complacent, and he didn't expect to get a windfall after he came to cure hair loss.

"Patient No. 07 please go to Clinic No. 6 for treatment."

This time it was a girl who came in, probably in her early twenties, her short hair was already soft, but because of hair loss, she didn't look very good.

The patients received today are really young, and even one is younger than the other.


"twenty two."


"Internet writer... Oh, doctor, can I be cured? I feel so bald!"

Zhou Jinyuan glanced at her, and encouraged: "Yes, that one was also a writer just now, and your situation is much better than his!"

The girl hehe: "I'm a female fan, so the updates are a little less."

Zhou Jinyuan: "..."

No wonder when old Zhao Zhenbi called out, his number was fully booked. The hair loss crisis of contemporary young people seems to be really serious!

Invincible hair growth spirit, a thing that sounds extremely unreliable, similar to the dog skin plaster sold by quack doctors, has quietly spread among young and middle-aged hair loss patients in Haizhou City.

At first, it was just a small group. Everyone was taking Invincible Hair Tonic. During the discussion, they would mention their dosage, taste and curative effect.

And because the name Invincible Hair Tonic is too magical, even for some patients, Zhou Jinyuan did not prescribe those medicines, but because it was also given by Zhou Jinyuan, and the effect was quick, they would secretly call it "Invincible Hair Tonic".

"My Invincible Hair Tonic is so bitter! It's so bitter that I shed tears!"

"Well, mine is not that bitter, because I said at the time that I can't taste bitterness, so Dr. Zhou added some medicine to adjust it, hehe."

"Is there such an operation??"

"Yes, and I drank it for two days, and the hair loss is very little now, which is almost the same as that of normal people."

"Me too... Look at my temples, is there any fluff growing out? It used to be smooth. The invincible hair growth spirit is really very good!"

People passing by looked shocked, "You guys are not taking any strange medicine, are you, Invincible Hair Tonic? Is it sold by Weishang?"

"What kind of micro-business? It was recommended by the people from the company next door. It was opened by the traditional Chinese medicine department of a regular tertiary hospital! Does it work wonders?"

"real or fake… "

"Uh, you can't suspect a doctor just because he has a pompous name."

"Wake up, is this name just exaggerated?"

Not only exaggerated, but also like a liar.

However, the curative effect is here, and it really came from a tertiary hospital. It is hard for relatives, friends and colleagues who have the same troubles not to have a try.

Otherwise, go and try to register a number

These people will be more confident when they arrive at the scene.

Because of the good reputation of quick results, after a few days, almost all Zhou Jinyuan was seeing patients with hair loss, and patients with various baldness symptoms kept coming and going in the waiting area. Those who don’t know come here and take a look, they will think that this is dermatology—hair loss problems are usually linked to dermatology.

Of course, this will give people the mentality of "everyone is watching, it should be right", so An Anxin went to register.

Because many of the patients who were initially treated were young people, especially those in the Internet industry, who were active in new media themselves, and the Amway effect and radiation range were good and strong.

—The most important thing is that Zhou Jinyuan's diagnosis and treatment effect is fast and good. Although it takes time for new hair to grow, but it will stop falling off. If it is not a special case, it will definitely take a few doses to be effective.

In a short period of time, it has become a little famous among young people with hair loss.

Then, in less than a month, Zhou Jinyuan's number of consultations became the highest in the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine. Because the number is small and there are many patients, he even needs to add a number. He can be regarded as feeling the urgency of treating young and middle-aged patients!

It turns out that the number of patients received by the TCM Department of the Third Hospital is quite average in terms of the whole hospital. Compared with other TCM departments and TCM hospitals in this city, it is also very average. They don’t even set up hospital beds, so their popularity is not very high. , It is not an exaggeration to say that the family is cold.

Old doctors have accumulated over the years, and there are still some patients who occasionally encounter some activities, or holidays, or even full accounts.

