Taoist Doctor

Chapter 2


Taoism has five arts, namely mountain, medicine, fate, physiognomy, and divination, that is, practice, medicine, numerology, physiognomy, and divination.

Many famous doctors in history, such as Tao Hongjing and Sun Simiao, were actually Taoist priests.

In modern times, the two professions have long been irrelevant, but there are still some exceptions, such as Zhou Jinyuan, a Taoist priest of the Zhou family who still inherits medical skills.

——As Huoju Taoist priests, they are different from Taoist priests in ordinary people's concept. They can start a family, start a business, get married and have children, and they are practicing at home.

Zhou Jinyuan read scriptures and herbal medicines while watching Zhouyi gossip since he was a child.

In the eyes of others, say he is a Taoist priest, he lives in the secular world, and if he is said to be a Chinese medicine doctor, he is even more naughty than the "old Chinese medicine" in the psoriasis advertisement.

Especially in this unfamiliar Haizhou Province, if you want to treat a child just now, you have to coax and lie!

However, he still tenaciously managed to spread the Tao with art—all evils and insanity are diseases that require popular science, but he also invited two young people and the old lady to come to the Taoist temple next time to listen to Taoism classes and feel it. They both said yes.

Zhou Jinyuan is from Yingzhou Province, but the two provinces are adjacent to each other. There have been large-scale migrations from each other in history, and their accents are similar, so no one could tell that he is not a local before.

They are all from the religious circles. Qin Guanzhu of Xianglu Temple and Zhou's father are old acquaintances. Now that Zhou Jinyuan has come to Haizhou Province, of course he will go up the mountain to visit.

It was only half an hour delayed due to the little episode of Grandma Yang. Under the guidance of Daoist Zhao, the two continued to go up the mountain.

"Junior Brother Zhou, I heard from the audience that you are here to work in Haizhou? Why do you want to leave your hometown?" After the incident just now, Daoist Zhao now feels how mysterious Zhou Jinyuan looks, and he is inevitably more curious about his purpose of coming.

The Zhou family has always been in Yingzhou Province, and it is difficult to leave their homeland. It is one thing to travel and ask questions elsewhere, but another thing to live there for a long time. Zhou Jinyuan's actions really make people a little confused.

"It was only these two months that I decided to come..." Zhou Jinyuan said helplessly.

As soon as he finished speaking, his cell phone rang. Daoist Zhao saw him pick it up, and after listening for a while, he slowed down and said to the other end: "Xiaoxue, I'm already here, and I'm at Xianglu Mountain. You get along well with your new classmates at school. In a few days Goodbye."

He exhorted a few words about life, which was completely different from the banter and ridicule shown before.

Daoist Zhao couldn't hear the voice clearly, and when he hung up, he laughed and said, "Junior brother, is this 'Xiaoxue' your girlfriend? You don't come to Haizhou for 'Xiaoxue', do you?"

If this is the case, then the younger brother is young enough to be affectionate.

As a result, Zhou Jinyuan also laughed loudly, "What, 'Xiaoxue' is a boy, I treat him as my younger brother. However, if it is said that he came here for Xiaoxue, it is almost the same. He was admitted to a university in Haizhou this year and is currently Military training, I'm one step late."

Daoist Zhao had an oolong, and smiled embarrassingly, "Junior brother, you are better than a real brother, and it is rare for a college student to accompany you to study."

Traveling thousands of miles to Haizhou, unexpectedly to accompany a half-grown child

Zhou Jinyuan said simply: "Xiaoxue's brother and I are best friends. After his brother left, he has been taking care of him for his brother. Xiaoxue... got into a good university, but she doesn't really want to leave home."

… Pitiful!

Daoist Zhao also heard some clues, Zhou Jinyuan didn't say anything, but where did Xiaoxue's parents and other relatives go? After my brother had an accident. Instead, let an outsider take care of it. It seems that this is a poor child.

In this way, it is no wonder that the child relies on Junior Brother Zhou, and it seems that Junior Brother Zhou is affectionate and righteous. Daoist Zhao said with admiration: "It's really righteous for junior brother to take care of his friend's younger brother without thinking about anything in return."

Zhou Jinyuan said "Hi", "It's a shame, his brother still pays me every month, I'm paid to work, paid to work."

Daoist Zhao: "Huh?? Isn't his brother..."

