Taoist Doctor

Chapter 16


Zhou Jinyuan stopped the patient again, took his number paper and saw that it was number five!

"I knew you must be my patient!"

Patient No. 5: "..."

"You don't need to buy amulets, don't get excited and use your voice too much." Zhou Jinyuan said to Dunzi, holding No. 5 in one hand. No. 5 only felt that this man looked like a boy, with incredible strength, and he couldn't break free even if he tried his best , was pinned to a chair.

— This is all from practicing massage.

Zhou Jinyuan was still feeling sorry in his heart. Alas, if it were him who was in the clinic by himself, he would have given a safety talisman if the patient asked for it, but now the director is watching all the time, and other patients are frightened.

Dunzi reluctantly left, "That's fine, I'll see you next time, Dr. Zhou."

Zhou Jinyuan bid farewell to Dunzi, and then pinned down the patient who was still trying to get up, and uttered that very magical old saying: "It's all here..."

This is really useful, the patient sat down.

The main reason is that it is not easy for him to come here. He is an engineer who suffers from hair loss. After dinner one day, he saw a former colleague of his in Moments drying his hair, before and after using a certain product. At first he thought it was a Weishang product.

But then he quickly discovered that other colleagues in the former company also replied to discuss their own effects.

Two days later, even the former boss of the company also posted a picture. The original boss of the Mediterranean Sea lost all his hair after two hair transplants. Now he has grown fluff on the top of his head. In the picture, he is smiling very confidently.

Patient No. 5 went to inquire about whether the former company had closed down, and found out that it was still thriving, so he could believe that everyone did not switch to selling Sanwu products because of life difficulties.

Not only is it not a Sanwu product, but it is also a medicine prescribed by a doctor in a tertiary hospital.

No, he took the high-speed train for an hour and a half to see a doctor in Haizhou City, where his former company was located.

So if you really want to turn around and leave, it's really a pity. When Zhou Jinyuan pulled, he hesitated and sat down.

Unexpectedly, there were patients from other places who came here admiringly. Zhou Jinyuan's Xindao Traditional Chinese Medicine Department may not be able to take off the title of the baldness department.

"You're a ghost shaving your head..." Zhou Jinyuan looked at the limitations on his head that were falling off piece by piece.

"..." No. 5 wanted to stand up and leave again, with a terrified expression on his face, "No, no, it's just alopecia areata."

He was really afraid that Zhou Jinyuan would ask him to buy talisman water in the next second. He felt that his former colleagues didn't do wechat business anymore, but joined a strange folk sect

"That's what I mean by alopecia areata!" Zhou Jinyuan grabbed his wrist, making the patient sigh again, how could he look so white and tender that his strength was stronger than that of a cow.

"We call alopecia areata a ghost licking his head, ghost shaving his head, or oil wind."

With Zhou Jinyuan's explanation, the patient took some time to relax. It turned out to be a common name.

Zhou Jinyuan checked the pulse, "I'll prescribe you an external medicine."

"Didn't you drink that invincible hair tonic? You only need to drink it for half a month, right?" The patient was still a little defensive, and obviously didn't know the detailed history of the invincible hair tonic.

"That prescription is not suitable for everyone. Look, you even lost your eyebrows, and..." Zhou Jinyuan glanced under him.

"..." No. 5 clamped his thighs awkwardly for an instant.

The eyebrows couldn't be concealed, but he didn't show it to the doctor, and he even knew about it!

No, yes, his alopecia areata is not limited to his head and face...

"Both the spleen and the kidney are deficient. So you need to take longer to take the medicine, about a month." Zhou Jinyuan prescribed the medicine mainly with ginseng leaves and arborvitae leaves, and taught him how to make it, rubbing it twice a day.

After being pointed out by Zhou Jinyuan that a certain part was also alopecia areata, Patient No. 5 dared not question it anymore, shut up and pay the money.

Zhou Jinyuan recently had more patients, including Liu Qi's, and it was inconvenient for them to share the same consultation room, so he found an opportunity to talk to Xie Min about setting up a new consultation room.

As a result, when he walked to Director Xie's office, he saw Dr. Mao and a Gui Peisheng were also there.

Dr. Mao is talking to Gui Peisheng: "Zhang Zhongjing is the originator of prescriptions through the ages. Learning Chinese medicine, especially you young people, it is very good to study classic prescriptions, and you can quickly understand the essence of prescriptions. After summarizing the patient's symptoms and pulse, the corresponding The prescription was found. Like the case of emotional illness you mentioned, you can flexibly combine the two classic prescriptions in "Treatise on Febrile Diseases..."

