Taoist Doctor

Chapter 18


Office of Vice President Xiao of the Third Hospital

"This is Dean Xiao, and Xiao Zhou is the talent he introduced to the Third Hospital." According to Huang Tianlin, the contract workers had a fresh and natural history.

"Dean Xiao." Under Huang Tianlin's recommendation, Qu Qingrui shook hands with Vice President Xiao briefly but forcefully.

After Huang Zhongwen said those two words, Qu Qingrui, who had an excellent memory, immediately recalled where he had heard these three words, and even recalled Zhou Jinyuan's slightly childish face.

He never expected that the little Taoist priest who had appeared in front of him a long time ago was the hope of his son's treatment!

—Huang Tianlin even tried to introduce him, but he refused.

This made him feel both unbelievable and strange.

Because of this, when Huang Tianlin was found to be an intermediary, he had a very subtle feeling.

Although he was not asked to treat him, but knowing that he was recommended by him, it is unavoidable to feel a kind of prophetic pleasure. At the same time, he very much hopes that Zhou Jinyuan's level can really cure Qu Qingrui's son. Doesn't it seem that he is very knowledgeable.

At this time, Huang Tianlin introduced with extra enthusiasm.

And Qu Qingrui came to find Zhou Jinyuan because of their relationship. Huang Tianlin had a close relationship with the Third Hospital, and Vice President Xiao was Zhou Jinyuan's referrer. He always felt that this was more security.

On the contrary, Vice President Xiao was also thinking in his heart. This Mr. Qu, I have never seen him before, but I have worked in Haizhou for many years and I have heard of his name.

Mr. Qu has an unusual background. He is an important figure in the business circle of Haizhou Province, and his family also has a political career. When he came to the Third Hospital, the dean received him in person, chatting and laughing happily. But he specifically found Vice President Xiao. He was surprised at first.

Thanks to Huang Tianlin's deliberate mention of Zhou Jinyuan, Vice President Xiao is a bit in the dark.

—It seems that it is for Xiao Zhou, and it is probably a good thing!

So Vice President Xiao also cleverly followed Huang Tianlin's words and said: "Hello, Mr. Qu, Xiao Zhou is a talent in our Chinese medicine department. But it has brought great improvement to our TCM department.”

Isn’t that a big improvement? The Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine is about to be renamed the Department of Baldness, and even the Third Hospital’s reputation in the new field has risen…

"Really?" Qu Qingrui pondered for a while, and said, "I don't know if Dr. Zhou is in consultation now, or what. I want to know his main research direction now."

Vice President Xiao first wanted to talk about hair loss prevention, but he opened his mouth and said: "As far as I know, acupuncture, medicine, and pulse diagnosis are all very good at!"

"Yeah." Qu Qingrui nodded in agreement. He did some research to prove what this young man really showed.

Vice President Xiao made a phone call for them and said, "I asked, Dr. Zhou is currently consulting in the brain surgery ward, treating a patient with traumatic paralysis, shall we wait?"

He still murmured in his heart that Xiao Zhou had never received such a severe case in the Third Hospital, and his seniority seemed insufficient. But since the dispatch has passed, it should be fine.

Qu Qingrui and Huang Tianlin looked at each other, they were stunned for a moment, and then asked: "Can we go and see?"

Coincidentally, there is such a case of paralysis.

No matter how much he heard from others or even himself, if he could see Zhou Jinyuan treat his illness with his own eyes, Qu Qingrui would be able to completely let go of his heart.

Because of Qu Guanfeng's injury, he seems to have aged a lot in recent years. Fa's wife died young, leaving behind Qu Guanfeng, his only son, who is also his only heir.

Qu Guanfeng was paralyzed and couldn't bear to be depressed. His collaterals and even outsiders were all around the family business, so he could only swallow all kinds of tastes.

And Zhou Jinyuan is the only life-saving straw in front of him that can break through this predicament, so he can't be careless!

According to the time indicated on the consultation notice, Zhou Jinyuan arrived at the brain surgery ward with the needles on time.

According to the content of the notice, the patient was a middle-aged man who was hit by a heavy object at work and injured his head. He passed out at that time and was sent to the county hospital for treatment.

After one month of treatment, there was no effect. My muscle tone was very low, and I had become traumatic paralysis.

After being transferred to the brain surgery department of the Third Hospital, the head injury was treated and there was no serious problem. The cranial nerves were normal, but the failure of the lower limbs still did not heal.

The Department of Neurosurgery adopted the suggestion and invited doctors from the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine to do acupuncture and moxibustion treatment.

It's not the familiar Director Xie or Dr. Mao, but the famous "Great God".

He looks even more amazing than in the legend, mainly because he is too young, he looks like a younger brother, but well, the Chinese medicine department often brags about him.

