Taoist Doctor

Chapter 25


"Brother, what do you think I should do... It's so embarrassing, the prison will definitely not let me go..."

Rong Shouyun was already lying on the bed, but he still couldn't help thinking about this problem. Zhou Jinyuan didn't give him any particularly good advice, instead he kept persuading him to switch to Taoism.

—Anyway, based on his resume, some people probably think he is an undercover agent.

Or return to the vulgar and practice at home.

He knew that Rong Xixue was not asleep, but this kid ignored him.

Rong Shouyun suspected that Rong Xixue asked him to sleep together, but simply hoped that the two of them would squeeze together so that Ah Jin could sleep alone!

Damn, I'm such a neighbor. Rong Shouyun said to himself for the hundredth time.

But he was still not reconciled, "Tell me, it's up to me whether I want to consider Ah Jin's proposal."

Rong Xixue finally spoke, "Abandon Buddha and enter Taoism?"

Rong Shouyun: "... return to vulgarity."

After returning to vulgarity, he will move in to live with them, and don't bother to find another place to live. Just add another bed in the living room, just a little partition.

Then he went to look for a job in the Department of Orthopedics and Traumatology of Traditional Chinese Medicine, which was quite easy to find. Now Ah Jin should have gained a firm foothold in the Third Hospital, maybe he can also enter the Third Hospital.

In fact, what Ah Jin said makes sense, and the same is true for practicing at home. They are not very good as Huoju Taoist priests.

Wherever I go, it is Jialan.

It's just that if he doesn't keep this hair in the future, he won't be able to stay in the Traditional Chinese Medicine Department of the Third Hospital...

Rong Shouyun thought so far, but saw Rong Xixue suddenly turn around, eyes gleaming in the darkness, and said in a warm voice: "Brother, you need to wait for you to become enlightened when you practice at home. Now you are not deep enough in Buddhism. If you Going back to the prison is really embarrassing you because I violated the precepts, so I will inquire again and find a new unit for you."

Rong Shouyun listened intently and thought it made sense! Yes, he shouldn't give up halfway!

"Then I'll trouble you again, brother..." Rong Shouyun stretched out his hand, wanting to shake Rong Xixue's hand.

Rong Xixue withdrew her hand and turned her back again, "Go to sleep!"

Rong Shouyun stopped in mid-air and choked: "..."

When Rong Shouyun woke up the next morning, he received a call from the temple, saying that he had left the temple without asking for leave, and told him to go back quickly.

"I don't think it's a good time to go..." Rong Shouyun had a serious face. He was already mentally prepared.

The most important thing is that Rong Shouyun said that he would help him find a new unit.

"Go." Rong Xixue reluctantly gave him an encouraging look.

"Ajin, won't you see me off..." Rong Shouyun looked at Zhou Jinyuan reluctantly.

"You go by yourself. Today we have a department in the ward, and I have to go out later. Don't look at Xiaoxue, Xiaoxue still has classes." Zhou Jinyuan supported Rong Shouyun's shoulders and sent him out, "There is nothing to be afraid of. , the big deal is returning to vulgarity."

Rong Shouyun was pushed and shoved to catch up with the taxi.

Zhou Jinyuan didn't lie to him, the ward opened today, and he rushed over early in the morning, and the opening ceremony was held in the hospital.

With the new ward building put into use, the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine will end its decades-long history of having no wards, welcome 30 beds, and admit five or six patients on the same day.

When the news spreads, it is estimated that there will be more patients admitted one after another.

There was also a patient who came to see the ward that day, showing a picky look, hesitating whether to stay in it, disgusted that the facilities were not high-end enough, and muttering that it was not as good as a VIP ward in a private hospital.

But soon, Qu Qingrui, who dragged his luggage and sent his son to the hospital, was frightened... and quickly shut up.

"I'm here to identify the place, and I have to go on a business trip later." Qu Qingrui shook hands with Zhou Jinyuan, "Guanfeng will trouble you, Doctor Zhou."

The ward was sponsored by Qu Qingrui, and the only single ward was reserved for Qu Guanfeng.

—So, although the wards of the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine are not luxurious, they definitely meet or even exceed the standard for use. The Third Hospital is not a private hospital after all, and the scale of the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine has not reached that level.

"It should." Zhou Jinyuan and Qu Qingrui exchanged some pleasantries, and it was time for Qu Qingrui to leave.

There is a medicine brewing machine in the ward. The nurse brought over the traditional Chinese medicine that Qu Guanfeng should drink today.

Then Zhou Jinyuan gave Qu Guanfeng acupuncture. After a period of acupuncture, Qu Guanfeng could feel the acupuncture sensation getting stronger and stronger.