"Oh," Zhou Jinyuan also realized that he had misunderstood, "His parents are making money on the other side of the world, and his brother has disregarded the world and became a monk."

Daoist Zhao: "..."

Daoist Zhao was in a complicated mood, "I misunderstood, I thought you said that... and... there is something..."

Are they all so irresponsible

"That's right, I think so too!" Zhou Jinyuan clicked his tongue, "Everyone is so familiar, why don't monks come to our Taoist sect? Do you think we are not as popular as monks?"

Daoist Zhao: "..."

When Zhou Jinyuan arrived at Xianglu Temple, he was warmly received by Qin Guanzhu——Qin Guanzhu and Zhou's father were not only good friends of Taoists, but Zhou's father had treated him for his stubborn illnesses before.

"This is Brother Sanshan's only son, Jinyuan. Brother Sanshan has boasted to me more than once that he is proficient in classics and is smart!" Qin Guanzhu introduced to the other priests of Xianglu Temple.

A gray-haired priest said hehe, "Jin Yuan, you definitely don't remember me, but I hugged you sixteen years ago! Your appearance hasn't changed, it's just that you've grown up and become more beautiful. Recognizable at a glance."

"It's Daoist Xie Zhongyu, right? You look exactly the same as you did sixteen years ago," Zhou Jinyuan looked at him carefully, and said, "Sixteen years ago, you came to Yingzhou with Uncle Qin, and returned it to me. I read a passage of "Baopuzi"."

The Taoist priest looked at Qin Guanzhu. When he thought he hadn't noticed, Qin Guanzhu actually introduced him in advance. Sixteen years ago, Zhou Jinyuan was only five years old. It was not surprising that he recognized Zhou Jinyuan, but it was beyond his expectation that Zhou Jinyuan could remember him.

Qin Guanzhu shook his head, "I didn't say a word."

"The memory is relatively early, and the memory is not bad." Zhou Jinyuan nodded his head.

Qin Guanzhu nodded secretly in his heart, Brother Sanshan was not bragging, he heard that Jinyuan had been a teacher a few years ago and was groping for his own way, so it is no wonder that he is so early-wisdom. It's just that I don't know how far it is compared with his father.

After the introduction, Qin Guanzhu chatted with Zhou Jinyuan alone.

"Are you really not going to live on the mountain?" Qin Guanzhu asked.

Zhou Jinyuan's visit to him was not only because of the relationship between the two families, but as an elder, Qin Guanzhu also had the duty to do something for Zhou Jinyuan. If Zhou Jinyuan is willing, Xianglu Temple can actually provide accommodation.

"Thank you uncle, but first, my younger brother is here to go to school, and I plan to live closer to the school, and he will also apply for a night out." Zhou Jinyuan replied, "After the second, I have to go to work-I haven't Thank you, Master."

"It's nothing, it's just a temporary employee. You have passed the exam, so it's not difficult to find a job." Qin Guanzhu smiled and didn't take credit for it.

Qin Guanzhu and the vice president of Haizhou Third Hospital are both calligraphy lovers and have a very close friendship.

When he mentioned to the vice president that a nephew was looking for a job, the other party said that the third hospital also has a Chinese medicine department, and there is no vacancy for the time being, but if you don’t mind, you can come to work first, that is, as a temporary worker, and the procedure is simple .

Zhou Jinyuan has not been a medical student for a long time. He used to go to see doctors with Zhou's father, but later he went alone. He has never worked in a hospital. He is not familiar with the place when he comes to Haizhou, so he can only find a unit first.

In fact, after getting the certificate, he has the qualifications. He has considered opening a Chinese medicine clinic by himself. Of course, it has not been completed for the time being, because his family is short of mines and has saved money.

I hope that one day I can save enough money to achieve my goals.

Speaking of which... I don't know how the performance level of this unit is

Family Area of the Third Hospital of Haizhou City

Guanzhu Qin brought Zhou Jinyuan to visit Vice President Xiao of the Third Hospital. Zhou Jinyuan would be hired in a few days, so he thanked him face to face.

Vice President Xiao is nearly fifty years old, with a refined temperament, he is the only one in the family, and he has just returned from a meeting with his superior unit, and he still hasn't taken off his coat. After welcoming the two of them in, Vice President Xiao exchanged pleasantries with Guanzhu Qin, and then couldn't help but look at Zhou Jinyuan.