Of course, Zhou Jinyuan hadn't been in the job for a long time after all, so he complained about hiccups, irregular menstruation, insomnia and other diseases, or strange diseases like sticking out his tongue.

I don't know how effective he is in treating such a serious illness. The medical staff of the brain surgery expressed some expectations.

The patient has already known and agreed to acupuncture treatment, and now he can only try it.

But they didn't expect that such an intern-like person would come here, but any patient would definitely want a doctor with a higher professional title and more experience to see him. It doesn't mean that he must be skilled in medicine, but for laymen, this is at least a good idea. ensure.

But as soon as Zhou Jinyuan came in, he said in a hurry: "I've read all the medical records and diagnosis, let's take the pulse first."

Then he began to grasp the patient's hand to check the pulse, and almost didn't give them a chance to speak.

Zhou Jinyuan focused on taking the pulse, with a serious look that made people hardly dare to disturb him. It took a full minute for the patient's wife to tell the attending doctor, "That...doctor..."

"Your paralysis is not a big problem..." Suddenly, Zhou Jinyuan spoke and interrupted her.

For a moment, there was a moment of silence in the ward.

Not a big problem

Is this not a big problem?

The attending doctor was speechless: "Have you read the summary? The tendon reflexes are weakened..."

"I've read it carefully." Zhou Jinyuan blinked, "I want to say that the patient should have a problem that has troubled him for at least two years, Mr. Cao, right?"

Zhou Jinyuan pointed to the patient, that is, Mr. Cao's lower body, and then bent two fingers.

Mr. Cao didn't react for a while, and looked at Zhou Jinyuan in a daze.

The medical staff were even more inexplicable, they were fiddling with their fingers without saying a word.

At this time, Mr. Cao's wife suddenly let out an "oops", as if she had suddenly realized something, and she looked embarrassed.

Soon, Mr. Cao also reacted, his face turned red, he was embarrassed and shocked, "You, you know this?"

Zhou Jinyuan took care of the patient's psychology and didn't say it publicly.

Mr. Cao himself knows it well. It has been two full years. Every time he erects his penis, the penis will bend upwards. The angle is so big that the pain caused directly makes him lose interest and become weak.

After so many repetitions, he would not even dare to look at any exciting pictures, and he was forced to abstain from desires, and the psychological burden was extremely heavy.

For this strange disease, he had sought medical treatment in many places, but he was still unable to cure it.

Unexpectedly, this young doctor felt his pulse today and clicked it out. He looked at Zhou Jinyuan eagerly: "Doctor, do you know what kind of disease this is? Can you cure it?"

"It can be cured!" Zhou Jinyuan replied firmly first, and then said, "You have to take a few doses of medicine. Let's cure your leg first, otherwise you will be useless. Although your leg is not a serious problem, it can It won’t be cured in a day or two, and it needs to be treated in separate courses for more than a month. Today we will start with acupuncture once.”

If Zhou Jinyuan hadn't said what he said before, if he told the patient that this disease is nothing, and it will be cured after a month of treatment, the patient would definitely be beating drums in his heart, and he would not have the confidence to treat it.

But now that he said that, Mr. Cao's family felt very happy and convinced.

At this time, Zhou Jinyuan was about to give Mr. Cao an injection, and he and his family members took the initiative to help the nurse tidy up the quilt, fish up the clothes, and expose the skin.

Zhou Jinyuan took out a long needle, selected acupoints such as Huantiao, Yanglingquan, Zusanli, Xuanzhong and other acupoints, and walked the needle with concentration.

As soon as the needle is inserted, the strong needle sensation makes the patient's disabled leg bounce a little unconsciously, "Hey, there is a reaction, there is a reaction!"

Mr. Cao was overjoyed. The doctor said it was good for one month, but he didn't expect to have a reaction the first time he got the needle.

"Hush." As soon as Zhou Jinyuan said, he didn't dare to make a sound again, for fear of disturbing the doctor's acupuncture.

The attending doctor couldn't help stepping forward, staring closely at the patient's leg.

After Zhou Jinyuan withdrew the needle, he said, "Try it yourself."

Mr. Cao thought that the previous reaction was the effect of the treatment. When he heard that he raised his leg, he was still a little hesitant. It was not until his wife pushed his shoulder that he tentatively lifted his leg.

It was really lifted up, and when it was lifted slowly, it was lifted to a very high level!

"Bend again." Zhou Jinyuan put his hands in his pockets and said.

Mr. Cao didn't need to urge him this time, he slowly bent his knees and completed a flexion and extension movement.

"Hey! Hey! See?!"

"I can move! My God!"

The ward was full of joy and joy, and everyone didn't seem to notice that there were several people standing outside the door at some point, including their vice president.