After Zhou Jinyuan applied the needle, he took out a baby warmer, tore it off and pasted it on Qu Guanfeng's quilt.

"What are you doing?" Qu Guanfeng glanced at Zhou Jinyuan, he could no longer feel the pain or heat.

"Try." Zhou Jinyuan said.

Try, try what? Before Qu Guanfeng's doubts fully surfaced, he felt a little warmth on his legs.

He paused for a moment, and then the warm baby who had started to heat up was held tightly by him, warming the skin of his legs through the fabric of the hospital gown.

Feelings starting to come back...

Qu Guanfeng's eyes widened involuntarily, and he could feel the "heat".

Touching the metal railing next to it again, it was ice and cold, the same long-lost feeling.

The once numb and cold legs reappeared with skin pain.

Before he was paralyzed, he felt as natural as breathing, and now he couldn't help but feel it carefully.

"Do you feel it?" Zhou Jinyuan asked, "Don't press the warm baby too tightly, it will burn you later."

Qu Guanfeng was almost reluctant to let go of his hand until he heard Zhou Jinyuan say to him: "After this course of treatment, I will prescribe medicine for you and make a medicinal soup to fumigate and wash your legs, and then you can start to try flexion and stretching and other movements, and complete them as soon as possible." Use your strength to stand."

There's only a week left in this session, so that's... soon. Qu Guanfeng slowly closed his eyes.

With the ward, the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine will also start to arrange night shifts, but there are no critically ill patients in the ward at present, so the shift is relatively easy.

On the other hand, Rong Shouyun struggled in the new unit for another week, and finally found out that the supervisor was not only looking for his juniors, but also kissed the believers. It was hopeless, so he reported the prison again, and ended up resigning himself.

He resigned and came to Zhou Jinyuan crying, but Rong Xixue stuffed him into another small temple.

That small temple is so small that there are only three monks in total. It is located in a certain village in Haizhou, very poor, but in Rong Xixue's words, "They are all true Buddhist practitioners". The practice that has been pursued since.

"Yeah, there's no hurry, I'll chat with Ah Jin one more night!" Rong Shouyun was very wronged, he had just arrived after a long ride, "Why are you always in such a hurry to drive me away?"

Zhou Jinyuan looked at Rong Xixue, yes, he seemed to be a little impatient with his elder brother.

But Rong Xixue frowned and said: "I thought you wanted to go to the temple as soon as possible to help those who are short-handed to open the door of compassion and nectar to the world."

Zhou Jinyuan looked at Rong Shouyun again, yes, can you open the door or not.

Rong Shouyun: "...I'll go!"

Three Hospitals

It was already night, and the newly appointed Dean Xiao was still in the office, so he called the expert who was resting at home: "Mr. Chen, yes, I am Xiao Zuoming, and I have a patient who would like to trouble you... It's from the Municipal Health Bureau." Director Yang, um..."

After he hung up the phone, he thought about calling two other experts who were resting at home.

Finally, he called Zhou Jinyuan again.

It is not Zhou Jinyuan who is on the night shift in the Chinese medicine department, he is not in the hospital. Moreover, Dean Xiao heard the movement from Zhou Jinyuan, saying that he was watching a movie with his younger brother at home.

Dean Xiao said in a few words that there was a patient, and he hoped that Zhou Jinyuan would rush back to attend the consultation if he had time.

Zhou Jinyuan asked a little bit what the disease was, and he responded, saying that he would rush back as soon as possible.

"Oh, what a bad luck!" Dean Xiao murmured.

Those experts basically lived in the family area. After rushing over, they communicated with Dean Xiao about the patient's condition.

Dean Xiao was a little embarrassed, "I'm sorry to trouble everyone, I'm in a hurry..."

The Haizhou City Health Bureau and the Third Hospital are not far away. There was a meeting in the bureau today. At the end, Director Yang suddenly found that he couldn't open his mouth and closed it tightly. Either she lost her voice, or she couldn't open her mouth, her teeth were clenched, and her jaw movement was limited, so she couldn't speak or eat.

If you try to open the mouth forcefully, the joint will hurt.

Director Yang had to attend an important meeting the next day, so he hurried to the nearest hospital for treatment.

After diagnosis and treatment, I realized that this is called temporomandibular joint disorder syndrome. The pathogenesis has not been fully understood and is relatively complicated.

It may be mental, it may be neurological dysfunction, and even cold can trigger it.

