Taoist Doctor

Chapter 21


Under Zhou Jinyuan's unbelievable eyes, Xie Min asked nonchalantly. It was only later that Zhou Jinyuan found out that she seemed to be asking for a friend in the next department...

"I was scared to death, Director Xie, I thought you were impaled by a soul." Zhou Jinyuan let out a long breath.

But, Xie Min originally respected Zhou Jinyuan's beliefs, he was a Taoist priest before becoming a doctor. It's just that he is not allowed to do these things in the unit, which is also considering the reality.

Originally, it was not certain that Zhou Jinyuan would go to Xianglu Mountain on weekends, but he strongly suspected that the members of the trade union arranged the fitness activity as mountain climbing or climbing Xianglu Mountain because they heard the rumors about the recent hospital.

There are quite a lot of cultural and sports activities in the Third Hospital, but the trade union seems to be a bit too aggressive, climbing the mountain is tiring enough, and they have to extend the stage.

Excluding the on-duty personnel of each department, hundreds of employees in the whole hospital have to participate. The starting point is the hospital, first walk to Xianglu Mountain, and then climb to the top of the mountain to complete the whole process.

As expected of the hospital hosting the event, an ambulance was also sent along to prevent any accidents.

Everyone is inevitably joking, whoever falls down accidentally will have a colleague to help you with first aid immediately. Moreover, there is absolutely no way to feign illness and escape...

There are only a few people in the Chinese medicine department. Excluding the old doctor with bad legs and feet, and the doctor on duty, there are only four people.

On the day of the event, Vice President Xiao announced the departure.

This is also evidence that although the official notice has not yet come down, the adverb on Vice President Xiao's title is indeed going to be removed.

Everyone was physically strong and weak. When they reached the foot of Xianglu Mountain, the originally mighty team had become sparse and scattered on the route.

Liu Qi, who was familiar with Zhou Jinyuan, was on duty today and didn't come out. Everyone in the department was walking together. Slowly, only Zhou Jinyuan and Dr. Jin were in the first echelon.

"Doctor Zhou, you also brought needles?" Doctor Jin saw a corner of the needle box coming out of Zhou Jinyuan's pocket.

"The guy who eats, of course you have to carry it with you." This is Zhou Jinyuan's habit, no matter where he goes, he always carries needles with him.

When he was a child, the elders in the family also carried needles with them, and they could use them when they went out, whether they were drinking for a drink when they were eating, or when passers-by were suffering from sudden illness. Under the influence of ears and eyes, it will naturally form a habit.

"Hey, I brought it too." Dr. Jin showed it to him and joked, "Although there is an ambulance, I thought, in case of any situation, we should be closer? Our Chinese medicine practitioners also have emergency treatment capabilities. Yes."

Be prepared, just like the ambulance, the acupuncture equipment is not heavy anyway.


A few hundred meters ahead, there was a faint cry.

Everyone who climbed the mountain today wore the little red hat issued by the hospital, with the logo of the Third Hospital printed on it. The person who was bending over and crying for pain seemed to be a colleague with a smear of red on his head.

"Is that a sprain?" Dr. Jin rolled up his sleeves and ran forward, not even having time to say hello to Zhou Jinyuan.

Zhou Jinyuan laughed, but trotted after him.

But halfway through the run, someone turned back and shouted, "Let me see, I'm from the pain department!"

Dr. Jin slowed down, "Oh..."

Didn't catch up, didn't catch up.

The colleague was indeed sprained. The young girl looked familiar. She seemed to be a nurse from some department. She jumped onto the flower bed and walked on the flower bed. It hurts, it hurts! Ah, I can’t straighten my back, I can’t bear the force on my right foot, and there is obvious tenderness in the fourth and fifth lumbar vertebrae on the left!”

passerby:"… "

As soon as the pain doctor rolled up his sleeves, another person rushed over, "The orthopedic doctor is here, let me take a look!"

"I came first! Why? The pain department is not qualified to treat sprains??"

When Dr. Jin and Zhou Jinyuan came to the side, it was already a battlefield between the pain department and the orthopedics department. The orthopedic doctor came from behind with his professionalism and gave on-the-spot diagnosis and treatment to his female colleagues.

It's none of their business. Sure enough, group activities in hospitals are so safe.

They didn't know that colleague well, so they said hello and comforted him casually, and Dr. Jin left angrily.

It is more interesting to arrive at Xianglu Mountain. There is a Fa Conference here today, so sometimes Taoist priests come and go to the bottom of the mountain to know guests. Whenever they see Zhou Jinyuan and recognize him, they stop and call Shishu or Shige.