The happy atmosphere in the room seemed to have infected Qu Qingrui, and he unconsciously smiled a little.

This is simply the best proof that Zhou Jinyuan is indeed capable!

Zhou Jinyuan is still writing the prescription, "Continue acupuncture for about eight days, and you will be able to walk on the ground. After acupuncture the next day, after a month, you will basically recover completely. I will prescribe another medicine for you, take three doses, and get rid of your old disease. Removed too!"

It was only then that Mr. Cao realized that what Zhou Jinyuan said was a complete cure in one month, walking on the ground, and it would be all right on the eighth day, and he was even more pleasantly surprised.

"The treatment effect is great!" The attending doctor was full of praise. Zhou Dashen is not like some people think, he can quickly cure a bald head. Seeing that someone treats a serious illness like paralysis, it still has a quick effect!

As for himself, well, in fact, he didn't doubt it. This is the person recommended by Director Xie, so it's impossible for him to think about it with his head.

"Let's not bother Dr. Zhou, let's find a suitable place..." Before Zhou Jinyuan finished his consultation, he saw Qu Qingrui he wanted to see, and said in a low voice.

Vice President Xiao already understood in his heart that Mr. Qu wanted to keep a low profile, so he hummed and quietly walked away with them.

Inside, after Zhou Jinyuan finished giving the doctor's order, he went out with the attending doctor. A nurse came up and whispered, "President Xiao didn't know whether it was an examination or something. He watched it outside your ward for a while."

The attending doctor let out a "huh" and was a little puzzled, but they didn't do anything, so they didn't take it too seriously.

"Okay, thank you Dr. Zhou for today, and we will cooperate happily in the future." The attending doctor shook Zhou Jinyuan's hand vigorously. Some patients in their neurosurgery surgery need the assistance of acupuncture and moxibustion of traditional Chinese medicine. It seems that Dr. Zhou can be considered more in the future.

Zhou Jinyuan responded with a smile, and went back to the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine with his pockets in his pocket.

Before he could go back to the department, the phone rang, and it was Vice President Xiao calling, asking him to come to the office.

Zhou Jinyuan went to Vice President Xiao's office with doubts in mind, and he recognized the people next to Vice President Xiao at Huang Tianlin's banquet. He nodded and greeted Vice President Xiao first. long."

"Doctor Zhou, let me introduce you. Mr. Huang, you know him. This is Mr. Qu." Vice President Xiao stretched out his hand, "I'm also a friend of Mr. Huang. I've invited you here to see a doctor."

"Oh, yes." Zhou Jinyuan thought that Mr. Qu was sick and hadn't registered, so he went through the back door to add the number. Anyway, he didn't attend the consultation because he arranged for it.

It's just that Mr. Qu's complexion looks good, he doesn't look sick, is it some kind of unmentionable disease

Zhou Jinyuan was ready to feel his pulse, but saw that Mr. Qu smiled bitterly, "Doctor Zhou, you are not a scumbag, but a dog."

"Huh? That's fine, where is the son?" There were only a few people at the scene, and Zhou Jinyuan wondered why he didn't bring a patient when he came to see a doctor.

"That's the point, it's a little difficult." Qu Qingrui rubbed the space between his brows.

His son Qu Guanfeng was paralyzed in the lower limbs due to a car accident two years ago. During this period, he had three short rehabilitation trainings, but he failed to persist. Because of the severity of the injury, many medical institutions at home and abroad judged that there is no possibility of full recovery.

Qu Guanfeng, who was already gloomy and sensitive after being injured, became less and less willing to treat during the repeated treatment.

Qu Qingrui invited Huang Lao, a well-known old Chinese doctor, but this authoritative conclusion dealt another blow to Qu Guanfeng.

Qu Qingrui came to the Third Hospital today to ask Zhou Jinyuan to confirm his level, but he didn't tell Qu Guanfeng, or Qu Guanfeng didn't know there was such a person for the time being.

Qu Qingrui was really scared, afraid of disappointing his son and himself again!

During his explanation, Zhou Jinyuan nodded frequently to express his understanding. In many cases, patients suffer not only physical damage, but also psychological damage.

Qu Qingrui brought the medical records, "This is the medical records of Western medicine, and the medical records of an old Chinese doctor I found earlier. I hope you can read them first."

Zhou Jinyuan took it over and looked through it. Remote diagnosis is not necessary, but the information here is detailed, so he can roughly understand and make a judgment.

Qu Qingrui said: "Today I saw you give acupuncture to a paralyzed patient in the ward. After a few needles, the patient could bend and stretch his legs, so I thought?"

"That patient's injury is milder than your son's, and he doesn't feel anything anymore, so they can't be compared with each other." Zhou Jinyuan said immediately, already looking at the medical records.