The rehabilitation department next door also has many traditional Chinese medicine rehabilitation programs, which are more lively than them. Many people come to do massage and acupuncture to treat cervical and lumbar spine.

But Zhou Jinyuan has only been in the job for less than a month, it seems that one second his consultation volume was still in single digits, and the next second, the average value was raised!

Since people organized a group to come for treatment, there were basically people registering every day. After the curative effect spread more widely, it became even more exaggerated, and the number was full from time to time.

The frequency of other doctors seeing hair loss patients has also increased. It is estimated that some patients did not register with Zhou Jinyuan, so they tried other doctors.

Especially Liu Qi, since he is in the same clinic as Zhou Jinyuan, he has been treating people for baldness every day recently, and has quickly accumulated a lot of experience in baldness diagnosis and treatment...

Seeing this, Zhou Jinyuan directly told the other doctors all the prescriptions and explained the applicable conditions.

The other doctors are fine. After seeing the prescription, Dr. Mao smiled slightly: "For the treatment of baldness, I also have an effective prescription, which can also be used by everyone. There are really many hair loss patients coming these days. I Opened them all."

As soon as he finished speaking, he found that everyone's eyes were focused on his head.

Sparse overhead.

Dr. Mao: "... I have a genetic problem!"

That being said, given Dr. Mao's own conditions, the effectiveness of what he just said was immediately halved.

Dr. Mao was a little depressed. He didn't expect that Xiao Zhou was not only good at acupuncture, but also cured hiccups and insomnia, and also had good prescriptions for hair loss. The number of registrations exceeded his own.

Alas, it's not that I, Mao Zhengyi, can't do justice, it's that the bald-haired people support Xiao Zhou!

In any case, Zhou Jinyuan not only increased his own consultation volume, but also directly led to a higher consultation volume for everyone, although baldness accounted for a considerable proportion.

Originally, the number of consultations was mediocre, but at the end of the month, the statistics showed that it had tripled compared to the previous month...

Those doctors who usually do not receive a lot of consultations, especially the regular training doctors, don't mention how happy they are, their experience points are constantly increasing!

Due to the characteristics of Chinese medicine, and the Chinese medicine department of the third hospital has no divisions, unlike traditional Chinese medicine, there are traditional Chinese medicine internal medicine, traditional Chinese medicine and gynecology, etc. Even if you receive a patient with alopecia, you can also diagnose other diseases by the way, recommend the patient for treatment, and form a medical system. Virtuous circle.

-Of course, the most cases of baldness.

Given the need, the doctors had to carefully study the prescription given by Zhou Jinyuan, how to adjust the dose for the patient, and how to add or subtract medicinal materials. However, for cases not covered by Zhou Jinyuan's prescriptions, additional prescriptions were required to be prepared, researched and studied, which greatly enhanced the level of this aspect.

Even when the doctors discuss together at noon, it is indispensable to jointly solve the baldness case at hand.

"Invincible Hair Growth Spirit" is no longer a single prescription, but more like a collective name for the anti-hair loss and anti-baldness prescriptions prescribed by the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine.

With such enthusiasm, after a period of time, the title came into being, and the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine gained the nickname of "Alopecia Department".

Not only do other departments call it so jokingly, but the Chinese medicine department sometimes laughs and says that our baldness department is so...

The increase in the number of patients received and the increase in reputation is always a good thing. In the past, the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine of the Third Hospital was just a little transparent no matter whether it was in the hospital or in the whole city.

Xie Min looked at the data in a daze. She had thought that Zhou Jinyuan's burning mountain fire acupuncture method, or Ziwu Liuzhu acupuncture method, or even massage Kung Fu, as long as they accumulate word of mouth over time, they may become the gold-lettered signs of the Chinese medicine department!

But she never expected that Zhou Jinyuan seemed to have the tendency to turn the anti-hair loss and treatment of baldness in the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine into a gold-lettered signboard of the Third Hospital...