Although this regular training doctor is still in the regular training period, he has already obtained a medical license and the right to prescribe, and has begun to see patients. But today, I obviously encountered a difficult case and came to ask the old man for advice.

Like every young Chinese doctor, she doesn't have many patients, and she just hitched a ride recently. When she has more patients, she is also very attentive. When she encounters something she doesn't understand, she asks the old doctor for advice.

Dr. Mao is a typical traditional Chinese medicine doctor. The scriptures can be interpreted in many ways, such as the "prescription of experience", here from the perspective of Dr. Mao, it refers to the prescription of the medical sage Zhang Zhongjing, which is also the "prescription of the classics of medicine".

He mainly uses the six meridian syndrome differentiation in his practice. After judging the patient's symptoms, he uses the corresponding classic prescriptions in "Treatise on Febrile Diseases" and "Synopsis of the Golden Chamber" written by Zhang Zhongjing, adding and subtracting them according to the specific conditions of the patient.

—Of course, it is impossible to use only classical prescriptions in clinical practice, but Dr. Mao feels that classical prescriptions are the most researched.

Another characteristic of excellent Jingfang experts is that they are accurate in dialectical diagnosis and have quick results.

From this point of view, Zhou Jinyuan is a bit like them. However, Zhou Jinyuan's medical skills are passed down from the Taoist family, and it can be said to be self-contained. Since he entered the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine, he has basically used his own prescriptions, and there are also family-passed prescriptions.

Gui Peisheng nodded again and again, and then said: "The prescription I prescribed to the patient earlier did not work after a few doses. Then I will try to prescribe another prescription according to what you said."

Dr. Mao caught sight of Zhou Jinyuan approaching, coughed, and said in a rather imposing manner: "Well, within three doses, it should be effective."

Zhou Jinyuan is well-known in the Chinese medicine department for the quick results of his medicines. Although Dr. Mao is unwilling to confuse young people, he does not want to fall into the name of the classic prescription school... Hehe, we dare not say one dose, but after three doses Inside is still fine.

"Doctor Zhou also came to see this case." Xie Min said with a smile.

This Dr. Gui Pei actually came to see her, but Dr. Mao was also there, so she asked Dr. Mao to talk about it. Now that she saw Zhou Jinyuan, she wanted Zhou Jinyuan to see what he had in mind.

Zhou Jinyuan took over the medical case. The patient was suffering from an emotional disease, which is a disease caused by joy, anger, worry, thought, sadness, fear, and fright. Like Wu Chenyu's insomnia, it is actually an emotional disease. , worried about her husband's baldness.

The patient complained of palpitation, palpitations, dizziness, and irregular menstruation. Work and life are not going well, and emotional disturbances lead to physical discomfort.

There were patients who had used invalid prescriptions, and it also recorded the classic prescriptions that Dr. Mao had just said to use. Zhou Jinyuan was silent for a long time after reading it, and it didn't seem like he was usually quick-thinking.

His silence made Dr. Mao lose his composure:

He doesn't speak, why doesn't he speak? Is there something wrong with me combining the two scriptures? I think I deserve it very well. Did he see something wrong with his silence?

There is nothing wrong with thinking about it! Why did Xiao Zhou look so hard to say, no, did I really read something wrong!

"Then, that, Xiao Zhou, just say what you have in mind!" Dr. Mao couldn't help but urged.

"Oh..." Zhou Jinyuan recovered and said, "It's just that, according to my thinking, I should use Zhu Youshu first."

Everyone stop talking, this...

Zhu Youshu is witchcraft, and it was also one of the earliest Taoist medicines. It used spells, prayers and other means to treat diseases, and it was once included in the imperial hospital. Now it has long been abandoned by traditional doctors, and everyone's impression of it is pure magic.

Modern research believes that Zhu Youshu is actually using psychological hints to cure diseases. Then in the case of a patient suffering from heart disease, sometimes it is indeed effective.

Heart disease also requires heart medicine. For example, some patients are not mentally good and have no willpower. At this time, they need the encouragement of Zhu Youshu, in the name of ghosts and gods.

It's not surprising that Zhou Jinyuan knew Zhu Youshu, he was a Taoist doctor.

Xie Min supported his forehead and said: "No, patients are not necessarily believers. It's useless for you to draw symbols and perform deeds, let alone we can't..."

Anyway, it can't be done aboveboard. Some doctors worship night shift gods, or have their own metaphysics, which is not as exaggerated as Zhu Youshu.