Zhou Jinyuan didn't wear Taoist robes today, but a T-shirt and jeans, looking more youthful.

"Didn't you say it's Tuesday Eleventh? Why do you look so young?" Vice President Xiao is not the first person to ask such a question, Zhou Jinyuan is used to it.

"If I hadn't grown up, let alone you, I would have thought I was lying about my age." Qin Guanzhu also joked.

"Come on, let's eat some fruit." Vice President Xiao chatted with Zhou Jinyuan for a few words. He himself studied Western medicine, and now he is doing management work. He also needs to know a little bit about Chinese medicine, so it was Zhou Jinyuan's other Taoist status that made him compare. interested.

"There are quite a few colleagues in the Chinese Medicine Department of our hospital, but none of them seem to have faith." Vice President Xiao said with great interest, "You practice Taoism and practice medicine at the same time, which one is your true love?"

Zhou Jinyuan quickly said: "Before attaining the Tao, one must first cultivate longevity. To cultivate longevity, one must first get rid of one's illness."

Vice President Xiao laughed out loud. He is so familiar with Qin Guanzhu. In fact, he has heard a little about the so-called Taoist mountain doctor's fortune-telling. Have not heard.

But unexpectedly, Zhou Jinyuan explained the question from another angle in a few words when he asked it like a kid, which was very interesting.

"Then you have to study hard and improve your medical skills!" Vice President Xiao liked the child very much, so he encouraged him immediately.

"It's already at this point, why haven't my wives come back yet?" Vice President Xiao looked at the time and was a little worried.

But Mrs. Xiao didn't read aloud, just as she was speaking, the door rang.

"Old Xiao, let's see what to do, mom is not well yet!" Mrs. Xiao said with a sad face as soon as she entered the door.

Zhou Jinyuan turned his head when he heard the sound, and after looking it over, Mrs. Xiao was holding an old woman. The old woman's face was pale and pale, and her expression was bitter. the sound of.

"Auntie, what's wrong?" Qin Guanzhu asked in surprise.

It's not the first time he's been to Vice President Xiao's house, and he's seen Mother Xiao before, but his complexion has never been as bad as it is now.

Vice President Xiao said two words dullly: "Hiccup."

Qin Guanzhu was even more puzzled. He had never seen that hiccups could torture people like this.

This, isn't it just a small problem, who doesn't burp twice after eating.

Vice President Xiao stepped forward to support his mother's other hand, and sat down on the sofa, "What did Director Zhang say?"

"It's almost the same as our hospital's diagnosis. They also prescribed medicine, but it didn't help at all." Mrs. Xiao said discouragedly, "Mom couldn't smell the smell, so I brought her back."

The couple hastily told Qin Guanzhu that Xiao's mother was indeed sick because of hiccups, because she hadn't hiccuped for a while, but for half a month.

About half a month ago, Xiao's mother suddenly hiccupped continuously, almost non-stop, at first she didn't take it seriously, and went to her son's unit for diagnosis and treatment. There was no abnormality in the digestive tract, and other examinations were normal, and the final diagnosis was nervous hiccups.

Hiccups and hiccups mean the same thing, and they are caused by spasm of the diaphragm, so I used several medicines for myoclonus at that time, and I also tried warm acupuncture, but none of them worked at all.

Xiao's mother couldn't eat or sleep well, she was tortured, and gradually her whole spirit plummeted.

"My mother has been hiccupping during the day and night for half a month, and can't sleep for a few hours a day. It's too uncomfortable!" Vice President Xiao sighed. , I thought it was stable this time, but who knows that even experts can't help.

Don't pick people for difficult and miscellaneous diseases, even though Vice President Xiao himself works in the hospital, but the disease fell on his mother, and if it is not cured, it will not be cured.

Only then did Guanzhu Qin understand the situation. Speaking of it this way, it was really uncomfortable. Mother Xiao was also getting old, so who could bear hiccups during the day and night.

"I'll think about it again and find other experts." Vice President Xiao began to think about the authority of Haizhou City in this regard.

"Dean Xiao, have you tried to see Chinese medicine?" Zhou Jinyuan asked.