"Yes, yes, then do you see the symptoms of Gouzi?" Qu Qingrui raised his hand and wiped his forehead, there was no sweat there, "I heard that your father once cured a similar situation, Guanzhu Qin of Xianglu Temple, Fully recovered. You also have a successful case in your hand."

"Well, yes, but it's not as serious as your son's, and even if it's the same disease, everyone's situation is different." Zhou Jinyuan was not surprised that he knew Qin Guanzhu. Vice President Xiao and Qin Guanzhu were friends. Pointing to the medical record, "Look, this body function..."

Qu Qingrui said anxiously: "I know the situation is different, but Guanzhu Qin of Xianglu Temple told me that you are already better than blue! Can't you cure it?"

Zhou Jinyuan said solemnly: "I'm not saying that it can't be cured. I haven't seen the patient face-to-face. I only read these materials. From these medical records of Chinese and Western medicine alone, if I have to come up with a conclusion, I can only say that I There is no assurance that Son will be able to fully return to vigorous physical activity."

Qu Qingrui: "..."

Zhou Jinyuan observed Qu Qingrui's expression, and said in embarrassment: "No, Mr. Qu, does your son have sports ideals or hobbies?"

"No." Qu Qingrui hesitated, "Doesn't guarantee that you can play sports, you mean you can walk?"

Zhou Jinyuan: "Yes. Also, it's 'intense' exercise. If you just want to relax, you can run, run, or ride a bike."

Qu Qingrui clutched his chest and took a few breaths violently.

Zhou Jinyuan's light words seemed to have a great weight on his heart.

It's just that I can't exercise vigorously. Isn't that that I basically fully recovered, and I don't have to spend the rest of my life in a wheelchair

Qu Qingrui has always been known for his prudence and deepness in the business world, but in front of the doctor, he was just a worried family member. He grabbed Zhou Jinyuan's hand and said, "Doctor Zhou, can you really guarantee it? How long will it take? Just give you the consultation fee?"

Zhou Jinyuan stepped back a little, but he understood, pity the parents of the world, he thought that Qu Qingrui was asking too much, but now it seems that as long as he can recover, he will be satisfied.

"I will know the details after four face-to-face consultations, but it will definitely take some time to recover from a serious injury, so you have to be mentally prepared. The consultation fee should be paid to the hospital according to the standard."

For this medical record, they asked him to visit the patient's home, because the patient's psychological condition is very bad and his willingness to treat is low. Zhou Jinyuan owed Vice President Xiao a favor, and since he spoke up, he had to do it if he couldn't.

However, there is no need to worry about the consultation fee. Qu Qingrui looks like he wants to spend a lot of money, but for Zhou Jinyuan, he at least has the goal of opening a personal clinic, but the purpose of opening a clinic is not to get rich, otherwise he would not have known How much money did you make.

Everything in the world comes and goes by fate.

Zhou Jinyuan stood outside a community, holding a white outpatient box with the words of the Third Hospital printed on it. It's six o'clock in the afternoon, and he came directly from the third hospital.

Qu Qingrui was going to pick him up, but he saw that the place was not far away, so he came over by himself.

After receiving the call, Qu Qingrui came out in person and led Zhou Jinyuan in. This community is located in the bustling area of Haizhou City, but it can be regarded as a quiet place amidst the hustle and bustle.

Qu Qingrui bought this real estate for his son in the past two years. The home elevator in the old house was originally installed for the elderly, but only Qu Guanfeng used it later. When Qu Qingrui noticed his son's emotions, he quietly bought a large flat here.

Qu Qingrui opened the door and let Zhou Jinyuan into the room.

Zhou Jinyuan looked around. The decoration style here is very warm, but it seems a little too tidy, and it doesn't seem like someone has lived here for a long time.

The living room is large, without a TV. The most conspicuous thing is a wide workbench with several computer screens and some wheelchair parts.

"Wait a minute, Doctor Zhou, sit down first." Qu Qingrui knocked on a door, "Guanfeng, can you come out? I brought a guest."

Zhou Jinyuan didn't seem very happy when he heard the faint voice, and then accompanied by the figure of the wheelchair sliding on the ground, a not-so-familiar figure appeared in front of him.

Zhou Jinyuan was surprised that this was the wheelchair youth he had met twice!

This time, the young man had a pair of thin black-rimmed glasses on his face, but it didn't prevent Zhou Jinyuan from recognizing him.

So it was him? Zhou Jinyuan suddenly remembered that he and Qu Qingrui met each other in a hurry, at the hotel where he met him, and suddenly realized.

What did he say, coming and going are predestined!

"meet again."