"Director, I think that the disease is in the mood, and it is difficult to get quick results with medication alone. Zhu You doesn't have to draw amulets and chant mantras. The biggest effect of Zhu You is to transfer essence and change energy. Do you know what it is? Change the mental aura of the patient. Although the patient has no faith, we can use this principle alone!"

Zhou Jinyuan said plausibly. Emotional diseases are caused by the seven emotions, and psychological treatment can better evacuate the patient's energy. Art is just a means, and everything remains the same. If he is not allowed to recite sutras, what else can he do

Dr. Mao laughed twice, "Then how do you use this principle?"

"Doctor Jin, do you know this patient well? Does she have any hobbies? For example, favorite celebrities, literary works." Zhou Jinyuan turned to ask Dr. Guipei.

Dr. Jin was stunned when he heard that Zhu Youshu came out. She thought about it and said: "She has a few pendants hanging on her bag all the time. Do you know Dr. Zhou, Iron Man. The screen saver of the mobile phone is also like this, it should be Quite like."

Zhou Jinyuan's eyes lit up, "Okay! Then take her to watch "Avengers 4" first."

Everyone: "????"

Zhou Jinyuan: "... After she finishes crying, induce her to vent her bad emotions, and then watch some funny comedies. Sorrow beats anger, joy beats sadness. In this way, love wins love, emotions win each other, and energy will be able to win." Got it!"

Everyone: "..."

Dr. Jin trembled... The master is a devil, so he treats the disease like this, so why don't you take him to see Avengers 4? People probably have seen it once, that is the second injury!

When Zhou Jinyuan said the first half of the sentence, Xie Min still couldn't laugh or cry, but after listening to the emotional victory, he realized that there was nothing wrong with the logic...

The seven emotions corresponded in this way. Wu Chenyu's worries at the beginning were naturally relieved by her husband's baldness.

Especially since she usually watches a movie and checks Weibo, she probably knows why she chose this movie.

Since the young patient didn't believe in Taoism or Buddhism, but a fictional character, then this modified version of Zhu Youshu should be effective!

Zhuyou's Zhuzi means Zhushuo and praying.

In the past, I wished to the ghosts and gods of heaven and earth, but now I wish to my life in the second dimension...

Ancient doctors used ghosts and gods to treat diseases, and Zhou Jinyuan used her favorite virtual characters to treat diseases when she encountered patients who had no beliefs.

After thinking about it, Xie Min laughed, "You, you have a way of being a psychiatrist."

This wish technique is, in the final analysis, psychotherapy.

After hearing this, Dr. Mao fell into deep thought: Damn, I haven't seen any steel, Avengers, why did I cry after watching the movie! I'm a bit trying to find fault but can't find it!

Dr. Jin was anxious, and stammered: "But, Dr. Zhou, I know she likes Iron Man, but I don't know how she smiles! Wouldn't it be embarrassing if she gave the wrong work! "

Zhou Jinyuan stared at her with a smile, "I'll give you another chance, think about it carefully?"

Dr. Jin was stunned for a while with his mouth half open, then he suddenly figured out, no, it doesn't have to be a comedy, as long as it can arouse the patient's happy mood and let the emotional effect be fully exerted, that's fine!

She clapped her hands, "I got it, I got it, I can definitely show her "Reunion 4" first, and then find some sweet or fleshy stories about Iron Man. Anyway, I will show her the HE fanfiction!"

Dr. Mao:? ? Xiao Jin also started to say things that I didn't understand!

In fact, Zhou Jinyuan didn't know much about Dr. Jin's terminology, but he could vaguely hear that Dr. Jin did understand. He nodded and said, "Well, think about it yourself. After sorting out your emotions, use Dr. Mao's prescription. It's one dose and you'll know!"

Dr. Mao prescribed three doses of the prescription before, but Zhou Jinyuan advocated dredging the qi mechanism first, and then using this prescription, one dose should be very effective, and even cured.

Based on Zhou Jinyuan's past deeds, Dr. Jin seems to have no doubts about him.

Now Dr. Jin is rubbing her hands. She, who has been full of enthusiasm for practicing medicine for a long time, seems to have fallen into the infinite imagination of this case: "Oh, the tweets won't be thunderous, so I have to take a peek at her taste first. It’s best to find something she hasn’t read, I’ll go to AO3 and find some texts to translate…”

The other three doctors: Well, although I don't understand Dr. Jin's treatment plan, it should be enough to just smile at this time.

The author has something to say: This patient’s life died in "Avengers 4". If you haven’t seen it, you can substitute it into any other works, such as your favorite gourd baby turned into a stone, and Nezha committed suicide... Abuse it's over