"Why haven't I seen it?" When talking about this, Mrs. Xiao had something to say, complaining authentically, "I couldn't be cured before. I had acupuncture and moxibustion. I also asked a doctor from the Traditional Chinese Medicine Department of Lao Zhou's unit to consult with him. I coaxed out a soup that replaces chrysanthemum, but my mother’s condition did not improve after drinking it, but worsened. I originally said that my mother’s condition is getting worse every day, so what kind of traditional Chinese medicine is she drinking?”

"Tsk, don't talk about it." Vice President Xiao gave her a look, but he actually agreed with it from the bottom of his heart.

The mother's condition is more tormented every day. Of course, it is better to relieve the situation quickly at this time, not to mention that taking medicine so slowly has not cured it, and it may even be counterproductive.

"It's Xuanfu Daizhe Decoction, right? This is a classic prescription in "Treatise on Febrile Diseases". It has been proven for a long time that it is good for Qi and stomach, and can treat hiccups and nausea. If the symptoms get worse, it is probably because the syndrome is not clear..." Zhou Jinyuan pondered Said, "Can I feel Grandma Xiao's pulse?"

Vice President Xiao and his wife looked at each other, and Madam Xiao realized why her husband told her to stop talking just now. It seems that this young man is also a Chinese medicine student. Her words just now were belittled, which was quite embarrassing.

Although Qin Guanzhu didn't know much about Zhou Jinyuan, he knew his father's ability, and said: "Jinyuan's family has a long history, and his father is a master of apricot forest, why not let him try."

Vice President Xiao was very hesitant. Although his family has a long history, no matter the experienced Chinese and Western doctors in their hospital, or the experts from other hospitals, they were helpless. He might be stronger than the old experts

But the old friend has talked, he still has to show some face, the young people are also concerned about it, and it is not bad to be able to make a bold diagnosis, so Vice President Xiao said with the mentality of encouraging young people: "Okay, little trouble It's been a week."

Mrs. Xiao opened her mouth, wanting to say something, but she didn't say anything, she just stared at Zhou Jinyuan's movements.

Xiao's mother was leaning on the sofa at this time, her eyes were half closed, she was still hiccupping, clutching her abdomen from time to time and making uncomfortable sounds.

Zhou Jinyuan held Xiao's mother's pulse for more than a minute with both hands, then let go, looked at the coating of his tongue, and asked, "Did Grandma Xiao suffer from hiccups and abdominal distension for the past two days?" Stuffy?"

Vice President Xiao was about to say, no.

"Yes, yes!" Madam Xiao blurted out. Vice President Xiao was busy and didn't know, but she had just accompanied her mother to see a specialist, but she knew that she had been feeling a little bloated since last night.

Vice President Xiao looked at Zhou Jinyuan in surprise, but Zhou Jinyuan didn't ask for a diagnosis, only the pulse diagnosis alone could figure out such details

Although he is not a Chinese medicine doctor, and now he does more management work, but at least there is a Chinese medicine department in the hospital, and he knows that young people rarely have such pulse diagnosis skills. This thing is easy to get started, but difficult to master. There is a saying that "easy in the heart, hard to understand in the hands", from which we can see a bit of skill.

"Then tell me, what's going on with me?" Mother Xiao asked intermittently and weakly.

The others were also staring at Zhou Jinyuan. Unknowingly, their attitudes had changed because of his pulse diagnosis skills. They all knew that Chinese medicine is expected to hear, ask and make four diagnoses. Things are on point.

Now, no one would feel that it was just for him to look at casually.

"The weather is still hot, and I'm afraid it's because of the air conditioner and the cold, which caused the yin and yang in the stomach to lose and fall. Stomach qi went up and came out of the throat, and hiccups occurred. Western medicine is ineffective in treating nerves, because the root cause of the disease lies in it." If the spleen and stomach are not well adjusted, the hiccups will continue.

"As for the ineffectiveness of Xuanfu Daizhe Decoction, it was because the previous doctor misjudged the pathogenesis and didn't know that Grandma Xiao had a cold in her body. The flavor of Daizhe in the medicine can suppress ailments, but it is bitter and cold in nature. Ordinary people can suffer from hiccups more than just using it. Don't put too much, let alone Grandma Xiao. You should not use Xuanfu Daizhe Soup, especially Daizhe. You should use more dried ginger, add Atractylodes Rhizoma Atractylodes Rhizoma Atractylodes Rhizome, Codonopsis pilosula and other medicines. Warm the spleen and stomach as the main, and suppress adverse reactions as a supplement, so that the medicine can be cured cured."