Qu Qingrui's eyes showed surprise, he didn't expect Zhou Jinyuan and Guanfeng to meet.

When Qu Guanfeng saw Zhou Jinyuan, his expression changed a little, and he sneered and said in a low voice, "Have you reached this point? Ask God to ask Buddha? Dad, this is not like you."

Although Zhou Jinyuan was wearing ordinary clothes today, in Qu Guanfeng's impression, he was a Taoist priest, maybe a third-rate Taoist priest who clocked in to work.

Qu Qingrui's complexion changed, and he tried to persuade Guanfeng again, but the previous situation made things worse, so Guanfeng even refused his introduction, even with the same attitude...

Zhou Jinyuan was solemnly invited by him. Although he had explained the situation long ago, Qu Qingrui still looked at Zhou Jinyuan worriedly at this moment.

Zhou Jinyuan changed his outpatient box to one side, and the logo of the Third Hospital was exposed on the other side, "It is not necessarily necessary to ask the gods and Buddha, especially to ask the Buddha. But it should be necessary to come to the Third Hospital to find me."

He stretched out his hand, "You are Qu Guanfeng? Zhou Jinyuan."

Zhou Jinyuan's words and deeds made Qu Qingrui heave a sigh of relief, and watched the two of them communicate calmly.

Qu Guanfeng ignored Zhou Jinyuan's outstretched hand, "You must have a good method to deceive my father."

From just now, with Qu Guanfeng, Zhou Jinyuan has changed from a Taoist priest to a liar.

"It shouldn't be. If I had good means, I wouldn't be so abrupt when I met you in the elevator." Zhou Jinyuan said relaxedly, "Maybe I shouldn't wait until the last time I met you in the hotel to ask you Whether you're doing rehab or not, but at that point I really couldn't confirm, you're still fully recovered."

Qu Qingrui didn't know what happened to them twice, but his keen judgment told him that the amount of information contained in this passage was unusual.

Looking at Qu Guanfeng again, his expression was a little stagnant.

What does full recovery mean

What the hell is this, a long-planned deception against him? This man who is also a Taoist priest and a doctor can really conclude that he still has a chance to recover after being able to see each other twice.

Qu Guanfeng thought of Zhou Jinyuan looking at her strangely, and asked herself rashly...

"Mr. Xiaoqu?" Zhou Jinyuan took out a wooden pulse pillow from his outpatient box, then raised his hand and flexed his fingers slightly.

Qu Guanfeng's dark eyes swept over Zhou Jinyuan and Qu Qingrui. Qu Qingrui looked at him nervously, while Zhou Jinyuan maintained his original posture without rushing.

Zhou Jinyuan has the most disturbing factor for the patient. He is extremely young, even juvenile in appearance. He boasted that Qu Guanfeng, a person who has been diagnosed and treated by various authorities and has no possibility of full recovery, can recover. He even, still a Taoist priest.

The first two meetings were even less pleasant. It seems that no matter how you look at it, Zhou Jinyuan is a complete liar at worst, and a big talk at best.

But he looked at Qu Guanfeng, waiting to feel Qu Guanfeng's pulse, his clear eyes were full of confidence.

It's ridiculous to say that at this moment Qu Guanfeng actually had a little expectation for this person who couldn't be more like a liar, maybe because he had hardly heard the word "full recovery" that contained positive emotions.

— Even though Qu Qingrui used these four words when persuading him, Qu Qingrui did not have Zhou Jinyuan's air and confidence.

Maybe even Qu Guanfeng didn't realize that this kind of confidence is the most precious to him.

"...Are you a Taoist priest or a doctor?" Qu Guanfeng asked in a low voice.

As soon as he opened his mouth, Qu Qingrui knew that since he didn't refuse outright, it proved that he was moved.

This is very strange, obviously in terms of eloquence, Qu Qingrui should be better, and Zhou Jinyuan's boasting is not so extravagant, but rather concise. However, Qu Qingrui failed to convince Qu Guanfeng, but Zhou Jinyuan moved him.

Perhaps it was because Qu Qingrui had already used too many means

"It should be called a doctor of Taoism, who uses medicine to promote Taoism and save people!" Zhou Jinyuan replied simply without hesitation.

Qu Guanfeng glanced at him, frowned and slowly put his hands on the pulse pillow.

Zhou Jinyuan's finger fell down immediately and rested on his veins.

Five minutes later, after the fourth diagnosis, Zhou Jinyuan examined Qu Guanfeng's meridian carefully.

Zhou Jinyuan put away the pulse pillow, took out a notebook and a pen, and recorded while saying: "Vital energy declines, tendons lose their support, meridians are blocked, leading to paralysis."