Zhou Jinyuan was dressed in normal clothes, but he would return a salute.

Standing together, Dr. Jin could see the similarities between Zhou Jinyuan and these Taoist priests. Their bodies were very straight, which was very different from ordinary people.

"Looks like a martial arts movie..." Dr. Jin mumbled, "And the master's seniority is quite high."

Although he speaks a great master, Dr. Jin, who is a doctor of training, is also several years older than Zhou Jinyuan, just like those Taoist priests who are the same age but want to call Zhou Jinyuan Master Uncle, who told Zhou Jinyuan to learn early.

"The main reason is that I started early and won at the starting line." Seeing that she was struggling to climb, Zhou Jinyuan asked, "Do you want to take the path, which can save half an hour to the top of the mountain?"

"Really? There is a small road?" Of course, people like Dr. Jin who rarely come to Xianglu Mountain don't know about it. It's not unusual for those who come here often, or those who have lived here for a short time like Zhou Jinyuan.

The path is steeper than the main path, that is, the stairs. Zhou Jinyuan took her to the small road, where there were fewer tourists.

The two climbed up with their heads down, and the unit set up a rest point at the end of the mountain, with food, drink, and small games. Dr. Jin muttered in his heart, it's too bad, the so-called end point is that you have arrived, and after the leader announces the end of the activity, you have to go down the mountain and go home by yourself.


"Wow wow—"

When Dr. Jin first heard the voice, he didn't take it seriously. Anyway, a colleague would run over to treat her first, until Zhou Jinyuan patted her, "Someone seems to be vomiting up ahead."

Dr. Jin suddenly realized that this is a small road, and there should be fewer colleagues going here, "Huh? Then let's go up and have a look!"

Climb up a little further, and you can see a young man half-sitting on the bench, screaming in pain while hugging his stomach, and there is a puddle of vomit next to him, and two other companions are planning to lift him up.

These three should all be tourists who came to climb the mountain, and there is no Little Red Riding Hood representing their companions.

"Huh...huh...this is him, what's the matter?" Dr. Jin gasped and asked intermittently.

"It may be acute gastroenteritis, and my stomach hurts badly!" One of them was overjoyed when he saw their hats, "Are you from the Third Hospital? I remembered, I saw it in the circle of friends, and you are doing it here." Activity, is there an ambulance coming?"

All three of them are Chinese pharmacists in Haizhou Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, all of them are from medical institutions, and they also have friends from the Third Hospital.

"Come on, hoo... I'm a doctor of traditional Chinese medicine. Would you like me to take a look for him first?" Dr. Jin seemed to be in the same profession from their tone.

"Okay, have you brought a needle? It's better to prick him, he is in great pain!" Since he works in a traditional Chinese medicine hospital, not only will he not resist traditional Chinese medicine, but he will actively ask for acupuncture for pain relief.

"Let me see." Dr. Jin took out the needle. At this time, the young man with acute gastroenteritis turned his face and vomited a few mouthfuls, screaming with stomach pain.

Dr. Jin decided to take Piyu, Tianshu, Zusanli and other acupoints, but her hands were shaking while pinching the needles. It was because she hadn’t recovered from climbing the mountain just now. She said with a mournful face, "Hands are still shaking, You do it!"

This was said to Zhou Jinyuan. His hands were still steady and he was not out of breath. It can be seen that as long as he was not dragged by Xiaoxue to run wildly, his physical strength was still outstanding compared to others.

Zhou Jinyuan didn't talk nonsense, he turned the patient over, selected acupuncture points on his back, and first massaged the place where the needle was to be inserted to disperse Qi and blood.

The two companions must have thought that Zhou Jinyuan looked younger than Dr. Jin, maybe an intern or a regular trainee, but Dr. Jin's hands were shaking, so there was nothing he could do about it, so they just stared.

But when they saw Zhou Jinyuan fixing the acupuncture points, they were both startled, "My friend, what are you doing! What acupuncture point are you piercing?"

The place where Zhou Jinyuan massaged was next to the patient's spine. Although the two of them are Chinese medicine practitioners, they have also studied the basics of Chinese medicine and worked in a Chinese medicine hospital, so they know the acupuncture points of the human body very well.

My partner has acute gastroenteritis at the moment, if we want to choose acupoints, we can choose Pishu, Weishu, Tianshu, etc., but Zhou Jinyuan's place is not to rely on!

"You... You are not going to prick the Weishu point, are you? Oh my god, the Weishu point is still going down!"

"What's the matter with you people from the Third Academy, this stitch... are you drawing the border?!"