Director Yang checked at the Third Hospital and ruled out tumors, temporomandibular arthritis, cervical spondylosis and other causes. He suspected that it was caused by mental factors. He first tried local anesthetics to adjust muscle tension and anti-inflammatory drugs, but the treatment did not work. Poor.

Director Yang asked for results as soon as possible. He didn't want to miss tomorrow's important meeting, which made it difficult for the doctors of the third hospital.

In particular, Dean Xiao has just taken office, and the Health Bureau is the supervisory unit of the hospital. If he is not strong here, let alone what Director Yang thinks in his heart, how can he establish his prestige? Others don't care what your illness is like.

So Dean Xiao hurriedly invited experts from various disciplines to see if there was any way to cure it as soon as possible.

After Dean Xiao finished explaining the situation, he came to the ward again and found that there were a few more people here. He looked familiar, and recognized it immediately after thinking about it. These are doctors from other hospitals!

It is estimated that Director Yang couldn't wait and invited people from other hospitals.

Dean Xiao's complexion suddenly turned a little ugly, but he didn't say anything, or said he couldn't help it, and waited for the experts to discuss.

Director Yang sat on the hospital bed, full of anger and anxiety, how could he suddenly get such an illness, his mouth was like a clam shell, and he couldn't even pry it open! Tomorrow is such an important occasion, is he going to report illness to be absent

"This can't be effective quickly, I think use ultrasound and intermediate frequency, do a course of treatment, and try the effect." The expert from the outer hospital said, "Our hospital has introduced a new ultrasonic treatment device made in Germany."

"Our hospital also has them." Dean Xiao didn't even think about it, and immediately said, he just took office, if it's not a last resort, it's best not to send people to other hospitals for treatment, otherwise there will be no embarrassment.

Director Yang gestured, and his secretary asked beside him, "How long is a course of treatment?"

"Seven days! But given the patient's condition, one course of treatment may not be enough!"

Seven days may not be enough? The day lily is cold.

"Is there no better way?" The secretary asked with a frown.

Experts from both institutes look at me and I look at you, no one is sure about it, "Otherwise... invite experts from Haibei for consultation?"

The secretary's expression suddenly became a little depressed, and he said, "Professor Mo from Haibei was also there during the meeting, and he also showed it to Director Yang."

The former dean of the Third Hospital was transferred to Haibei Hospital. Haibei Hospital is an affiliated hospital of Haizhou University School of Medicine, and its medical level is quite high.

This Professor Mo is a Chinese medicine expert in Haibei, a famous old Chinese medicine doctor in Haizhou, a director of the Huaxia Chinese Medicine Association, and also served as the director of the High Evaluation Committee of the Municipal Health Bureau, so he also appeared in the Health Bureau today.

Professor Mo holds a teaching position and has many students. His personal reputation is even higher than that of the famous doctor Huang Zhongwen from the Chinese Medicine Hospital. He is a senior figure. However, the direction of the two is different, and his and Huang Zhongwen's styles are also different.

He is meticulous in medicine, because he is especially good at using Baizhu, and he is called "Mo Baizhu" in the academic circle. Everyone said that his diagnosis could be the difference between life and death.

Although all of them were Western doctors present, this Professor Mo Baishu was well-known, and they knew about it. And with Professor Mo's experience, no matter what his views on Chinese medicine, he has to admit that he must have something awesome.

After hearing that Professor Mo had read it, everyone started asking questions, wanting to know the result.

Dean Xiao didn't know what mood he was in, it turned out that Professor Mo had read it! Then why did he take over the stall!

The secretary explained that Professor Mo was rushing to the emergency room at that time, but seeing Director Yang suddenly fell ill, of course he also saw it.

But after Professor Mo finished reading it, he just said: "It's nothing serious, the cock crows and heals itself."

Then Professor Mo hurried on his way!

Although Professor Mo has a good reputation as a doctor of life and death, it is too unsafe for Director Yang. What if there is no cure when the cock crows? It was already the next morning, it was too late!

But Professor Mo had finished diagnosing him. He thought there was no need for treatment, and he went to the emergency room without even having time to explain. With Professor Mo's status, they couldn't stop him, so they came to the hospital.

Anyway, the inspection must be done, right

As a result, the test results here are not comparable to Professor Mo's conclusion. It does not mean that he will be cured early, and there is no guarantee that it will be effective in a week.

After listening to the experts, they didn't know what to say.

For the masters of traditional Chinese medicine who have a different system from theirs, this line of thinking is really unpredictable...

Moreover, everyone can understand Director Yang's uneasiness from the bottom of their hearts. The crowing of the cock and self-healing sounds very mysterious, and it is not the way they are used to treating diseases.