Zhou Jinyuan didn't mention muscle tone, reflexes, or the degree of muscle atrophy... too many Western doctors have said that to patients and their families. He only talked about the situation and conclusions he observed from the perspective of Chinese medicine.

Qu Guanfeng's condition is classified as "withering syndrome" in traditional Chinese medicine. Not only was he paralyzed, he lost sensory function, his reflexes disappeared, etc... and his face was pale and his skin was cold, obviously lacking in righteousness.

However, Zhou Jinyuan reckoned, and it was indeed possible to be cured.

Zhou Jinyuan's handwriting is quite beautiful. After he finished writing like a cloud and flowing water, he raised his eyebrows and said: "Acupuncture and massage are the mainstay, supplemented by medicine, and daily functional exercises should also be performed properly. Vigorous vitality, strong bones and muscles, blood stasis, and blood circulation. Meridians. Give me about half a year, and you can walk at least three kilometers in a row.”

After Zhou Jinyuan's own diagnosis and treatment, he gave a more detailed and positive result. Qu Qingrui wanted to grin at this moment, but he held back and went to see Qu Guanfeng.

After half a year, walking for a long time, the recovery of functions will only be shorter.

Zhou Jinyuan's words are bold compared to the previous recovery plan, which took one or two years and had a short-term goal but a small one. Qu Guanfeng even wanted to ask him if he knew what medical institution he had received treatment in before.

Even though Qu Guanfeng was moved by this self-confidence, this person is... too arrogant!

"It's not that I haven't treated you for a level like yours. The patient was already shopping for vegetables on a shared bicycle during the last follow-up visit." Zhou Jinyuan said something that was a bit like bragging again, but he "boasted" so sincerely that Qu Guanfeng was confused.

Helping the world and saving people is neither empty talk nor big talk.

Zhou Jinyuan looked at Qu Guanfeng with a serious expression, and asked, "But now, I want to ask, how long have you been suffering from severe insomnia? It should be within a year?"

Qu Qingrui said in surprise, "Insomnia? Dr. Zhou, he doesn't have insomnia, right?"

Under the same roof, Qu Qingrui never felt that his son suffered from insomnia, and he still suffered from severe insomnia.

"Impossible." Zhou Jinyuan replied without hesitation.

Qu Qingrui subconsciously went to see Qu Guanfeng.

But Qu Guanfeng's eyes flickered.

Qu Qingrui felt like a stick in his throat, it turned out to be true, he didn't know, neither did Qu Guanfeng's doctors, obviously Qu Guanfeng didn't tell anyone about it.

No need to ask, I know why Qu Guanfeng suffers from severe insomnia, and he still holds back.

Zhou Jinyuan: "How long has it been since you closed your eyes, twenty-four hours?" He observed Qu Guanfeng's expression, "Isn't it longer, thirty-six hours?"

Qu Guanfeng turned his head away, and said lightly: "There is nothing to say."

But he quickly turned his head back—Zhou Jinyuan looked at his condition with insight!

Severe insomnia tormented him, kept him from falling asleep, and on those sleepless nights he hated his body even more. Or, was it just this depression that kept him from sleeping

Zhou Jinyuan took out the needles, "The official treatment will take a few more days, I will make an appointment later. If this is the case, let's solve Mr. Xiaoqu's insomnia problem first."

Qu Guanfeng wanted to say that he hadn't personally said that he was willing to receive treatment, but he soon realized that Zhou Jinyuan had already won his trust.

Even he himself was surprised. After despairing countless times, he was able to germinate a glimmer of hope in the face of difficulties.

When they came to the room, Zhou Jinyuan asked Qu Guanfeng to lie flat on the bed, and took out another mini bluetooth speaker from the outpatient box, "Do you mind?"

In his opinion, it is best to add some techniques of Zhu Youshu to Qu Guanfeng's treatment.

Qu Guanfeng nodded invisibly.

Zhou Jinyuan adjusted his mobile phone, and the speaker began to play the dojo music, which was elegant and quiet.

Accompanied by music, Zhou Jinyuan acupunctured Qu Guanfeng's Zhaohai, Shenmai, Neiguan, Xingjian, Ganshu and other acupoints. Like Wu Chenyu, he suffered from insomnia. The holes are also different.

Medication is like using soldiers, and acupoint selection is also general.

Before, Zhou Jinyuan would ask Qu Guanfeng if he had insomnia for less than a year, and he judged from the type of syndrome. If Qu Guanfeng had been insomnia for more than one year, then he must have diagnosed more than liver stagnation and fire syndrome.

Liver Qi is prone to depression, which is caused by the seven emotions.

Zhou Jinyuan's acupuncture didn't end immediately, and he needed to keep the needle for fifteen minutes. He sat on the edge of the bed, tapped his fingers lightly on the edge of the bed, and sang to the rhythm of the dojo music.