Zhou Jinyuan was also shocked by the richness of their descriptions, and began to sterilize, "...I want to prick this acupuncture point."

The gastroenteritis patient heard what they said, and said to Dr. Jin with pain: "Sisters, don't talk about finding a master, can you call someone who can identify the acupuncture points, if you can't, send me to the ambulance. I can bear... vomit!"

He threw up again as he spoke, rolling his eyes.

"...he is a great god." Dr. Jin said dryly.

Three people:? ?

"A master of acupuncture and moxibustion in our department." Dr. Jin said very sincerely, but it was a bit too much for those three people, my god?

Dr. Jin also saw that Zhou Jinyuan had selected acupuncture points. To be honest, she didn't know what acupuncture points they were, but out of trust in the Great God, she still stood by the Great God.

If Dr. Jin hadn't taken out the needles, the three of them would have thought they had picked up the two hats with the logo of the Third Hospital.

Hey, what are you kidding, the acupuncture masters in your department are like this?

Zhou Jinyuan was about to give the needle at this time, he put one hand on the sick young man, making him unable to move at all, and then focused on giving the needle.

The other two were quite opposed to this young man with the "stroke needle method", but the aura of Zhou Jinyuan's needling and Dr. Jin's words just now shocked them, and they just watched Zhou Jinyuan prick the needle go in.

Only their friend was held down and couldn't move, and was still shouting: "Don't, don't mess around! Don't! Hey, don't stand there stupidly!"

As Zhou Jinyuan twisted and twirled with the mending method, the voice of the young man who was howling ghostly and howling wolves gradually became smaller, and he felt embarrassed when he was howling, and finally there was only a little humming.

Zhou Jinyuan pulled out the needle, "Okay, get up, don't eat or drink for two hours."

"...Damn!" The other two looked at each other, "Did we remember wrongly? What acupuncture point is here?"

It's really a master, one injection not only relieves pain, but it's done right away. It turned out that it was not the wrong acupoint, but it was aimed there.

"Extra meridian acupoint!" Zhou Jinyuan took off his hat, feeling a little sweaty, and fanned the wind with his hat, "I call it Liwei acupoint, it is very effective in treating gastrointestinal diseases."

Most of the acupuncture points in the human body are on the meridian line. Most of the "exotic acupoints outside the meridian" are not in the fourteen meridians. Physicians discovered these acupuncture points with therapeutic effects in practice, and they are called extra-meridian points.

—Some meridian points themselves are developed from extra-meridian points.

As for the process of discovering extra-meridian acupoints, it is often related to "Ashi acupoint".

The so-called Ashi point, for example, the patient feels uncomfortable somewhere, and the doctor accidentally presses it, and the patient feels that the discomfort is relieved, so he says, yes, it is there. After such a long-term exploration, maybe we can get the extra-meridian acupoints that are effective.

There are dozens of known acupoints outside the meridian, and there are many applications, such as the Jinjin and Yuye acupoints used by Zhou Jinyuan to treat aphonia.

But the acupoints he took just now are not among the known ones, but discovered by himself. They are not yet widely known, let alone included in textbooks. Of course, these people will not recognize them.

Using this point is both effective and only requires one needle. Within the limits of his ability, Zhou Jinyuan can do as few pricks as possible, and take less medicine if he can. If the patient is already uncomfortable, don't increase the pain.

Although others have never heard of this Liwei acupoint, but after hearing Zhou Jinyuan say that it is a unique acupoint outside the meridian, and looking at the effect, it is enough to understand something.

What's wrong with the piercing, they took an unknown acupoint outside the scriptures!

"I can see it, it really has a miraculous effect." Doctor Jin's saliva was about to flow out, "Master, that..."

Zhou Jinyuan: "I'll teach you later."

This kind of extra-meridian acupoints that I have explored by myself, in addition to mastering the accurate method of acupoint positioning, you also need to know how deep to insert the needle, what technique is the most suitable, etc. You can't learn it just by looking at it, you must teach it by hand.

"Thank you, Great God, thank you, Great God." Dr. Jin clasped her palms together and worshiped Zhou Jinyuan reverently. She decided not to worship the God of Examination in the future, but to worship the God of Zhou.

Zhou Jinyuan: "..."

The young man who had a stomachache just now felt a relief in his stomach, and the feeling of vomiting had completely disappeared. He rubbed his stomach and sat up, "My great god, thank you, I misunderstood just now, and I thought you... made a wrong piercing."

The other two were also chattering, they really shouldn't be judged by appearances, to be honest, if they were to be replaced by an old doctor with deep experience, even if they had doubts, they probably wouldn't dare to speak up immediately.