Zhou Jinyuan knew that none of the people present knew Chinese medicine, so he tried to explain it as simple as possible.

After he said it, this stubborn hiccup was clearly analyzed, even Mrs. Xiao, who had been quite critical before, nodded repeatedly.

Cold, heat, yin and yang are both theories of traditional Chinese medicine. If you think about it from this perspective, even if you haven’t studied it, you can still hear it. Changed Fudai Zheshi Decoction into a prescription of dried ginger and atractylodes to treat Xiao’s mother’s spleen and stomach deficiency and coldness, and reduce stomach qi. To calm the hiccups, is the logic logical

There was hope in Mother Xiao's muddy eyes. She had been tortured for a long time and didn't sleep well. The medicines such as dried ginger and Codonopsis pilosula were all familiar to her ears, and she didn't seem to have any problems with taking them. She immediately looked at her son and said: " Then try it."

Vice President Xiao still had some hesitation in his heart, he asked Zhou Jinyuan: "How many days will it take to see results?"

If possible, he would also like to find other experts. It would be best if he could quickly relieve his mother's discomfort.

Zhou Jinyuan didn't think about it at all, and said: "The symptoms of hiccups can be stopped by taking one dose. Later, you can eat more food that strengthens the spleen and stomach, and use diet therapy to take care of the body. The elderly have weak spleen and stomach."

Vice President Xiao almost thought he heard it wrong: "Can it be stopped with one dose?"

If he can stop it with just one dose, then why should he be in a hurry, but isn't this a difficult disease? Usually, he sees his colleagues in the Chinese medicine department, and he even prescribes medicine for three or four days for patients with colds.

"One dose?" Mrs. Xiao was also dumbfounded. Isn't the effect comparable to western medicine? The guy who prescribed Fudai Zhe Tang before said that six doses were effective—of course, Mother Xiao's condition worsened before she finished taking it.

Zhou Jinyuan is very calm. Chinese medicine treats diseases slowly. That’s just the thinking of people who don’t understand: “There is a saying that if the medicine is right for the syndrome, take a sip of soup; , one dose is enough."

"Then Xiao Zhou wrote down the prescription, and I'll have someone grab it!" Vice President Xiao also showed courage, and he really appreciated Zhou Jinyuan's gesture of saying that just now.

Zhou Jinyuan immediately took a pen and paper, and wrote down the medicine, dosage, and decoction method clearly.

But in the end, it was his own mother, Vice President Xiao also showed his meticulous side. When he called someone to get the medicine, he asked the people in the Chinese medicine department to confirm the properties of these medicines, and whether the compatibility and dosage were dangerous.

After confirming that it was correct, I took the medicine at the Chinese pharmacy of the Third Hospital, decocted it and sent it over.

The Xiao family was in the family area of the hospital, adjacent to the hospital, and within an hour or so, the medicine was already on the table.

Mrs. Xiao supported Mother Xiao, divided the bowl of traditional Chinese medicine soup several times, and drank it slowly.

Xiao's mother only felt that after drinking the medicine soup, there seemed to be a warm current gently comforting herself, and the abdominal distension feeling in the past few days was greatly relieved, and she expressed her feelings.

Vice President Xiao smiled after hearing this. It seems that the medicine is indeed in the right direction, and the symptoms have begun to ease.

Because of hiccups and bloating, Xiao's mother has always had a bad appetite. Now her stomach feels better and she can eat. The medicine seems to have an appetizing effect, so she asked for some food.

As a result, after eating half a bowl of hot rice, Xiao's mother found that the hiccups that had troubled her for many days had gradually stopped, and before she knew it, the hiccups disappeared completely after the meal was finished!

Mrs. Xiao was pleasantly surprised: "It stopped, it really stopped."

Xiao Zhou said that one dose was effective, and several intractable diseases that experts were not optimistic about were really cured with one dose.

Qin Guanzhu nodded in relief. He thought that the effect of one dose was just to strengthen the patient's confidence. It would be good if the condition improved after taking the dose. I believe the Xiao family would be very grateful. medicine and heal.

Moreover, Zhou Jinyuan's method is completely traditional Chinese medicine, certified by pulse, and prescribed medicine.

Qin Guanzhu was still guessing that Zhou Jinyuan had some father's ability, but now it seems that although he is young, he is decisive in dialectical treatment, which can be said to be better than blue!