Qu Guanfeng, who was sober at first, only felt that with the misty music, there was a slight warmth in the parts that had been pricked, and his consciousness gradually became blurred.

"Remember that the treatment must come on time, I have a lot of patients."

In this twilight, Zhou Jinyuan's sound of hitting the joints together, as well as his soft whispers to Qu Qingrui, seemed to have some kind of divinity, causing Qu Guanfeng to fall into a deep sleep that he hadn't had for a long, long time. —

Qu Qingrui was delighted to see the rapid healing, and asked in a low voice, "Doctor Zhou, why did you say that the formal treatment would be a few days later? Can't we treat the leg together today?"

He wished he could see Zhou Jinyuan's treatment right away, even though he comforted himself that he had waited so long and was not in a hurry these few days, but he still couldn't help asking.

He was very afraid that Qu Guanfeng's thoughts would repeat in the past few days. Even though he had seen his son slack off, it was not unheard of for him to give up halfway.

"Oh, I plan to use special needles to loosen the muscles, and I have to order them, and..." Zhou Jinyuan realized that Mr. Qu should understand himself, and explained, "Severe patients like this are non-emergency. I need to push Perform an auspicious day, and do the stitching again!"

Men avoid Wu, women avoid themselves. On the day of misfortune, the day of Bian Que's death, and the year of crime... it is not suitable to take medicine with needles! Different parts have different taboos!

Qu Qingrui: "..."

Fortunately, he had seen Zhou Jinyuan practice medicine with his own eyes.

After holding it in for a long time, I finally said: "You are so particular!"

The latest news from the Third Hospital, the TCM ward is about to open!

The Third Hospital was already building a new building, but according to the original news, there was absolutely no TCM department. Recently, there was a sudden rumor that it seemed that the ward would be assigned to the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine, and a batch of new staff would be recruited for them.

If this news had been spread a few months ago, no one would have believed it. The TCM department of their hospital still needs wards

Not to mention them, many traditional Chinese medicine departments in general hospitals, even if there are wards, are idle for a long time, and most of the time is directly used by the internal medicine department.

But now, I am not so sure. After all, their entire third hospital will be named as a bald specialist hospital. The number of patients is increasing day by day, and there is a corresponding demand for wards...

The people in the Chinese medicine department didn't know much about it, so they went to Xie Min to inquire.

Xie Min implicitly said, yes, that's right, the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine will have a ward and some new colleagues in the near future. This expansion of the scale is thanks to Dr. Zhou.

Don't you have to thank Dr. Zhou! Invincible hair growth spirit has created a new world for the department of traditional Chinese medicine!

It must be that the hospital has considered the needs of the department.

Everyone was beaming, and thought again, hey, don't the other departments have any objections? The buildings are all built, this ward is temporarily arranged for them, right

"What opinions do they have?" Xie Min knew more about the inside story, but he couldn't disclose it at this time.

The Xie Zhou Jinyuan she just mentioned did not refer to, or not only refer to the hair growth spirit.

Zhou Jinyuan officially took over Mr. Qu's rehabilitation treatment. With a wave of his hand, Mr. Qu established a good relationship with the third hospital and donated a lot of money... Because Zhou Jinyuan refused to ask for extra consultation fees, Qu Qingrui figured it out by himself. After a while, help the world save people.

His only condition is that the treatment of the Chinese medicine department should be upgraded. No, Zhou Jinyuan's private consulting room was also set up extremely quickly.

Others didn't have much doubts, and felt cheerfully that it was because the number of patients had increased, and the hospital considered the needs of patients, but the normal procedure was not so fast.

But even if Xie Min didn't disclose it, it won't be long before rumors spread, causing discussions in the entire court.

Many people don't know the specific situation of Qu Guanfeng, and they don't even know what disease he has. Just because they don't understand, it is natural that some people are shocked and think:

With Qu Qingrui's wealth, he went to the baldness department of one of their general hospitals for medical treatment. No, the Chinese medicine department is here!

So... How serious is that Mr. Qu's baldness? !

When Rong Shouyun got off the plane, he followed the diagram and took the subway directly. When he got off at the station, he couldn't figure out the direction when he went out. He asked passers-by where to go to the Third Hospital.

Passers-by stared at him inexplicably before pointing in a direction.

"Thank you." Rong Shouyun almost blurted out Amitabha out of habit, now that he is wearing ordinary clothes, it would be rather puzzling to say it.

It doesn't take long to walk, and you can see the building of Haizhou Third Hospital, with big red characters, which is very eye-catching.

Rong Shouyun got into the outpatient building first, looked at the directions, then ran to another building, and went up to the floor where the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine was located. Speaking of Rong Shouyun, as a child of a family of traditional Chinese medicine, he goes to various Chinese medicine departments, hospitals, and clinics a lot.