Suddenly remembered something, and one of them said annoyedly: "Wait, you are so young, and you are still called a great god, I remembered! I seem to have heard that there is a very young Chinese medicine doctor in the Chinese medicine department of the third hospital. It seems that because of his special medical skills Niu, everyone calls him a great god... it must be you, right?"

If only I had recognized it sooner!

Dr. Jin thought to himself, what the hell, the medical skill is so good that it is a god? Why didn't she know, she would be a god during the foundation building period.

Zhou Jinyuan nodded immediately: "That's right! That's right!"

Dr. Jin: ... It's okay.

Because it was a group activity, Zhou Jinyuan didn't tell anyone's fortune even when he went to Xianglu Mountain.

But everyone didn't care, most of them just wanted to join in the fun, and if they came up, they could go to Xianglu Temple to ask for a lottery. If they really wanted to make friends with Zhou Jinyuan, then they would have a chance in the future.

For example, Qu Qingrui, who also saw Zhou Jinyuan's talent in this area.

After discussing numerology with Zhou Jinyuan, Qu Qingrui became interested. Many people in the shopping mall were superstitious. He was a neutral party before and didn't believe in it.

Recently, Qu Qingrui's new headquarters building in Haizhou was completed. He thought about inviting Taoist gods to come back. He asked Zhou Jinyuan to point out the Buddha statues that he had invited before.

Since Qu Qingrui intends to form a relationship with Taoism, even if Zhou Jinyuan is off work, he is obliged to go to the scene to help him take a look, and he also brought his own compass. He has to combine all factors and make a comprehensive calculation. suitable.

"Go to Xiangsheng." After walking around the new location, Qu Qingrui told the driver. "Xiangsheng" is a place to drink tea, not far from here, "Let's find a place, sit down and drink tea and talk."

"Okay." Zhou Jinyuan nodded.

It took about ten minutes to drive there. Zhou Jinyuan looked at the land, and Qu Qingrui said it was a place to drink tea. He thought it was a tea house, but when he arrived, he found that the area was like a palace, surrounded by Chinese-style pavilions. Qushui Xiuzhu, the environment is very good.

Qu Qingrui was obviously a regular customer, and there was a fixed private room here. He dismissed the waiter, and led Zhou Jinyuan through the courtyard, talking alone.

"I've heard people say that Feng Shui was calculated when Xiangsheng Camp was built," Qu Qingrui said.

"The aura here is indeed very comfortable." Zhou Jinyuan raised his hand holding the compass again, looked around and said, "Well, that's right, the architectural layout here has a deep meaning. , the lower part is like a shrimp's whiskers..."

"Mr. Qu! What a coincidence, Mr. Qu."

When Zhou Jinyuan was pondering, a passionate male voice sounded.

I saw a skinny man who crossed the creek, ran over in small steps, and stretched out his right hand from a long distance, "Today is really destined to meet Mr. Qu!"

He seemed to be running too fast, and even supported his waist, "Hey."

"It's Licheng." Qu Qingrui squinted his eyes, and shook hands with the person who recognized him, "Coincidentally."

"No, it's so predestined," the man named Licheng held Qu Qingrui's with both hands, "I haven't congratulated you yet, but I heard that Mr. Ling has found a good doctor. I wish you a speedy recovery!"

The Qu family also went back and forth to many doctors and medical institutions. After two years of tossing, Qu Guanfeng did not get better. On the contrary, he became less and less visible.

He didn't think in his heart that he would be successful this time, especially since it was said that Mr. Qu was looking for the Third City Hospital this time.

But the blessings still have to be said, didn't you see, Mr. Qu smiled more when he heard this.

"Then I will borrow your good words." Qu Qingrui may not be happy to wish others, but to wish his son a recovery, even if he knows that he is flattering him, he still smiles back.

"Haha, this little brother is a bit unfamiliar, I don't know if it's...?" Licheng's eyes fell on Zhou Jinyuan and the compass in Zhou Jinyuan's hand.

Earlier, Zhou Jinyuan was still reading about Fengshui directions and the like. He thought to himself that he was familiar with the Fengshui masters in Haizhou.

The smile on Qu Qingrui's face was still there, and he introduced: "This is the new doctor in charge of Quanzi, Dr. Zhou."

Licheng stared at Zhou Jinyuan: "Huh??"

Qu Qingrui's smile did not change: "Today, I would like to ask Dr. Zhou to help us calculate an auspicious day, and see when we will move to the newly completed headquarters."

Licheng was confused: "..."

Did you say that you are next to each other...

The young man is young, and his business scope is wide enough!