Taking a step back, even if Professor Mo is a master, if he really heals himself tomorrow, can it be guaranteed that he will recover early in the morning, before Director Yang's meeting

"So... All the experts are invited to discuss again, is there any other plan!" said the secretary.

Everyone paused for a while, and then discussed again, but they all knew something in their hearts, and it was nothing more than a discussion. For intermediate frequency treatment, you also have to think about how much current you can withstand if you are in the sky.

If Professor Mo has also been diagnosed and treated, will I look better? Dean Xiao was thinking wildly, when he heard someone call himself: "Dean Xiao?"

He turned his head and saw that Zhou Jinyuan had rushed to the hospital.

There were many people in the ward, and he came in to look for Dean Xiao in a white coat, but others didn't pay much attention.

"Doctor Zhou." Dean Xiao had a complicated expression on his face. He called Zhou Jinyuan because he wanted to be on the safe side. This kind of temporomandibular joint disorder can also be treated with traditional Chinese medicine acupuncture.

But now that he knew that Professor Mo had diagnosed him, he was not sure whether to let Zhou Jinyuan go.

"Is there a conclusion?" Zhou Jinyuan didn't know what happened here, and asked with his pockets in his pocket, "Is there anything I can do to help?"

He didn't deliberately lower his voice. An expert from the outer courtyard nearby heard him, glanced at him, and wondered what the interns from the third courtyard were doing.

On the other hand, the experts in this hospital didn't think too much, and handed the film to Zhou Jinyuan: "Doctor Zhou, take a look."

Zhou Jinyuan read all the test results and asked, "Can I feel the patient's pulse?"

Facing the puzzled eyes of the uninformed, Dean Xiao introduced: "This is Dr. Zhou from our Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine, who is very good at acupuncture and moxibustion."

Director Yang has always known that Xiao Zuoming is a prudent person, but this little doctor looks too young, and he really doesn't fit in with a group of old experts in this ward!

So what is Xiao Zuoming doing this time? If it wasn’t that he couldn’t open his mouth, he would have to ask now. It’s no problem to find Chinese medicine, and acupuncture is also no problem, but what does it mean to find this young man, saying that he is good at acupuncture and is the number one in your Chinese medicine department

Looking at the people in this hospital, they even moved the chair next to Zhou Jinyuan to Zhou Jinyuan so that he could diagnose his pulse. This surprised the experts from the outer hospital. It seems that this young man has a high status in the third hospital!

"President Xiao, I wonder how well this doctor ranks in your Chinese medicine department?" A doctor from another hospital asked the question in Director Yang's mind.

Dean Xiao felt a little upset, and replied blankly: "First."

"..." The doctor opened his mouth and was unable to speak for a moment.

He didn't expect Dean Xiao to give such an answer without even pausing! Absolutely!

What's more, when Dean Xiao said this, the other experts in their academy had no opinion at all, but nodded in agreement, which was really surprising.

Director Yang was also very surprised, but he quickly realized that Xiao Zuoming dared to call someone over, dared to say that, and was recognized again, which meant that this little doctor must have some ability. Could it be, is it from a medical family, from a famous family

It seemed that he was judging people by their appearance, and now his unhappiness dissipated, Director Yang stretched out his hand to feel Zhou Jinyuan's pulse.

After losing his voice for a while, the doctor from the outer hospital clicked his tongue and said, "Then after the doctor finishes reading it, let me tell you if there is any quick-acting treatment."

"Okay, let's discuss together." Dean Xiao said inwardly, as if you have some good plan.

After Zhou Jinyuan cut the pulse, he looked calm and said, "Don't be too nervous, it's hard to keep your mouth shut, but this patient will recover naturally tomorrow morning without any medicine, and will be free from the pain of treatment."

Traditional Chinese medicine refers to this symptom as mouth silence, clenching the teeth tightly, closing but not opening.

As soon as this remark came out, everyone was dumbfounded.

Especially the expert from the outer court who had some doubts about Zhou Jinyuan before, even blurted out: "It's self-healing again... Have you heard what Professor Mo said?"

What this young man said was different in terms of words, but it was clearly the same as what Professor Mo said. When the cock crows, it is morning, and heals naturally without medicine.

Everyone dared not take the risk of following Professor Mo's advice and ignoring the disease, but Zhou Jinyuan actually said the same thing.

Or, he overheard what the secretary relayed.

Or... is this disease really able to heal itself on time

If it is the latter, it must be based on the premise that this young man's diagnosis and treatment level is as good as Professor Mo's!

"Is there anyone else who has given the same diagnosis?" Zhou Jinyuan's eyes lit up, "Then this person is a good doctor!"

Everyone: "..."