But the Chinese Medicine Department of the Third Hospital was not as deserted as he had imagined. He knew about it before, but there were no beds and no nurses, only a dozen or so doctors. I don't know if it has anything to do with Zhou Jinyuan.

Rong Shouyun looked around, and didn't want to bother anymore, so he walked to the consultation desk.

Almost at the same time, a middle-aged man also walked up to him. After registering, he had to wait for a number at the consultation desk.

The nurse glanced at them and stretched out a hand, "Who goes first."

The two looked at each other, and Rong Shouyun smiled, knowing that the nurse had misunderstood.

However, the middle-aged man spread his hands gracefully, and said sympathetically, "Go ahead buddy, you are much more serious."

Rong Shouyun: "??"

He didn't react for a while, and he didn't realize that the other party's hair was thinner until he noticed that the other party's eyes were on the top of his head.

No, it should be said that many people in the waiting area have thinning hair.

Rong Shouyun touched his bald head.

… Depend on.

Of course, Rong Shouyun didn't need to register. He said "I'm a monk" expressionlessly, which made the nurse burst out laughing. After asking which consulting room Zhou Jinyuan was in, he went straight to the destination.

What the hell, he just found out that there are a lot of people with thinning hair or even baldness here. Is there a special clinic opening today? No wonder he misunderstood him, remembering that passers-by were staring at his head when he was asking for directions, it was a bit weird when I thought about it...

Zhou Jinyuan had just moved to the independent consulting room. He was giving an injection to a patient. The two looked at each other. Rong Shouyun closed the door consciously and sat aside to wait.

"Okay, keep the needle for ten minutes." Zhou Jinyuan ordered, instead of calling the number immediately, he asked Rong Shouyun, "Bald, what's the matter with you, please explain clearly."

Rong Shouyun suddenly told him this morning that he had resigned and came to Haizhou to find him to relax.

He was very strange at the time, resigned? Aren't you a monk

Rong Shouyun looked dejected: "Actually, it's been half a month since I resigned, but I haven't found a new temple. I didn't expect to become a monk and still be as dark as society."

The patient with a needle in his head rolled his eyes and looked over.

The Third Hospital is quite famous in this city recently, and the focus is on their baldness department, which seems to be another fist department, and just now the doctor called this person bald.

But I didn't expect that it turned out to be a monk, but why didn't he wear monk clothes.

Zhou Jinyuan asked suspiciously: "What do you mean, you start from the beginning."

"It's nothing, but I found out that the abbot was embezzling donations, so I reported him. As a result, the new abbot didn't like me, so I resigned. But it seems that many temples know about this news. Our abbot has a lot of contacts in the industry. Well, and maybe he was afraid that I would report it everywhere, and refused to accept me. I thought to myself, I'm afraid there is a ghost in my heart!" When Rong Shouyun said this, Zhou Jinyuan knew why he said "darkness".

"In a fit of anger, I came to Haizhou to stay. I left from home without my monk's robes." Rong Shouyun chuckled, "I was thinking, by the way, to see if there is a new unit here that would accept me. The road is far away, so I won’t be banned from coming here, and I’ll make plans later when the matter is over, right?”

Zhou Jinyuan wanted to comfort him a few words, but he didn't expect him to be quite open-minded, and he had already made up his mind, so he could only say, "You still talk about it to relax, I haven't told Xiaoxue yet."

Rong Shouyun: "It's okay, I'll talk to him when I get home."

Zhou Jinyuan: "You don't live in a hotel?"

Rong Shouyun turned pale with shock: "Ah Jin, I came all the way here, and you don't plan to let me live with you?"

Zhou Jinyuan explained: "There are only two beds..."

Rong Shouyun stood up and spoke harshly: "Excuse, excuse, you are just resenting me for not going to your sect."

The patient was watching with gusto when the door was suddenly pushed open. Liu Qi pulled up his sleeves and stood aggressively at the door, followed by a nurse and two interns. He asked anxiously, "Master, are you alright?"

Zhou Jinyuan and Rong Shouyun stopped talking, "?"

Liu Qi's eyes flicked back and forth between the battle-like two.

The nurse at the triage desk at the back said nervously: "Dr. Zhou, I'm sorry. He said he was a monk. I realized something was wrong later. I saw that he hadn't registered yet. He rushed towards you aggressively. I hurried to find Dr. Liu..."

Another intern also stammered: "Well, if you have something to say, say it well, Confucianism, Taoism and Buddhism, the three and three religions were originally one family."

Zhou Jinyuan: "..."

... It's over, it's definitely going to spread rumors again, he doesn't usually diss the monk very often, right?